MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import NodeUniformsGroup from '../../common/nodes/NodeUniformsGroup.js';
import NodeSampler from '../../common/nodes/NodeSampler.js';
import { NodeSampledTexture, NodeSampledCubeTexture, NodeSampledTexture3D } from '../../common/nodes/NodeSampledTexture.js';
import NodeUniformBuffer from '../../common/nodes/NodeUniformBuffer.js';
import NodeStorageBuffer from '../../common/nodes/NodeStorageBuffer.js';
import { NodeBuilder, CodeNode } from '../../../nodes/Nodes.js';
import { getFormat } from '../utils/WebGPUTextureUtils.js';
import WGSLNodeParser from './WGSLNodeParser.js';
import { NodeAccess } from '../../../nodes/core/constants.js';
import VarNode from '../../../nodes/core/VarNode.js';
import ExpressionNode from '../../../nodes/code/ExpressionNode.js';
import { NoColorSpace, FloatType, RepeatWrapping, ClampToEdgeWrapping, MirroredRepeatWrapping, NearestFilter } from '../../../constants.js';
// GPUShaderStage is not defined in browsers not supporting WebGPU
const GPUShaderStage = ( typeof self !== 'undefined' ) ? self.GPUShaderStage : { VERTEX: 1, FRAGMENT: 2, COMPUTE: 4 };
const accessNames = {
[ NodeAccess.READ_ONLY ]: 'read',
[ NodeAccess.WRITE_ONLY ]: 'write',
[ NodeAccess.READ_WRITE ]: 'read_write'
const wrapNames = {
[ RepeatWrapping ]: 'repeat',
[ ClampToEdgeWrapping ]: 'clamp',
[ MirroredRepeatWrapping ]: 'mirror'
const gpuShaderStageLib = {
'vertex': GPUShaderStage ? GPUShaderStage.VERTEX : 1,
'fragment': GPUShaderStage ? GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT : 2,
'compute': GPUShaderStage ? GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE : 4
const supports = {
instance: true,
swizzleAssign: false,
storageBuffer: true
const wgslFnOpLib = {
'^^': 'tsl_xor'
const wgslTypeLib = {
float: 'f32',
int: 'i32',
uint: 'u32',
bool: 'bool',
color: 'vec3<f32>',
vec2: 'vec2<f32>',
ivec2: 'vec2<i32>',
uvec2: 'vec2<u32>',
bvec2: 'vec2<bool>',
vec3: 'vec3<f32>',
ivec3: 'vec3<i32>',
uvec3: 'vec3<u32>',
bvec3: 'vec3<bool>',
vec4: 'vec4<f32>',
ivec4: 'vec4<i32>',
uvec4: 'vec4<u32>',
bvec4: 'vec4<bool>',
mat2: 'mat2x2<f32>',
mat3: 'mat3x3<f32>',
mat4: 'mat4x4<f32>'
const wgslCodeCache = {};
const wgslPolyfill = {
tsl_xor: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_xor( a : bool, b : bool ) -> bool { return ( a || b ) && !( a && b ); }' ),
mod_float: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_mod_float( x : f32, y : f32 ) -> f32 { return x - y * floor( x / y ); }' ),
mod_vec2: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_mod_vec2( x : vec2f, y : vec2f ) -> vec2f { return x - y * floor( x / y ); }' ),
mod_vec3: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_mod_vec3( x : vec3f, y : vec3f ) -> vec3f { return x - y * floor( x / y ); }' ),
mod_vec4: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_mod_vec4( x : vec4f, y : vec4f ) -> vec4f { return x - y * floor( x / y ); }' ),
equals_bool: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_equals_bool( a : bool, b : bool ) -> bool { return a == b; }' ),
equals_bvec2: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_equals_bvec2( a : vec2f, b : vec2f ) -> vec2<bool> { return vec2<bool>( a.x == b.x, a.y == b.y ); }' ),
equals_bvec3: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_equals_bvec3( a : vec3f, b : vec3f ) -> vec3<bool> { return vec3<bool>( a.x == b.x, a.y == b.y, a.z == b.z ); }' ),
equals_bvec4: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_equals_bvec4( a : vec4f, b : vec4f ) -> vec4<bool> { return vec4<bool>( a.x == b.x, a.y == b.y, a.z == b.z, a.w == b.w ); }' ),
repeatWrapping_float: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_repeatWrapping_float( coord: f32 ) -> f32 { return fract( coord ); }' ),
mirrorWrapping_float: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_mirrorWrapping_float( coord: f32 ) -> f32 { let mirrored = fract( coord * 0.5 ) * 2.0; return 1.0 - abs( 1.0 - mirrored ); }' ),
clampWrapping_float: new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_clampWrapping_float( coord: f32 ) -> f32 { return clamp( coord, 0.0, 1.0 ); }' ),
biquadraticTexture: new CodeNode( /* wgsl */`
fn tsl_biquadraticTexture( map : texture_2d<f32>, coord : vec2f, iRes : vec2u, level : u32 ) -> vec4f {
let res = vec2f( iRes );
let uvScaled = coord * res;
let uvWrapping = ( ( uvScaled % res ) + res ) % res;
let uv = uvWrapping - 0.5;
let iuv = floor( uv );
let f = fract( uv );
let rg1 = textureLoad( map, vec2u( iuv + vec2( 0.5, 0.5 ) ) % iRes, level );
let rg2 = textureLoad( map, vec2u( iuv + vec2( 1.5, 0.5 ) ) % iRes, level );
let rg3 = textureLoad( map, vec2u( iuv + vec2( 0.5, 1.5 ) ) % iRes, level );
let rg4 = textureLoad( map, vec2u( iuv + vec2( 1.5, 1.5 ) ) % iRes, level );
return mix( mix( rg1, rg2, f.x ), mix( rg3, rg4, f.x ), f.y );
` )
const wgslMethods = {
dFdx: 'dpdx',
dFdy: '- dpdy',
mod_float: 'tsl_mod_float',
mod_vec2: 'tsl_mod_vec2',
mod_vec3: 'tsl_mod_vec3',
mod_vec4: 'tsl_mod_vec4',
equals_bool: 'tsl_equals_bool',
equals_bvec2: 'tsl_equals_bvec2',
equals_bvec3: 'tsl_equals_bvec3',
equals_bvec4: 'tsl_equals_bvec4',
inversesqrt: 'inverseSqrt',
bitcast: 'bitcast<f32>'
// WebGPU issue: does not support pow() with negative base on Windows
if ( typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Windows/g.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
wgslPolyfill.pow_float = new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_pow_float( a : f32, b : f32 ) -> f32 { return select( -pow( -a, b ), pow( a, b ), a > 0.0 ); }' );
wgslPolyfill.pow_vec2 = new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_pow_vec2( a : vec2f, b : vec2f ) -> vec2f { return vec2f( tsl_pow_float( a.x, b.x ), tsl_pow_float( a.y, b.y ) ); }', [ wgslPolyfill.pow_float ] );
wgslPolyfill.pow_vec3 = new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_pow_vec3( a : vec3f, b : vec3f ) -> vec3f { return vec3f( tsl_pow_float( a.x, b.x ), tsl_pow_float( a.y, b.y ), tsl_pow_float( a.z, b.z ) ); }', [ wgslPolyfill.pow_float ] );
wgslPolyfill.pow_vec4 = new CodeNode( 'fn tsl_pow_vec4( a : vec4f, b : vec4f ) -> vec4f { return vec4f( tsl_pow_float( a.x, b.x ), tsl_pow_float( a.y, b.y ), tsl_pow_float( a.z, b.z ), tsl_pow_float( a.w, b.w ) ); }', [ wgslPolyfill.pow_float ] );
wgslMethods.pow_float = 'tsl_pow_float';
wgslMethods.pow_vec2 = 'tsl_pow_vec2';
wgslMethods.pow_vec3 = 'tsl_pow_vec3';
wgslMethods.pow_vec4 = 'tsl_pow_vec4';
let diagnostics = '';
if ( ( typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /Firefox|Deno/g.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) !== true ) {
diagnostics += 'diagnostic( off, derivative_uniformity );\n';
* A node builder targeting WGSL.
* This module generates WGSL shader code from node materials and also
* generates the respective bindings and vertex buffer definitions. These
* data are later used by the renderer to create render and compute pipelines
* for render objects.
* @augments NodeBuilder
class WGSLNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder {
* Constructs a new WGSL node builder renderer.
* @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object.
* @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer.
constructor( object, renderer ) {
super( object, renderer, new WGSLNodeParser() );
* A dictionary that holds for each shader stage ('vertex', 'fragment', 'compute')
* another dictionary which manages UBOs per group ('render','frame','object').
* @type {Object<String,Object<String,NodeUniformsGroup>>}
this.uniformGroups = {};
* A dictionary that holds for each shader stage a Map of builtins.
* @type {Object<String,Map<String,Object>>}
this.builtins = {};
* A dictionary that holds for each shader stage a Set of directives.
* @type {Object<String,Set<String>>}
this.directives = {};
* A map for managing scope arrays. Only relevant for when using
* {@link module:WorkgroupInfoNode} in context of compute shaders.
* @type {Map<String,Object>}
this.scopedArrays = new Map();
* Checks if the given texture requires a manual conversion to the working color space.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture to check.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the given texture requires a conversion to working color space or not.
needsToWorkingColorSpace( texture ) {
return texture.isVideoTexture === true && texture.colorSpace !== NoColorSpace;
* Generates the WGSL snippet for sampled textures.
* @private
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
_generateTextureSample( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
if ( depthSnippet ) {
return `textureSample( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ depthSnippet } )`;
} else {
return `textureSample( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet } )`;
} else if ( this.isFilteredTexture( texture ) ) {
return this.generateFilteredTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet );
} else {
return this.generateTextureLod( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, '0' );
* Generates the WGSL snippet when sampling video textures.
* @private
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the video texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
_generateVideoSample( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
return `textureSampleBaseClampToEdge( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, vec2<f32>( ${ uvSnippet }.x, 1.0 - ${ uvSnippet }.y ) )`;
} else {
console.error( `WebGPURenderer: THREE.VideoTexture does not support ${ shaderStage } shader.` );
* Generates the WGSL snippet when sampling textures with explicit mip level.
* @private
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} levelSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
_generateTextureSampleLevel( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( ( shaderStage === 'fragment' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) && this.isUnfilterable( texture ) === false ) {
return `textureSampleLevel( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ levelSnippet } )`;
} else if ( this.isFilteredTexture( texture ) ) {
return this.generateFilteredTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet );
} else {
return this.generateTextureLod( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, levelSnippet );
* Generates a wrap function used in context of textures.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture to generate the function for.
