MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { hash, hashString } from '../../nodes/core/NodeUtils.js'; let _id = 0; function getKeys( obj ) { const keys = Object.keys( obj ); let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( obj ); while ( proto ) { const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors( proto ); for ( const key in descriptors ) { if ( descriptors[ key ] !== undefined ) { const descriptor = descriptors[ key ]; if ( descriptor && typeof descriptor.get === 'function' ) { keys.push( key ); } } } proto = Object.getPrototypeOf( proto ); } return keys; } /** * A render object is the renderer's representation of single entity that gets drawn * with a draw command. There is no unique mapping of render objects to 3D objects in the * scene since render objects also depend from the used material, the current render context * and the current scene's lighting. * * In general, the basic process of the renderer is: * * - Analyze the 3D objects in the scene and generate render lists containing render items. * - Process the render lists by calling one or more render commands for each render item. * - For each render command, request a render object and perform the draw. * * The module provides an interface to get data required for the draw command like the actual * draw parameters or vertex buffers. It also holds a series of caching related methods since * creating render objects should only be done when necessary. * * @private */ class RenderObject { /** * Constructs a new render object. * * @param {Nodes} nodes - Renderer component for managing nodes related logic. * @param {Geometries} geometries - Renderer component for managing geometries. * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer. * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object. * @param {Material} material - The 3D object's material. * @param {Scene} scene - The scene the 3D object belongs to. * @param {Camera} camera - The camera the object should be rendered with. * @param {LightsNode} lightsNode - The lights node. * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. * @param {ClippingContext} clippingContext - The clipping context. */ constructor( nodes, geometries, renderer, object, material, scene, camera, lightsNode, renderContext, clippingContext ) { = _id ++; /** * Renderer component for managing nodes related logic. * * @type {Nodes} * @private */ this._nodes = nodes; /** * Renderer component for managing geometries. * * @type {Geometries} * @private */ this._geometries = geometries; /** * The renderer. * * @type {Renderer} */ this.renderer = renderer; /** * The 3D object. * * @type {Object3D} */ this.object = object; /** * The 3D object's material. * * @type {Material} */ this.material = material; /** * The scene the 3D object belongs to. * * @type {Scene} */ this.scene = scene; /** * The camera the 3D object should be rendered with. * * @type {Camera} */ = camera; /** * The lights node. * * @type {LightsNode} */ this.lightsNode = lightsNode; /** * The render context. * * @type {RenderContext} */ this.context = renderContext; /** * The 3D object's geometry. * * @type {BufferGeometry} */ this.geometry = object.geometry; /** * The render object's version. * * @type {Number} */ this.version = material.version; /** * The draw range of the geometry. * * @type {Object?} * @default null */ this.drawRange = null; /** * An array holding the buffer attributes * of the render object. This entails attribute * definitions on geometry and node level. * * @type {Array<BufferAttribute>?} * @default null */ this.attributes = null; /** * A reference to a render pipeline the render * object is processed with. * * @type {RenderPipeline} * @default null */ this.pipeline = null; /** * Only relevant for objects using * multiple materials. This represents a group entry * from the respective `BufferGeometry`. * * @type {{start: Number, count: Number}?} * @default null */ = null; /** * An array holding the vertex buffers which can * be buffer attributes but also interleaved buffers. * * @type {Array<BufferAttribute|InterleavedBuffer>?} * @default null */ this.vertexBuffers = null; /** * The parameters for the draw command. * * @type {Object?} * @default null */ this.drawParams = null; /** * If this render object is used inside a render bundle, * this property points to the respective bundle group. * * @type {BundleGroup?} * @default null */ this.bundle = null; /** * The clipping context. * * @type {ClippingContext} */ this.clippingContext = clippingContext; /** * The clipping context's cache key. * * @type {String} */ this.clippingContextCacheKey = clippingContext !== null ? clippingContext.cacheKey : ''; /** * The initial node cache key. * * @type {Number} */ this.initialNodesCacheKey = this.getDynamicCacheKey(); /** * The initial cache key. * * @type {Number} */ this.initialCacheKey = this.getCacheKey(); /** * The node builder state. * * @type {NodeBuilderState?} * @private * @default null */ this._nodeBuilderState = null; /** * An array of bindings. * * @type {Array<BindGroup>?} * @private * @default null */ this._bindings = null; /** * Reference to the node material observer. * * @type {NodeMaterialObserver?