MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { GLSLNodeParser, NodeBuilder, TextureNode, vectorComponents } from '../../../nodes/Nodes.js'; import NodeUniformBuffer from '../../common/nodes/NodeUniformBuffer.js'; import NodeUniformsGroup from '../../common/nodes/NodeUniformsGroup.js'; import { NodeSampledTexture, NodeSampledCubeTexture, NodeSampledTexture3D } from '../../common/nodes/NodeSampledTexture.js'; import { NoColorSpace, ByteType, ShortType, RGBAIntegerFormat, RGBIntegerFormat, RedIntegerFormat, RGIntegerFormat, UnsignedByteType, UnsignedIntType, UnsignedShortType, RedFormat, RGFormat, IntType, RGBFormat, RGBAFormat, FloatType } from '../../../constants.js'; import { DataTexture } from '../../../textures/DataTexture.js'; const glslMethods = { textureDimensions: 'textureSize', equals: 'equal' }; const precisionLib = { low: 'lowp', medium: 'mediump', high: 'highp' }; const supports = { swizzleAssign: true, storageBuffer: false }; const defaultPrecisions = ` precision highp float; precision highp int; precision highp sampler2D; precision highp sampler3D; precision highp samplerCube; precision highp sampler2DArray; precision highp usampler2D; precision highp usampler3D; precision highp usamplerCube; precision highp usampler2DArray; precision highp isampler2D; precision highp isampler3D; precision highp isamplerCube; precision highp isampler2DArray; precision lowp sampler2DShadow; `; /** * A node builder targeting GLSL. * * This module generates GLSL shader code from node materials and also * generates the respective bindings and vertex buffer definitions. These * data are later used by the renderer to create render and compute pipelines * for render objects. * * @augments NodeBuilder */ class GLSLNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder { /** * Constructs a new GLSL node builder renderer. * * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer. */ constructor( object, renderer ) { super( object, renderer, new GLSLNodeParser() ); /** * A dictionary holds for each shader stage ('vertex', 'fragment', 'compute') * another dictionary which manages UBOs per group ('render','frame','object'). * * @type {Object<String,Object<String,NodeUniformsGroup>>} */ this.uniformGroups = {}; /** * An array that holds objects defining the varying and attribute data in * context of Transform Feedback. * * @type {Object<String,Map<String,Object>>} */ this.transforms = []; /** * A dictionary that holds for each shader stage a Map of used extensions. * * @type {Object<String,Map<String,Object>>} */ this.extensions = {}; /** * A dictionary that holds for each shader stage an Array of used builtins. * * @type {Object<String,Array<String>>} */ this.builtins = { vertex: [], fragment: [], compute: [] }; /** * Whether comparison in shader code are generated with methods or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.useComparisonMethod = true; } /** * Checks if the given texture requires a manual conversion to the working color space. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to check. * @return {Boolean} Whether the given texture requires a conversion to working color space or not. */ needsToWorkingColorSpace( texture ) { return texture.isVideoTexture === true && texture.colorSpace !== NoColorSpace; } /** * Returns the native shader method name for a given generic name. * * @param {String} method - The method name to resolve. * @return {String} The resolved GLSL method name. */ getMethod( method ) { return glslMethods[ method ] || method; } /** * Returns the output struct name. Not relevant for GLSL. * * @return {String} */ getOutputStructName() { return ''; } /** * Builds the given shader node. * * @param {ShaderNodeInternal} shaderNode - The shader node. * @return {String} The GLSL function code. */ buildFunctionCode( shaderNode ) { const layout = shaderNode.layout; const flowData = this.flowShaderNode( shaderNode ); const parameters = []; for ( const input of layout.inputs ) { parameters.push( this.getType( input.type ) + ' ' + ); } // const code = `${ this.getType( layout.type ) } ${ }( ${ parameters.join( ', ' ) } ) { ${ flowData.vars } ${ flowData.code } return ${ flowData.result }; }`; // return code; } /** * Setups the Pixel Buffer Object (PBO) for the given storage * buffer node. * * @param {StorageBufferNode} storageBufferNode - The storage buffer node. */ setupPBO( storageBufferNode ) { const attribute = storageBufferNode.value; if ( attribute.pbo === undefined ) { const originalArray = attribute.array; const numElements = attribute.count * attribute.itemSize; const { itemSize } = attribute; const isInteger = 'int' ); let format = isInteger ? RedIntegerFormat : RedFormat; if ( itemSize === 2 ) { format = isInteger ? RGIntegerFormat : RGFormat; } else if ( itemSize === 3 ) { format = isInteger ? RGBIntegerFormat : RGBFormat; } else if ( itemSize === 4 ) { format = isInteger ? RGBAIntegerFormat : RGBAFormat; } const typeMap = { Float32Array: FloatType, Uint8Array: UnsignedByteType, Uint16Array: UnsignedShortType, Uint32Array: UnsignedIntType, Int8Array: ByteType, Int16Array: ShortType, Int32Array: IntType, Uint8ClampedArray: UnsignedByteType, }; const width = Math.pow( 2, Math.ceil( Math.log2( Math.sqrt( numElements / itemSize ) ) ) ); let height = Math.ceil( ( numElements / itemSize ) / width ); if ( width * height * itemSize < numElements ) height ++; // Ensure enough space const newSize = width * height * itemSize; const newArray = new originalArray.constructor( newSize ); newArray.set( originalArray, 0 ); attribute.array = newArray; const pboTexture = new DataTexture( attribute.array, width, height, format, typeMap[ ] || FloatType ); pboTexture.needsUpdate = true; pboTexture.isPBOTexture = true; const pbo = new TextureNode( pboTexture, null, null ); pbo.setPrecision( 'high' ); attribute.pboNode = pbo; attribute.pbo = pbo.value; this.getUniformFromNode( attribute.pboNode, 'texture', this.shaderStage, this.context.label ); } } /** * Returns a GLSL snippet that represents the property name of the given node. * * @param {Node} node - The node. * @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for. * @return {String} The property name. */ getPropertyName( node, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) { if ( node.isNodeUniform && node.node.isTextureNode !== true && node.node.isBufferNode !== true ) { return shaderStage.charAt( 0 ) + '_' +; } return super.getPropertyName( node, shaderStage ); } /** * Setups the Pixel Buffer Object (PBO) for the given storage * buffer node. * * @param {StorageArrayElementNode} storageArrayElementNode - The storage array element node. * @return {String} The property name. */ generatePBO( storageArrayElementNode ) { const { node, indexNode } = storageArrayElementNode; const attribute = node.value; if ( this.renderer.backend.has( attribute ) ) { const attributeData = this.renderer.backend.get( attribute ); attributeData.pbo = attribute.pbo; } const nodeUniform = this.getUniformFromNode( attribute.pboNode, 'texture', this.shaderStage, this.context.label ); const textureName = this.getPropertyName( nodeUniform ); this.increaseUsage( indexNode ); // force cache generate to be used as index in x,y const indexSnippet = this, 'uint' ); const elementNodeData = this.getDataFromNode( storageArrayElementNode ); let propertyName = elementNodeData.propertyName; if ( propertyName === undefined ) { // property element const nodeVar = this.getVarFromNode( storageArrayElementNode ); propertyName = this.getPropertyName( nodeVar ); // property size const bufferNodeData = this.getDataFromNode( node ); let propertySizeName = bufferNodeData.propertySizeName; if ( propertySizeName === undefined ) { propertySizeName = propertyName + 'Size'; this.getVarFromNode( node, propertySizeName, 'uint' ); this.addLineFlowCode( `${ propertySizeName } = uint( textureSize( ${ textureName }, 0 ).x )`, storageArrayElementNode ); bufferNodeData.propertySizeName = propertySizeName; } // const { itemSize } = attribute; const channel = '.' + vectorComponents.join( '' ).slice( 0, itemSize ); const uvSnippet = `ivec2(${indexSnippet} % ${ propertySizeName }, ${indexSnippet} / ${ propertySizeName })`; const snippet = this.generateTextureLoad( null, textureName, uvSnippet, null, '0' ); // let prefix = 'vec4'; if ( attribute.pbo.type === UnsignedIntType ) { prefix = 'uvec4'; } else if ( attribute.pbo.type === IntType ) { prefix = 'ivec4'; } this.addLineFlowCode( `${ propertyName } = ${prefix}(${ snippet })${channel}`, storageArrayElementNode ); elementNodeData.propertyName = propertyName; } return propertyName; } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet that reads a single texel from a texture without sampling or filtering. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvIndexSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {String?} depthSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents the 0-based texture array index to sample. * @param {String} [levelSnippet='0u'] - A GLSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTextureLoad( texture, textureProperty, uvIndexSnippet, depthSnippet, levelSnippet = '0' ) { if ( depthSnippet ) { return `texelFetch( ${ textureProperty }, ivec3( ${ uvIndexSnippet }, ${ depthSnippet } ), ${ levelSnippet } )`; } else { return `texelFetch( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvIndexSnippet }, ${ levelSnippet } )`; } } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet for sampling/loading the given texture. