MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import {
GPUTextureAspect, GPUTextureViewDimension, GPUTextureSampleType, GPUBufferBindingType, GPUStorageTextureAccess
} from './WebGPUConstants.js';
import { FloatType, IntType, UnsignedIntType } from '../../../constants.js';
import { NodeAccess } from '../../../nodes/core/constants.js';
* A WebGPU backend utility module for managing bindings.
* When reading the documentation it's helpful to keep in mind that
* all class definitions starting with 'GPU*' are modules from the
* WebGPU API. So for example `BindGroup` is a class from the engine
* whereas `GPUBindGroup` is a class from WebGPU.
* @private
class WebGPUBindingUtils {
* Constructs a new utility object.
* @param {WebGPUBackend} backend - The WebGPU backend.
constructor( backend ) {
* A reference to the WebGPU backend.
* @type {WebGPUBackend}
this.backend = backend;
* A cache for managing bind group layouts.
* @type {WeakMap<Array<Binding>,GPUBindGroupLayout>}
this.bindGroupLayoutCache = new WeakMap();
* Creates a GPU bind group layout for the given bind group.
* @param {BindGroup} bindGroup - The bind group.
* @return {GPUBindGroupLayout} The GPU bind group layout.
createBindingsLayout( bindGroup ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
const entries = [];
let index = 0;
for ( const binding of bindGroup.bindings ) {
const bindingGPU = {
binding: index ++,
visibility: binding.visibility
if ( binding.isUniformBuffer || binding.isStorageBuffer ) {
const buffer = {}; // GPUBufferBindingLayout
if ( binding.isStorageBuffer ) {
if ( binding.visibility & 4 ) {
// compute
if ( binding.access === NodeAccess.READ_WRITE || binding.access === NodeAccess.WRITE_ONLY ) {
buffer.type = GPUBufferBindingType.Storage;
} else {
buffer.type = GPUBufferBindingType.ReadOnlyStorage;
} else {
buffer.type = GPUBufferBindingType.ReadOnlyStorage;
bindingGPU.buffer = buffer;
} else if ( binding.isSampler ) {
const sampler = {}; // GPUSamplerBindingLayout
if ( binding.texture.isDepthTexture ) {
if ( binding.texture.compareFunction !== null ) {
sampler.type = 'comparison';
bindingGPU.sampler = sampler;
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture && binding.texture.isVideoTexture ) {
bindingGPU.externalTexture = {}; // GPUExternalTextureBindingLayout
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture && ) {
const storageTexture = {}; // GPUStorageTextureBindingLayout
storageTexture.format = this.backend.get( binding.texture ).texture.format;
const access = binding.access;
if ( access === NodeAccess.READ_WRITE ) {
storageTexture.access = GPUStorageTextureAccess.ReadWrite;
} else if ( access === NodeAccess.WRITE_ONLY ) {
storageTexture.access = GPUStorageTextureAccess.WriteOnly;
} else {
storageTexture.access = GPUStorageTextureAccess.ReadOnly;
bindingGPU.storageTexture = storageTexture;
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) {
const texture = {}; // GPUTextureBindingLayout
const { primarySamples } = backend.utils.getTextureSampleData( binding.texture );
if ( primarySamples > 1 ) {
texture.multisampled = true;
if ( ! binding.texture.isDepthTexture ) {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.UnfilterableFloat;
if ( binding.texture.isDepthTexture ) {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.Depth;
} else if ( binding.texture.isDataTexture || binding.texture.isDataArrayTexture || binding.texture.isData3DTexture ) {
const type = binding.texture.type;
if ( type === IntType ) {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.SInt;
} else if ( type === UnsignedIntType ) {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.UInt;
} else if ( type === FloatType ) {
if ( this.backend.hasFeature( 'float32-filterable' ) ) {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.Float;
} else {
texture.sampleType = GPUTextureSampleType.UnfilterableFloat;
if ( binding.isSampledCubeTexture ) {
texture.viewDimension = GPUTextureViewDimension.Cube;
} else if ( binding.texture.isDataArrayTexture || binding.texture.isCompressedArrayTexture ) {
texture.viewDimension = GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoDArray;
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture3D ) {
texture.viewDimension = GPUTextureViewDimension.ThreeD;
bindingGPU.texture = texture;
} else {
console.error( `WebGPUBindingUtils: Unsupported binding "${ binding }".` );
entries.push( bindingGPU );
return device.createBindGroupLayout( { entries } );
* Creates bindings from the given bind group definition.
* @param {BindGroup} bindGroup - The bind group.
* @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - Array of bind groups.
* @param {Number} cacheIndex - The cache index.
