MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import { GPUInputStepMode } from './WebGPUConstants.js';
import { Float16BufferAttribute } from '../../../core/BufferAttribute.js';
const typedArraysToVertexFormatPrefix = new Map( [
[ Int8Array, [ 'sint8', 'snorm8' ]],
[ Uint8Array, [ 'uint8', 'unorm8' ]],
[ Int16Array, [ 'sint16', 'snorm16' ]],
[ Uint16Array, [ 'uint16', 'unorm16' ]],
[ Int32Array, [ 'sint32', 'snorm32' ]],
[ Uint32Array, [ 'uint32', 'unorm32' ]],
[ Float32Array, [ 'float32', ]],
] );
const typedAttributeToVertexFormatPrefix = new Map( [
[ Float16BufferAttribute, [ 'float16', ]],
] );
const typeArraysToVertexFormatPrefixForItemSize1 = new Map( [
[ Int32Array, 'sint32' ],
[ Int16Array, 'sint32' ], // patch for INT16
[ Uint32Array, 'uint32' ],
[ Uint16Array, 'uint32' ], // patch for UINT16
[ Float32Array, 'float32' ]
] );
* A WebGPU backend utility module for managing shader attributes.
* @private
class WebGPUAttributeUtils {
* Constructs a new utility object.
* @param {WebGPUBackend} backend - The WebGPU backend.
constructor( backend ) {
* A reference to the WebGPU backend.
* @type {WebGPUBackend}
this.backend = backend;
* Creates the GPU buffer for the given buffer attribute.
* @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute.
* @param {GPUBufferUsage} usage - A flag that indicates how the buffer may be used after its creation.
createAttribute( attribute, usage ) {
const bufferAttribute = this._getBufferAttribute( attribute );
const backend = this.backend;
const bufferData = backend.get( bufferAttribute );
let buffer = bufferData.buffer;
if ( buffer === undefined ) {
const device = backend.device;
let array = bufferAttribute.array;
// patch for INT16 and UINT16
if ( attribute.normalized === false ) {
if ( array.constructor === Int16Array ) {
array = new Int32Array( array );
} else if ( array.constructor === Uint16Array ) {
array = new Uint32Array( array );
if ( usage & GPUBufferUsage.INDEX ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
if ( array[ i ] === 0xffff ) array[ i ] = 0xffffffff; // use correct primitive restart index
bufferAttribute.array = array;
if ( ( bufferAttribute.isStorageBufferAttribute || bufferAttribute.isStorageInstancedBufferAttribute ) && bufferAttribute.itemSize === 3 ) {
array = new array.constructor( bufferAttribute.count * 4 );
for ( let i = 0; i < bufferAttribute.count; i ++ ) {
array.set( bufferAttribute.array.subarray( i * 3, i * 3 + 3 ), i * 4 );
// Update BufferAttribute
bufferAttribute.itemSize = 4;
bufferAttribute.array = array;
const size = array.byteLength + ( ( 4 - ( array.byteLength % 4 ) ) % 4 ); // ensure 4 byte alignment, see #20441
buffer = device.createBuffer( {
size: size,
usage: usage,
mappedAtCreation: true
} );
new array.constructor( buffer.getMappedRange() ).set( array );
bufferData.buffer = buffer;
* Updates the GPU buffer of the given buffer attribute.
* @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute.
updateAttribute( attribute ) {
const bufferAttribute = this._getBufferAttribute( attribute );
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
const buffer = backend.get( bufferAttribute ).buffer;
const array = bufferAttribute.array;
const isTypedArray = this._isTypedArray( array );
const updateRanges = bufferAttribute.updateRanges;
if ( updateRanges.length === 0 ) {
// Not using update ranges
} else {
const byteOffsetFactor = isTypedArray ? 1 : array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
for ( let i = 0, l = updateRanges.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const range = updateRanges[ i ];
const dataOffset = range.start * byteOffsetFactor;
const size = range.count * byteOffsetFactor;
* This method creates the vertex buffer layout data which are
* require when creating a render pipeline for the given render object.
* @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object.
