MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import Animation from './Animation.js'; import RenderObjects from './RenderObjects.js'; import Attributes from './Attributes.js'; import Geometries from './Geometries.js'; import Info from './Info.js'; import Pipelines from './Pipelines.js'; import Bindings from './Bindings.js'; import RenderLists from './RenderLists.js'; import RenderContexts from './RenderContexts.js'; import Textures from './Textures.js'; import Background from './Background.js'; import Nodes from './nodes/Nodes.js'; import Color4 from './Color4.js'; import ClippingContext from './ClippingContext.js'; import QuadMesh from './QuadMesh.js'; import RenderBundles from './RenderBundles.js'; import NodeLibrary from './nodes/NodeLibrary.js'; import Lighting from './Lighting.js'; import XRManager from './XRManager.js'; import NodeMaterial from '../../materials/nodes/NodeMaterial.js'; import { Scene } from '../../scenes/Scene.js'; import { Frustum } from '../../math/Frustum.js'; import { Matrix4 } from '../../math/Matrix4.js'; import { Vector2 } from '../../math/Vector2.js'; import { Vector4 } from '../../math/Vector4.js'; import { RenderTarget } from '../../core/RenderTarget.js'; import { DoubleSide, BackSide, FrontSide, SRGBColorSpace, NoToneMapping, LinearFilter, LinearSRGBColorSpace, HalfFloatType, RGBAFormat, PCFShadowMap } from '../../constants.js'; /** @module Renderer **/ const _scene = /*@__PURE__*/ new Scene(); const _drawingBufferSize = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); const _screen = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector4(); const _frustum = /*@__PURE__*/ new Frustum(); const _projScreenMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ new Matrix4(); const _vector4 = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector4(); /** * Base class for renderers. */ class Renderer { /** * Constructs a new renderer. * * @param {Backend} backend - The backend the renderer is targeting (e.g. WebGPU or WebGL 2). * @param {Object} parameters - The configuration parameter. * @param {Boolean} [parameters.logarithmicDepthBuffer=false] - Whether logarithmic depth buffer is enabled or not. * @param {Boolean} [parameters.alpha=true] - Whether the default framebuffer (which represents the final contents of the canvas) should be transparent or opaque. * @param {Boolean} [parameters.depth=true] - Whether the default framebuffer should have a depth buffer or not. * @param {Boolean} [parameters.stencil=false] - Whether the default framebuffer should have a stencil buffer or not. * @param {Boolean} [parameters.antialias=false] - Whether MSAA as the default anti-aliasing should be enabled or not. * @param {Number} [parameters.samples=0] - When `antialias` is `true`, `4` samples are used by default. This parameter can set to any other integer value than 0 * to overwrite the default. * @param {Function?} [parameters.getFallback=null] - This callback function can be used to provide a fallback backend, if the primary backend can't be targeted. * @param {Number} [parameters.colorBufferType=HalfFloatType] - Defines the type of color buffers. The default `HalfFloatType` is recommend for best * quality. To save memory and bandwidth, `UnsignedByteType` might be used. This will reduce rendering quality though. */ constructor( backend, parameters = {} ) { /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isRenderer = true; // const { logarithmicDepthBuffer = false, alpha = true, depth = true, stencil = false, antialias = false, samples = 0, getFallback = null, colorBufferType = HalfFloatType } = parameters; /** * A reference to the canvas element the renderer is drawing to. * This value of this property will automatically be created by * the renderer. * * @type {HTMLCanvasElement|OffscreenCanvas} */ this.domElement = backend.getDomElement(); /** * A reference to the current backend. * * @type {Backend} */ this.backend = backend; /** * The number of MSAA samples. * * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this.samples = samples || ( antialias === true ) ? 4 : 0; /** * Whether the renderer should automatically clear the current rendering target * before execute a `render()` call. The target can be the canvas (default framebuffer) * or the current bound render target (custom framebuffer). * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.autoClear = true; /** * When `autoClear` is set to `true`, this property defines whether the renderer * should clear the color buffer. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.autoClearColor = true; /** * When `autoClear` is set to `true`, this property defines whether the renderer * should clear the depth buffer. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.autoClearDepth = true; /** * When `autoClear` is set to `true`, this property defines whether the renderer * should clear the stencil buffer. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.autoClearStencil = true; /** * Whether the default framebuffer should be transparent or opaque. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.alpha = alpha; /** * Whether logarithmic depth buffer is enabled or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.logarithmicDepthBuffer = logarithmicDepthBuffer; /** * Defines the output color space of the renderer. * * @type {String} * @default SRGBColorSpace */ this.outputColorSpace = SRGBColorSpace; /** * Defines the tone mapping of the renderer. * * @type {Number} * @default NoToneMapping */ this.toneMapping = NoToneMapping; /** * Defines the tone mapping exposure. * * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this.toneMappingExposure = 1.0; /** * Whether the renderer should sort its render lists or not. * * Note: Sorting is used to attempt to properly render objects that have some degree of transparency. * By definition, sorting objects may not work in all cases. Depending on the needs of application, * it may be necessary to turn off sorting and use other methods to deal with transparency rendering * e.g. manually determining each object's rendering order. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.sortObjects = true; /** * Whether the default framebuffer should have a depth buffer or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.depth = depth; /** * Whether the default framebuffer should have a stencil buffer or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.stencil = stencil; /** * Holds a series of statistical information about the GPU memory * and the rendering process. Useful for debugging and monitoring. * * @type {Info} */ = new Info(); this.nodes = { modelViewMatrix: null, modelNormalViewMatrix: null }; /** * The node library defines how certain library objects like materials, lights * or tone mapping functions are mapped to node types. This is required since * although instances of classes like `MeshBasicMaterial` or `PointLight` can * be part of the scene graph, they are internally represented as nodes for * further processing. * * @type {NodeLibrary} */ this.library = new NodeLibrary(); /** * A map-like data structure for managing lights. * * @type {Lighting} */ = new Lighting(); // internals /** * This callback function can be used to provide a fallback backend, if the primary backend can't be targeted. * * @private * @type {Function} */ this._getFallback = getFallback; /** * The renderer's pixel ration. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this._pixelRatio = 1; /** * The width of the renderer's default framebuffer in logical pixel unit. * * @private * @type {Number} */ this._width = this.domElement.width; /** * The height of the renderer's default framebuffer in logical pixel unit. * * @private * @type {Number} */ this._height = this.domElement.height; /** * The viewport of the renderer in logical pixel unit. * * @private * @type {Vector4} */ this._viewport = new Vector4( 0, 0, this._width, this._height ); /** * The scissor rectangle of the renderer in logical pixel unit. * * @private * @type {Vector4} */ this._scissor = new Vector4( 0, 0, this._width, this._height ); /** * Whether the scissor test should be enabled or not. * * @private * @type {Boolean} */ this._scissorTest = false; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing shader attributes. * * @private * @type {Attributes?} * @default null */ this._attributes = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing geometries. * * @private * @type {Geometries?} * @default null */ this._geometries = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing node related logic. * * @private * @type {Nodes?} * @default null */ this._nodes = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing the internal animation loop. * * @private * @type {Animation?