* @return {String} The name of the generated function.
generateWrapFunction( texture ) {
const functionName = `tsl_coord_${ wrapNames[ texture.wrapS ] }S_${ wrapNames[ texture.wrapT ] }_${texture.isData3DTexture ? '3d' : '2d'}T`;
let nodeCode = wgslCodeCache[ functionName ];
if ( nodeCode === undefined ) {
const includes = [];
// For 3D textures, use vec3f; for texture arrays, keep vec2f since array index is separate
const coordType = texture.isData3DTexture ? 'vec3f' : 'vec2f';
let code = `fn ${functionName}( coord : ${coordType} ) -> ${coordType} {\n\n\treturn ${coordType}(\n`;
const addWrapSnippet = ( wrap, axis ) => {
if ( wrap === RepeatWrapping ) {
includes.push( wgslPolyfill.repeatWrapping_float );
code += `\t\ttsl_repeatWrapping_float( coord.${ axis } )`;
} else if ( wrap === ClampToEdgeWrapping ) {
includes.push( wgslPolyfill.clampWrapping_float );
code += `\t\ttsl_clampWrapping_float( coord.${ axis } )`;
} else if ( wrap === MirroredRepeatWrapping ) {
includes.push( wgslPolyfill.mirrorWrapping_float );
code += `\t\ttsl_mirrorWrapping_float( coord.${ axis } )`;
} else {
code += `\t\tcoord.${ axis }`;
console.warn( `WebGPURenderer: Unsupported texture wrap type "${ wrap }" for vertex shader.` );
addWrapSnippet( texture.wrapS, 'x' );
code += ',\n';
addWrapSnippet( texture.wrapT, 'y' );
if ( texture.isData3DTexture ) {
code += ',\n';
addWrapSnippet( texture.wrapR, 'z' );
code += '\n\t);\n\n}\n';
wgslCodeCache[ functionName ] = nodeCode = new CodeNode( code, includes );
} this );
return functionName;
* Generates the array declaration string.
* @param {String} type - The type.
* @param {Number?} [count] - The count.
* @return {String} The generated value as a shader string.
generateArrayDeclaration( type, count ) {
return `array< ${ this.getType( type ) }, ${ count } >`;
* Generates a WGSL variable that holds the texture dimension of the given texture.
* It also returns information about the the number of layers (elements) of an arrayed
* texture as well as the cube face count of cube textures.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture to generate the function for.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the video texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} levelSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @return {String} The name of the dimension variable.
generateTextureDimension( texture, textureProperty, levelSnippet ) {
const textureData = this.getDataFromNode( texture, this.shaderStage, this.globalCache );
if ( textureData.dimensionsSnippet === undefined ) textureData.dimensionsSnippet = {};
let textureDimensionNode = textureData.dimensionsSnippet[ levelSnippet ];
if ( textureData.dimensionsSnippet[ levelSnippet ] === undefined ) {
let textureDimensionsParams;
let dimensionType;
const { primarySamples } = this.renderer.backend.utils.getTextureSampleData( texture );
const isMultisampled = primarySamples > 1;
if ( texture.isData3DTexture ) {
dimensionType = 'vec3<u32>';
} else {
// Regular 2D textures, depth textures, etc.
dimensionType = 'vec2<u32>';
// Build parameters string based on texture type and multisampling
if ( isMultisampled || texture.isVideoTexture || texture.isStorageTexture ) {
textureDimensionsParams = textureProperty;
} else {
textureDimensionsParams = `${textureProperty}${levelSnippet ? `, u32( ${ levelSnippet } )` : ''}`;
textureDimensionNode = new VarNode( new ExpressionNode( `textureDimensions( ${ textureDimensionsParams } )`, dimensionType ) );
textureData.dimensionsSnippet[ levelSnippet ] = textureDimensionNode;
if ( texture.isDataArrayTexture || texture.isData3DTexture ) {
textureData.arrayLayerCount = new VarNode(
new ExpressionNode(
// For cube textures, we know it's always 6 faces
if ( texture.isTextureCube ) {
textureData.cubeFaceCount = new VarNode(
new ExpressionNode( '6u', 'u32' )
return this );
* Generates the WGSL snippet for a manual filtered texture.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} levelSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateFilteredTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet = '0u' ) {
this._include( 'biquadraticTexture' );
const wrapFunction = this.generateWrapFunction( texture );
const textureDimension = this.generateTextureDimension( texture, textureProperty, levelSnippet );
return `tsl_biquadraticTexture( ${ textureProperty }, ${ wrapFunction }( ${ uvSnippet } ), ${ textureDimension }, u32( ${ levelSnippet } ) )`;
* Generates the WGSL snippet for a texture lookup with explicit level-of-detail.
* Since it's a lookup, no sampling or filtering is applied.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [levelSnippet='0u'] - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureLod( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, levelSnippet = '0u' ) {
const wrapFunction = this.generateWrapFunction( texture );
const textureDimension = this.generateTextureDimension( texture, textureProperty, levelSnippet );
const vecType = texture.isData3DTexture ? 'vec3' : 'vec2';
const coordSnippet = `${vecType}<u32>(${wrapFunction}(${uvSnippet}) * ${vecType}<f32>(${textureDimension}))`;
return this.generateTextureLoad( texture, textureProperty, coordSnippet, depthSnippet, levelSnippet );
* Generates the WGSL snippet that reads a single texel from a texture without sampling or filtering.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvIndexSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [levelSnippet='0u'] - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureLoad( texture, textureProperty, uvIndexSnippet, depthSnippet, levelSnippet = '0u' ) {
if ( texture.isVideoTexture === true || texture.isStorageTexture === true ) {
return `textureLoad( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvIndexSnippet } )`;
} else if ( depthSnippet ) {
return `textureLoad( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvIndexSnippet }, ${ depthSnippet }, u32( ${ levelSnippet } ) )`;
} else {
return `textureLoad( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvIndexSnippet }, u32( ${ levelSnippet } ) )`;
* Generates the WGSL snippet that writes a single texel to a texture.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvIndexSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} valueSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represent the new texel value.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureStore( texture, textureProperty, uvIndexSnippet, valueSnippet ) {
return `textureStore( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvIndexSnippet }, ${ valueSnippet } )`;
* Returns `true` if the sampled values of the given texture should be compared against a reference value.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the sampled values of the given texture should be compared against a reference value or not.
