MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
/* eslint no-unused-vars: ["error", { "varsIgnorePattern": "^Duplex$", "caughtErrors": "none" }] */ 'use strict'; const EventEmitter = require('events'); const http = require('http'); const { Duplex } = require('stream'); const { createHash } = require('crypto'); const extension = require('./extension'); const PerMessageDeflate = require('./permessage-deflate'); const subprotocol = require('./subprotocol'); const WebSocket = require('./websocket'); const { GUID, kWebSocket } = require('./constants'); const keyRegex = /^[+/0-9A-Za-z]{22}==$/; const RUNNING = 0; const CLOSING = 1; const CLOSED = 2; /** * Class representing a WebSocket server. * * @extends EventEmitter */ class WebSocketServer extends EventEmitter { /** * Create a `WebSocketServer` instance. * * @param {Object} options Configuration options * @param {Boolean} [options.allowSynchronousEvents=true] Specifies whether * any of the `'message'`, `'ping'`, and `'pong'` events can be emitted * multiple times in the same tick * @param {Boolean} [options.autoPong=true] Specifies whether or not to * automatically send a pong in response to a ping * @param {Number} [options.backlog=511] The maximum length of the queue of * pending connections * @param {Boolean} [options.clientTracking=true] Specifies whether or not to * track clients * @param {Function} [options.handleProtocols] A hook to handle protocols * @param {String} [] The hostname where to bind the server * @param {Number} [options.maxPayload=104857600] The maximum allowed message * size * @param {Boolean} [options.noServer=false] Enable no server mode * @param {String} [options.path] Accept only connections matching this path * @param {(Boolean|Object)} [options.perMessageDeflate=false] Enable/disable * permessage-deflate * @param {Number} [options.port] The port where to bind the server * @param {(http.Server|https.Server)} [options.server] A pre-created HTTP/S * server to use * @param {Boolean} [options.skipUTF8Validation=false] Specifies whether or * not to skip UTF-8 validation for text and close messages * @param {Function} [options.verifyClient] A hook to reject connections * @param {Function} [options.WebSocket=WebSocket] Specifies the `WebSocket` * class to use. It must be the `WebSocket` class or class that extends it * @param {Function} [callback] A listener for the `listening` event */ constructor(options, callback) { super(); options = { allowSynchronousEvents: true, autoPong: true, maxPayload: 100 * 1024 * 1024, skipUTF8Validation: false, perMessageDeflate: false, handleProtocols: null, clientTracking: true, verifyClient: null, noServer: false, backlog: null, // use default (511 as implemented in net.js) server: null, host: null, path: null, port: null, WebSocket, ...options }; if ( (options.port == null && !options.server && !options.noServer) || (options.port != null && (options.server || options.noServer)) || (options.server && options.noServer) ) { throw new TypeError( 'One and only one of the "port", "server", or "noServer" options ' + 'must be specified' ); } if (options.port != null) { this._server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const body = http.STATUS_CODES[426]; res.writeHead(426, { 'Content-Length': body.length, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); res.end(body); }); this._server.listen( options.port,, options.backlog, callback ); } else if (options.server) { this._server = options.server; } if (this._server) { const emitConnection = this.emit.bind(this, 'connection'); this._removeListeners = addListeners(this._server, { listening: this.emit.bind(this, 'listening'), error: this.emit.bind(this, 'error'), upgrade: (req, socket, head) => { this.handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, emitConnection); } }); } if (options.perMessageDeflate === true) options.perMessageDeflate = {}; if (options.clientTracking) { this.clients = new Set(); this._shouldEmitClose = false; } this.options = options; this._state = RUNNING; } /** * Returns the bound address, the address family name, and port of the server * as reported by the operating system if listening on an IP socket. * If the server is listening on a pipe or UNIX domain socket, the name is * returned as a string. * * @return {(Object|String|null)} The address of the server * @public */ address() { if (this.options.noServer) { throw new Error('The server is operating in "noServer" mode'); } if (!this._server) return null; return this._server.address(); } /** * Stop the server from accepting new connections and emit the `'close'` event * when all existing connections are closed. * * @param {Function} [cb] A one-time listener for the `'close'` event * @public */ close(cb) { if (this._state === CLOSED) { if (cb) { this.once('close', () => { cb(new Error('The server is not running')); }); } process.nextTick(emitClose, this); return; } if (cb) this.once('close', cb); if (this._state === CLOSING) return; this._state = CLOSING; if (this.options.noServer || this.options.server) { if (this._server) { this._removeListeners(); this._removeListeners = this._server = null; } if (this.clients) { if (!this.clients.size) { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } else { this._shouldEmitClose = true; } } else { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } } else { const server = this._server; this._removeListeners(); this._removeListeners = this._server = null; // // The HTTP/S server was created internally. Close it, and rely on its // `'close'` event. // server.close(() => { emitClose(this); }); } } /** * See if a given request should be handled by this server instance. * * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req Request object to inspect * @return {Boolean} `true` if the request is valid, else `false` * @public */ shouldHandle(req) { if (this.options.path) { const index = req.url.indexOf('?'); const pathname = index !== -1 ? req.url.slice(0, index) : req.url; if (pathname !== this.options.path) return false; } return true; } /** * Handle a HTTP Upgrade request. * * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object * @param {Duplex} socket The network socket between the server and client * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream * @param {Function} cb Callback * @public */ handleUpgrade(req, socket, head, cb) { socket.on('error', socketOnError); const key = req.headers['sec-websocket-key']; const upgrade = req.headers.upgrade; const version = +req.headers['sec-websocket-version']; if (req.method !== 'GET') { const message = 'Invalid HTTP method'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 405, message); return; } if (upgrade === undefined || upgrade.toLowerCase() !== 'websocket') { const message = 'Invalid Upgrade header'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (key === undefined || !keyRegex.test(key)) { const message = 'Missing or invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (version !== 8 && version !== 13) { const message = 'Missing or invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } if (!this.shouldHandle(req)) { abortHandshake(socket, 400); return; } const secWebSocketProtocol = req.headers['sec-websocket-protocol']; let protocols = new Set(); if (secWebSocketProtocol !== undefined) { try { protocols = subprotocol.parse(secWebSocketProtocol); } catch (err) { const message = 'Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } } const secWebSocketExtensions = req.headers['sec-websocket-extensions']; const extensions = {}; if ( this.options.perMessageDeflate && secWebSocketExtensions !== undefined ) { const perMessageDeflate = new PerMessageDeflate( this.options.perMessageDeflate, true, this.options.maxPayload ); try { const offers = extension.parse(secWebSocketExtensions); if (offers[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]) { perMessageDeflate.accept(offers[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]); extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName] = perMessageDeflate; } } catch (err) { const message = 'Invalid or unacceptable Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header'; abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(this, req, socket, 400, message); return; } } // // Optionally call external client verification handler. // if (this.options.verifyClient) { const info = { origin: req.headers[`${version === 8 ? 'sec-websocket-origin' : 'origin'}`], secure: !!(req.socket.authorized || req.socket.encrypted), req }; if (this.options.verifyClient.length === 2) { this.options.verifyClient(info, (verified, code, message, headers) => { if (!verified) { return abortHandshake(socket, code || 401, message, headers); } this.completeUpgrade( extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb ); }); return; } if (!this.options.verifyClient(info)) return abortHandshake(socket, 401); } this.completeUpgrade(extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb); } /** * Upgrade the connection to WebSocket. * * @param {Object} extensions The accepted extensions * @param {String} key The value of the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header * @param {Set} protocols The subprotocols * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object * @param {Duplex} socket The network socket between the server and client * @param {Buffer} head The first packet of the upgraded stream * @param {Function} cb Callback * @throws {Error} If called more than once with the same socket * @private */ completeUpgrade(extensions, key, protocols, req, socket, head, cb) { // // Destroy