DocsFetcher MCP Server
by cdugo
- build
- services
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
import { cacheService } from "./CacheService.js";
import { extractRelevantLinks, extractCodeExamples, extractAPISignatures, } from "../utils/extractors.js";
import { extractLibraryName } from "../utils/packageRepository.js";
export class ScraperService {
* Fetch and process a documentation page
* @param url URL to process
* @param libraryName Name of the library
* @param skipCache Whether to skip the cache
* @returns Processed page or null if failed
async fetchAndProcessPage(url, libraryName, skipCache = false) {
try {
// Check cache first
if (!skipCache) {
const cachedPage = cacheService.getPage(url);
if (cachedPage) {
console.error(`Using cached version of ${url}`);
return cachedPage;
console.error(`Fetching documentation from ${url}`);
const response = await fetch(url);
const html = await response.text();
// Parse HTML using cheerio
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
// Remove script and style elements
$("script, style, noscript, iframe").remove();
// Extract basic metadata
const title = $("title").text();
// Extract links for crawling
const links = extractRelevantLinks(html, url, libraryName);
// Extract code examples and API signatures
const codeExamples = extractCodeExamples(html);
const apiSignatures = extractAPISignatures(html, libraryName);
// Extract main content
const mainContent = $("main, article, .readme, .content, .documentation, #readme").html() ||
// Extract text from body if no main content found
const content = mainContent || $("body").html() || "";
// Create the processed page
const processedPage = {
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
// Cache the page
cacheService.setPage(url, processedPage);
return processedPage;
catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing ${url}:`, error);
return null;
* Crawl documentation pages starting from a URL
* @param startUrl Starting URL for crawling
* @param libraryName Name of the library
* @param maxPages Maximum number of pages to crawl
* @param skipCache Whether to skip the cache
* @returns Array of processed pages
async crawlDocumentation(startUrl, libraryName, maxPages = 5, skipCache = false) {
const visitedUrls = new Set();
const processedPages = [];
const urlsToVisit = [startUrl];
while (urlsToVisit.length > 0 && processedPages.length < maxPages) {
const currentUrl = urlsToVisit.shift();
if (visitedUrls.has(currentUrl)) {
const processedPage = await this.fetchAndProcessPage(currentUrl, libraryName, skipCache);
if (processedPage) {
// Add new URLs to visit
for (const link of processedPage.links) {
if (!visitedUrls.has(link) && !urlsToVisit.includes(link)) {
return processedPages;
* Fetch library documentation
* @param url URL or package name
* @param maxPages Maximum number of pages to crawl
* @returns Compiled markdown document
async fetchLibraryDocumentation(url, maxPages = 5) {
try {
// If input is not a URL, assume it's a package name
if (!url.startsWith("http")) {
url = `${url}`;
// Extract library name from URL
const libraryName = extractLibraryName(url);
// Crawl documentation
const pages = await this.crawlDocumentation(url, libraryName, maxPages);
if (pages.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch documentation from ${url}`);
// Compile documentation into a single markdown document
const documentation = this.compileDocumentation(pages, libraryName);
// Include instructions for using the prompt
const promptInstructions = `
š For better summarization, use the "summarize-library-docs" prompt with:
- libraryName: "${libraryName}"
- documentation: <the content above>
Example: @summarize-library-docs with libraryName="${libraryName}"
return documentation + promptInstructions;
catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching URL content:`, error);
// Extract library name from URL
const libraryName = extractLibraryName(url);
const errorMessage = `Error fetching URL content: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`;
// Include error-specific prompt instructions
const promptInstructions = `
š For information about this library despite the fetch error, use the "summarize-library-docs" prompt with:
- libraryName: "${libraryName}"
- errorStatus: "${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}"
Example: @summarize-library-docs with libraryName="${libraryName}" and errorStatus="fetch failed"
return errorMessage + promptInstructions;
* Compile processed pages into a single markdown document
* @param pages Array of processed pages
* @param libraryName Name of the library
* @returns Compiled markdown document
compileDocumentation(pages, libraryName) {
const $ = cheerio.load("");
// Create a title for the documentation
let result = `# ${libraryName} Documentation\n\n`;
// Add metadata
result += `## š Documentation Overview\n\n`;
result += `Library Name: ${libraryName}\n`;
result += `Pages Analyzed: ${pages.length}\n`;
result += `Generated: ${new Date().toISOString()}\n\n`;
// Add table of contents
result += `## š Table of Contents\n\n`;
pages.forEach((page, index) => {
result += `${index + 1}. [${page.title}](#${page.title
.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, "-")})\n`;
result += `\n`;
// Process each page
pages.forEach((page, index) => {
// Add page header
result += `## ${page.title}\n\n`;
result += `Source: ${page.url}\n\n`;
// Process page content
const pageContent = cheerio.load(page.content);
// Extract headings and their content
const headings = pageContent("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
if (headings.length > 0) {
headings.each((_, heading) => {
const level = parseInt("h", ""));
const headingText = pageContent(heading).text().trim();
// Add heading
result += `${"#".repeat(level + 1)} ${headingText}\n\n`;
// Get content until next heading
let content = "";
let next = pageContent(heading).next();
while (next.length && !"h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6")) {
if ("p, ul, ol, pre, code, table")) {
content += pageContent.html(next) + "\n\n";
next =;
// Add content
if (content) {
const contentText = $("<div>").html(content).text();
result += `${contentText}\n\n`;
else {
// If no headings, just add the whole content
const contentText = $("<div>").html(page.content).text();
result += `${contentText}\n\n`;
// Add code examples if available
if (page.codeExamples.length > 0) {
result += `### Code Examples\n\n`;
page.codeExamples.forEach((example) => {
if (example.description) {
result += `#### ${example.description}\n\n`;
result += `\`\`\`${example.language}\n${example.code}\n\`\`\`\n\n`;
// Add API signatures if available
if (page.apiSignatures.length > 0) {
result += `### API Reference\n\n`;
page.apiSignatures.forEach((api) => {
result += `#### ${}\n\n`;
if (api.signature) {
result += `\`\`\`\n${api.signature}\n\`\`\`\n\n`;
if (api.description) {
result += `${api.description}\n\n`;
// Add separator between pages
if (index < pages.length - 1) {
result += `---\n\n`;
// Add instructions for the LLM at the end
result += `## š Instructions for Summarization\n\n`;
result += `1. Provide a concise overview of what this library/package does\n`;
result += `2. Highlight key features and functionality\n`;
result += `3. Include basic usage examples when available\n`;
result += `4. Format the response for readability\n`;
result += `5. If any part of the documentation is unclear, mention this\n`;
result += `6. Include installation instructions if available\n`;
return result;
// Export a singleton instance
export const scraperService = new ScraperService();