MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { GPUTextureFormat, GPUAddressMode, GPUFilterMode, GPUTextureDimension, GPUFeatureName } from './WebGPUConstants.js'; import WebGPUTexturePassUtils from './WebGPUTexturePassUtils.js'; import { ByteType, ShortType, NearestFilter, NearestMipmapNearestFilter, NearestMipmapLinearFilter, RepeatWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping, RGB_ETC2_Format, RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format, RGBAFormat, RGBFormat, RedFormat, RGFormat, RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format, RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format, RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format, UnsignedByteType, FloatType, HalfFloatType, SRGBColorSpace, DepthFormat, DepthStencilFormat, RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format, RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format, RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format, RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format, RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format, RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format, UnsignedIntType, UnsignedShortType, UnsignedInt248Type, UnsignedInt5999Type, NeverCompare, AlwaysCompare, LessCompare, LessEqualCompare, EqualCompare, GreaterEqualCompare, GreaterCompare, NotEqualCompare, IntType, RedIntegerFormat, RGIntegerFormat, RGBAIntegerFormat, CubeReflectionMapping, CubeRefractionMapping, EquirectangularReflectionMapping, EquirectangularRefractionMapping } from '../../../constants.js'; import { CubeTexture } from '../../../textures/CubeTexture.js'; import { DepthTexture } from '../../../textures/DepthTexture.js'; import { Texture } from '../../../textures/Texture.js'; const _compareToWebGPU = { [ NeverCompare ]: 'never', [ LessCompare ]: 'less', [ EqualCompare ]: 'equal', [ LessEqualCompare ]: 'less-equal', [ GreaterCompare ]: 'greater', [ GreaterEqualCompare ]: 'greater-equal', [ AlwaysCompare ]: 'always', [ NotEqualCompare ]: 'not-equal' }; const _flipMap = [ 0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 ]; /** * A WebGPU backend utility module for managing textures. * * @private */ class WebGPUTextureUtils { /** * Constructs a new utility object. * * @param {WebGPUBackend} backend - The WebGPU backend. */ constructor( backend ) { /** * A reference to the WebGPU backend. * * @type {WebGPUBackend} */ this.backend = backend; /** * A reference to the pass utils. * * @type {WebGPUTexturePassUtils?} * @default null */ this._passUtils = null; /** * A dictionary for managing default textures. The key * is the texture format, the value the texture object. * * @type {Object<String,Texture>} */ this.defaultTexture = {}; /** * A dictionary for managing default cube textures. The key * is the texture format, the value the texture object. * * @type {Object<String,CubeTexture>} */ this.defaultCubeTexture = {}; /** * A default video frame. * * @type {VideoFrame?} * @default null */ this.defaultVideoFrame = null; /** * Represents the color attachment of the default framebuffer. * * @type {GPUTexture?} * @default null */ this.colorBuffer = null; /** * Represents the depth attachment of the default framebuffer. * * @type {DepthTexture} */ this.depthTexture = new DepthTexture(); = 'depthBuffer'; } /** * Creates a GPU sampler for the given texture. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to create the sampler for. */ createSampler( texture ) { const backend = this.backend; const device = backend.device; const textureGPU = backend.get( texture ); const samplerDescriptorGPU = { addressModeU: this._convertAddressMode( texture.wrapS ), addressModeV: this._convertAddressMode( texture.wrapT ), addressModeW: this._convertAddressMode( texture.wrapR ), magFilter: this._convertFilterMode( texture.magFilter ), minFilter: this._convertFilterMode( texture.minFilter ), mipmapFilter: this._convertFilterMode( texture.minFilter ), maxAnisotropy: 1 }; // anisotropy can only be used when all filter modes are set to linear. if ( samplerDescriptorGPU.magFilter === GPUFilterMode.Linear && samplerDescriptorGPU.minFilter === GPUFilterMode.Linear && samplerDescriptorGPU.mipmapFilter === GPUFilterMode.Linear ) { samplerDescriptorGPU.maxAnisotropy = texture.anisotropy; } if ( texture.isDepthTexture && texture.compareFunction !== null ) { = _compareToWebGPU[ texture.compareFunction ]; } textureGPU.sampler = device.createSampler( samplerDescriptorGPU ); } /** * Creates a default texture for the given texture that can be used * as a placeholder until the actual texture is ready for usage. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to create a default texture for. */ createDefaultTexture( texture ) { let textureGPU; const format = getFormat( texture ); if ( texture.isCubeTexture ) { textureGPU = this._getDefaultCubeTextureGPU( format ); } else if ( texture.isVideoTexture ) { this.backend.get( texture ).externalTexture = this._getDefaultVideoFrame(); } else { textureGPU = this._getDefaultTextureGPU( format ); } this.backend.get( texture ).texture = textureGPU; } /** * Defines a texture on the GPU for the given texture object. