MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import DataMap from '../../common/DataMap.js';
import { GPUTextureViewDimension, GPUIndexFormat, GPUFilterMode, GPUPrimitiveTopology, GPULoadOp, GPUStoreOp } from './WebGPUConstants.js';
* A WebGPU backend utility module used by {@link WebGPUTextureUtils}.
* @private
class WebGPUTexturePassUtils extends DataMap {
* Constructs a new utility object.
* @param {GPUDevice} device - The WebGPU device.
constructor( device ) {
* The WebGPU device.
* @type {GPUDevice}
this.device = device;
const mipmapVertexSource = `
struct VarysStruct {
@builtin( position ) Position: vec4<f32>,
@location( 0 ) vTex : vec2<f32>
fn main( @builtin( vertex_index ) vertexIndex : u32 ) -> VarysStruct {
var Varys : VarysStruct;
var pos = array< vec2<f32>, 4 >(
vec2<f32>( -1.0, 1.0 ),
vec2<f32>( 1.0, 1.0 ),
vec2<f32>( -1.0, -1.0 ),
vec2<f32>( 1.0, -1.0 )
var tex = array< vec2<f32>, 4 >(
vec2<f32>( 0.0, 0.0 ),
vec2<f32>( 1.0, 0.0 ),
vec2<f32>( 0.0, 1.0 ),
vec2<f32>( 1.0, 1.0 )
Varys.vTex = tex[ vertexIndex ];
Varys.Position = vec4<f32>( pos[ vertexIndex ], 0.0, 1.0 );
return Varys;
const mipmapFragmentSource = `
@group( 0 ) @binding( 0 )
var imgSampler : sampler;
@group( 0 ) @binding( 1 )
var img : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main( @location( 0 ) vTex : vec2<f32> ) -> @location( 0 ) vec4<f32> {
return textureSample( img, imgSampler, vTex );
const flipYFragmentSource = `
@group( 0 ) @binding( 0 )
var imgSampler : sampler;
@group( 0 ) @binding( 1 )
var img : texture_2d<f32>;
fn main( @location( 0 ) vTex : vec2<f32> ) -> @location( 0 ) vec4<f32> {
return textureSample( img, imgSampler, vec2( vTex.x, 1.0 - vTex.y ) );
* The mipmap GPU sampler.
* @type {GPUSampler}
this.mipmapSampler = device.createSampler( { minFilter: GPUFilterMode.Linear } );
* The flipY GPU sampler.
* @type {GPUSampler}
this.flipYSampler = device.createSampler( { minFilter: GPUFilterMode.Nearest } ); //@TODO?: Consider using textureLoad()
* A cache for GPU render pipelines used for copy/transfer passes.
* Every texture format requires a unique pipeline.
* @type {Object<String,GPURenderPipeline>}
this.transferPipelines = {};
* A cache for GPU render pipelines used for flipY passes.
* Every texture format requires a unique pipeline.
* @type {Object<String,GPURenderPipeline>}
this.flipYPipelines = {};
* The mipmap vertex shader module.
* @type {GPUShaderModule}
this.mipmapVertexShaderModule = device.createShaderModule( {
label: 'mipmapVertex',
code: mipmapVertexSource
} );
* The mipmap fragment shader module.
* @type {GPUShaderModule}
this.mipmapFragmentShaderModule = device.createShaderModule( {
label: 'mipmapFragment',
code: mipmapFragmentSource
} );
* The flipY fragment shader module.
* @type {GPUShaderModule}
this.flipYFragmentShaderModule = device.createShaderModule( {
label: 'flipYFragment',
code: flipYFragmentSource
} );
* Returns a render pipeline for the internal copy render pass. The pass
* requires a unique render pipeline for each texture format.
* @param {String} format - The GPU texture format
* @return {GPURenderPipeline} The GPU render pipeline.
getTransferPipeline( format ) {
let pipeline = this.transferPipelines[ format ];
if ( pipeline === undefined ) {
pipeline = this.device.createRenderPipeline( {
label: `mipmap-${ format }`,
vertex: {
module: this.mipmapVertexShaderModule,
entryPoint: 'main'
fragment: {
module: this.mipmapFragmentShaderModule,
entryPoint: 'main',
targets: [ { format } ]
primitive: {
topology: GPUPrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip,
stripIndexFormat: GPUIndexFormat.Uint32
layout: 'auto'
} );
this.transferPipelines[ format ] = pipeline;
return pipeline;
* Returns a render pipeline for the flipY render pass. The pass
* requires a unique render pipeline for each texture format.
* @param {String} format - The GPU texture format
* @return {GPURenderPipeline} The GPU render pipeline.
getFlipYPipeline( format ) {
let pipeline = this.flipYPipelines[ format ];
if ( pipeline === undefined ) {
pipeline = this.device.createRenderPipeline( {
label: `flipY-${ format }`,
vertex: {
module: this.mipmapVertexShaderModule,
entryPoint: 'main'
fragment: {
module: this.flipYFragmentShaderModule,
entryPoint: 'main',
targets: [ { format } ]
primitive: {
topology: GPUPrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip,
stripIndexFormat: GPUIndexFormat.Uint32
layout: 'auto'
} );
this.flipYPipelines[ format ] = pipeline;
return pipeline;
* Flip the contents of the given GPU texture along its vertical axis.