isSampleCompare( texture ) {
return texture.isDepthTexture === true && texture.compareFunction !== null;
* Returns `true` if the given texture is unfilterable.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the given texture is unfilterable or not.
isUnfilterable( texture ) {
return this.getComponentTypeFromTexture( texture ) !== 'float' ||
( ! this.isAvailable( 'float32Filterable' ) && texture.isDataTexture === true && texture.type === FloatType ) ||
( this.isSampleCompare( texture ) === false && texture.minFilter === NearestFilter && texture.magFilter === NearestFilter ) ||
this.renderer.backend.utils.getTextureSampleData( texture ).primarySamples > 1;
* Generates the WGSL snippet for sampling/loading the given texture.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
let snippet = null;
if ( texture.isVideoTexture === true ) {
snippet = this._generateVideoSample( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage );
} else if ( this.isUnfilterable( texture ) ) {
snippet = this.generateTextureLod( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, '0', shaderStage );
} else {
snippet = this._generateTextureSample( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage );
return snippet;
* Generates the WGSL snippet for sampling/loading the given texture using explicit gradients.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {Array<String>} gradSnippet - An array holding both gradient WGSL snippets.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureGrad( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, gradSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
// TODO handle i32 or u32 --> uvSnippet, array_index: A, ddx, ddy
return `textureSampleGrad( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ gradSnippet[ 0 ] }, ${ gradSnippet[ 1 ] } )`;
} else {
console.error( `WebGPURenderer: THREE.TextureNode.gradient() does not support ${ shaderStage } shader.` );
* Generates the WGSL snippet for sampling a depth texture and comparing the sampled depth values
* against a reference value.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} compareSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the reference value.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureCompare( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, compareSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
return `textureSampleCompare( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ compareSnippet } )`;
} else {
console.error( `WebGPURenderer: THREE.DepthTexture.compareFunction() does not support ${ shaderStage } shader.` );
* Generates the WGSL snippet when sampling textures with explicit mip level.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} levelSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureLevel( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
let snippet = null;
if ( texture.isVideoTexture === true ) {
snippet = this._generateVideoSample( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage );
} else {
snippet = this._generateTextureSampleLevel( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage );
return snippet;
* Generates the WGSL snippet when sampling textures with a bias to the mip level.
* @param {Texture} texture - The texture.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling.
* @param {String} biasSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents the bias to apply to the mip level before sampling.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - A WGSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet.
generateTextureBias( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
return `textureSampleBias( ${ textureProperty }, ${ textureProperty }_sampler, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ biasSnippet } )`;
} else {
console.error( `WebGPURenderer: THREE.TextureNode.biasNode does not support ${ shaderStage } shader.` );
* Returns a WGSL snippet that represents the property name of the given node.
* @param {Node} node - The node.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The property name.
getPropertyName( node, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( node.isNodeVarying === true && node.needsInterpolation === true ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
return `varyings.${ }`;
} else if ( node.isNodeUniform === true ) {
const name =;
const type = node.type;
if ( type === 'texture' || type === 'cubeTexture' || type === 'storageTexture' || type === 'texture3D' ) {
return name;
} else if ( type === 'buffer' || type === 'storageBuffer' || type === 'indirectStorageBuffer' ) {
if ( this.isCustomStruct( node ) ) {
return name;
return name + '.value';
} else {
return + '.' + name;
return super.getPropertyName( node );
* Returns the output struct name.
* @return {String} The name of the output struct.
getOutputStructName() {
return 'output';
* Returns uniforms group count for the given shader stage.
* @private
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {Number} The uniforms group count for the given shader stage.
_getUniformGroupCount( shaderStage ) {
return Object.keys( this.uniforms[ shaderStage ] ).length;
* Returns the native shader operator name for a given generic name.
* @param {String} op - The operator name to resolve.
* @return {String} The resolved operator name.
getFunctionOperator( op ) {
const fnOp = wgslFnOpLib[ op ];
if ( fnOp !== undefined ) {
this._include( fnOp );
return fnOp;
return null;
* Returns the node access for the given node and shader stage.
* @param {StorageTextureNode|StorageBufferNode} node - The storage node.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The node access.
getNodeAccess( node, shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage !== 'compute' )
return NodeAccess.READ_ONLY;
return node.access;
* Returns A WGSL snippet representing the storage access.
* @param {StorageTextureNode|StorageBufferNode} node - The storage node.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet representing the storage access.
getStorageAccess( node, shaderStage ) {
return accessNames[ this.getNodeAccess( node, shaderStage ) ];
* This method is one of the more important ones since it's responsible
* for generating a matching binding instance for the given uniform node.
* These bindings are later used in the renderer to create bind groups
* and layouts.
* @param {UniformNode} node - The uniform node.
* @param {String} type - The node data type.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @param {String?} [name=null] - An optional uniform name.
