MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import NodeFunction from '../../../nodes/core/NodeFunction.js'; import NodeFunctionInput from '../../../nodes/core/NodeFunctionInput.js'; const declarationRegexp = /^[fn]*\s*([a-z_0-9]+)?\s*\(([\s\S]*?)\)\s*[\-\>]*\s*([a-z_0-9]+(?:<[\s\S]+?>)?)/i; const propertiesRegexp = /([a-z_0-9]+)\s*:\s*([a-z_0-9]+(?:<[\s\S]+?>)?)/ig; const wgslTypeLib = { 'f32': 'float', 'i32': 'int', 'u32': 'uint', 'bool': 'bool', 'vec2<f32>': 'vec2', 'vec2<i32>': 'ivec2', 'vec2<u32>': 'uvec2', 'vec2<bool>': 'bvec2', 'vec2f': 'vec2', 'vec2i': 'ivec2', 'vec2u': 'uvec2', 'vec2b': 'bvec2', 'vec3<f32>': 'vec3', 'vec3<i32>': 'ivec3', 'vec3<u32>': 'uvec3', 'vec3<bool>': 'bvec3', 'vec3f': 'vec3', 'vec3i': 'ivec3', 'vec3u': 'uvec3', 'vec3b': 'bvec3', 'vec4<f32>': 'vec4', 'vec4<i32>': 'ivec4', 'vec4<u32>': 'uvec4', 'vec4<bool>': 'bvec4', 'vec4f': 'vec4', 'vec4i': 'ivec4', 'vec4u': 'uvec4', 'vec4b': 'bvec4', 'mat2x2<f32>': 'mat2', 'mat2x2f': 'mat2', 'mat3x3<f32>': 'mat3', 'mat3x3f': 'mat3', 'mat4x4<f32>': 'mat4', 'mat4x4f': 'mat4', 'sampler': 'sampler', 'texture_1d': 'texture', 'texture_2d': 'texture', 'texture_2d_array': 'texture', 'texture_multisampled_2d': 'cubeTexture', 'texture_depth_2d': 'depthTexture', 'texture_depth_multisampled_2d': 'depthTexture', 'texture_3d': 'texture3D', 'texture_cube': 'cubeTexture', 'texture_cube_array': 'cubeTexture', 'texture_storage_1d': 'storageTexture', 'texture_storage_2d': 'storageTexture', 'texture_storage_2d_array': 'storageTexture', 'texture_storage_3d': 'storageTexture' }; const parse = ( source ) => { source = source.trim(); const declaration = source.match( declarationRegexp ); if ( declaration !== null && declaration.length === 4 ) { const inputsCode = declaration[ 2 ]; const propsMatches = []; let match = null; while ( ( match = propertiesRegexp.exec( inputsCode ) ) !== null ) { propsMatches.push( { name: match[ 1 ], type: match[ 2 ] } ); } // Process matches to correctly pair names and types const inputs = []; for ( let i = 0; i < propsMatches.length; i ++ ) { const { name, type } = propsMatches[ i ]; let resolvedType = type; if ( resolvedType.startsWith( 'ptr' ) ) { resolvedType = 'pointer'; } else { if ( resolvedType.startsWith( 'texture' ) ) { resolvedType = type.split( '<' )[ 0 ]; } resolvedType = wgslTypeLib[ resolvedType ]; } inputs.push( new NodeFunctionInput( resolvedType, name ) ); } const blockCode = source.substring( declaration[ 0 ].length ); const outputType = declaration[ 3 ] || 'void'; const name = declaration[ 1 ] !== undefined ? declaration[ 1 ] : ''; const type = wgslTypeLib[ outputType ] || outputType; return { type, inputs, name, inputsCode, blockCode, outputType }; } else { throw new Error( 'FunctionNode: Function is not a WGSL code.' ); } }; /** * This class represents a WSL node function. * * @augments NodeFunction */ class WGSLNodeFunction extends NodeFunction { /** * Constructs a new WGSL node function. * * @param {String} source - The WGSL source. */ constructor( source ) { const { type, inputs, name, inputsCode, blockCode, outputType } = parse( source ); super( type, inputs, name ); this.inputsCode = inputsCode; this.blockCode = blockCode; this.outputType = outputType; } /** * This method returns the WGSL code of the node function. * * @param {String} [] - The function's name. * @return {String} The shader code. */ getCode( name = ) { const outputType = this.outputType !== 'void' ? '-> ' + this.outputType : ''; return `fn ${ name } ( ${ this.inputsCode.trim() } ) ${ outputType }` + this.blockCode; } } export default WGSLNodeFunction;