the socket if the client has already sent a FIN packet. // if (!socket.readable || !socket.writable) return socket.destroy(); if (socket[kWebSocket]) { throw new Error( 'server.handleUpgrade() was called more than once with the same ' + 'socket, possibly due to a misconfiguration' ); } if (this._state > RUNNING) return abortHandshake(socket, 503); const digest = createHash('sha1') .update(key + GUID) .digest('base64'); const headers = [ 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols', 'Upgrade: websocket', 'Connection: Upgrade', `Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ${digest}` ]; const ws = new this.options.WebSocket(null, undefined, this.options); if (protocols.size) { // // Optionally call external protocol selection handler. // const protocol = this.options.handleProtocols ? this.options.handleProtocols(protocols, req) : protocols.values().next().value; if (protocol) { headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ${protocol}`); ws._protocol = protocol; } } if (extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]) { const params = extensions[PerMessageDeflate.extensionName].params; const value = extension.format({ [PerMessageDeflate.extensionName]: [params] }); headers.push(`Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ${value}`); ws._extensions = extensions; } // // Allow external modification/inspection of handshake headers. // this.emit('headers', headers, req); socket.write(headers.concat('\r\n').join('\r\n')); socket.removeListener('error', socketOnError); ws.setSocket(socket, head, { allowSynchronousEvents: this.options.allowSynchronousEvents, maxPayload: this.options.maxPayload, skipUTF8Validation: this.options.skipUTF8Validation }); if (this.clients) { this.clients.add(ws); ws.on('close', () => { this.clients.delete(ws); if (this._shouldEmitClose && !this.clients.size) { process.nextTick(emitClose, this); } }); } cb(ws, req); } } module.exports = WebSocketServer; /** * Add event listeners on an `EventEmitter` using a map of <event, listener> * pairs. * * @param {EventEmitter} server The event emitter * @param {Object.<String, Function>} map The listeners to add * @return {Function} A function that will remove the added listeners when * called * @private */ function addListeners(server, map) { for (const event of Object.keys(map)) server.on(event, map[event]); return function removeListeners() { for (const event of Object.keys(map)) { server.removeListener(event, map[event]); } }; } /** * Emit a `'close'` event on an `EventEmitter`. * * @param {EventEmitter} server The event emitter * @private */ function emitClose(server) { server._state = CLOSED; server.emit('close'); } /** * Handle socket errors. * * @private */ function socketOnError() { this.destroy(); } /** * Close the connection when preconditions are not fulfilled. * * @param {Duplex} socket The socket of the upgrade request * @param {Number} code The HTTP response status code * @param {String} [message] The HTTP response body * @param {Object} [headers] Additional HTTP response headers * @private */ function abortHandshake(socket, code, message, headers) { // // The socket is writable unless the user destroyed or ended it before calling // `server.handleUpgrade()` or in the `verifyClient` function, which is a user // error. Handling this does not make much sense as the worst that can happen // is that some of the data written by the user might be discarded due to the // call to `socket.end()` below, which triggers an `'error'` event that in // turn causes the socket to be destroyed. // message = message || http.STATUS_CODES[code]; headers = { Connection: 'close', 'Content-Type': 'text/html', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(message), ...headers }; socket.once('finish', socket.destroy); socket.end( `HTTP/1.1 ${code} ${http.STATUS_CODES[code]}\r\n` + Object.keys(headers) .map((h) => `${h}: ${headers[h]}`) .join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\n' + message ); } /** * Emit a `'wsClientError'` event on a `WebSocketServer` if there is at least * one listener for it, otherwise call `abortHandshake()`. * * @param {WebSocketServer} server The WebSocket server * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req The request object * @param {Duplex} socket The socket of the upgrade request * @param {Number} code The HTTP response status code * @param {String} message The HTTP response body * @private */ function abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError(server, req, socket, code, message) { if (server.listenerCount('wsClientError')) { const err = new Error(message); Error.captureStackTrace(err, abortHandshakeOrEmitwsClientError); server.emit('wsClientError', err, socket, req); } else { abortHandshake(socket, code, message); } }