} * @private * @default null */ this._monitor = null; /** * An event listener which is defined by `RenderObjects`. It performs * clean up tasks when `dispose()` on this render object. * * @method */ this.onDispose = null; /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isRenderObject = true; /** * An event listener which is executed when `dispose()` is called on * the render object's material. * * @method */ this.onMaterialDispose = () => { this.dispose(); }; this.material.addEventListener( 'dispose', this.onMaterialDispose ); } /** * Updates the clipping context. * * @param {ClippingContext} context - The clipping context to set. */ updateClipping( context ) { this.clippingContext = context; } /** * Whether the clipping requires an update or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ get clippingNeedsUpdate() { if ( this.clippingContext === null || this.clippingContext.cacheKey === this.clippingContextCacheKey ) return false; this.clippingContextCacheKey = this.clippingContext.cacheKey; return true; } /** * The number of clipping planes defined in context of hardware clipping. * * @type {Number} * @readonly */ get hardwareClippingPlanes() { return this.material.hardwareClipping === true ? this.clippingContext.unionClippingCount : 0; } /** * Returns the node builder state of this render object. * * @return {NodeBuilderState} The node builder state. */ getNodeBuilderState() { return this._nodeBuilderState || ( this._nodeBuilderState = this._nodes.getForRender( this ) ); } /** * Returns the node material observer of this render object. * * @return {NodeMaterialObserver} The node material observer. */ getMonitor() { return this._monitor || ( this._monitor = this.getNodeBuilderState().observer ); } /** * Returns an array of bind groups of this render object. * * @return {Array<BindGroup>} The bindings. */ getBindings() { return this._bindings || ( this._bindings = this.getNodeBuilderState().createBindings() ); } /** * Returns a binding group by group name of this render object. * * @param {String} name - The name of the binding group. * @return {BindGroup?} The bindings. */ getBindingGroup( name ) { for ( const bindingGroup of this.getBindings() ) { if ( === name ) { return bindingGroup; } } } /** * Returns the index of the render object's geometry. * * @return {BufferAttribute?} The index. Returns `null` for non-indexed geometries. */ getIndex() { return this._geometries.getIndex( this ); } /** * Returns the indirect buffer attribute. * * @return {BufferAttribute?} The indirect attribute. `null` if no indirect drawing is used. */ getIndirect() { return this._geometries.getIndirect( this ); } /** * Returns an array that acts as a key for identifying the render object in a chain map. * * @return {Array<Object>} An array with object references. */ getChainArray() { return [ this.object, this.material, this.context, this.lightsNode ]; } /** * This method is used when the geometry of a 3D object has been exchanged and the * respective render object now requires an update. * * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry - The geometry to set. */ setGeometry( geometry ) { this.geometry = geometry; this.attributes = null; } /** * Returns the buffer attributes of the render object. The returned array holds * attribute definitions on geometry and node level. * * @return {Array<BufferAttribute>} An array with buffer attributes. */ getAttributes() { if ( this.attributes !== null ) return this.attributes; const nodeAttributes = this.getNodeBuilderState().nodeAttributes; const geometry = this.geometry; const attributes = []; const vertexBuffers = new Set(); for ( const nodeAttribute of nodeAttributes ) { const attribute = nodeAttribute.node && nodeAttribute.node.attribute ? nodeAttribute.node.attribute : geometry.getAttribute( ); if ( attribute === undefined ) continue; attributes.push( attribute ); const bufferAttribute = attribute.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ? : attribute; vertexBuffers.add( bufferAttribute ); } this.attributes = attributes; this.vertexBuffers = Array.from( vertexBuffers.values() ); return attributes; } /** * Returns the vertex buffers of the render object. * * @return {Array<BufferAttribute|InterleavedBuffer>} An array with buffer attribute or interleaved buffers. */ getVertexBuffers() { if ( this.vertexBuffers === null ) this.getAttributes(); return this.vertexBuffers; } /** * Returns the draw parameters for the render object. * * @return {{vertexCount: Number, firstVertex: Number, instanceCount: Number, firstInstance: Number}} The draw parameters. */ getDrawParameters() { const { object, material, geometry, group, drawRange } = this; const drawParams = this.drawParams || ( this.drawParams = { vertexCount: 0, firstVertex: 0, instanceCount: 0, firstInstance: 0 } ); const index = this.getIndex(); const hasIndex = ( index !== null ); const instanceCount = geometry.isInstancedBufferGeometry ? geometry.instanceCount : ( object.count > 1 ? object.count : 1 ); if ( instanceCount === 0 ) return null; drawParams.instanceCount = instanceCount; if ( object.isBatchedMesh === true ) return drawParams; let rangeFactor = 1; if ( material.wireframe === true && ! object.isPoints && ! object.isLineSegments && ! object.isLine && ! object.isLineLoop ) { rangeFactor = 2; } let firstVertex = drawRange.start * rangeFactor; let lastVertex = ( drawRange.start + drawRange.count ) * rangeFactor; if ( group !