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {String?} depthSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents the 0-based texture array index to sample. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet ) { if ( texture.isDepthTexture ) { return `texture( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvSnippet } ).x`; } else { if ( depthSnippet ) uvSnippet = `vec3( ${ uvSnippet }, ${ depthSnippet } )`; return `texture( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvSnippet } )`; } } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet when sampling textures with explicit mip level. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {String} levelSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents the mip level, with level 0 containing a full size version of the texture. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTextureLevel( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet ) { return `textureLod( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ levelSnippet } )`; } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet when sampling textures with a bias to the mip level. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {String} biasSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents the bias to apply to the mip level before sampling. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTextureBias( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet ) { return `texture( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ biasSnippet } )`; } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet for sampling/loading the given texture using explicit gradients. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {Array<String>} gradSnippet - An array holding both gradient GLSL snippets. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTextureGrad( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, gradSnippet ) { return `textureGrad( ${ textureProperty }, ${ uvSnippet }, ${ gradSnippet[ 0 ] }, ${ gradSnippet[ 1 ] } )`; } /** * Generates the GLSL snippet for sampling a depth texture and comparing the sampled depth values * against a reference value. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {String} textureProperty - The name of the texture uniform in the shader. * @param {String} uvSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents texture coordinates used for sampling. * @param {String} compareSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents the reference value. * @param {String?} depthSnippet - A GLSL snippet that represents 0-based texture array index to sample. * @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage this code snippet is generated for. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet. */ generateTextureCompare( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, compareSnippet, depthSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) { if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { return `texture( ${ textureProperty }, vec3( ${ uvSnippet }, ${ compareSnippet } ) )`; } else { console.error( `WebGPURenderer: THREE.DepthTexture.compareFunction() does not support ${ shaderStage } shader.` ); } } /** * Returns the variables of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the variables. */ getVars( shaderStage ) { const snippets = []; const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ]; if ( vars !== undefined ) { for ( const variable of vars ) { snippets.push( `${ this.getVar( variable.type,, variable.count ) };` ); } } return snippets.join( '\n\t' ); } /** * Returns the uniforms of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the uniforms. */ getUniforms( shaderStage ) { const uniforms = this.uniforms[ shaderStage ]; const bindingSnippets = []; const uniformGroups = {}; for ( const uniform of uniforms ) { let snippet = null; let group = false; if ( uniform.type === 'texture' ) { const texture = uniform.node.value; let typePrefix = ''; if ( texture.isDataTexture === true ) { if ( texture.type === UnsignedIntType ) { typePrefix = 'u'; } else if ( texture.type === IntType ) { typePrefix = 'i'; } } if ( texture.compareFunction ) { snippet = `sampler2DShadow ${ };`; } else if ( texture.isDataArrayTexture === true || texture.isCompressedArrayTexture === true ) { snippet = `${typePrefix}sampler2DArray ${ };`; } else { snippet = `${typePrefix}sampler2D ${ };`; } } else if ( uniform.type === 'cubeTexture' ) { snippet = `samplerCube ${ };`; } else if ( uniform.type === 'texture3D' ) { snippet = `sampler3D ${ };`; } else if ( uniform.type === 'buffer' ) { const bufferNode = uniform.node; const bufferType = this.getType( bufferNode.bufferType ); const bufferCount = bufferNode.bufferCount; const bufferCountSnippet = bufferCount > 0 ? bufferCount : ''; snippet = `${} {\n\t${ bufferType } ${ }[${ bufferCountSnippet }];\n};\n`; } else { const vectorType = this.getVectorType( uniform.type ); snippet = `${ vectorType } ${ this.getPropertyName( uniform, shaderStage ) };`; group = true; } const precision = uniform.node.precision; if ( precision !