} * @default null */ this._animation = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing shader program bindings. * * @private * @type {Bindings?} * @default null */ this._bindings = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing render objects. * * @private * @type {RenderObjects?} * @default null */ this._objects = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing render and compute pipelines. * * @private * @type {Pipelines?} * @default null */ this._pipelines = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing render bundles. * * @private * @type {RenderBundles?} * @default null */ this._bundles = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing render lists. * * @private * @type {RenderLists?} * @default null */ this._renderLists = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing render contexts. * * @private * @type {RenderContexts?} * @default null */ this._renderContexts = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for managing textures. * * @private * @type {Textures?} * @default null */ this._textures = null; /** * A reference to a renderer module for backgrounds. * * @private * @type {Background?} * @default null */ this._background = null; /** * This fullscreen quad is used for internal render passes * like the tone mapping and color space output pass. * * @private * @type {QuadMesh} */ this._quad = new QuadMesh( new NodeMaterial() ); = 'Renderer_output'; /** * A reference to the current render context. * * @private * @type {RenderContext?} * @default null */ this._currentRenderContext = null; /** * A custom sort function for the opaque render list. * * @private * @type {Function?} * @default null */ this._opaqueSort = null; /** * A custom sort function for the transparent render list. * * @private * @type {Function?} * @default null */ this._transparentSort = null; /** * The framebuffer target. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget?} * @default null */ this._frameBufferTarget = null; const alphaClear = this.alpha === true ? 0 : 1; /** * The clear color value. * * @private * @type {Color4} */ this._clearColor = new Color4( 0, 0, 0, alphaClear ); /** * The clear depth value. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this._clearDepth = 1; /** * The clear stencil value. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this._clearStencil = 0; /** * The current render target. * * @private * @type {RenderTarget?} * @default null */ this._renderTarget = null; /** * The active cube face. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this._activeCubeFace = 0; /** * The active mipmap level. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 0 */ this._activeMipmapLevel = 0; /** * The MRT setting. * * @private * @type {MRTNode?} * @default null */ this._mrt = null; /** * This function defines how a render object is going * to be rendered. * * @private * @type {Function?} * @default null */ this._renderObjectFunction = null; /** * Used to keep track of the current render object function. * * @private * @type {Function?} * @default null */ this._currentRenderObjectFunction = null; /** * Used to keep track of the current render bundle. * * @private * @type {RenderBundle?} * @default null */ this._currentRenderBundle = null; /** * Next to `_renderObjectFunction()`, this function provides another hook * for influencing the render process of a render object. It is meant for internal * use and only relevant for `compileAsync()` right now. Instead of using * the default logic of `_renderObjectDirect()` which actually draws the render object, * a different function might be used which performs no draw but just the node * and pipeline updates. * * @private * @type {Function?} * @default null */ this._handleObjectFunction = this._renderObjectDirect; /** * Indicates whether the device has been lost or not. In WebGL terms, the device * lost is considered as a context lost. When this is set to `true`, rendering * isn't possible anymore. * * @private * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this._isDeviceLost = false; /** * A callback function that defines what should happen when a device/context lost occurs. * * @type {Function} */ this.onDeviceLost = this._onDeviceLost; /** * Defines the type of color buffers. The default `HalfFloatType` is recommend for * best quality. To save memory and bandwidth, `UnsignedByteType` might be used. * This will reduce rendering quality though. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default HalfFloatType */ this._colorBufferType = colorBufferType; /** * Whether the renderer has been initialized or not. * * @private * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this._initialized = false; /** * A reference to the promise which initializes the renderer. * * @private * @type {Promise?} * @default null */ this._initPromise = null; /** * An array of compilation promises which are used in `compileAsync()`. * * @private * @type {Array<Promise>?} * @default null */ this._compilationPromises = null; /** * Whether the renderer should render transparent render objects or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.transparent = true; /** * Whether the renderer should render opaque render objects or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ this.opaque = true; /** * Shadow map configuration * @typedef {Object} ShadowMapConfig * @property {Boolean} enabled - Whether to globally enable shadows or not. * @property {Number} type - The shadow map type. */ /** * The renderer's shadow configuration. * * @type {module:Renderer~ShadowMapConfig} */ this.shadowMap = { enabled: false, type: PCFShadowMap }; /** * XR configuration. * @typedef {Object} XRConfig * @property {Boolean} enabled - Whether to globally enable XR or not. */ /** * The renderer's XR manager. * * @type {XRManager} */ this.xr = new XRManager( this ); /** * Debug configuration. * @typedef {Object} DebugConfig * @property {Boolean} checkShaderErrors - Whether shader errors should be checked or not. * @property {Function} onShaderError - A callback function that is executed when a shader error happens. Only supported with WebGL 2 right now. * @property {Function} getShaderAsync - Allows the get the raw shader code for the given scene, camera and 3D object. */ /** * The renderer's debug configuration. * * @type {module:Renderer~DebugConfig} */ this.debug = { checkShaderErrors: true, onShaderError: null, getShaderAsync: async ( scene, camera, object ) => { await this.compileAsync( scene, camera ); const renderList = this._renderLists.get( scene, camera ); const renderContext = this._renderContexts.get( scene, camera, this._renderTarget ); const material = scene.overrideMaterial || object.material; const renderObject = this._objects.get( object, material, scene, camera, renderList.lightsNode, renderContext, renderContext.clippingContext ); const { fragmentShader, vertexShader } = renderObject.getNodeBuilderState(); return { fragmentShader, vertexShader }; } }; } /** * Initializes the renderer so it is ready for usage. * * @async * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the renderer has been initialized. */ async init() { if ( this._initialized ) { throw new Error( 'Renderer: Backend has already been initialized.' ); } if ( this._initPromise !== null ) { return this._initPromise; } this._initPromise = new Promise( async ( resolve, reject ) => { let backend = this.backend; try { await backend.init( this ); } catch ( error ) { if ( this._getFallback !== null ) { // try the fallback try { this.backend = backend = this._getFallback( error ); await backend.init( this ); } catch ( error ) { reject( error ); return; } } else { reject( error ); return; } } this._nodes = new Nodes( this, backend ); this._animation = new Animation( this._nodes, ); this._attributes = new Attributes( backend ); this._background = new Background( this, this._nodes ); this._geometries = new Geometries( this._attributes, ); this._textures = new Textures( this, backend, ); this._pipelines = new Pipelines( backend, this._nodes ); this._bindings = new Bindings( backend, this._nodes, this._textures, this._attributes, this._pipelines, ); this._objects = new RenderObjects( this, this._nodes, this._geometries, this._pipelines, this._bindings, ); this._renderLists = new RenderLists( ); this._bundles = new RenderBundles(); this._renderContexts = new RenderContexts(); // this._animation.start(); this._initialized = true; resolve(); } ); return this._initPromise; } /** * The coordinate system of the renderer. The value of this property * depends on the selected backend. Either `THREE.WebGLCoordinateSystem` or * `THREE.WebGPUCoordinateSystem`. * * @readonly * @type {Number} */ get coordinateSystem() { return this.backend.coordinateSystem; } /** * Compiles all materials in the given scene. This can be useful to avoid a * phenomenon which is called "shader compilation stutter", which occurs when * rendering an object with a new shader for the first time. * * If you want to add a 3D object to an existing scene, use the third optional * parameter for applying the target scene. Note that the (target) scene's lighting * and environment must be configured before calling this method. * * @async * @param {Object3D} scene - The scene or 3D object to precompile. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera that is used to render the scene. * @param {Scene} targetScene - If the first argument is a 3D object, this parameter must represent the scene the 3D object is going to be added. * @return {Promise<Array>} A Promise that resolves when the compile has been finished. */ async compileAsync( scene, camera, targetScene = null ) { if ( this._isDeviceLost === true ) return; if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); // preserve render tree const nodeFrame = this._nodes.nodeFrame; const previousRenderId = nodeFrame.renderId; const previousRenderContext = this._currentRenderContext; const previousRenderObjectFunction = this._currentRenderObjectFunction; const previousCompilationPromises = this._compilationPromises; // const sceneRef = ( scene.isScene === true ) ? scene : _scene; if ( targetScene === null ) targetScene = scene; const renderTarget = this._renderTarget; const renderContext = this._renderContexts.get( targetScene, camera, renderTarget ); const activeMipmapLevel = this._activeMipmapLevel; const compilationPromises = []; this._currentRenderContext = renderContext; this._currentRenderObjectFunction = this.renderObject; this._handleObjectFunction = this._createObjectPipeline; this._compilationPromises = compilationPromises; nodeFrame.renderId ++; // nodeFrame.update(); // renderContext.depth = this.depth; renderContext.stencil = this.stencil; if ( ! renderContext.clippingContext ) renderContext.clippingContext = new ClippingContext(); renderContext.clippingContext.updateGlobal( sceneRef, camera ); // sceneRef.onBeforeRender( this, scene, camera, renderTarget ); // const renderList = this._renderLists.get( scene, camera ); renderList.begin(); this._projectObject( scene, camera, 0, renderList, renderContext.clippingContext ); // include lights from target scene if ( targetScene !== scene ) { targetScene.traverseVisible( function ( object ) { if ( object.isLight && object.layers.test( camera.layers ) ) { renderList.pushLight( object ); } } ); } renderList.finish(); // if ( renderTarget !== null ) { this._textures.updateRenderTarget( renderTarget, activeMipmapLevel ); const renderTargetData = this._textures.get( renderTarget ); renderContext.textures = renderTargetData.textures; renderContext.depthTexture = renderTargetData.depthTexture; } else { renderContext.textures = null; renderContext.depthTexture = null; } // this._background.update( sceneRef, renderList, renderContext ); // process render lists const opaqueObjects = renderList.opaque; const transparentObjects = renderList.transparent; const transparentDoublePassObjects = renderList.transparentDoublePass; const lightsNode = renderList.lightsNode; if ( this.opaque === true && opaqueObjects.length > 0 ) this._renderObjects( opaqueObjects, camera, sceneRef, lightsNode ); if ( this.transparent === true && transparentObjects.length > 0 ) this._renderTransparents( transparentObjects, transparentDoublePassObjects, camera, sceneRef, lightsNode ); // restore render tree nodeFrame.renderId = previousRenderId; this._currentRenderContext = previousRenderContext; this._currentRenderObjectFunction = previousRenderObjectFunction; this._compilationPromises = previousCompilationPromises; this._handleObjectFunction = this._renderObjectDirect; // wait for all promises setup by backends awaiting compilation/linking/pipeline creation to complete await Promise.all( compilationPromises ); } /** * Renders the scene in an async fashion. * * @async * @param {Object3D} scene - The scene or 3D object to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the render has been finished. */ async renderAsync( scene, camera ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); this._renderScene( scene, camera ); } /** * Can be used to synchronize CPU operations with GPU tasks. So when this method is called, * the CPU waits for the GPU to complete its operation (e.g. a compute task). * * @async * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when synchronization has been finished. */ async waitForGPU() { await this.backend.waitForGPU(); } /** * Sets the given MRT configuration. * * @param {MRTNode} mrt - The MRT node to set. * @return {Renderer} A reference to this renderer. */ setMRT( mrt ) { this._mrt = mrt; return this; } /** * Returns the MRT configuration. * * @return {MRTNode} The MRT configuration. */ getMRT() { return this._mrt; } /** * Returns the color buffer type. * * @return {Number} The color buffer type. */ getColorBufferType() { return this._colorBufferType; } /** * Default implementation of the device lost callback. * * @private * @param {Object} info - Information about the context lost. */ _onDeviceLost( info ) { let errorMessage = `THREE.WebGPURenderer: ${info.api} Device Lost:\n\nMessage: ${info.message}`; if ( info.reason ) { errorMessage += `\nReason: ${info.reason}`; } console.error( errorMessage ); this._isDeviceLost = true; } /** * Renders the given render bundle. * * @private * @param {Object} bundle - Render bundle data. * @param {Scene} sceneRef - The scene the render bundle belongs to. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. */ _renderBundle( bundle, sceneRef, lightsNode ) { const { bundleGroup, camera, renderList } = bundle; const renderContext = this._currentRenderContext; // const renderBundle = this._bundles.get( bundleGroup, camera ); const renderBundleData = this.backend.get( renderBundle ); if ( renderBundleData.renderContexts === undefined ) renderBundleData.renderContexts = new Set(); // const needsUpdate = bundleGroup.version !== renderBundleData.version; const renderBundleNeedsUpdate = renderBundleData.renderContexts.has( renderContext ) === false || needsUpdate; renderBundleData.renderContexts.add( renderContext ); if ( renderBundleNeedsUpdate ) { this.backend.beginBundle( renderContext ); if ( renderBundleData.renderObjects === undefined || needsUpdate ) { renderBundleData.renderObjects = []; } this._currentRenderBundle = renderBundle; const opaqueObjects = renderList.opaque; if ( this.opaque === true && opaqueObjects.length > 0 ) this._renderObjects( opaqueObjects, camera, sceneRef, lightsNode ); this._currentRenderBundle = null; // this.backend.finishBundle( renderContext, renderBundle ); renderBundleData.version = bundleGroup.version; } else { const { renderObjects } = renderBundleData; for ( let i = 0, l = renderObjects.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const renderObject = renderObjects[ i ]; if ( this._nodes.needsRefresh( renderObject ) ) { this._nodes.updateBefore( renderObject ); this._nodes.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._bindings.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._nodes.updateAfter( renderObject ); } } } this.backend.addBundle( renderContext, renderBundle ); } /** * Renders the scene or 3D object with the given camera. This method can only be called * if the renderer has been initialized. * * The target of the method is the default framebuffer (meaning the canvas) * or alternatively a render target when specified via `setRenderTarget()`. * * @param {Object3D} scene - The scene or 3D object to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with. * @return {Promise?} A Promise that resolve when the scene has been rendered. * Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ render( scene, camera ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.Renderer: .render() called before the backend is initialized. Try using .renderAsync() instead.' ); return this.renderAsync( scene, camera ); } this._renderScene( scene, camera ); } /** * Returns an internal render target which is used when computing the output tone mapping * and color space conversion. Unlike in `WebGLRenderer`, this is done in a separate render * pass and not inline to achieve more correct results. * * @private * @return {RenderTarget?} The render target. The method returns `null` if no output conversion should be applied. */ _getFrameBufferTarget() { const { currentToneMapping, currentColorSpace } = this; const useToneMapping = currentToneMapping !== NoToneMapping; const useColorSpace = currentColorSpace !