== null ) { firstVertex = Math.max( firstVertex, group.start * rangeFactor ); lastVertex = Math.min( lastVertex, ( group.start + group.count ) * rangeFactor ); } const position = geometry.attributes.position; let itemCount = Infinity; if ( hasIndex ) { itemCount = index.count; } else if ( position !== undefined && position !== null ) { itemCount = position.count; } firstVertex = Math.max( firstVertex, 0 ); lastVertex = Math.min( lastVertex, itemCount ); const count = lastVertex - firstVertex; if ( count < 0 || count === Infinity ) return null; drawParams.vertexCount = count; drawParams.firstVertex = firstVertex; return drawParams; } /** * Returns the render object's geometry cache key. * * The geometry cache key is part of the material cache key. * * @return {String} The geometry cache key. */ getGeometryCacheKey() { const { geometry } = this; let cacheKey = ''; for ( const name of Object.keys( geometry.attributes ).sort() ) { const attribute = geometry.attributes[ name ]; cacheKey += name + ','; if ( ) cacheKey += + ','; if ( attribute.offset ) cacheKey += attribute.offset + ','; if ( attribute.itemSize ) cacheKey += attribute.itemSize + ','; if ( attribute.normalized ) cacheKey += 'n,'; } // structural equality isn't sufficient for morph targets since the // data are maintained in textures. only if the targets are all equal // the texture and thus the instance of `MorphNode` can be shared. for ( const name of Object.keys( geometry.morphAttributes ).sort() ) { const targets = geometry.morphAttributes[ name ]; cacheKey += 'morph-' + name + ','; for ( let i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const attribute = targets[ i ]; cacheKey += + ','; } } if ( geometry.index ) { cacheKey += 'index,'; } return cacheKey; } /** * Returns the render object's material cache key. * * The material cache key is part of the render object cache key. * * @return {Number} The material cache key. */ getMaterialCacheKey() { const { object, material } = this; let cacheKey = material.customProgramCacheKey(); for ( const property of getKeys( material ) ) { if ( /^(is[A-Z]|_)|^(visible|version|uuid|name|opacity|userData)$/.test( property ) ) continue; const value = material[ property ]; let valueKey; if ( value !== null ) { // some material values require a formatting const type = typeof value; if ( type === 'number' ) { valueKey = value !== 0 ? '1' : '0'; // Convert to on/off, important for clearcoat, transmission, etc } else if ( type === 'object' ) { valueKey = '{'; if ( value.isTexture ) { valueKey += value.mapping; } valueKey += '}'; } else { valueKey = String( value ); } } else { valueKey = String( value ); } cacheKey += /*property + ':' +*/ valueKey + ','; } cacheKey += this.clippingContextCacheKey + ','; if ( object.geometry ) { cacheKey += this.getGeometryCacheKey(); } if ( object.skeleton ) { cacheKey += object.skeleton.bones.length + ','; } if ( object.isBatchedMesh ) { cacheKey += object._matricesTexture.uuid + ','; if ( object._colorsTexture !== null ) { cacheKey += object._colorsTexture.uuid + ','; } } if ( object.count > 1 ) { // TODO: cacheKey += object.uuid + ','; } cacheKey += object.receiveShadow + ','; return hashString( cacheKey ); } /** * Whether the geometry requires an update or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ get needsGeometryUpdate() { return !==; } /** * Whether the render object requires an update or not. * * Note: There are two distinct places where render objects are checked for an update. * * 1. In `RenderObjects.get()` which is executed when the render object is request. This * method checks the `needsUpdate` flag and recreates the render object if necessary. * 2. In `Renderer._renderObjectDirect()` right after getting the render object via * `RenderObjects.get()`. The render object's NodeMaterialObserver is then used to detect * a need for a refresh due to material, geometry or object related value changes. * * TODO: Investigate if it's possible to merge both steps so there is only a single place * that performs the 'needsUpdate' check. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly */ get needsUpdate() { return /*this.object.static !== true &&*/ ( this.initialNodesCacheKey !== this.getDynamicCacheKey() || this.clippingNeedsUpdate ); } /** * Returns the dynamic cache key which represents a key that is computed per draw command. * * @return {Number} The cache key. */ getDynamicCacheKey() { let cacheKey = 0; // `Nodes.getCacheKey()` returns an environment cache key which is not relevant when // the renderer is inside a shadow pass. if ( this.material.isShadowPassMaterial !== true ) { cacheKey = this._nodes.getCacheKey( this.scene, this.lightsNode ); } if ( ) { cacheKey = hash( cacheKey, ); } if ( this.object.receiveShadow ) { cacheKey = hash( cacheKey, 1 ); } return cacheKey; } /** * Returns the render object's cache key. * * @return {Number} The cache key. */ getCacheKey() { return this.getMaterialCacheKey() + this.getDynamicCacheKey(); } /** * Frees internal resources. */ dispose() { this.material.removeEventListener( 'dispose', this.onMaterialDispose ); this.onDispose(); } } export default RenderObject;