* @return {NodeUniform} The node uniform object.
getUniformFromNode( node, type, shaderStage, name = null ) {
const uniformNode = super.getUniformFromNode( node, type, shaderStage, name );
const nodeData = this.getDataFromNode( node, shaderStage, this.globalCache );
if ( nodeData.uniformGPU === undefined ) {
let uniformGPU;
const group = node.groupNode;
const groupName =;
const bindings = this.getBindGroupArray( groupName, shaderStage );
if ( type === 'texture' || type === 'cubeTexture' || type === 'storageTexture' || type === 'texture3D' ) {
let texture = null;
const access = this.getNodeAccess( node, shaderStage );
if ( type === 'texture' || type === 'storageTexture' ) {
texture = new NodeSampledTexture(, uniformNode.node, group, access );
} else if ( type === 'cubeTexture' ) {
texture = new NodeSampledCubeTexture(, uniformNode.node, group, access );
} else if ( type === 'texture3D' ) {
texture = new NodeSampledTexture3D(, uniformNode.node, group, access );
} = node.isStorageTextureNode === true;
texture.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
if ( ( shaderStage === 'fragment' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) && this.isUnfilterable( node.value ) === false && === false ) {
const sampler = new NodeSampler( `${ }_sampler`, uniformNode.node, group );
sampler.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
bindings.push( sampler, texture );
uniformGPU = [ sampler, texture ];
} else {
bindings.push( texture );
uniformGPU = [ texture ];
} else if ( type === 'buffer' || type === 'storageBuffer' || type === 'indirectStorageBuffer' ) {
const bufferClass = type === 'buffer' ? NodeUniformBuffer : NodeStorageBuffer;
const buffer = new bufferClass( node, group );
buffer.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
bindings.push( buffer );
uniformGPU = buffer; = name ? name : 'NodeBuffer_' +;
} else {
const uniformsStage = this.uniformGroups[ shaderStage ] || ( this.uniformGroups[ shaderStage ] = {} );
let uniformsGroup = uniformsStage[ groupName ];
if ( uniformsGroup === undefined ) {
uniformsGroup = new NodeUniformsGroup( groupName, group );
uniformsGroup.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
uniformsStage[ groupName ] = uniformsGroup;
bindings.push( uniformsGroup );
uniformGPU = this.getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type );
uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformGPU );
nodeData.uniformGPU = uniformGPU;
return uniformNode;
* This method should be used whenever builtins are required in nodes.
* The internal builtins data structure will make sure builtins are
* defined in the WGSL source.
* @param {String} name - The builtin name.
* @param {String} property - The property name.
* @param {String} type - The node data type.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} The property name.
getBuiltin( name, property, type, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
const map = this.builtins[ shaderStage ] || ( this.builtins[ shaderStage ] = new Map() );
if ( map.has( name ) === false ) {
map.set( name, {
} );
return property;
* Returns `true` if the given builtin is defined in the given shader stage.
* @param {String} name - The builtin name.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for.
* @return {String} Whether the given builtin is defined in the given shader stage or not.
hasBuiltin( name, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
return ( this.builtins[ shaderStage ] !== undefined && this.builtins[ shaderStage ].has( name ) );
* Returns the vertex index builtin.
* @return {String} The vertex index.
getVertexIndex() {
if ( this.shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
return this.getBuiltin( 'vertex_index', 'vertexIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
return 'vertexIndex';
* Builds the given shader node.
* @param {ShaderNodeInternal} shaderNode - The shader node.
* @return {String} The WGSL function code.
buildFunctionCode( shaderNode ) {
const layout = shaderNode.layout;
const flowData = this.flowShaderNode( shaderNode );
const parameters = [];
for ( const input of layout.inputs ) {
parameters.push( + ' : ' + this.getType( input.type ) );
let code = `fn ${ }( ${ parameters.join( ', ' ) } ) -> ${ this.getType( layout.type ) } {
${ flowData.vars }
${ flowData.code }
if ( flowData.result ) {
code += `\treturn ${ flowData.result };\n`;
code += '\n}\n';
return code;
* Returns the instance index builtin.
* @return {String} The instance index.
getInstanceIndex() {
if ( this.shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
return this.getBuiltin( 'instance_index', 'instanceIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
return 'instanceIndex';
* Returns the invocation local index builtin.
* @return {String} The invocation local index.
getInvocationLocalIndex() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'local_invocation_index', 'invocationLocalIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
* Returns the subgroup size builtin.
* @return {String} The subgroup size.
getSubgroupSize() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'subgroup_size', 'subgroupSize', 'u32', 'attribute' );
* Returns the invocation subgroup index builtin.
* @return {String} The invocation subgroup index.
getInvocationSubgroupIndex() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'subgroup_invocation_id', 'invocationSubgroupIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
* Returns the subgroup index builtin.
* @return {String} The subgroup index.
getSubgroupIndex() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'subgroup_id', 'subgroupIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
* Overwritten as a NOP since this method is intended for the WebGL 2 backend.
* @return {null} Null.
getDrawIndex() {
return null;
* Returns the front facing builtin.
* @return {String} The front facing builtin.
getFrontFacing() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'front_facing', 'isFront', 'bool' );
* Returns the frag coord builtin.
* @return {String} The frag coord builtin.
getFragCoord() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'position', 'fragCoord', 'vec4<f32>' ) + '.xy';
* Returns the frag depth builtin.
* @return {String} The frag depth builtin.
getFragDepth() {
return 'output.' + this.getBuiltin( 'frag_depth', 'depth', 'f32', 'output' );
* Returns the clip distances builtin.
* @return {String} The clip distances builtin.
getClipDistance() {
return 'varyings.hw_clip_distances';
* Whether to flip texture data along its vertical axis or not.
* @return {Boolean} Returns always `false` in context of WGSL.
isFlipY() {
return false;
* Enables the given directive for the given shader stage.
* @param {String} name - The directive name.
* @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage to enable the directive for.
enableDirective( name, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
const stage = this.directives[ shaderStage ] || ( this.directives[ shaderStage ] = new Set() );
stage.add( name );
* Returns the directives of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} A WGSL snippet that enables the directives of the given stage.
getDirectives( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
const directives = this.directives[ shaderStage ];
if ( directives !== undefined ) {
for ( const directive of directives ) {
snippets.push( `enable ${directive};` );
return snippets.join( '\n' );
* Enables the 'subgroups' directive.
enableSubGroups() {
this.enableDirective( 'subgroups' );
* Enables the 'subgroups-f16' directive.
enableSubgroupsF16() {
this.enableDirective( 'subgroups-f16' );
* Enables the 'clip_distances' directive.
enableClipDistances() {
this.enableDirective( 'clip_distances' );
* Enables the 'f16' directive.
enableShaderF16() {
this.enableDirective( 'f16' );
* Enables the 'dual_source_blending' directive.
enableDualSourceBlending() {
this.enableDirective( 'dual_source_blending' );
* Enables hardware clipping.