== null ) { snippet = precisionLib[ precision ] + ' ' + snippet; } if ( group ) { snippet = '\t' + snippet; const groupName =; const groupSnippets = uniformGroups[ groupName ] || ( uniformGroups[ groupName ] = [] ); groupSnippets.push( snippet ); } else { snippet = 'uniform ' + snippet; bindingSnippets.push( snippet ); } } let output = ''; for ( const name in uniformGroups ) { const groupSnippets = uniformGroups[ name ]; output += this._getGLSLUniformStruct( shaderStage + '_' + name, groupSnippets.join( '\n' ) ) + '\n'; } output += bindingSnippets.join( '\n' ); return output; } /** * Returns the type for a given buffer attribute. * * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute. * @return {String} The type. */ getTypeFromAttribute( attribute ) { let nodeType = super.getTypeFromAttribute( attribute ); if ( /^[iu]/.test( nodeType ) && attribute.gpuType !== IntType ) { let dataAttribute = attribute; if ( attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) dataAttribute =; const array = dataAttribute.array; if ( ( array instanceof Uint32Array || array instanceof Int32Array ) === false ) { nodeType = nodeType.slice( 1 ); } } return nodeType; } /** * Returns the shader attributes of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the shader attributes. */ getAttributes( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) { const attributes = this.getAttributesArray(); let location = 0; for ( const attribute of attributes ) { snippet += `layout( location = ${ location ++ } ) in ${ attribute.type } ${ };\n`; } } return snippet; } /** * Returns the members of the given struct type node as a GLSL string. * * @param {StructTypeNode} struct - The struct type node. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the struct members. */ getStructMembers( struct ) { const snippets = []; for ( const member of struct.members ) { snippets.push( `\t${ member.type } ${ };` ); } return snippets.join( '\n' ); } /** * Returns the structs of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the structs. */ getStructs( shaderStage ) { const snippets = []; const structs = this.structs[ shaderStage ]; const outputSnippet = []; for ( const struct of structs ) { if ( struct.output ) { for ( const member of struct.members ) { outputSnippet.push( `layout( location = ${ member.index } ) out ${ member.type } ${ };` ); } } else { let snippet = 'struct ' + + ' {\n'; snippet += this.getStructMembers( struct ); snippet += '\n};\n'; snippets.push( snippet ); } } if ( outputSnippet.length === 0 ) { outputSnippet.push( 'layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 fragColor;' ); } return '\n' + outputSnippet.join( '\n' ) + '\n\n' + snippets.join( '\n' ); } /** * Returns the varyings of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the varyings. */ getVaryings( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; const varyings = this.varyings; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) { for ( const varying of varyings ) { if ( shaderStage === 'compute' ) varying.needsInterpolation = true; const type = this.getType( varying.type ); if ( varying.needsInterpolation ) { const flat = type.includes( 'int' ) || type.includes( 'uv' ) || type.includes( 'iv' ) ? 'flat ' : ''; snippet += `${flat} out ${type} ${};\n`; } else { snippet += `${type} ${};\n`; // generate variable (no varying required) } } } else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { for ( const varying of varyings ) { if ( varying.needsInterpolation ) { const type = this.getType( varying.type ); const flat = type.includes( 'int' ) || type.includes( 'uv' ) || type.includes( 'iv' ) ? 'flat ' : ''; snippet += `${flat}in ${type} ${};\n`; } } } for ( const builtin of this.builtins[ shaderStage ] ) { snippet += `${builtin};\n`; } return snippet; } /** * Returns the vertex index builtin. * * @return {String} The vertex index. */ getVertexIndex() { return 'uint( gl_VertexID )'; } /** * Returns the instance index builtin. * * @return {String} The instance index. */ getInstanceIndex() { return 'uint( gl_InstanceID )'; } /** * Returns the invocation local index builtin. * * @return {String} The invocation local index. */ getInvocationLocalIndex() { const workgroupSize = this.object.workgroupSize; const size = workgroupSize.reduce( ( acc, curr ) => acc * curr, 1 ); return `uint( gl_InstanceID ) % ${size}u`; } /** * Returns the draw index builtin. * * @return {String?