* @param {Number} version - The version.
createBindings( bindGroup, bindings, cacheIndex, version = 0 ) {
const { backend, bindGroupLayoutCache } = this;
const bindingsData = backend.get( bindGroup );
// setup (static) binding layout and (dynamic) binding group
let bindLayoutGPU = bindGroupLayoutCache.get( bindGroup.bindingsReference );
if ( bindLayoutGPU === undefined ) {
bindLayoutGPU = this.createBindingsLayout( bindGroup );
bindGroupLayoutCache.set( bindGroup.bindingsReference, bindLayoutGPU );
let bindGroupGPU;
if ( cacheIndex > 0 ) {
if ( bindingsData.groups === undefined ) {
bindingsData.groups = [];
bindingsData.versions = [];
if ( bindingsData.versions[ cacheIndex ] === version ) {
bindGroupGPU = bindingsData.groups[ cacheIndex ];
if ( bindGroupGPU === undefined ) {
bindGroupGPU = this.createBindGroup( bindGroup, bindLayoutGPU );
if ( cacheIndex > 0 ) {
bindingsData.groups[ cacheIndex ] = bindGroupGPU;
bindingsData.versions[ cacheIndex ] = version;
} = bindGroupGPU;
bindingsData.layout = bindLayoutGPU;
* Updates a buffer binding.
* @param {Buffer} binding - The buffer binding to update.
updateBinding( binding ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
const buffer = binding.buffer;
const bufferGPU = backend.get( binding ).buffer;
device.queue.writeBuffer( bufferGPU, 0, buffer, 0 );
* Creates a GPU bind group for the camera index.
* @param {Uint32Array} data - The index data.
* @param {GPUBindGroupLayout} layout - The GPU bind group layout.
* @return {GPUBindGroup} The GPU bind group.
createBindGroupIndex( data, layout ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
const usage = GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST;
const index = data[ 0 ];
const buffer = device.createBuffer( {
label: 'bindingCameraIndex_' + index,
size: 16, // uint(4) * 4
usage: usage
} );
device.queue.writeBuffer( buffer, 0, data, 0 );
const entries = [ { binding: 0, resource: { buffer } } ];
return device.createBindGroup( {
label: 'bindGroupCameraIndex_' + index,
} );
* Creates a GPU bind group for the given bind group and GPU layout.
* @param {BindGroup} bindGroup - The bind group.
* @param {GPUBindGroupLayout} layoutGPU - The GPU bind group layout.
* @return {GPUBindGroup} The GPU bind group.
createBindGroup( bindGroup, layoutGPU ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
let bindingPoint = 0;
const entriesGPU = [];
for ( const binding of bindGroup.bindings ) {
if ( binding.isUniformBuffer ) {
const bindingData = backend.get( binding );
if ( bindingData.buffer === undefined ) {
const byteLength = binding.byteLength;
const usage = GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST;
const bufferGPU = device.createBuffer( {
label: 'bindingBuffer_' +,
size: byteLength,
usage: usage
} );
bindingData.buffer = bufferGPU;
entriesGPU.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: { buffer: bindingData.buffer } } );
} else if ( binding.isStorageBuffer ) {
const bindingData = backend.get( binding );
if ( bindingData.buffer === undefined ) {
const attribute = binding.attribute;
//const usage = GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX | /*GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC |*/ GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST;
//backend.attributeUtils.createAttribute( attribute, usage ); // @TODO: Move it to universal renderer
bindingData.buffer = backend.get( attribute ).buffer;
entriesGPU.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: { buffer: bindingData.buffer } } );
} else if ( binding.isSampler ) {
const textureGPU = backend.get( binding.texture );
entriesGPU.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: textureGPU.sampler } );
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) {
const textureData = backend.get( binding.texture );
let resourceGPU;
if ( textureData.externalTexture !== undefined ) {
resourceGPU = device.importExternalTexture( { source: textureData.externalTexture } );
} else {
const mipLevelCount = ? 1 : textureData.texture.mipLevelCount;
const propertyName = `view-${ textureData.texture.width }-${ textureData.texture.height }-${ mipLevelCount }`;
resourceGPU = textureData[ propertyName ];
if ( resourceGPU === undefined ) {
const aspectGPU = GPUTextureAspect.All;
let dimensionViewGPU;
if ( binding.isSampledCubeTexture ) {
dimensionViewGPU = GPUTextureViewDimension.Cube;
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture3D ) {
dimensionViewGPU = GPUTextureViewDimension.ThreeD;
} else if ( binding.texture.isDataArrayTexture || binding.texture.isCompressedArrayTexture ) {
dimensionViewGPU = GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoDArray;
} else {
dimensionViewGPU = GPUTextureViewDimension.TwoD;
resourceGPU = textureData[ propertyName ] = textureData.texture.createView( { aspect: aspectGPU, dimension: dimensionViewGPU, mipLevelCount } );
entriesGPU.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: resourceGPU } );
bindingPoint ++;
return device.createBindGroup( {
label: 'bindGroup_' +,
layout: layoutGPU,
entries: entriesGPU
} );
export default WebGPUBindingUtils;