* @param {String} planeCount - The clipping plane count.
enableHardwareClipping( planeCount ) {
this.getBuiltin( 'clip_distances', 'hw_clip_distances', `array<f32, ${ planeCount } >`, 'vertex' );
* Returns the builtins of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} A WGSL snippet that represents the builtins of the given stage.
getBuiltins( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
const builtins = this.builtins[ shaderStage ];
if ( builtins !== undefined ) {
for ( const { name, property, type } of builtins.values() ) {
snippets.push( `@builtin( ${name} ) ${property} : ${type}` );
return snippets.join( ',\n\t' );
* This method should be used when a new scoped buffer is used in context of
* compute shaders. It adds the array to the internal data structure which is
* later used to generate the respective WGSL.
* @param {String} name - The array name.
* @param {String} scope - The scope.
* @param {String} bufferType - The buffer type.
* @param {String} bufferCount - The buffer count.
* @return {String} The array name.
getScopedArray( name, scope, bufferType, bufferCount ) {
if ( this.scopedArrays.has( name ) === false ) {
this.scopedArrays.set( name, {
} );
return name;
* Returns the scoped arrays of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String|undefined} The WGSL snippet that defines the scoped arrays.
* Returns `undefined` when used in the vertex or fragment stage.
getScopedArrays( shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage !== 'compute' ) {
const snippets = [];
for ( const { name, scope, bufferType, bufferCount } of this.scopedArrays.values() ) {
const type = this.getType( bufferType );
snippets.push( `var<${scope}> ${name}: array< ${type}, ${bufferCount} >;` );
return snippets.join( '\n' );
* Returns the shader attributes of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the shader attributes.
getAttributes( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
if ( shaderStage === 'compute' ) {
this.getBuiltin( 'global_invocation_id', 'globalId', 'vec3<u32>', 'attribute' );
this.getBuiltin( 'workgroup_id', 'workgroupId', 'vec3<u32>', 'attribute' );
this.getBuiltin( 'local_invocation_id', 'localId', 'vec3<u32>', 'attribute' );
this.getBuiltin( 'num_workgroups', 'numWorkgroups', 'vec3<u32>', 'attribute' );
if ( this.renderer.hasFeature( 'subgroups' ) ) {
this.enableDirective( 'subgroups', shaderStage );
this.getBuiltin( 'subgroup_size', 'subgroupSize', 'u32', 'attribute' );
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) {
const builtins = this.getBuiltins( 'attribute' );
if ( builtins ) snippets.push( builtins );
const attributes = this.getAttributesArray();
for ( let index = 0, length = attributes.length; index < length; index ++ ) {
const attribute = attributes[ index ];
const name =;
const type = this.getType( attribute.type );
snippets.push( `@location( ${index} ) ${ name } : ${ type }` );
return snippets.join( ',\n\t' );
* Returns the members of the given struct type node as a WGSL string.
* @param {StructTypeNode} struct - The struct type node.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the struct members.
getStructMembers( struct ) {
const snippets = [];
for ( const member of struct.members ) {
const prefix = struct.output ? '@location( ' + member.index + ' ) ' : '';
let type = this.getType( member.type );
if ( member.atomic ) {
type = 'atomic< ' + type + ' >';
snippets.push( `\t${ prefix + } : ${ type }` );
return snippets.join( ',\n' );
* Returns the structs of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the structs.
getStructs( shaderStage ) {
let result = '';
const structs = this.structs[ shaderStage ];
if ( structs.length > 0 ) {
const snippets = [];
for ( const struct of structs ) {
let snippet = `struct ${ } {\n`;
snippet += this.getStructMembers( struct );
snippet += '\n};';
snippets.push( snippet );
result = '\n' + snippets.join( '\n\n' ) + '\n';
return result;
* Returns a WGSL string representing a variable.
* @param {String} type - The variable's type.
* @param {String} name - The variable's name.
* @param {Number?} [count=null] - The array length.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines a variable.
getVar( type, name, count = null ) {
let snippet = `var ${ name } : `;
if ( count !== null ) {
snippet += this.generateArrayDeclaration( type, count );
} else {
snippet += this.getType( type );
return snippet;
* Returns the variables of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the variables.
getVars( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ];
if ( vars !== undefined ) {
for ( const variable of vars ) {
snippets.push( `\t${ this.getVar( variable.type,, variable.count ) };` );
return `\n${ snippets.join( '\n' ) }\n`;
* Returns the varyings of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the varyings.
getVaryings( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
this.getBuiltin( 'position', 'Vertex', 'vec4<f32>', 'vertex' );
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' || shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
const varyings = this.varyings;
const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ];
for ( let index = 0; index < varyings.length; index ++ ) {
const varying = varyings[ index ];
if ( varying.needsInterpolation ) {
let attributesSnippet = `@location( ${index} )`;
if ( /^(int|uint|ivec|uvec)/.test( varying.type ) ) {
attributesSnippet += ' @interpolate( flat )';
snippets.push( `${ attributesSnippet } ${ } : ${ this.getType( varying.type ) }` );
} else if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' && vars.includes( varying ) === false ) {
vars.push( varying );
const builtins = this.getBuiltins( shaderStage );
if ( builtins ) snippets.push( builtins );
const code = snippets.join( ',\n\t' );
return shaderStage === 'vertex' ? this._getWGSLStruct( 'VaryingsStruct', '\t' + code ) : code;
isCustomStruct( nodeUniform ) {
return nodeUniform.value.isStorageBufferAttribute && nodeUniform.node.structTypeNode !== null;
* Returns the uniforms of the given shader stage as a WGSL string.
