MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.parseDef = void 0; const Options_js_1 = require("./Options.js"); const selectParser_js_1 = require("./selectParser.js"); function parseDef(def, refs, forceResolution = false) { const seenItem = refs.seen.get(def); if (refs.override) { const overrideResult = refs.override?.(def, refs, seenItem, forceResolution); if (overrideResult !== Options_js_1.ignoreOverride) { return overrideResult; } } if (seenItem && !forceResolution) { const seenSchema = get$ref(seenItem, refs); if (seenSchema !== undefined) { return seenSchema; } } const newItem = { def, path: refs.currentPath, jsonSchema: undefined }; refs.seen.set(def, newItem); const jsonSchemaOrGetter = (0, selectParser_js_1.selectParser)(def, def.typeName, refs); // If the return was a function, then the inner definition needs to be extracted before a call to parseDef (recursive) const jsonSchema = typeof jsonSchemaOrGetter === "function" ? parseDef(jsonSchemaOrGetter(), refs) : jsonSchemaOrGetter; if (jsonSchema) { addMeta(def, refs, jsonSchema); } if (refs.postProcess) { const postProcessResult = refs.postProcess(jsonSchema, def, refs); newItem.jsonSchema = jsonSchema; return postProcessResult; } newItem.jsonSchema = jsonSchema; return jsonSchema; } exports.parseDef = parseDef; const get$ref = (item, refs) => { switch (refs.$refStrategy) { case "root": return { $ref: item.path.join("/") }; case "relative": return { $ref: getRelativePath(refs.currentPath, item.path) }; case "none": case "seen": { if (item.path.length < refs.currentPath.length && item.path.every((value, index) => refs.currentPath[index] === value)) { console.warn(`Recursive reference detected at ${refs.currentPath.join("/")}! Defaulting to any`); return {}; } return refs.$refStrategy === "seen" ? {} : undefined; } } }; const getRelativePath = (pathA, pathB) => { let i = 0; for (; i < pathA.length && i < pathB.length; i++) { if (pathA[i] !== pathB[i]) break; } return [(pathA.length - i).toString(), ...pathB.slice(i)].join("/"); }; const addMeta = (def, refs, jsonSchema) => { if (def.description) { jsonSchema.description = def.description; if (refs.markdownDescription) { jsonSchema.markdownDescription = def.description; } } return jsonSchema; };