MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
function WebGLUniformsGroups( gl, info, capabilities, state ) { let buffers = {}; let updateList = {}; let allocatedBindingPoints = []; const maxBindingPoints = gl.getParameter( gl.MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS ); // binding points are global whereas block indices are per shader program function bind( uniformsGroup, program ) { const webglProgram = program.program; state.uniformBlockBinding( uniformsGroup, webglProgram ); } function update( uniformsGroup, program ) { let buffer = buffers[ ]; if ( buffer === undefined ) { prepareUniformsGroup( uniformsGroup ); buffer = createBuffer( uniformsGroup ); buffers[ ] = buffer; uniformsGroup.addEventListener( 'dispose', onUniformsGroupsDispose ); } // ensure to update the binding points/block indices mapping for this program const webglProgram = program.program; state.updateUBOMapping( uniformsGroup, webglProgram ); // update UBO once per frame const frame = info.render.frame; if ( updateList[ ] !== frame ) { updateBufferData( uniformsGroup ); updateList[ ] = frame; } } function createBuffer( uniformsGroup ) { // the setup of an UBO is independent of a particular shader program but global const bindingPointIndex = allocateBindingPointIndex(); uniformsGroup.__bindingPointIndex = bindingPointIndex; const buffer = gl.createBuffer(); const size = uniformsGroup.__size; const usage = uniformsGroup.usage; gl.bindBuffer( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, buffer ); gl.bufferData( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, size, usage ); gl.bindBuffer( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null ); gl.bindBufferBase( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, bindingPointIndex, buffer ); return buffer; } function allocateBindingPointIndex() { for ( let i = 0; i < maxBindingPoints; i ++ ) { if ( allocatedBindingPoints.indexOf( i ) === - 1 ) { allocatedBindingPoints.push( i ); return i; } } console.error( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Maximum number of simultaneously usable uniforms groups reached.' ); return 0; } function updateBufferData( uniformsGroup ) { const buffer = buffers[ ]; const uniforms = uniformsGroup.uniforms; const cache = uniformsGroup.__cache; gl.bindBuffer( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, buffer ); for ( let i = 0, il = uniforms.length; i < il; i ++ ) { const uniformArray = Array.isArray( uniforms[ i ] ) ? uniforms[ i ] : [ uniforms[ i ] ]; for ( let j = 0, jl = uniformArray.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { const uniform = uniformArray[ j ]; if ( hasUniformChanged( uniform, i, j, cache ) === true ) { const offset = uniform.__offset; const values = Array.isArray( uniform.value ) ? uniform.value : [ uniform.value ]; let arrayOffset = 0; for ( let k = 0; k < values.length; k ++ ) { const value = values[ k ]; const info = getUniformSize( value ); // TODO add integer and struct support if ( typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'boolean' ) { uniform.__data[ 0 ] = value; gl.bufferSubData( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, offset + arrayOffset, uniform.__data ); } else if ( value.isMatrix3 ) { // manually converting 3x3 to 3x4 uniform.__data[ 0 ] = value.elements[ 0 ]; uniform.__data[ 1 ] = value.elements[ 1 ]; uniform.__data[ 2 ] = value.elements[ 2 ]; uniform.__data[ 3 ] = 0; uniform.__data[ 4 ] = value.elements[ 3 ]; uniform.__data[ 5 ] = value.elements[ 4 ]; uniform.__data[ 6 ] = value.elements[ 5 ]; uniform.__data[ 7 ] = 0; uniform.__data[ 8 ] = value.elements[ 6 ]; uniform.__data[ 9 ] = value.elements[ 7 ]; uniform.__data[ 10 ] = value.elements[ 8 ]; uniform.__data[ 11 ] = 0; } else { value.toArray( uniform.__data, arrayOffset ); arrayOffset += / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } } gl.bufferSubData( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, offset, uniform.