* @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet that defines the uniforms.
getUniforms( shaderStage ) {
const uniforms = this.uniforms[ shaderStage ];
const bindingSnippets = [];
const bufferSnippets = [];
const structSnippets = [];
const uniformGroups = {};
for ( const uniform of uniforms ) {
const groupName =;
const uniformIndexes = this.bindingsIndexes[ groupName ];
if ( uniform.type === 'texture' || uniform.type === 'cubeTexture' || uniform.type === 'storageTexture' || uniform.type === 'texture3D' ) {
const texture = uniform.node.value;
if ( ( shaderStage === 'fragment' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) && this.isUnfilterable( texture ) === false && uniform.node.isStorageTextureNode !== true ) {
if ( this.isSampleCompare( texture ) ) {
bindingSnippets.push( `@binding( ${ uniformIndexes.binding ++ } ) @group( ${ } ) var ${ }_sampler : sampler_comparison;` );
} else {
bindingSnippets.push( `@binding( ${ uniformIndexes.binding ++ } ) @group( ${ } ) var ${ }_sampler : sampler;` );
let textureType;
let multisampled = '';
const { primarySamples } = this.renderer.backend.utils.getTextureSampleData( texture );
if ( primarySamples > 1 ) {
multisampled = '_multisampled';
if ( texture.isCubeTexture === true ) {
textureType = 'texture_cube<f32>';
} else if ( texture.isDataArrayTexture === true || texture.isCompressedArrayTexture === true ) {
textureType = 'texture_2d_array<f32>';
} else if ( texture.isDepthTexture === true ) {
textureType = `texture_depth${multisampled}_2d`;
} else if ( texture.isVideoTexture === true ) {
textureType = 'texture_external';
} else if ( texture.isData3DTexture === true ) {
textureType = 'texture_3d<f32>';
} else if ( uniform.node.isStorageTextureNode === true ) {
const format = getFormat( texture );
const access = this.getStorageAccess( uniform.node, shaderStage );
textureType = `texture_storage_2d<${ format }, ${ access }>`;
} else {
const componentPrefix = this.getComponentTypeFromTexture( texture ).charAt( 0 );
textureType = `texture${ multisampled }_2d<${ componentPrefix }32>`;
bindingSnippets.push( `@binding( ${ uniformIndexes.binding ++ } ) @group( ${ } ) var ${ } : ${ textureType };` );
} else if ( uniform.type === 'buffer' || uniform.type === 'storageBuffer' || uniform.type === 'indirectStorageBuffer' ) {
const bufferNode = uniform.node;
const bufferType = this.getType( bufferNode.getNodeType( this ) );
const bufferCount = bufferNode.bufferCount;
const bufferCountSnippet = bufferCount > 0 && uniform.type === 'buffer' ? ', ' + bufferCount : '';
const bufferAccessMode = bufferNode.isStorageBufferNode ? `storage, ${ this.getStorageAccess( bufferNode, shaderStage ) }` : 'uniform';
if ( this.isCustomStruct( uniform ) ) {
bufferSnippets.push( `@binding( ${ uniformIndexes.binding ++ } ) @group( ${ } ) var<${ bufferAccessMode }> ${ } : ${ bufferType };` );
} else {
const bufferTypeSnippet = bufferNode.isAtomic ? `atomic<${ bufferType }>` : `${ bufferType }`;
const bufferSnippet = `\tvalue : array< ${ bufferTypeSnippet }${ bufferCountSnippet } >`;
bufferSnippets.push( this._getWGSLStructBinding(, bufferSnippet, bufferAccessMode, uniformIndexes.binding ++, ) );
} else {
const vectorType = this.getType( this.getVectorType( uniform.type ) );
const groupName =;
const group = uniformGroups[ groupName ] || ( uniformGroups[ groupName ] = {
index: uniformIndexes.binding ++,
snippets: []
} );
group.snippets.push( `\t${ } : ${ vectorType }` );
for ( const name in uniformGroups ) {
const group = uniformGroups[ name ];
structSnippets.push( this._getWGSLStructBinding( name, group.snippets.join( ',\n' ), 'uniform', group.index, ) );
let code = bindingSnippets.join( '\n' );
code += bufferSnippets.join( '\n' );
code += structSnippets.join( '\n' );
return code;
* Controls the code build of the shader stages.
