kubernetes-mcp-servermanusaVerified-securityAlicense-qualityA powerful and flexible Kubernetes MCP server implementation with support for OpenShift.17GoApache 2.0
Azure MCP ServermashriramVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis server implements the Model Context Protocol for seamless interaction with Azure Blob Storage and Cosmos DB, enabling automatic logging and audit tracking of operations.162PythonMIT LicenseApple
Azure DevOps MCP Server for ClinestefanskiasanAsecurityAlicenseAqualityIntegrates Cline with Azure DevOps services, enabling access to work items, repositories, and pull requests through configurable MCP tools.159TypeScriptMIT License
mcp-azure-tablestoragedkmakerAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables interaction with Azure Table Storage directly through Cline. This tool allows you to query and manage data in Azure Storage Tables.304JavaScriptMIT License
Azure OpenAIkimtth-securityAlicense-qualityA minimal server/client application implementation utilizing the Model Context Protocol (MCP) and Azure OpenAI.8PythonMIT License
Kubernetesmcp-server-kubernetesFlux159AsecurityAlicenseAqualityTypeScript implementation of Kubernetes cluster operations for pods, deployments, services.926778JavaScriptMIT License