* @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture object.
* @param {Object} textureGPUDescriptor - The texture descriptor.
* @param {Number} [baseArrayLayer=0] - The index of the first array layer accessible to the texture view.
flipY( textureGPU, textureGPUDescriptor, baseArrayLayer = 0 ) {
const format = textureGPUDescriptor.format;
const { width, height } = textureGPUDescriptor.size;
const transferPipeline = this.getTransferPipeline( format );
const flipYPipeline = this.getFlipYPipeline( format );
const tempTexture = this.device.createTexture( {
size: { width, height, depthOrArrayLayers: 1 },
} );
const srcView = textureGPU.createView( {
baseMipLevel: 0,
mipLevelCount: 1,
dimension: GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoD,
} );
const dstView = tempTexture.createView( {
baseMipLevel: 0,
mipLevelCount: 1,
dimension: GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoD,
baseArrayLayer: 0
} );
const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder( {} );
const pass = ( pipeline, sourceView, destinationView ) => {
const bindGroupLayout = pipeline.getBindGroupLayout( 0 ); // @TODO: Consider making this static.
const bindGroup = this.device.createBindGroup( {
layout: bindGroupLayout,
entries: [ {
binding: 0,
resource: this.flipYSampler
}, {
binding: 1,
resource: sourceView
} ]
} );
const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass( {
colorAttachments: [ {
view: destinationView,
loadOp: GPULoadOp.Clear,
storeOp: GPUStoreOp.Store,
clearValue: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
} ]
} );
passEncoder.setPipeline( pipeline );
passEncoder.setBindGroup( 0, bindGroup );
passEncoder.draw( 4, 1, 0, 0 );
pass( transferPipeline, srcView, dstView );
pass( flipYPipeline, dstView, srcView );
this.device.queue.submit( [ commandEncoder.finish() ] );
* Generates mipmaps for the given GPU texture.
* @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture object.
* @param {Object} textureGPUDescriptor - The texture descriptor.
* @param {Number} [baseArrayLayer=0] - The index of the first array layer accessible to the texture view.
generateMipmaps( textureGPU, textureGPUDescriptor, baseArrayLayer = 0 ) {
const textureData = this.get( textureGPU );
if ( textureData.useCount === undefined ) {
textureData.useCount = 0;
textureData.layers = [];
const passes = textureData.layers[ baseArrayLayer ] || this._mipmapCreateBundles( textureGPU, textureGPUDescriptor, baseArrayLayer );
const commandEncoder = this.device.createCommandEncoder( {} );
this._mipmapRunBundles( commandEncoder, passes );
this.device.queue.submit( [ commandEncoder.finish() ] );
if ( textureData.useCount !== 0 ) textureData.layers[ baseArrayLayer ] = passes;
textureData.useCount ++;
* Since multiple copy render passes are required to generate mipmaps, the passes
* are managed as render bundles to improve performance.
* @param {GPUTexture} textureGPU - The GPU texture object.
* @param {Object} textureGPUDescriptor - The texture descriptor.
* @param {Number} baseArrayLayer - The index of the first array layer accessible to the texture view.
* @return {Array} An array of render bundles.
_mipmapCreateBundles( textureGPU, textureGPUDescriptor, baseArrayLayer ) {
const pipeline = this.getTransferPipeline( textureGPUDescriptor.format );
const bindGroupLayout = pipeline.getBindGroupLayout( 0 ); // @TODO: Consider making this static.
let srcView = textureGPU.createView( {
baseMipLevel: 0,
mipLevelCount: 1,
dimension: GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoD,
} );
const passes = [];
for ( let i = 1; i < textureGPUDescriptor.mipLevelCount; i ++ ) {
const bindGroup = this.device.createBindGroup( {
layout: bindGroupLayout,
entries: [ {
binding: 0,
resource: this.mipmapSampler
}, {
binding: 1,
resource: srcView
} ]
} );
const dstView = textureGPU.createView( {
baseMipLevel: i,
mipLevelCount: 1,
dimension: GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoD,
} );
const passDescriptor = {
colorAttachments: [ {
view: dstView,
loadOp: GPULoadOp.Clear,
storeOp: GPUStoreOp.Store,
clearValue: [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
} ]
const passEncoder = this.device.createRenderBundleEncoder( {
colorFormats: [ textureGPUDescriptor.format ]
} );
passEncoder.setPipeline( pipeline );
passEncoder.setBindGroup( 0, bindGroup );
passEncoder.draw( 4, 1, 0, 0 );
passes.push( {
renderBundles: [ passEncoder.finish() ],
} );
srcView = dstView;
return passes;
* Executes the render bundles.
* @param {GPUCommandEncoder} commandEncoder - The GPU command encoder.
* @param {Array} passes - An array of render bundles.
_mipmapRunBundles( commandEncoder, passes ) {
const levels = passes.length;
for ( let i = 0; i < levels; i ++ ) {
const pass = passes[ i ];
const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass( pass.passDescriptor );
passEncoder.executeBundles( pass.renderBundles );
export default WebGPUTexturePassUtils;