* @return {Array<Object>} An array holding objects which describe the vertex buffer layout.
createShaderVertexBuffers( renderObject ) {
const attributes = renderObject.getAttributes();
const vertexBuffers = new Map();
for ( let slot = 0; slot < attributes.length; slot ++ ) {
const geometryAttribute = attributes[ slot ];
const bytesPerElement = geometryAttribute.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
const bufferAttribute = this._getBufferAttribute( geometryAttribute );
let vertexBufferLayout = vertexBuffers.get( bufferAttribute );
if ( vertexBufferLayout === undefined ) {
let arrayStride, stepMode;
if ( geometryAttribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute === true ) {
arrayStride = * bytesPerElement;
stepMode = ? GPUInputStepMode.Instance : GPUInputStepMode.Vertex;
} else {
arrayStride = geometryAttribute.itemSize * bytesPerElement;
stepMode = geometryAttribute.isInstancedBufferAttribute ? GPUInputStepMode.Instance : GPUInputStepMode.Vertex;
// patch for INT16 and UINT16
if ( geometryAttribute.normalized === false && ( geometryAttribute.array.constructor === Int16Array || geometryAttribute.array.constructor === Uint16Array ) ) {
arrayStride = 4;
vertexBufferLayout = {
attributes: [],
vertexBuffers.set( bufferAttribute, vertexBufferLayout );
const format = this._getVertexFormat( geometryAttribute );
const offset = ( geometryAttribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute === true ) ? geometryAttribute.offset * bytesPerElement : 0;
vertexBufferLayout.attributes.push( {
shaderLocation: slot,
} );
return Array.from( vertexBuffers.values() );
* Destroys the GPU buffer of the given buffer attribute.
* @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute.
destroyAttribute( attribute ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const data = backend.get( this._getBufferAttribute( attribute ) );
backend.delete( attribute );
* This method performs a readback operation by moving buffer data from
* a storage buffer attribute from the GPU to the CPU.
* @async
* @param {StorageBufferAttribute} attribute - The storage buffer attribute.
* @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} A promise that resolves with the buffer data when the data are ready.
async getArrayBufferAsync( attribute ) {
const backend = this.backend;
const device = backend.device;
const data = backend.get( this._getBufferAttribute( attribute ) );
const bufferGPU = data.buffer;
const size = bufferGPU.size;
const readBufferGPU = device.createBuffer( {
label: `${ }_readback`,
usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.MAP_READ
} );
const cmdEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder( {
label: `readback_encoder_${ }`
} );
const gpuCommands = cmdEncoder.finish();
device.queue.submit( [ gpuCommands ] );
await readBufferGPU.mapAsync( GPUMapMode.READ );
const arrayBuffer = readBufferGPU.getMappedRange();
const dstBuffer = new attribute.array.constructor( arrayBuffer.slice( 0 ) );
return dstBuffer.buffer;
* Returns the vertex format of the given buffer attribute.
* @private
* @param {BufferAttribute} geometryAttribute - The buffer attribute.
* @return {String} The vertex format (e.g. 'float32x3').
_getVertexFormat( geometryAttribute ) {
const { itemSize, normalized } = geometryAttribute;
const ArrayType = geometryAttribute.array.constructor;
const AttributeType = geometryAttribute.constructor;
let format;
if ( itemSize === 1 ) {
format = typeArraysToVertexFormatPrefixForItemSize1.get( ArrayType );
} else {
const prefixOptions = typedAttributeToVertexFormatPrefix.get( AttributeType ) || typedArraysToVertexFormatPrefix.get( ArrayType );
const prefix = prefixOptions[ normalized ? 1 : 0 ];
if ( prefix ) {
const bytesPerUnit = ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * itemSize;
const paddedBytesPerUnit = Math.floor( ( bytesPerUnit + 3 ) / 4 ) * 4;
const paddedItemSize = paddedBytesPerUnit / ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
if ( paddedItemSize % 1 ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.WebGPUAttributeUtils: Bad vertex format item size.' );
format = `${prefix}x${paddedItemSize}`;
if ( ! format ) {
console.error( 'THREE.WebGPUAttributeUtils: Vertex format not supported yet.' );
return format;
* Returns `true` if the given array is a typed array.
* @private
* @param {Any} array - The array.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the given array is a typed array or not.
_isTypedArray( array ) {
return ArrayBuffer.isView( array ) && ! ( array instanceof DataView );
* Utility method for handling interleaved buffer attributes correctly.
* To process them, their `InterleavedBuffer` is returned.
* @private
* @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The attribute.
* @return {BufferAttribute|InterleavedBuffer}
_getBufferAttribute( attribute ) {
if ( attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) attribute =;
return attribute;
export default WebGPUAttributeUtils;