} The drawIndex shader string. Returns `null` if `WEBGL_multi_draw` isn't supported by the device. */ getDrawIndex() { const extensions = this.renderer.backend.extensions; if ( extensions.has( 'WEBGL_multi_draw' ) ) { return 'uint( gl_DrawID )'; } return null; } /** * Returns the front facing builtin. * * @return {String} The front facing builtin. */ getFrontFacing() { return 'gl_FrontFacing'; } /** * Returns the frag coord builtin. * * @return {String} The frag coord builtin. */ getFragCoord() { return 'gl_FragCoord.xy'; } /** * Returns the frag depth builtin. * * @return {String} The frag depth builtin. */ getFragDepth() { return 'gl_FragDepth'; } /** * Enables the given extension. * * @param {String} name - The extension name. * @param {String} behavior - The extension behavior. * @param {String} [shaderStage=this.shaderStage] - The shader stage. */ enableExtension( name, behavior, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) { const map = this.extensions[ shaderStage ] || ( this.extensions[ shaderStage ] = new Map() ); if ( map.has( name ) === false ) { map.set( name, { name, behavior } ); } } /** * Returns the enabled extensions of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the enabled extensions. */ getExtensions( shaderStage ) { const snippets = []; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { const ext = this.renderer.backend.extensions; const isBatchedMesh = this.object.isBatchedMesh; if ( isBatchedMesh && ext.has( 'WEBGL_multi_draw' ) ) { this.enableExtension( 'GL_ANGLE_multi_draw', 'require', shaderStage ); } } const extensions = this.extensions[ shaderStage ]; if ( extensions !== undefined ) { for ( const { name, behavior } of extensions.values() ) { snippets.push( `#extension ${name} : ${behavior}` ); } } return snippets.join( '\n' ); } /** * Returns the clip distances builtin. * * @return {String} The clip distances builtin. */ getClipDistance() { return 'gl_ClipDistance'; } /** * Whether the requested feature is available or not. * * @param {String} name - The requested feature. * @return {Boolean} Whether the requested feature is supported or not. */ isAvailable( name ) { let result = supports[ name ]; if ( result === undefined ) { let extensionName; result = false; switch ( name ) { case 'float32Filterable': extensionName = 'OES_texture_float_linear'; break; case 'clipDistance': extensionName = 'WEBGL_clip_cull_distance'; break; } if ( extensionName !== undefined ) { const extensions = this.renderer.backend.extensions; if ( extensions.has( extensionName ) ) { extensions.get( extensionName ); result = true; } } supports[ name ] = result; } return result; } /** * Whether to flip texture data along its vertical axis or not. * * @return {Boolean} Returns always `true` in context of GLSL. */ isFlipY() { return true; } /** * Enables hardware clipping. * * @param {String} planeCount - The clipping plane count. */ enableHardwareClipping( planeCount ) { this.enableExtension( 'GL_ANGLE_clip_cull_distance', 'require' ); this.builtins[ 'vertex' ].push( `out float gl_ClipDistance[ ${ planeCount } ]` ); } /** * Registers a transform in context of Transform Feedback. * * @param {String} varyingName - The varying name. * @param {AttributeNode} attributeNode - The attribute node. */ registerTransform( varyingName, attributeNode ) { this.transforms.push( { varyingName, attributeNode } ); } /** * Returns the transforms of the given shader stage as a GLSL string. * * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet that defines the transforms. */ getTransforms( /* shaderStage */ ) { const transforms = this.transforms; let snippet = ''; for ( let i = 0; i < transforms.length; i ++ ) { const transform = transforms[ i ]; const attributeName = this.getPropertyName( transform.attributeNode ); snippet += `${ transform.varyingName } = ${ attributeName };\n\t`; } return snippet; } /** * Returns a GLSL struct based on the given name and variables. * * @private * @param {String} name - The struct name. * @param {String} vars - The struct variables. * @return {String} The GLSL snippet representing a struct. */ _getGLSLUniformStruct( name, vars ) { return ` layout( std140 ) uniform ${name} { ${vars} };`; } /** * Returns a GLSL vertex shader based on the given shader data. * * @private * @param {Object} shaderData - The shader data. * @return {String} The vertex shader. */ _getGLSLVertexCode( shaderData ) { return `#version 300 es ${ this.getSignature() } // extensions ${shaderData.extensions} // precision ${ defaultPrecisions } // uniforms ${shaderData.uniforms} // varyings ${shaderData.varyings} // attributes ${shaderData.attributes} // codes ${} void main() { // vars ${shaderData.vars} // transforms ${shaderData.transforms} // flow ${shaderData.flow} gl_PointSize = 1.0; } `; } /** * Returns a GLSL fragment shader based on the given shader data. * * @private * @param {Object} shaderData - The shader data. * @return {String} The vertex shader. */ _getGLSLFragmentCode( shaderData ) { return `#version 300 es ${ this.getSignature() } // precision ${ defaultPrecisions } // uniforms ${shaderData.uniforms} // varyings ${shaderData.varyings} // codes ${} // structs ${shaderData.structs} void main() { // vars ${shaderData.vars} // flow ${shaderData.flow} } `; } /** * Controls the code build of the shader stages. */ buildCode() { const shadersData = this.material !== null ? { fragment: {}, vertex: {} } : { compute: {} }; this.sortBindingGroups(); for ( const shaderStage in shadersData ) { let flow = '// code\n\n'; flow += this.flowCode[ shaderStage ]; const flowNodes = this.flowNodes[ shaderStage ]; const mainNode = flowNodes[ flowNodes.length - 1 ]; for ( const node of flowNodes ) { const flowSlotData = this.getFlowData( node/*, shaderStage*/ ); const slotName =; if ( slotName ) { if ( flow.length > 0 ) flow += '\n'; flow += `\t// flow -> ${ slotName }\n\t`; } flow += `${ flowSlotData.code }\n\t`; if ( node === mainNode && shaderStage !== 'compute' ) { flow += '// result\n\t'; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { flow += 'gl_Position = '; flow += `${ flowSlotData.result };`; } else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { if ( ! node.outputNode.isOutputStructNode ) { flow += 'fragColor = '; flow += `${ flowSlotData.result };`; } } } } const stageData = shadersData[ shaderStage ]; stageData.extensions = this.getExtensions( shaderStage ); stageData.uniforms = this.getUniforms( shaderStage ); stageData.attributes = this.getAttributes( shaderStage ); stageData.varyings = this.getVaryings( shaderStage ); stageData.vars = this.getVars( shaderStage ); stageData.structs = this.getStructs( shaderStage ); = this.getCodes( shaderStage ); stageData.transforms = this.getTransforms( shaderStage ); stageData.flow = flow; } if ( this.material !== null ) { this.vertexShader = this._getGLSLVertexCode( shadersData.vertex ); this.fragmentShader = this._getGLSLFragmentCode( shadersData.fragment ); } else { this.computeShader = this._getGLSLVertexCode( shadersData.compute ); } } /** * This method is one of the more important ones since it's responsible * for generating a matching binding instance for the given uniform node. * * These bindings are later used in the renderer to create bind groups * and layouts. * * @param {UniformNode} node - The uniform node. * @param {String} type - The node data type. * @param {String} shaderStage - The shader stage. * @param {String?} [name=null] - An optional uniform name. * @return {NodeUniform} The node uniform object. */ getUniformFromNode( node, type, shaderStage, name = null ) { const uniformNode = super.getUniformFromNode( node, type, shaderStage, name ); const nodeData = this.getDataFromNode( node, shaderStage, this.globalCache ); let uniformGPU = nodeData.uniformGPU; if ( uniformGPU === undefined ) { const group = node.groupNode; const groupName =; const bindings = this.getBindGroupArray( groupName, shaderStage ); if ( type === 'texture' ) { uniformGPU = new NodeSampledTexture(, uniformNode.node, group ); bindings.push( uniformGPU ); } else if ( type === 'cubeTexture' ) { uniformGPU = new NodeSampledCubeTexture(, uniformNode.node, group ); bindings.push( uniformGPU ); } else if ( type === 'texture3D' ) { uniformGPU = new NodeSampledTexture3D(, uniformNode.node, group ); bindings.push( uniformGPU ); } else if ( type === 'buffer' ) { = `NodeBuffer_${ }`; = `buffer${ }`; const buffer = new NodeUniformBuffer( node, group ); =; bindings.push( buffer ); uniformGPU = buffer; } else { const uniformsStage = this.uniformGroups[ shaderStage ] || ( this.uniformGroups[ shaderStage ] = {} ); let uniformsGroup = uniformsStage[ groupName ]; if ( uniformsGroup === undefined ) { uniformsGroup = new NodeUniformsGroup( shaderStage + '_' + groupName, group ); //uniformsGroup.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] ); uniformsStage[ groupName ] = uniformsGroup; bindings.push( uniformsGroup ); } uniformGPU = this.getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type ); uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformGPU ); } nodeData.uniformGPU = uniformGPU; } return uniformNode; } } export default GLSLNodeBuilder;