== LinearSRGBColorSpace; if ( useToneMapping === false && useColorSpace === false ) return null; const { width, height } = this.getDrawingBufferSize( _drawingBufferSize ); const { depth, stencil } = this; let frameBufferTarget = this._frameBufferTarget; if ( frameBufferTarget === null ) { frameBufferTarget = new RenderTarget( width, height, { depthBuffer: depth, stencilBuffer: stencil, type: this._colorBufferType, format: RGBAFormat, colorSpace: LinearSRGBColorSpace, generateMipmaps: false, minFilter: LinearFilter, magFilter: LinearFilter, samples: this.samples } ); frameBufferTarget.isPostProcessingRenderTarget = true; this._frameBufferTarget = frameBufferTarget; } frameBufferTarget.depthBuffer = depth; frameBufferTarget.stencilBuffer = stencil; frameBufferTarget.setSize( width, height ); frameBufferTarget.viewport.copy( this._viewport ); frameBufferTarget.scissor.copy( this._scissor ); frameBufferTarget.viewport.multiplyScalar( this._pixelRatio ); frameBufferTarget.scissor.multiplyScalar( this._pixelRatio ); frameBufferTarget.scissorTest = this._scissorTest; return frameBufferTarget; } /** * Renders the scene or 3D object with the given camera. * * @private * @param {Object3D} scene - The scene or 3D object to render. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera to render the scene with. * @param {Boolean} [useFrameBufferTarget=true] - Whether to use a framebuffer target or not. * @return {RenderContext} The current render context. */ _renderScene( scene, camera, useFrameBufferTarget = true ) { if ( this._isDeviceLost === true ) return; const frameBufferTarget = useFrameBufferTarget ? this._getFrameBufferTarget() : null; // preserve render tree const nodeFrame = this._nodes.nodeFrame; const previousRenderId = nodeFrame.renderId; const previousRenderContext = this._currentRenderContext; const previousRenderObjectFunction = this._currentRenderObjectFunction; // const sceneRef = ( scene.isScene === true ) ? scene : _scene; const outputRenderTarget = this._renderTarget; const activeCubeFace = this._activeCubeFace; const activeMipmapLevel = this._activeMipmapLevel; // let renderTarget; if ( frameBufferTarget !== null ) { renderTarget = frameBufferTarget; this.setRenderTarget( renderTarget ); } else { renderTarget = outputRenderTarget; } // const renderContext = this._renderContexts.get( scene, camera, renderTarget ); this._currentRenderContext = renderContext; this._currentRenderObjectFunction = this._renderObjectFunction || this.renderObject; // ++; ++; ++; nodeFrame.renderId =; // const coordinateSystem = this.coordinateSystem; const xr = this.xr; if ( camera.coordinateSystem !== coordinateSystem && xr.isPresenting === false ) { camera.coordinateSystem = coordinateSystem; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); if ( camera.isArrayCamera ) { for ( const subCamera of camera.cameras ) { subCamera.coordinateSystem = coordinateSystem; subCamera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } } } // if ( scene.matrixWorldAutoUpdate === true ) scene.updateMatrixWorld(); if ( camera.parent === null && camera.matrixWorldAutoUpdate === true ) camera.updateMatrixWorld(); if ( xr.enabled === true && xr.isPresenting === true ) { if ( xr.cameraAutoUpdate === true ) xr.updateCamera( camera ); camera = xr.getCamera(); // use XR camera for rendering } // let viewport = this._viewport; let scissor = this._scissor; let pixelRatio = this._pixelRatio; if ( renderTarget !== null ) { viewport = renderTarget.viewport; scissor = renderTarget.scissor; pixelRatio = 1; } this.getDrawingBufferSize( _drawingBufferSize ); _screen.set( 0, 0, _drawingBufferSize.width, _drawingBufferSize.height ); const minDepth = ( viewport.minDepth === undefined ) ? 0 : viewport.minDepth; const maxDepth = ( viewport.maxDepth === undefined ) ? 1 : viewport.maxDepth; renderContext.viewportValue.copy( viewport ).multiplyScalar( pixelRatio ).floor(); renderContext.viewportValue.width >>= activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.viewportValue.height >>= activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.viewportValue.minDepth = minDepth; renderContext.viewportValue.maxDepth = maxDepth; renderContext.viewport = renderContext.viewportValue.equals( _screen ) === false; renderContext.scissorValue.copy( scissor ).multiplyScalar( pixelRatio ).floor(); renderContext.scissor = this._scissorTest && renderContext.scissorValue.equals( _screen ) === false; renderContext.scissorValue.width >>= activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.scissorValue.height >>= activeMipmapLevel; if ( ! renderContext.clippingContext ) renderContext.clippingContext = new ClippingContext(); renderContext.clippingContext.updateGlobal( sceneRef, camera ); // sceneRef.onBeforeRender( this, scene, camera, renderTarget ); // _projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse ); _frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix( _projScreenMatrix, coordinateSystem ); const renderList = this._renderLists.get( scene, camera ); renderList.begin(); this._projectObject( scene, camera, 0, renderList, renderContext.clippingContext ); renderList.finish(); if ( this.sortObjects === true ) { renderList.sort( this._opaqueSort, this._transparentSort ); } // if ( renderTarget !== null ) { this._textures.updateRenderTarget( renderTarget, activeMipmapLevel ); const renderTargetData = this._textures.get( renderTarget ); renderContext.textures = renderTargetData.textures; renderContext.depthTexture = renderTargetData.depthTexture; renderContext.width = renderTargetData.width; renderContext.height = renderTargetData.height; renderContext.renderTarget = renderTarget; renderContext.depth = renderTarget.depthBuffer; renderContext.stencil = renderTarget.stencilBuffer; } else { renderContext.textures = null; renderContext.depthTexture = null; renderContext.width = this.domElement.width; renderContext.height = this.domElement.height; renderContext.depth = this.depth; renderContext.stencil = this.stencil; } renderContext.width >>= activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.height >>= activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.activeCubeFace = activeCubeFace; renderContext.activeMipmapLevel = activeMipmapLevel; renderContext.occlusionQueryCount = renderList.occlusionQueryCount; // this._background.update( sceneRef, renderList, renderContext ); // this.backend.beginRender( renderContext ); // process render lists const { bundles, lightsNode, transparentDoublePass: transparentDoublePassObjects, transparent: transparentObjects, opaque: opaqueObjects } = renderList; if ( bundles.length > 0 ) this._renderBundles( bundles, sceneRef, lightsNode ); if ( this.opaque === true && opaqueObjects.length > 0 ) this._renderObjects( opaqueObjects, camera, sceneRef, lightsNode ); if ( this.transparent === true && transparentObjects.length > 0 ) this._renderTransparents( transparentObjects, transparentDoublePassObjects, camera, sceneRef, lightsNode ); // finish render pass this.backend.finishRender( renderContext ); // restore render tree nodeFrame.renderId = previousRenderId; this._currentRenderContext = previousRenderContext; this._currentRenderObjectFunction = previousRenderObjectFunction; // if ( frameBufferTarget !== null ) { this.setRenderTarget( outputRenderTarget, activeCubeFace, activeMipmapLevel ); const quad = this._quad; if ( this._nodes.hasOutputChange( renderTarget.texture ) ) { quad.material.fragmentNode = this._nodes.getOutputNode( renderTarget.texture ); quad.material.needsUpdate = true; } this._renderScene( quad,, false ); } // sceneRef.onAfterRender( this, scene, camera, renderTarget ); // return renderContext; } /** * Returns the maximum available anisotropy for texture filtering. * * @return {Number} The maximum available anisotropy. */ getMaxAnisotropy() { return this.backend.getMaxAnisotropy(); } /** * Returns the active cube face. * * @return {Number} The active cube face. */ getActiveCubeFace() { return this._activeCubeFace; } /** * Returns the active mipmap level. * * @return {Number} The active mipmap level. */ getActiveMipmapLevel() { return this._activeMipmapLevel; } /** * Applications are advised to always define the animation loop * with this method and not manually with `requestAnimationFrame()` * for best compatibility. * * @async * @param {Function} callback - The application's animation loop. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the set has been executed. */ async setAnimationLoop( callback ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); this._animation.setAnimationLoop( callback ); } /** * Can be used to transfer buffer data from a storage buffer attribute * from the GPU to the CPU in context of compute shaders. * * @async * @param {StorageBufferAttribute} attribute - The storage buffer attribute. * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} A promise that resolves with the buffer data when the data are ready. */ async getArrayBufferAsync( attribute ) { return await this.backend.getArrayBufferAsync( attribute ); } /** * Returns the rendering context. * * @return {GPUCanvasContext|WebGL2RenderingContext} The rendering context. */ getContext() { return this.backend.getContext(); } /** * Returns the pixel ratio. * * @return {Number} The pixel ratio. */ getPixelRatio() { return this._pixelRatio; } /** * Returns the drawing buffer size in physical pixels. This method honors the pixel ratio. * * @param {Vector2} target - The method writes the result in this target object. * @return {Vector2} The drawing buffer size. */ getDrawingBufferSize( target ) { return target.set( this._width * this._pixelRatio, this._height * this._pixelRatio ).floor(); } /** * Returns the renderer's size in logical pixels. This method does not honor the pixel ratio. * * @param {Vector2} target - The method writes the result in this target object. * @return {Vector2} The drawing buffer size. */ getSize( target ) { return target.set( this._width, this._height ); } /** * Sets the given pixel ration and resizes the canvas if necessary. * * @param {Number} [value=1] - The pixel ratio. */ setPixelRatio( value = 1 ) { if ( this._pixelRatio === value ) return; this._pixelRatio = value; this.setSize( this._width, this._height, false ); } /** * This method allows to define the drawing buffer size by specifying * width, height and pixel ratio all at once. The size of the drawing * buffer is computed with this formula: * ```` * size.x = width * pixelRatio; * size.y = height * pixelRatio; *``` * * @param {Number} width - The width in logical pixels. * @param {Number} height - The height in logical pixels. * @param {Number} pixelRatio - The pixel ratio. */ setDrawingBufferSize( width, height, pixelRatio ) { this._width = width; this._height = height; this._pixelRatio = pixelRatio; this.domElement.width = Math.floor( width * pixelRatio ); this.domElement.height = Math.floor( height * pixelRatio ); this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); if ( this._initialized ) this.backend.updateSize(); } /** * Sets the size of the renderer. * * @param {Number} width - The width in logical pixels. * @param {Number} height - The height in logical pixels. * @param {Boolean} [updateStyle=true] - Whether to update the `style` attribute of the canvas or not. */ setSize( width, height, updateStyle = true ) { this._width = width; this._height = height; this.domElement.width = Math.floor( width * this._pixelRatio ); this.domElement.height = Math.floor( height * this._pixelRatio ); if ( updateStyle === true ) { = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; } this.setViewport( 0, 0, width, height ); if ( this._initialized ) this.backend.updateSize(); } /** * Defines a manual sort function for the opaque render list. * Pass `null` to use the default sort. * * @param {Function} method - The sort function. */ setOpaqueSort( method ) { this._opaqueSort = method; } /** * Defines a manual sort function for the transparent render list. * Pass `null` to use the default sort. * * @param {Function} method - The sort function. */ setTransparentSort( method ) { this._transparentSort = method; } /** * Returns the scissor rectangle. * * @param {Vector4} target - The method writes the result in this target object. * @return {Vector4} The scissor rectangle. */ getScissor( target ) { const scissor = this._scissor; target.x = scissor.x; target.y = scissor.y; target.width = scissor.width; target.height = scissor.height; return target; } /** * Defines the scissor rectangle. * * @param {Number | Vector4} x - The horizontal coordinate for the lower left corner of the box in logical pixel unit. * Instead of passing four arguments, the method also works with a single four-dimensional vector. * @param {Number} y - The vertical coordinate for the lower left corner of the box in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} width - The width of the scissor box in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} height - The height of the scissor box in logical pixel unit. */ setScissor( x, y, width, height ) { const scissor = this._scissor; if ( x.isVector4 ) { scissor.copy( x ); } else { scissor.set( x, y, width, height ); } } /** * Returns the scissor test value. * * @return {Boolean} Whether the scissor test should be enabled or not. */ getScissorTest() { return this._scissorTest; } /** * Defines the scissor test. * * @param {Boolean} boolean - Whether the scissor test should be enabled or not. */ setScissorTest( boolean ) { this._scissorTest = boolean; this.backend.setScissorTest( boolean ); } /** * Returns the viewport definition. * * @param {Vector4} target - The method writes the result in this target object. * @return {Vector4} The viewport definition. */ getViewport( target ) { return target.copy( this._viewport ); } /** * Defines the viewport. * * @param {Number | Vector4} x - The horizontal coordinate for the lower left corner of the viewport origin in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} y - The vertical coordinate for the lower left corner of the viewport origin in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} width - The width of the viewport in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} height - The height of the viewport in logical pixel unit. * @param {Number} minDepth - The minimum depth value of the viewport. WebGPU only. * @param {Number} maxDepth - The maximum depth value of the viewport. WebGPU only. */ setViewport( x, y, width, height, minDepth = 0, maxDepth = 1 ) { const viewport = this._viewport; if ( x.isVector4 ) { viewport.copy( x ); } else { viewport.set( x, y, width, height ); } viewport.minDepth = minDepth; viewport.maxDepth = maxDepth; } /** * Returns the clear color. * * @param {Color} target - The method writes the result in this target object. * @return {Color} The clear color. */ getClearColor( target ) { return target.copy( this._clearColor ); } /** * Defines the clear color and optionally the clear alpha. * * @param {Color} color - The clear color. * @param {Number} [alpha=1] - The clear alpha. */ setClearColor( color, alpha = 1 ) { this._clearColor.set( color ); this._clearColor.a = alpha; } /** * Returns the clear alpha. * * @return {Number} The clear alpha. */ getClearAlpha() { return this._clearColor.a; } /** * Defines the clear alpha. * * @param {Number} alpha - The clear alpha. */ setClearAlpha( alpha ) { this._clearColor.a = alpha; } /** * Returns the clear depth. * * @return {Number} The clear depth. */ getClearDepth() { return this._clearDepth; } /** * Defines the clear depth. * * @param {Number} depth - The clear depth. */ setClearDepth( depth ) { this._clearDepth = depth; } /** * Returns the clear stencil. * * @return {Number} The clear stencil. */ getClearStencil() { return this._clearStencil; } /** * Defines the clear stencil. * * @param {Number} stencil - The clear stencil. */ setClearStencil( stencil ) { this._clearStencil = stencil; } /** * This method performs an occlusion query for the given 3D object. * It returns `true` if the given 3D object is fully occluded by other * 3D objects in the scene. * * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object to test. * @return {Boolean} Whether the 3D object is fully occluded or not. */ isOccluded( object ) { const renderContext = this._currentRenderContext; return renderContext && this.backend.isOccluded( renderContext, object ); } /** * Performs a manual clear operation. This method ignores `autoClear` properties. * * @param {Boolean} [color=true] - Whether the color buffer should be cleared or not. * @param {Boolean} [depth=true] - Whether the depth buffer should be cleared or not. * @param {Boolean} [stencil=true] - Whether the stencil buffer should be cleared or not. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. * Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ clear( color = true, depth = true, stencil = true ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.Renderer: .clear() called before the backend is initialized. Try using .clearAsync() instead.' ); return this.clearAsync( color, depth, stencil ); } const renderTarget = this._renderTarget || this._getFrameBufferTarget(); let renderContext = null; if ( renderTarget !== null ) { this._textures.updateRenderTarget( renderTarget ); const renderTargetData = this._textures.get( renderTarget ); renderContext = this._renderContexts.getForClear( renderTarget ); renderContext.textures = renderTargetData.textures; renderContext.depthTexture = renderTargetData.depthTexture; renderContext.width = renderTargetData.width; renderContext.height = renderTargetData.height; renderContext.renderTarget = renderTarget; renderContext.depth = renderTarget.depthBuffer; renderContext.stencil = renderTarget.stencilBuffer; } // #30329 renderContext.clearColorValue = this._clearColor; this.backend.clear( color, depth, stencil, renderContext ); if ( renderTarget !