buildCode() {
const shadersData = this.material !== null ? { fragment: {}, vertex: {} } : { compute: {} };
for ( const shaderStage in shadersData ) {
this.shaderStage = shaderStage;
const stageData = shadersData[ shaderStage ];
stageData.uniforms = this.getUniforms( shaderStage );
stageData.attributes = this.getAttributes( shaderStage );
stageData.varyings = this.getVaryings( shaderStage );
stageData.structs = this.getStructs( shaderStage );
stageData.vars = this.getVars( shaderStage ); = this.getCodes( shaderStage );
stageData.directives = this.getDirectives( shaderStage );
stageData.scopedArrays = this.getScopedArrays( shaderStage );
let flow = '// code\n\n';
flow += this.flowCode[ shaderStage ];
const flowNodes = this.flowNodes[ shaderStage ];
const mainNode = flowNodes[ flowNodes.length - 1 ];
const outputNode = mainNode.outputNode;
const isOutputStruct = ( outputNode !== undefined && outputNode.isOutputStructNode === true );
for ( const node of flowNodes ) {
const flowSlotData = this.getFlowData( node/*, shaderStage*/ );
const slotName =;
if ( slotName ) {
if ( flow.length > 0 ) flow += '\n';
flow += `\t// flow -> ${ slotName }\n`;
flow += `${ flowSlotData.code }\n\t`;
if ( node === mainNode && shaderStage !== 'compute' ) {
flow += '// result\n\n\t';
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
flow += `varyings.Vertex = ${ flowSlotData.result };`;
} else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
if ( isOutputStruct ) {
stageData.returnType = outputNode.getNodeType( this );
stageData.structs += 'var<private> output : ' + stageData.returnType + ';';
flow += `return ${ flowSlotData.result };`;
} else {
let structSnippet = '\t@location(0) color: vec4<f32>';
const builtins = this.getBuiltins( 'output' );
if ( builtins ) structSnippet += ',\n\t' + builtins;
stageData.returnType = 'OutputStruct';
stageData.structs += this._getWGSLStruct( 'OutputStruct', structSnippet );
stageData.structs += '\nvar<private> output : OutputStruct;';
flow += `output.color = ${ flowSlotData.result };\n\n\treturn output;`;
stageData.flow = flow;
this.shaderStage = null;
if ( this.material !== null ) {
this.vertexShader = this._getWGSLVertexCode( shadersData.vertex );
this.fragmentShader = this._getWGSLFragmentCode( shadersData.fragment );
} else {
this.computeShader = this._getWGSLComputeCode( shadersData.compute, ( this.object.workgroupSize || [ 64 ] ).join( ', ' ) );
* Returns the native shader method name for a given generic name.
* @param {String} method - The method name to resolve.
* @param {String} [output=null] - An optional output.
* @return {String} The resolved WGSL method name.
getMethod( method, output = null ) {
let wgslMethod;
if ( output !== null ) {
wgslMethod = this._getWGSLMethod( method + '_' + output );
if ( wgslMethod === undefined ) {
wgslMethod = this._getWGSLMethod( method );
return wgslMethod || method;
* Returns the WGSL type of the given node data type.
* @param {String} type - The node data type.
* @return {String} The WGSL type.
getType( type ) {
return wgslTypeLib[ type ] || type;
* Whether the requested feature is available or not.
* @param {String} name - The requested feature.
* @return {Boolean} Whether the requested feature is supported or not.
isAvailable( name ) {
let result = supports[ name ];
if ( result === undefined ) {
if ( name === 'float32Filterable' ) {
result = this.renderer.hasFeature( 'float32-filterable' );
} else if ( name === 'clipDistance' ) {
result = this.renderer.hasFeature( 'clip-distances' );
supports[ name ] = result;
return result;
* Returns the native shader method name for a given generic name.
* @private
* @param {String} method - The method name to resolve.
* @return {String} The resolved WGSL method name.
_getWGSLMethod( method ) {
if ( wgslPolyfill[ method ] !== undefined ) {
this._include( method );
return wgslMethods[ method ];
* Includes the given method name into the current
* function node.
* @private
* @param {String} name - The method name to include.
* @return {CodeNode} The respective code node.
_include( name ) {
const codeNode = wgslPolyfill[ name ]; this );
if ( this.currentFunctionNode !== null ) {
this.currentFunctionNode.includes.push( codeNode );
return codeNode;
* Returns a WGSL vertex shader based on the given shader data.
* @private
* @param {Object} shaderData - The shader data.
* @return {String} The vertex shader.
_getWGSLVertexCode( shaderData ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// directives
// structs
// uniforms
// varyings
var<private> varyings : VaryingsStruct;
// codes
fn main( ${shaderData.attributes} ) -> VaryingsStruct {
// vars
// flow
return varyings;
* Returns a WGSL fragment shader based on the given shader data.
* @private
* @param {Object} shaderData - The shader data.
* @return {String} The vertex shader.
_getWGSLFragmentCode( shaderData ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// global
${ diagnostics }
// structs
// uniforms
// codes
fn main( ${shaderData.varyings} ) -> ${shaderData.returnType} {
// vars
// flow
* Returns a WGSL compute shader based on the given shader data.
* @private
* @param {Object} shaderData - The shader data.
* @param {String} workgroupSize - The workgroup size.
* @return {String} The vertex shader.
_getWGSLComputeCode( shaderData, workgroupSize ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// directives
// system
var<private> instanceIndex : u32;
// locals
// structs
// uniforms
// codes
@compute @workgroup_size( ${workgroupSize} )
fn main( ${shaderData.attributes} ) {
// system
instanceIndex = globalId.x + globalId.y * numWorkgroups.x * u32(${workgroupSize}) + globalId.z * numWorkgroups.x * numWorkgroups.y * u32(${workgroupSize});
// vars
// flow
* Returns a WGSL struct based on the given name and variables.
* @private
* @param {String} name - The struct name.
* @param {String} vars - The struct variables.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet representing a struct.
_getWGSLStruct( name, vars ) {
return `
struct ${name} {
* Returns a WGSL struct binding.
* @private
* @param {String} name - The struct name.
* @param {String} vars - The struct variables.
* @param {String} access - The access.
* @param {Number} [binding=0] - The binding index.
* @param {Number} [group=0] - The group index.
* @return {String} The WGSL snippet representing a struct binding.
_getWGSLStructBinding( name, vars, access, binding = 0, group = 0 ) {
const structName = name + 'Struct';
const structSnippet = this._getWGSLStruct( structName, vars );
return `${structSnippet}
@binding( ${ binding } ) @group( ${ group } )
var<${access}> ${ name } : ${ structName };`;
export default WGSLNodeBuilder;