__data ); } } } gl.bindBuffer( gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null ); } function hasUniformChanged( uniform, index, indexArray, cache ) { const value = uniform.value; const indexString = index + '_' + indexArray; if ( cache[ indexString ] === undefined ) { // cache entry does not exist so far if ( typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'boolean' ) { cache[ indexString ] = value; } else { cache[ indexString ] = value.clone(); } return true; } else { const cachedObject = cache[ indexString ]; // compare current value with cached entry if ( typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'boolean' ) { if ( cachedObject !== value ) { cache[ indexString ] = value; return true; } } else { if ( cachedObject.equals( value ) === false ) { cachedObject.copy( value ); return true; } } } return false; } function prepareUniformsGroup( uniformsGroup ) { // determine total buffer size according to the STD140 layout // Hint: STD140 is the only supported layout in WebGL 2 const uniforms = uniformsGroup.uniforms; let offset = 0; // global buffer offset in bytes const chunkSize = 16; // size of a chunk in bytes for ( let i = 0, l = uniforms.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const uniformArray = Array.isArray( uniforms[ i ] ) ? uniforms[ i ] : [ uniforms[ i ] ]; for ( let j = 0, jl = uniformArray.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { const uniform = uniformArray[ j ]; const values = Array.isArray( uniform.value ) ? uniform.value : [ uniform.value ]; for ( let k = 0, kl = values.length; k < kl; k ++ ) { const value = values[ k ]; const info = getUniformSize( value ); const chunkOffset = offset % chunkSize; // offset in the current chunk const chunkPadding = chunkOffset % info.boundary; // required padding to match boundary const chunkStart = chunkOffset + chunkPadding; // the start position in the current chunk for the data offset += chunkPadding; // Check for chunk overflow if ( chunkStart !== 0 && ( chunkSize - chunkStart ) < ) { // Add padding and adjust offset offset += ( chunkSize - chunkStart ); } // the following two properties will be used for partial buffer updates uniform.__data = new Float32Array( / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT ); uniform.__offset = offset; // Update the global offset offset +=; } } } // ensure correct final padding const chunkOffset = offset % chunkSize; if ( chunkOffset > 0 ) offset += ( chunkSize - chunkOffset ); // uniformsGroup.__size = offset; uniformsGroup.__cache = {}; return this; } function getUniformSize( value ) { const info = { boundary: 0, // bytes storage: 0 // bytes }; // determine sizes according to STD140 if ( typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'boolean' ) { // float/int/bool info.boundary = 4; = 4; } else if ( value.isVector2 ) { // vec2 info.boundary = 8; = 8; } else if ( value.isVector3 || value.isColor ) { // vec3 info.boundary = 16; = 12; // evil: vec3 must start on a 16-byte boundary but it only consumes 12 bytes } else if ( value.isVector4 ) { // vec4 info.boundary = 16; = 16; } else if ( value.isMatrix3 ) { // mat3 (in STD140 a 3x3 matrix is represented as 3x4) info.boundary = 48; = 48; } else if ( value.isMatrix4 ) { // mat4 info.boundary = 64; = 64; } else if ( value.isTexture ) { console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Texture samplers can not be part of an uniforms group.' ); } else { console.warn( 'THREE.WebGLRenderer: Unsupported uniform value type.', value ); } return info; } function onUniformsGroupsDispose( event ) { const uniformsGroup =; uniformsGroup.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onUniformsGroupsDispose ); const index = allocatedBindingPoints.indexOf( uniformsGroup.__bindingPointIndex ); allocatedBindingPoints.splice( index, 1 ); gl.deleteBuffer( buffers[ ] ); delete buffers[ ]; delete updateList[ ]; } function dispose() { for ( const id in buffers ) { gl.deleteBuffer( buffers[ id ] ); } allocatedBindingPoints = []; buffers = {}; updateList = {}; } return { bind: bind, update: update, dispose: dispose }; } export { WebGLUniformsGroups };