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional configuration parameter. * @return {undefined} */ createTexture( texture, options = {} ) { const backend = this.backend; const textureData = backend.get( texture ); if ( textureData.initialized ) { throw new Error( 'WebGPUTextureUtils: Texture already initialized.' ); } if ( options.needsMipmaps === undefined ) options.needsMipmaps = false; if ( options.levels === undefined ) options.levels = 1; if ( options.depth === undefined ) options.depth = 1; const { width, height, depth, levels } = options; if ( texture.isFramebufferTexture ) { if ( options.renderTarget ) { options.format = this.backend.utils.getCurrentColorFormat( options.renderTarget ); } else { options.format = this.backend.utils.getPreferredCanvasFormat(); } } const dimension = this._getDimension( texture ); const format = texture.internalFormat || options.format || getFormat( texture, backend.device ); textureData.format = format; const { samples, primarySamples, isMSAA } = backend.utils.getTextureSampleData( texture ); let usage = GPUTextureUsage.TEXTURE_BINDING | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_DST | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC; if ( texture.isStorageTexture === true ) { usage |= GPUTextureUsage.STORAGE_BINDING; } if ( texture.isCompressedTexture !== true && texture.isCompressedArrayTexture !== true ) { usage |= GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT; } const textureDescriptorGPU = { label:, size: { width: width, height: height, depthOrArrayLayers: depth, }, mipLevelCount: levels, sampleCount: primarySamples, dimension: dimension, format: format, usage: usage }; // texture creation if ( texture.isVideoTexture ) { const video =; const videoFrame = new VideoFrame( video ); textureDescriptorGPU.size.width = videoFrame.displayWidth; textureDescriptorGPU.size.height = videoFrame.displayHeight; videoFrame.close(); textureData.externalTexture = video; } else { if ( format === undefined ) { console.warn( 'WebGPURenderer: Texture format not supported.' ); return this.createDefaultTexture( texture ); } textureData.texture = backend.device.createTexture( textureDescriptorGPU ); } if ( isMSAA ) { const msaaTextureDescriptorGPU = Object.assign( {}, textureDescriptorGPU ); msaaTextureDescriptorGPU.label = msaaTextureDescriptorGPU.label + '-msaa'; msaaTextureDescriptorGPU.sampleCount = samples; textureData.msaaTexture = backend.device.createTexture( msaaTextureDescriptorGPU ); } textureData.initialized = true; textureData.textureDescriptorGPU = textureDescriptorGPU; } /** * Destroys the GPU data for the given texture object. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. */ destroyTexture( texture ) { const backend = this.backend; const textureData = backend.get( texture ); if ( textureData.texture !== undefined ) textureData.texture.destroy(); if ( textureData.msaaTexture !== undefined ) textureData.msaaTexture.destroy(); backend.delete( texture ); } /** * Destroys the GPU sampler for the given texture. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to destroy the sampler for. */ destroySampler( texture ) { const backend = this.backend; const textureData = backend.get( texture ); delete textureData.sampler; } /** * Generates mipmaps for the given texture. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. */ generateMipmaps( texture ) { const textureData = this.backend.get( texture ); if ( texture.isCubeTexture ) { for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { this._generateMipmaps( textureData.texture, textureData.textureDescriptorGPU, i ); } } else { const depth = texture.image.depth || 1; for ( let i = 0; i < depth; i ++ ) { this._generateMipmaps( textureData.texture, textureData.textureDescriptorGPU, i ); } } } /** * Returns the color buffer representing the color * attachment of the default framebuffer. * * @return {GPUTexture} The color buffer. */ getColorBuffer() { if ( this.colorBuffer ) this.colorBuffer.destroy(); const backend = this.backend; const { width, height } = backend.getDrawingBufferSize(); this.colorBuffer = backend.device.createTexture( { label: 'colorBuffer', size: { width: width, height: height, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 }, sampleCount: backend.utils.getSampleCount( backend.renderer.samples ), format: backend.utils.getPreferredCanvasFormat(), usage: GPUTextureUsage.RENDER_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC } ); return this.colorBuffer; } /** * Returns the depth buffer representing the depth * attachment of the default framebuffer. * * @param {Boolean} [depth=true] - Whether depth is enabled or not. * @param {Boolean} [stencil=false] - Whether stencil is enabled or not. * @return {GPUTexture} The depth buffer. */ getDepthBuffer( depth = true, stencil = false ) { const backend = this.backend; const { width, height } = backend.getDrawingBufferSize(); const depthTexture = this.depthTexture; const depthTextureGPU = backend.get( depthTexture ).texture; let format, type; if ( stencil ) { format = DepthStencilFormat; type = UnsignedInt248Type; } else if ( depth ) { format = DepthFormat; type = UnsignedIntType; } if ( depthTextureGPU !== undefined ) { if ( depthTexture.image.width === width && depthTexture.image.height === height && depthTexture.format === format && depthTexture.type === type ) { return depthTextureGPU; } this.destroyTexture( depthTexture ); } = 'depthBuffer'; depthTexture.format = format; depthTexture.type = type; depthTexture.image.width = width; depthTexture.image.height = height; this.createTexture( depthTexture, { width, height } ); return backend.get( depthTexture ).texture; } /** * Uploads the updated texture data to the GPU. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional configuration parameter. */ updateTexture( texture, options ) { const textureData = this.backend.get( texture ); const { textureDescriptorGPU } = textureData; if ( texture.isRenderTargetTexture || ( textureDescriptorGPU === undefined /* unsupported texture format */ ) ) return; // transfer texture data if ( texture.isDataTexture ) { this._copyBufferToTexture( options.image, textureData.texture, textureDescriptorGPU, 0, texture.flipY ); } else if ( texture.isDataArrayTexture || texture.isData3DTexture ) { for ( let i = 0; i < options.image.depth; i ++ ) { this._copyBufferToTexture( options.image, textureData.texture, textureDescriptorGPU, i, texture.flipY, i ); } } else if ( texture.isCompressedTexture || texture.isCompressedArrayTexture ) { this._copyCompressedBufferToTexture( texture.mipmaps, textureData.texture, textureDescriptorGPU ); } else if ( texture.isCubeTexture ) { this._copyCubeMapToTexture( options.images, textureData.texture, textureDescriptorGPU, texture.flipY ); } else if ( texture.isVideoTexture ) { const video =; textureData.externalTexture = video; } else { this._copyImageToTexture( options.image, textureData.texture, textureDescriptorGPU, 0, texture.flipY ); } // textureData.version = texture.version; if ( texture.onUpdate ) texture.onUpdate( texture ); } /** * Returns texture data as a typed array. * * @async * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to copy. * @param {Number} x - The x coordinate of the copy origin. * @param {Number} y - The y coordinate of the copy origin. * @param {Number} width - The width of the copy. * @param {Number} height - The height of the copy. * @param {Number} faceIndex - The face index. * @return {Promise<TypedArray>} A Promise that resolves with a typed array when the copy operation has finished. */ async copyTextureToBuffer( texture, x, y, width, height, faceIndex ) { const device = this.backend.device; const textureData = this.backend.get( texture ); const textureGPU = textureData.texture; const format = textureData.textureDescriptorGPU.format; const bytesPerTexel = this._getBytesPerTexel( format ); let bytesPerRow = width * bytesPerTexel; bytesPerRow = Math.ceil( bytesPerRow / 256 ) * 256; // Align to 256 bytes const readBuffer = device.createBuffer( { size: width * height * bytesPerTexel, usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ } ); const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder(); encoder.copyTextureToBuffer( { texture: textureGPU, origin: { x, y, z: faceIndex }, }, { buffer: readBuffer, bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow }, { width: width, height: height } ); const typedArrayType = this._getTypedArrayType( format ); device.queue.submit( [ encoder.finish() ] ); await readBuffer.mapAsync( GPUMapMode.READ ); const buffer = readBuffer.getMappedRange(); return new typedArrayType( buffer ); } /** * Returns `true` if the given texture is an environment map. * * @private * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @return {Boolean} Whether the given texture is an environment map or not. */ _isEnvironmentTexture( texture ) { const mapping = texture.mapping; return ( mapping === EquirectangularReflectionMapping || mapping === EquirectangularRefractionMapping ) || ( mapping === CubeReflectionMapping || mapping === CubeRefractionMapping ); } /** * Returns the default GPU texture for the given format. * * @private * @param {String} format - The GPU format. * @return {GPUTexture} The GPU texture. */ _getDefaultTextureGPU( format ) { let defaultTexture = this.defaultTexture[ format ]; if ( defaultTexture === undefined ) { const texture = new Texture(); texture.minFilter = NearestFilter; texture.magFilter = NearestFilter; this.createTexture( texture, { width: 1, height: 1, format } ); this.defaultTexture[ format ] = defaultTexture = texture; } return this.backend.get( defaultTexture ).texture; } /** * Returns the default GPU cube texture for the given format. * * @private * @param {String} format - The GPU format. * @return {GPUTexture} The GPU texture. */ _getDefaultCubeTextureGPU( format ) { let defaultCubeTexture = this.defaultTexture[ format ]; if ( defaultCubeTexture === undefined ) { const texture = new CubeTexture(); texture.minFilter = NearestFilter; texture.magFilter = NearestFilter; this.createTexture( texture, { width: 1, height: 1, depth: 6 } ); this.defaultCubeTexture[ format ] = defaultCubeTexture = texture; } return this.backend.get( defaultCubeTexture ).texture; } /** * Returns the default video frame used as default data in context of video textures. * * @private * @return {VideoFrame} The video frame. */ _getDefaultVideoFrame() { let defaultVideoFrame = this.defaultVideoFrame; if ( defaultVideoFrame === null ) { const init = { timestamp: 0, codedWidth: 1, codedHeight: 1, format: 'RGBA', }; this.defaultVideoFrame = defaultVideoFrame = new VideoFrame( new Uint8Array( [ 0, 0, 0, 0xff ] ), init ); } return defaultVideoFrame; } /** * Uploads cube texture image data to the GPU memory. * * @private * @param {Array} images - The cube image data. * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The GPU texture descriptor. * @param {Boolean} flipY - Whether to flip texture data along their vertical axis or not. */ _copyCubeMapToTexture( images, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, flipY ) { for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { const image = images[ i ]; const flipIndex = flipY === true ? _flipMap[ i ] : i; if ( image.isDataTexture ) { this._copyBufferToTexture( image.image, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, flipIndex, flipY ); } else { this._copyImageToTexture( image, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, flipIndex, flipY ); } } } /** * Uploads texture image data to the GPU memory. * * @private * @param {HTMLImageElement|ImageBitmap|HTMLCanvasElement} image - The image data. * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The GPU texture descriptor. * @param {Number} originDepth - The origin depth. * @param {Boolean} flipY - Whether to flip texture data along their vertical axis or not. */ _copyImageToTexture( image, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, originDepth, flipY ) { const device = this.backend.device; device.queue.copyExternalImageToTexture( { source: image, flipY: flipY }, { texture: textureGPU, mipLevel: 0, origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: originDepth } }, { width: image.width, height: image.height, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 } ); } /** * Returns the pass utils singleton. * * @private * @return {WebGPUTexturePassUtils} The utils instance. */ _getPassUtils() { let passUtils = this._passUtils; if ( passUtils === null ) { this._passUtils = passUtils = new WebGPUTexturePassUtils( this.backend.device ); } return passUtils; } /** * Generates mipmaps for the given GPU texture. * * @private * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture object. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The texture descriptor. * @param {Number} [baseArrayLayer=0] - The index of the first array layer accessible to the texture view. */ _generateMipmaps( textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, baseArrayLayer = 0 ) { this._getPassUtils().generateMipmaps( textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, baseArrayLayer ); } /** * Flip the contents of the given GPU texture along its vertical axis. * * @private * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture object. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The texture descriptor. * @param {Number} [originDepth=0] - The origin depth. */ _flipY( textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, originDepth = 0 ) { this._getPassUtils().flipY( textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, originDepth ); } /** * Uploads texture buffer data to the GPU memory. * * @private * @param {Object} image - An object defining the image buffer data. * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The GPU texture descriptor. * @param {Number} originDepth - The origin depth. * @param {Boolean} flipY - Whether to flip texture data along their vertical axis or not. * @param {Number} [depth=0] - TODO. */ _copyBufferToTexture( image, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, originDepth, flipY, depth = 0 ) { // @TODO: Consider to use GPUCommandEncoder.copyBufferToTexture() // @TODO: Consider to support valid buffer layouts with other formats like RGB const device = this.backend.device; const data =; const bytesPerTexel = this._getBytesPerTexel( textureDescriptorGPU.format ); const bytesPerRow = image.width * bytesPerTexel; device.queue.writeTexture( { texture: textureGPU, mipLevel: 0, origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: originDepth } }, data, { offset: image.width * image.height * bytesPerTexel * depth, bytesPerRow }, { width: image.width, height: image.height, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 } ); if ( flipY === true ) { this._flipY( textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU, originDepth ); } } /** * Uploads compressed texture data to the GPU memory. * * @private * @param {Array<Object>} mipmaps - An array with mipmap data. * @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture. * @param {Object} textureDescriptorGPU - The GPU texture descriptor. */ _copyCompressedBufferToTexture( mipmaps, textureGPU, textureDescriptorGPU ) { // @TODO: Consider to use GPUCommandEncoder.copyBufferToTexture() const device = this.backend.device; const blockData = this._getBlockData( textureDescriptorGPU.format ); const isTextureArray = textureDescriptorGPU.size.depthOrArrayLayers > 1; for ( let i = 0; i < mipmaps.length; i ++ ) { const mipmap = mipmaps[ i ]; const width = mipmap.width; const height = mipmap.height; const depth = isTextureArray ? textureDescriptorGPU.size.depthOrArrayLayers : 1; const bytesPerRow = Math.ceil( width / blockData.width ) * blockData.byteLength; const bytesPerImage = bytesPerRow * Math.ceil( height / blockData.height ); for ( let j = 0; j < depth; j ++ ) { device.queue.writeTexture( { texture: textureGPU, mipLevel: i, origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: j } },, { offset: j * bytesPerImage, bytesPerRow, rowsPerImage: Math.ceil( height / blockData.height ) }, { width: Math.ceil( width / blockData.width ) * blockData.width, height: Math.ceil( height / blockData.height ) * blockData.height, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 } ); } } } /** * This method is only relevant for compressed texture formats. It returns a block * data descriptor for the given GPU compressed texture format. * * @private * @param {String} format - The GPU compressed texture format. * @return {Object} The block data descriptor. */ _getBlockData( format ) { if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC1RGBAUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC1RGBAUnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; // DXT1 if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC2RGBAUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC2RGBAUnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; // DXT3 if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC3RGBAUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC3RGBAUnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; // DXT5 if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC4RUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC4RSNorm ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; // RGTC1 if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC5RGUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC5RGSnorm ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; // RGTC2 if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC6HRGBUFloat || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC6HRGBFloat ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; // BPTC (float) if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BC7RGBAUnorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BC7RGBAUnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; // BPTC (unorm) if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8A1Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8A1UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGBA8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGBA8UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.EACR11Unorm ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.EACR11Snorm ) return { byteLength: 8, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.EACRG11Unorm ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.EACRG11Snorm ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC4x4Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC4x4UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 4, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x4Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x4UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 5, height: 4 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x5Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x5UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 5, height: 5 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x5Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x5UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 6, height: 5 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x6Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x6UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 6, height: 6 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x5Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x5UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 8, height: 5 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x6Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x6UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 8, height: 6 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x8UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 8, height: 8 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x5Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x5UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 10, height: 5 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x6Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x6UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 10, height: 6 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x8UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 10, height: 8 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x10Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x10UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 10, height: 10 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x10Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x10UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 12, height: 10 }; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x12Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x12UnormSRGB ) return { byteLength: 16, width: 12, height: 12 }; } /** * Converts the three.js uv wrapping constants to GPU address mode constants. * * @private * @param {Number} value - The three.js constant defining a uv wrapping mode. * @return {String} The GPU address mode. */ _convertAddressMode( value ) { let addressMode = GPUAddressMode.ClampToEdge; if ( value === RepeatWrapping ) { addressMode = GPUAddressMode.Repeat; } else if ( value === MirroredRepeatWrapping ) { addressMode = GPUAddressMode.MirrorRepeat; } return addressMode; } /** * Converts the three.js filter constants to GPU filter constants. * * @private * @param {Number} value - The three.js constant defining a filter mode. * @return {String} The GPU filter mode. */ _convertFilterMode( value ) { let filterMode = GPUFilterMode.Linear; if ( value === NearestFilter || value === NearestMipmapNearestFilter || value === NearestMipmapLinearFilter ) { filterMode = GPUFilterMode.Nearest; } return filterMode; } /** * Returns the bytes-per-texel value for the given GPU texture format. * * @private * @param {String} format - The GPU texture format. * @return {Number} The bytes-per-texel. */ _getBytesPerTexel( format ) { // 8-bit formats if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Snorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Sint ) return 1; // 16-bit formats if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Float || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Snorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Sint ) return 2; // 32-bit formats if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Float || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Float || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8UnormSRGB || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Snorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.BGRA8Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.BGRA8UnormSRGB || // Packed 32-bit formats format === GPUTextureFormat.RGB9E5UFloat || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGB10A2Unorm || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG11B10UFloat || format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth32Float || format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth24Plus || format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth24PlusStencil8 || format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth32FloatStencil8 ) return 4; // 64-bit formats if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Float || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Float ) return 8; // 128-bit formats if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Uint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Sint || format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Float ) return 16; } /** * Returns the corresponding typed array type for the given GPU texture format. * * @private * @param {String} format - The GPU texture format. * @return {TypedArray.constructor} The typed array type. */ _getTypedArrayType( format ) { if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Uint ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Sint ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Unorm ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R8Snorm ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Uint ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Sint ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Unorm ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG8Snorm ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Uint ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Sint ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Unorm ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Snorm ) return Int8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Uint ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Sint ) return Int16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Uint ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Sint ) return Int16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Uint ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Sint ) return Int16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R16Float ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG16Float ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Float ) return Uint16Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Uint ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Sint ) return Int32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.R32Float ) return Float32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Uint ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Sint ) return Int32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG32Float ) return Float32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Uint ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Sint ) return Int32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Float ) return Float32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BGRA8Unorm ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.BGRA8UnormSRGB ) return Uint8Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGB10A2Unorm ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RGB9E5UFloat ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.RG11B10UFloat ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth32Float ) return Float32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth24Plus ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth24PlusStencil8 ) return Uint32Array; if ( format === GPUTextureFormat.Depth32FloatStencil8 ) return Float32Array; } /** * Returns the GPU dimensions for the given texture. * * @private * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @return {String} The GPU dimension. */ _getDimension( texture ) { let dimension; if ( texture.isData3DTexture ) { dimension = GPUTextureDimension.ThreeD; } else { dimension = GPUTextureDimension.TwoD; } return dimension; } } /** * Returns the GPU format for the given texture. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {GPUDevice?} [device=null] - The GPU device which is used for feature detection. * It is not necessary to apply the device for most formats. * @return {String} The GPU format. */ export function getFormat( texture, device = null ) { const format = texture.format; const type = texture.type; const colorSpace = texture.colorSpace; let formatGPU; if ( texture.isCompressedTexture === true || texture.isCompressedArrayTexture === true ) { switch ( format ) { case RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.BC1RGBAUnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.BC1RGBAUnorm; break; case RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.BC2RGBAUnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.BC2RGBAUnorm; break; case RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.BC3RGBAUnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.BC3RGBAUnorm; break; case RGB_ETC2_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGB8Unorm; break; case RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGBA8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ETC2RGBA8Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC4x4UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC4x4Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x4UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x4Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x5UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC5x5Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x5UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x5Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x6UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC6x6Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x5UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x5Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x6UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x6Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC8x8Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x5UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x5Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x6UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x6Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x8Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x10UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC10x10Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x10UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x10Unorm; break; case RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x12UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.ASTC12x12Unorm; break; case RGBAFormat: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Unorm; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture format.', format ); } } else { switch ( format ) { case RGBAFormat: switch ( type ) { case ByteType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Snorm; break; case ShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Sint; break; case UnsignedShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Uint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Uint; break; case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Sint; break; case UnsignedByteType: formatGPU = ( colorSpace === SRGBColorSpace ) ? GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8UnormSRGB : GPUTextureFormat.RGBA8Unorm; break; case HalfFloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA16Float; break; case FloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Float; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RGBAFormat.', type ); } break; case RGBFormat: switch ( type ) { case UnsignedInt5999Type: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGB9E5UFloat; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RGBFormat.', type ); } break; case RedFormat: switch ( type ) { case ByteType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R8Snorm; break; case ShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R16Sint; break; case UnsignedShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R16Uint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R32Uint; break; case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R32Sint; break; case UnsignedByteType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R8Unorm; break; case HalfFloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R16Float; break; case FloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R32Float; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RedFormat.', type ); } break; case RGFormat: switch ( type ) { case ByteType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG8Snorm; break; case ShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG16Sint; break; case UnsignedShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG16Uint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG32Uint; break; case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG32Sint; break; case UnsignedByteType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG8Unorm; break; case HalfFloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG16Float; break; case FloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG32Float; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RGFormat.', type ); } break; case DepthFormat: switch ( type ) { case UnsignedShortType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.Depth16Unorm; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.Depth24Plus; break; case FloatType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.Depth32Float; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with DepthFormat.', type ); } break; case DepthStencilFormat: switch ( type ) { case UnsignedInt248Type: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.Depth24PlusStencil8; break; case FloatType: if ( device && device.features.has( GPUFeatureName.Depth32FloatStencil8 ) === false ) { console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Depth textures with DepthStencilFormat + FloatType can only be used with the "depth32float-stencil8" GPU feature.' ); } formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.Depth32FloatStencil8; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with DepthStencilFormat.', type ); } break; case RedIntegerFormat: switch ( type ) { case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R32Sint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.R32Uint; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RedIntegerFormat.', type ); } break; case RGIntegerFormat: switch ( type ) { case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG32Sint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RG32Uint; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RGIntegerFormat.', type ); } break; case RGBAIntegerFormat: switch ( type ) { case IntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Sint; break; case UnsignedIntType: formatGPU = GPUTextureFormat.RGBA32Uint; break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture type with RGBAIntegerFormat.', type ); } break; default: console.error( 'WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture format.', format ); } } return formatGPU; } export default WebGPUTextureUtils;