DocsFetcher MCP Server
by cdugo
- build
- examples
* This is an example file demonstrating how Cursor IDE could integrate
* with the documentation fetching service to provide contextual documentation.
* This is NOT actual Cursor code - just a conceptual implementation
* showing how the integration might work.
import { cursorIntegration } from "../services/CursorIntegration.js";
* Example Cursor IDE integration class
export class CursorDocumentationAdapter {
* Handle user messages in the Cursor chat to detect package documentation requests
* @param message User's message text
* @param currentFilePath Path of the currently open file for context
async handleUserMessage(message, currentFilePath = "") {
// Step 1: Analyze the user's message to determine if they're asking about a package
const analysis = cursorIntegration.analyzeUserQuery(message);
if (!analysis.isPackageQuery || !analysis.packageName) {
// Not a package documentation request
return null;
// Step 2: Extract file extension from current file for language context
const fileExtension = currentFilePath.split(".").pop() || "";
try {
// Step 3: Fetch the documentation with context
const documentation = await cursorIntegration.fetchPackageDocumentation(analysis.packageName, fileExtension, message);
// Step 4: Return the documentation for Cursor to display
return this.formatDocumentationForCursor(analysis.packageName, documentation);
catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to fetch documentation:", error);
return `I couldn't find detailed documentation for ${analysis.packageName}. Would you like me to provide general information about this package based on my training data?`;
* Triggered when Cursor detects an unknown import or reference in the code
* @param importText The import statement or reference text
* @param filePath Path of the file containing the import
async handleUnknownImport(importText, filePath) {
// Step 1: Check if this is likely a package reference
if (!cursorIntegration.isLikelyPackageReference(importText)) {
return null;
// Step 2: Extract the package name
const packageName = cursorIntegration.extractPackageName(importText);
if (!packageName) {
return null;
// Step 3: Get file extension for language context
const fileExtension = filePath.split(".").pop() || "";
try {
// Step 4: Fetch documentation for the package
const documentation = await cursorIntegration.fetchPackageDocumentation(packageName, fileExtension);
// Step 5: Return the documentation for Cursor to display
return this.formatDocumentationForCursor(packageName, documentation);
catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch documentation for ${packageName}:`, error);
return null;
* Show a hover tooltip with package information when hovering over imports
* @param importText The import text being hovered
* @param filePath Path of the file
async handleHover(importText, filePath) {
// Extract package name from the hovered text
const packageName = cursorIntegration.extractPackageName(importText);
if (!packageName) {
return null;
const fileExtension = filePath.split(".").pop() || "";
try {
// Fetch abbreviated documentation for hover tooltip
const documentation = await cursorIntegration.fetchPackageDocumentation(packageName, fileExtension);
// Create a shorter hover tooltip version
return this.formatHoverDocumentation(packageName, documentation);
catch (error) {
return null;
* Format documentation for display in Cursor
* @param packageName The package name
* @param documentation The raw documentation
* @returns Formatted documentation
formatDocumentationForCursor(packageName, documentation) {
return `# Documentation for ${packageName}
*Documentation fetched and processed from the package's official documentation.*
* Format a shorter version of documentation for hover tooltips
* @param packageName The package name
* @param documentation The full documentation
* @returns Short hover documentation
formatHoverDocumentation(packageName, documentation) {
// Extract the first few paragraphs or summary
const lines = documentation.split("\n");
const firstParagraphs = lines.slice(0, 10).join("\n");
return `## ${packageName}
*Hover tip: Ask me about "${packageName}" for complete documentation.*`;
* Example implementation of auto-completing imports with package information
* @param importText Partial import text the user is typing
* @param filePath Current file path
async provideImportCompletions(importText, filePath) {
// This is a simplified example of how import completions might work
if (!importText.includes("from") &&
!importText.includes("require") &&
!importText.includes("import")) {
return [];
// Extract potential package name from partial import
const match = /['"]([^'"]*?)$/.exec(importText);
if (!match || !match[1]) {
return [];
const partialPackageName = match[1];
// In real implementation, this would query a package registry API
// This is just a simplified example
try {
// Dummy example that simulates fetching completion suggestions
return [
label: partialPackageName,
detail: "Fetch documentation on import",
documentation: "Complete this import and fetch package documentation automatically",
catch (error) {
return [];
// Example usage in Cursor:
// This would be in Cursor's code, not part of our library
const documentationAdapter = new CursorDocumentationAdapter();
// When user enters a chat message
cursor.on('chatMessage', async (message, context) => {
const documentation = await documentationAdapter.handleUserMessage(
if (documentation) {
// When user hovers over an import
cursor.on('hover', async (hoveredText, filePath) => {
const hoverInfo = await documentationAdapter.handleHover(hoveredText, filePath);
if (hoverInfo) {
// When Cursor detects an unknown import
cursor.on('unknownImport', async (importText, filePath) => {
const documentation = await documentationAdapter.handleUnknownImport(importText, filePath);
if (documentation) {