== null && this._renderTarget === null ) { // If a color space transform or tone mapping is required, // the clear operation clears the intermediate renderTarget texture, but does not update the screen canvas. const quad = this._quad; if ( this._nodes.hasOutputChange( renderTarget.texture ) ) { quad.material.fragmentNode = this._nodes.getOutputNode( renderTarget.texture ); quad.material.needsUpdate = true; } this._renderScene( quad,, false ); } } /** * Performs a manual clear operation of the color buffer. This method ignores `autoClear` properties. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. * Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ clearColor() { return this.clear( true, false, false ); } /** * Performs a manual clear operation of the depth buffer. This method ignores `autoClear` properties. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. * Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ clearDepth() { return this.clear( false, true, false ); } /** * Performs a manual clear operation of the stencil buffer. This method ignores `autoClear` properties. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. * Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ clearStencil() { return this.clear( false, false, true ); } /** * Async version of {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#clear}. * * @async * @param {Boolean} [color=true] - Whether the color buffer should be cleared or not. * @param {Boolean} [depth=true] - Whether the depth buffer should be cleared or not. * @param {Boolean} [stencil=true] - Whether the stencil buffer should be cleared or not. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. */ async clearAsync( color = true, depth = true, stencil = true ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); this.clear( color, depth, stencil ); } /** * Async version of {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#clearColor}. * * @async * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. */ async clearColorAsync() { this.clearAsync( true, false, false ); } /** * Async version of {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#clearDepth}. * * @async * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. */ async clearDepthAsync() { this.clearAsync( false, true, false ); } /** * Async version of {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#clearStencil}. * * @async * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the clear operation has been executed. */ async clearStencilAsync() { this.clearAsync( false, false, true ); } /** * The current output tone mapping of the renderer. When a render target is set, * the output tone mapping is always `NoToneMapping`. * * @type {Number} */ get currentToneMapping() { return this._renderTarget !== null ? NoToneMapping : this.toneMapping; } /** * The current output color space of the renderer. When a render target is set, * the output color space is always `LinearSRGBColorSpace`. * * @type {String} */ get currentColorSpace() { return this._renderTarget !== null ? LinearSRGBColorSpace : this.outputColorSpace; } /** * Frees all internal resources of the renderer. Call this method if the renderer * is no longer in use by your app. */ dispose() {; this.backend.dispose(); this._animation.dispose(); this._objects.dispose(); this._pipelines.dispose(); this._nodes.dispose(); this._bindings.dispose(); this._renderLists.dispose(); this._renderContexts.dispose(); this._textures.dispose(); if ( this._frameBufferTarget !== null ) this._frameBufferTarget.dispose(); Object.values( this.backend.timestampQueryPool ).forEach( queryPool => { if ( queryPool !== null ) queryPool.dispose(); } ); this.setRenderTarget( null ); this.setAnimationLoop( null ); } /** * Sets the given render target. Calling this method means the renderer does not * target the default framebuffer (meaning the canvas) anymore but a custom framebuffer. * Use `null` as the first argument to reset the state. * * @param {RenderTarget?} renderTarget - The render target to set. * @param {Number} [activeCubeFace=0] - The active cube face. * @param {Number} [activeMipmapLevel=0] - The active mipmap level. */ setRenderTarget( renderTarget, activeCubeFace = 0, activeMipmapLevel = 0 ) { this._renderTarget = renderTarget; this._activeCubeFace = activeCubeFace; this._activeMipmapLevel = activeMipmapLevel; } /** * Returns the current render target. * * @return {RenderTarget?} The render target. Returns `null` if no render target is set. */ getRenderTarget() { return this._renderTarget; } /** * Callback for {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#setRenderObjectFunction}. * * @callback renderObjectFunction * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the 3D object belongs to. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object should be rendered with. * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry - The object's geometry. * @param {Material} material - The object's material. * @param {Object?} group - Only relevant for objects using multiple materials. This represents a group entry from the respective `BufferGeometry`. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The clipping context. * @param {String?} [passId=null] - An optional ID for identifying the pass. */ /** * Sets the given render object function. Calling this method overwrites the default implementation * which is {@link module:Renderer~Renderer#renderObject}. Defining a custom function can be useful * if you want to modify the way objects are rendered. For example you can define things like "every * object that has material of a certain type should perform a pre-pass with a special overwrite material". * The custom function must always call `renderObject()` in its implementation. * * Use `null` as the first argument to reset the state. * * @param {module:Renderer~renderObjectFunction?} renderObjectFunction - The render object function. */ setRenderObjectFunction( renderObjectFunction ) { this._renderObjectFunction = renderObjectFunction; } /** * Returns the current render object function. * * @return {Function?} The current render object function. Returns `null` if no function is set. */ getRenderObjectFunction() { return this._renderObjectFunction; } /** * Execute a single or an array of compute nodes. This method can only be called * if the renderer has been initialized. * * @param {Node|Array<Node>} computeNodes - The compute node(s). * @return {Promise?} A Promise that resolve when the compute has finished. Only returned when the renderer has not been initialized. */ compute( computeNodes ) { if ( this._isDeviceLost === true ) return; if ( this._initialized === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.Renderer: .compute() called before the backend is initialized. Try using .computeAsync() instead.' ); return this.computeAsync( computeNodes ); } // const nodeFrame = this._nodes.nodeFrame; const previousRenderId = nodeFrame.renderId; // ++; ++; ++; nodeFrame.renderId =; // const backend = this.backend; const pipelines = this._pipelines; const bindings = this._bindings; const nodes = this._nodes; const computeList = Array.isArray( computeNodes ) ? computeNodes : [ computeNodes ]; if ( computeList[ 0 ] === undefined || computeList[ 0 ].isComputeNode !== true ) { throw new Error( 'THREE.Renderer: .compute() expects a ComputeNode.' ); } backend.beginCompute( computeNodes ); for ( const computeNode of computeList ) { // onInit if ( pipelines.has( computeNode ) === false ) { const dispose = () => { computeNode.removeEventListener( 'dispose', dispose ); pipelines.delete( computeNode ); bindings.delete( computeNode ); nodes.delete( computeNode ); }; computeNode.addEventListener( 'dispose', dispose ); // const onInitFn = computeNode.onInitFunction; if ( onInitFn !