MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { warnOnce } from '../../../utils.js'; import TimestampQueryPool from '../../common/TimestampQueryPool.js'; /** * Manages a pool of WebGPU timestamp queries for performance measurement. * Extends the base TimestampQueryPool to provide WebGPU-specific implementation. * @extends TimestampQueryPool */ class WebGPUTimestampQueryPool extends TimestampQueryPool { /** * Creates a new WebGPU timestamp query pool. * @param {GPUDevice} device - The WebGPU device to create queries on. * @param {string} type - The type identifier for this query pool. * @param {number} [maxQueries=2048] - Maximum number of queries this pool can hold. */ constructor( device, type, maxQueries = 2048 ) { super( maxQueries ); this.device = device; this.type = type; this.querySet = this.device.createQuerySet( { type: 'timestamp', count: this.maxQueries, label: `queryset_global_timestamp_${type}` } ); const bufferSize = this.maxQueries * 8; this.resolveBuffer = this.device.createBuffer( { label: `buffer_timestamp_resolve_${type}`, size: bufferSize, usage: GPUBufferUsage.QUERY_RESOLVE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC } ); this.resultBuffer = this.device.createBuffer( { label: `buffer_timestamp_result_${type}`, size: bufferSize, usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ } ); } /** * Allocates a pair of queries for a given render context. * @param {Object} renderContext - The render context to allocate queries for. * @returns {?number} The base offset for the allocated queries, or null if allocation failed. */ allocateQueriesForContext( renderContext ) { if ( ! this.trackTimestamp || this.isDisposed ) return null; if ( this.currentQueryIndex + 2 > this.maxQueries ) { warnOnce( `WebGPUTimestampQueryPool [${ this.type }]: Maximum number of queries exceeded, when using trackTimestamp it is necessary to resolves the queries via renderer.resolveTimestampsAsync( THREE.TimestampQuery.${ this.type.toUpperCase() } ).` ); return null; } const baseOffset = this.currentQueryIndex; this.currentQueryIndex += 2; this.queryOffsets.set(, baseOffset ); return baseOffset; } /** * Asynchronously resolves all pending queries and returns the total duration. * If there's already a pending resolve operation, returns that promise instead. * @returns {Promise<number>} The total duration in milliseconds, or the last valid value if resolution fails. */ async resolveQueriesAsync() { if ( ! this.trackTimestamp || this.currentQueryIndex === 0 || this.isDisposed ) { return this.lastValue; } if ( this.pendingResolve ) { return this.pendingResolve; } this.pendingResolve = this._resolveQueries(); try { const result = await this.pendingResolve; return result; } finally { this.pendingResolve = null; } } /** * Internal method to resolve queries and calculate total duration. * @private * @returns {Promise<number>} The total duration in milliseconds. */ async _resolveQueries() { if ( this.isDisposed ) { return this.lastValue; } try { if ( this.resultBuffer.mapState !== 'unmapped' ) { return this.lastValue; } const currentOffsets = new Map( this.queryOffsets ); const queryCount = this.currentQueryIndex; const bytesUsed = queryCount * 8; // Reset state before GPU work this.currentQueryIndex = 0; this.queryOffsets.clear(); const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder(); commandEncoder.resolveQuerySet( this.querySet, 0, queryCount, this.resolveBuffer, 0 ); commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer( this.resolveBuffer, 0, this.resultBuffer, 0, bytesUsed ); const commandBuffer = commandEncoder.finish(); this.device.queue.submit( [ commandBuffer ] ); if ( this.resultBuffer.mapState !== 'unmapped' ) { return this.lastValue; } // Create and track the mapping operation await this.resultBuffer.mapAsync( GPUMapMode.READ, 0, bytesUsed ); if ( this.isDisposed ) { if ( this.resultBuffer.mapState === 'mapped' ) { this.resultBuffer.unmap(); } return this.lastValue; } const times = new BigUint64Array( this.resultBuffer.getMappedRange( 0, bytesUsed ) ); let totalDuration = 0; for ( const [ , baseOffset ] of currentOffsets ) { const startTime = times[ baseOffset ]; const endTime = times[ baseOffset + 1 ]; const duration = Number( endTime - startTime ) / 1e6; totalDuration += duration; } this.resultBuffer.unmap(); this.lastValue = totalDuration; return totalDuration; } catch ( error ) { console.error( 'Error resolving queries:', error ); if ( this.resultBuffer.mapState === 'mapped' ) { this.resultBuffer.unmap(); } return this.lastValue; } } async dispose() { if ( this.isDisposed ) { return; } this.isDisposed = true; // Wait for pending resolve operation if ( this.pendingResolve ) { try { await this.pendingResolve; } catch ( error ) { console.error( 'Error waiting for pending resolve:', error ); } } // Ensure buffer is unmapped before destroying if ( this.resultBuffer && this.resultBuffer.mapState === 'mapped' ) { try { this.resultBuffer.unmap(); } catch ( error ) { console.error( 'Error unmapping buffer:', error ); } } // Destroy resources if ( this.querySet ) { this.querySet.destroy(); this.querySet = null; } if ( this.resolveBuffer ) { this.resolveBuffer.destroy(); this.resolveBuffer = null; } if ( this.resultBuffer ) { this.resultBuffer.destroy(); this.resultBuffer = null; } this.queryOffsets.clear(); this.pendingResolve = null; } } export default WebGPUTimestampQueryPool;