== null ) { computeNode, { renderer: this } ); } } nodes.updateForCompute( computeNode ); bindings.updateForCompute( computeNode ); const computeBindings = bindings.getForCompute( computeNode ); const computePipeline = pipelines.getForCompute( computeNode, computeBindings ); backend.compute( computeNodes, computeNode, computeBindings, computePipeline ); } backend.finishCompute( computeNodes ); // nodeFrame.renderId = previousRenderId; } /** * Execute a single or an array of compute nodes. * * @async * @param {Node|Array<Node>} computeNodes - The compute node(s). * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolve when the compute has finished. */ async computeAsync( computeNodes ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); this.compute( computeNodes ); } /** * Checks if the given feature is supported by the selected backend. * * @async * @param {String} name - The feature's name. * @return {Promise<Boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a bool that indicates whether the feature is supported or not. */ async hasFeatureAsync( name ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); return this.backend.hasFeature( name ); } async resolveTimestampsAsync( type = 'render' ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); return this.backend.resolveTimestampsAsync( type ); } /** * Checks if the given feature is supported by the selected backend. If the * renderer has not been initialized, this method always returns `false`. * * @param {String} name - The feature's name. * @return {Boolean} Whether the feature is supported or not. */ hasFeature( name ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.Renderer: .hasFeature() called before the backend is initialized. Try using .hasFeatureAsync() instead.' ); return false; } return this.backend.hasFeature( name ); } /** * Returns `true` when the renderer has been initialized. * * @return {Boolean} Whether the renderer has been initialized or not. */ hasInitialized() { return this._initialized; } /** * Initializes the given textures. Useful for preloading a texture rather than waiting until first render * (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead). * * @async * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the texture has been initialized. */ async initTextureAsync( texture ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) await this.init(); this._textures.updateTexture( texture ); } /** * Initializes the given textures. Useful for preloading a texture rather than waiting until first render * (which can cause noticeable lags due to decode and GPU upload overhead). * * This method can only be used if the renderer has been initialized. * * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. */ initTexture( texture ) { if ( this._initialized === false ) { console.warn( 'THREE.Renderer: .initTexture() called before the backend is initialized. Try using .initTextureAsync() instead.' ); } this._textures.updateTexture( texture ); } /** * Copies the current bound framebuffer into the given texture. * * @param {FramebufferTexture} framebufferTexture - The texture. * @param {Vector2|Vector4} rectangle - A two or four dimensional vector that defines the rectangular portion of the framebuffer that should be copied. */ copyFramebufferToTexture( framebufferTexture, rectangle = null ) { if ( rectangle !== null ) { if ( rectangle.isVector2 ) { rectangle = _vector4.set( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, framebufferTexture.image.width, framebufferTexture.image.height ).floor(); } else if ( rectangle.isVector4 ) { rectangle = _vector4.copy( rectangle ).floor(); } else { console.error( 'THREE.Renderer.copyFramebufferToTexture: Invalid rectangle.' ); return; } } else { rectangle = _vector4.set( 0, 0, framebufferTexture.image.width, framebufferTexture.image.height ); } // let renderContext = this._currentRenderContext; let renderTarget; if ( renderContext !== null ) { renderTarget = renderContext.renderTarget; } else { renderTarget = this._renderTarget || this._getFrameBufferTarget(); if ( renderTarget !== null ) { this._textures.updateRenderTarget( renderTarget ); renderContext = this._textures.get( renderTarget ); } } // this._textures.updateTexture( framebufferTexture, { renderTarget } ); this.backend.copyFramebufferToTexture( framebufferTexture, renderContext, rectangle ); } /** * Copies data of source texture into a destination texture. * * @param {Texture} srcTexture - The source texture. * @param {Texture} dstTexture - The destination texture. * @param {Box2|Box3} [srcRegion=null] - A bounding box which describes the source region. Can be two or three-dimensional. * @param {Vector2|Vector3} [dstPosition=null] - A vector that represents the origin of the destination region. Can be two or three-dimensional. * @param {Number} level - The mipmap level to copy. */ copyTextureToTexture( srcTexture, dstTexture, srcRegion = null, dstPosition = null, level = 0 ) { this._textures.updateTexture( srcTexture ); this._textures.updateTexture( dstTexture ); this.backend.copyTextureToTexture( srcTexture, dstTexture, srcRegion, dstPosition, level ); } /** * Reads pixel data from the given render target. * * @async * @param {RenderTarget} renderTarget - The render target to read from. * @param {Number} x - The `x` coordinate of the copy region's origin. * @param {Number} y - The `y` coordinate of the copy region's origin. * @param {Number} width - The width of the copy region. * @param {Number} height - The height of the copy region. * @param {Number} [textureIndex=0] - The texture index of a MRT render target. * @param {Number} [faceIndex=0] - The active cube face index. * @return {Promise<TypedArray>} A Promise that resolves when the read has been finished. The resolve provides the read data as a typed array. */ async readRenderTargetPixelsAsync( renderTarget, x, y, width, height, textureIndex = 0, faceIndex = 0 ) { return this.backend.copyTextureToBuffer( renderTarget.textures[ textureIndex ], x, y, width, height, faceIndex ); } /** * Analyzes the given 3D object's hierarchy and builds render lists from the * processed hierarchy. * * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object to process (usually a scene). * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object is rendered with. * @param {Number} groupOrder - The group order is derived from the `renderOrder` of groups and is used to group 3D objects within groups. * @param {RenderList} renderList - The current render list. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The current clipping context. */ _projectObject( object, camera, groupOrder, renderList, clippingContext ) { if ( object.visible === false ) return; const visible = object.layers.test( camera.layers ); if ( visible ) { if ( object.isGroup ) { groupOrder = object.renderOrder; if ( object.isClippingGroup && object.enabled ) clippingContext = clippingContext.getGroupContext( object ); } else if ( object.isLOD ) { if ( object.autoUpdate === true ) object.update( camera ); } else if ( object.isLight ) { renderList.pushLight( object ); } else if ( object.isSprite ) { if ( ! object.frustumCulled || _frustum.intersectsSprite( object ) ) { if ( this.sortObjects === true ) { _vector4.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld ).applyMatrix4( _projScreenMatrix ); } const { geometry, material } = object; if ( material.visible ) { renderList.push( object, geometry, material, groupOrder, _vector4.z, null, clippingContext ); } } } else if ( object.isLineLoop ) { console.error( 'THREE.Renderer: Objects of type THREE.LineLoop are not supported. Please use THREE.Line or THREE.LineSegments.' ); } else if ( object.isMesh || object.isLine || object.isPoints ) { if ( ! object.frustumCulled || _frustum.intersectsObject( object ) ) { const { geometry, material } = object; if ( this.sortObjects === true ) { if ( geometry.boundingSphere === null ) geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); _vector4 .copy( ) .applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld ) .applyMatrix4( _projScreenMatrix ); } if ( Array.isArray( material ) ) { const groups = geometry.groups; for ( let i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const group = groups[ i ]; const groupMaterial = material[ group.materialIndex ]; if ( groupMaterial && groupMaterial.visible ) { renderList.push( object, geometry, groupMaterial, groupOrder, _vector4.z, group, clippingContext ); } } } else if ( material.visible ) { renderList.push( object, geometry, material, groupOrder, _vector4.z, null, clippingContext ); } } } } if ( object.isBundleGroup === true && this.backend.beginBundle !== undefined ) { const baseRenderList = renderList; // replace render list renderList = this._renderLists.get( object, camera ); renderList.begin(); baseRenderList.pushBundle( { bundleGroup: object, camera, renderList, } ); renderList.finish(); } const children = object.children; for ( let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) { this._projectObject( children[ i ], camera, groupOrder, renderList, clippingContext ); } } /** * Renders the given render bundles. * * @private * @param {Array<Object>} bundles - Array with render bundle data. * @param {Scene} sceneRef - The scene the render bundles belong to. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. */ _renderBundles( bundles, sceneRef, lightsNode ) { for ( const bundle of bundles ) { this._renderBundle( bundle, sceneRef, lightsNode ); } } /** * Renders the transparent objects from the given render lists. * * @private * @param {Array<Object>} renderList - The transparent render list. * @param {Array<Object>} doublePassList - The list of transparent objects which require a double pass (e.g. because of transmission). * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the render list should be rendered with. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the render list belongs to. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. */ _renderTransparents( renderList, doublePassList, camera, scene, lightsNode ) { if ( doublePassList.length > 0 ) { // render back side for ( const { material } of doublePassList ) { material.side = BackSide; } this._renderObjects( doublePassList, camera, scene, lightsNode, 'backSide' ); // render front side for ( const { material } of doublePassList ) { material.side = FrontSide; } this._renderObjects( renderList, camera, scene, lightsNode ); // restore for ( const { material } of doublePassList ) { material.side = DoubleSide; } } else { this._renderObjects( renderList, camera, scene, lightsNode ); } } /** * Renders the objects from the given render list. * * @private * @param {Array<Object>} renderList - The render list. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the render list should be rendered with. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the render list belongs to. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. * @param {String?} [passId=null] - An optional ID for identifying the pass. */ _renderObjects( renderList, camera, scene, lightsNode, passId = null ) { for ( let i = 0, il = renderList.length; i < il; i ++ ) { const { object, geometry, material, group, clippingContext } = renderList[ i ]; this._currentRenderObjectFunction( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group, lightsNode, clippingContext, passId ); } } /** * This method represents the default render object function that manages the render lifecycle * of the object. * * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the 3D object belongs to. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object should be rendered with. * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry - The object's geometry. * @param {Material} material - The object's material. * @param {Object?} group - Only relevant for objects using multiple materials. This represents a group entry from the respective `BufferGeometry`. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The clipping context. * @param {String?} [passId=null] - An optional ID for identifying the pass. */ renderObject( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group, lightsNode, clippingContext = null, passId = null ) { let overridePositionNode; let overrideColorNode; let overrideDepthNode; // object.onBeforeRender( this, scene, camera, geometry, material, group ); // if ( scene.overrideMaterial !== null ) { const overrideMaterial = scene.overrideMaterial; if ( material.positionNode && material.positionNode.isNode ) { overridePositionNode = overrideMaterial.positionNode; overrideMaterial.positionNode = material.positionNode; } overrideMaterial.alphaTest = material.alphaTest; overrideMaterial.alphaMap = material.alphaMap; overrideMaterial.transparent = material.transparent || material.transmission > 0; if ( overrideMaterial.isShadowPassMaterial ) { overrideMaterial.side = material.shadowSide === null ? material.side : material.shadowSide; if ( material.depthNode && material.depthNode.isNode ) { overrideDepthNode = overrideMaterial.depthNode; overrideMaterial.depthNode = material.depthNode; } if ( material.castShadowNode && material.castShadowNode.isNode ) { overrideColorNode = overrideMaterial.colorNode; overrideMaterial.colorNode = material.castShadowNode; } } material = overrideMaterial; } // if ( material.transparent === true && material.side === DoubleSide && material.forceSinglePass === false ) { material.side = BackSide; this._handleObjectFunction( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, group, clippingContext, 'backSide' ); // create backSide pass id material.side = FrontSide; this._handleObjectFunction( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, group, clippingContext, passId ); // use default pass id material.side = DoubleSide; } else { this._handleObjectFunction( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, group, clippingContext, passId ); } // if ( overridePositionNode !== undefined ) { scene.overrideMaterial.positionNode = overridePositionNode; } if ( overrideDepthNode !== undefined ) { scene.overrideMaterial.depthNode = overrideDepthNode; } if ( overrideColorNode !== undefined ) { scene.overrideMaterial.colorNode = overrideColorNode; } // object.onAfterRender( this, scene, camera, geometry, material, group ); } /** * This method represents the default `_handleObjectFunction` implementation which creates * a render object from the given data and performs the draw command with the selected backend. * * @private * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Material} material - The object's material. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the 3D object belongs to. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object should be rendered with. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. * @param {{start: Number, count: Number}?} group - Only relevant for objects using multiple materials. This represents a group entry from the respective `BufferGeometry`. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The clipping context. * @param {String?} [passId=null] - An optional ID for identifying the pass. */ _renderObjectDirect( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, group, clippingContext, passId ) { const renderObject = this._objects.get( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, this._currentRenderContext, clippingContext, passId ); renderObject.drawRange = object.geometry.drawRange; = group; // const needsRefresh = this._nodes.needsRefresh( renderObject ); if ( needsRefresh ) { this._nodes.updateBefore( renderObject ); this._geometries.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._nodes.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._bindings.updateForRender( renderObject ); } this._pipelines.updateForRender( renderObject ); // if ( this._currentRenderBundle !== null ) { const renderBundleData = this.backend.get( this._currentRenderBundle ); renderBundleData.renderObjects.push( renderObject ); renderObject.bundle = this._currentRenderBundle.bundleGroup; } this.backend.draw( renderObject, ); if ( needsRefresh ) this._nodes.updateAfter( renderObject ); } /** * A different implementation for `_handleObjectFunction` which only makes sure the object is ready for rendering. * Used in `compileAsync()`. * * @private * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Material} material - The object's material. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the 3D object belongs to. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object should be rendered with. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The current lights node. * @param {{start: Number, count: Number}?} group - Only relevant for objects using multiple materials. This represents a group entry from the respective `BufferGeometry`. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The clipping context. * @param {String?} [passId=null] - An optional ID for identifying the pass. */ _createObjectPipeline( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, group, clippingContext, passId ) { const renderObject = this._objects.get( object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, this._currentRenderContext, clippingContext, passId ); renderObject.drawRange = object.geometry.drawRange; = group; // this._nodes.updateBefore( renderObject ); this._geometries.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._nodes.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._bindings.updateForRender( renderObject ); this._pipelines.getForRender( renderObject, this._compilationPromises ); this._nodes.updateAfter( renderObject ); } /** * Alias for `compileAsync()`. * * @method * @param {Object3D} scene - The scene or 3D object to precompile. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera that is used to render the scene. * @param {Scene} targetScene - If the first argument is a 3D object, this parameter must represent the scene the 3D object is going to be added. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the compile has been finished. */ get compile() { return this.compileAsync; } } export default Renderer;