MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import DataMap from './DataMap.js'; import RenderPipeline from './RenderPipeline.js'; import ComputePipeline from './ComputePipeline.js'; import ProgrammableStage from './ProgrammableStage.js'; /** * This renderer module manages the pipelines of the renderer. * * @private * @augments DataMap */ class Pipelines extends DataMap { /** * Constructs a new pipeline management component. * * @param {Backend} backend - The renderer's backend. * @param {Nodes} nodes - Renderer component for managing nodes related logic. */ constructor( backend, nodes ) { super(); /** * The renderer's backend. * * @type {Backend} */ this.backend = backend; /** * Renderer component for managing nodes related logic. * * @type {Nodes} */ this.nodes = nodes; /** * A references to the bindings management component. * This reference will be set inside the `Bindings` * constructor. * * @type {Bindings?} * @default null */ this.bindings = null; /** * Internal cache for maintaining pipelines. * The key of the map is a cache key, the value the pipeline. * * @type {Map<String,Pipeline>} */ this.caches = new Map(); /** * This dictionary maintains for each shader stage type (vertex, * fragment and compute) the programmable stage objects which * represent the actual shader code. * * @type {Object<String,Map>} */ this.programs = { vertex: new Map(), fragment: new Map(), compute: new Map() }; } /** * Returns a compute pipeline for the given compute node. * * @param {Node} computeNode - The compute node. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - The bindings. * @return {ComputePipeline} The compute pipeline. */ getForCompute( computeNode, bindings ) { const { backend } = this; const data = this.get( computeNode ); if ( this._needsComputeUpdate( computeNode ) ) { const previousPipeline = data.pipeline; if ( previousPipeline ) { previousPipeline.usedTimes --; previousPipeline.computeProgram.usedTimes --; } // get shader const nodeBuilderState = this.nodes.getForCompute( computeNode ); // programmable stage let stageCompute = this.programs.compute.get( nodeBuilderState.computeShader ); if ( stageCompute === undefined ) { if ( previousPipeline && previousPipeline.computeProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( previousPipeline.computeProgram ); stageCompute = new ProgrammableStage( nodeBuilderState.computeShader, 'compute',, nodeBuilderState.transforms, nodeBuilderState.nodeAttributes ); this.programs.compute.set( nodeBuilderState.computeShader, stageCompute ); backend.createProgram( stageCompute ); } // determine compute pipeline const cacheKey = this._getComputeCacheKey( computeNode, stageCompute ); let pipeline = this.caches.get( cacheKey ); if ( pipeline === undefined ) { if ( previousPipeline && previousPipeline.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releasePipeline( previousPipeline ); pipeline = this._getComputePipeline( computeNode, stageCompute, cacheKey, bindings ); } // keep track of all used times pipeline.usedTimes ++; stageCompute.usedTimes ++; // data.version = computeNode.version; data.pipeline = pipeline; } return data.pipeline; } /** * Returns a render pipeline for the given render object. * * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @param {Array<Promise>?} [promises=null] - An array of compilation promises which is only relevant in context of `Renderer.compileAsync()`. * @return {RenderPipeline} The render pipeline. */ getForRender( renderObject, promises = null ) { const { backend } = this; const data = this.get( renderObject ); if ( this._needsRenderUpdate( renderObject ) ) { const previousPipeline = data.pipeline; if ( previousPipeline ) { previousPipeline.usedTimes --; previousPipeline.vertexProgram.usedTimes --; previousPipeline.fragmentProgram.usedTimes --; } // get shader const nodeBuilderState = renderObject.getNodeBuilderState(); const name = renderObject.material ? : ''; // programmable stages let stageVertex = this.programs.vertex.get( nodeBuilderState.vertexShader ); if ( stageVertex === undefined ) { if ( previousPipeline && previousPipeline.vertexProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( previousPipeline.vertexProgram ); stageVertex = new ProgrammableStage( nodeBuilderState.vertexShader, 'vertex', name ); this.programs.vertex.set( nodeBuilderState.vertexShader, stageVertex ); backend.createProgram( stageVertex ); } let stageFragment = this.programs.fragment.get( nodeBuilderState.fragmentShader ); if ( stageFragment === undefined ) { if ( previousPipeline && previousPipeline.fragmentProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( previousPipeline.fragmentProgram ); stageFragment = new ProgrammableStage( nodeBuilderState.fragmentShader, 'fragment', name ); this.programs.fragment.set( nodeBuilderState.fragmentShader, stageFragment ); backend.createProgram( stageFragment ); } // determine render pipeline const cacheKey = this._getRenderCacheKey( renderObject, stageVertex, stageFragment ); let pipeline = this.caches.get( cacheKey ); if ( pipeline === undefined ) { if ( previousPipeline && previousPipeline.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releasePipeline( previousPipeline ); pipeline = this._getRenderPipeline( renderObject, stageVertex, stageFragment, cacheKey, promises ); } else { renderObject.pipeline = pipeline; } // keep track of all used times pipeline.usedTimes ++; stageVertex.usedTimes ++; stageFragment.usedTimes ++; // data.pipeline = pipeline; } return data.pipeline; } /** * Deletes the pipeline for the given render object. * * @param {RenderObject} object - The render object. * @return {Object?} The deleted dictionary. */ delete( object ) { const pipeline = this.get( object ).pipeline; if ( pipeline ) { // pipeline pipeline.usedTimes --; if ( pipeline.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releasePipeline( pipeline ); // programs if ( pipeline.isComputePipeline ) { pipeline.computeProgram.usedTimes --; if ( pipeline.computeProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( pipeline.computeProgram ); } else { pipeline.fragmentProgram.usedTimes --; pipeline.vertexProgram.usedTimes --; if ( pipeline.vertexProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( pipeline.vertexProgram ); if ( pipeline.fragmentProgram.usedTimes === 0 ) this._releaseProgram( pipeline.fragmentProgram ); } } return super.delete( object ); } /** * Frees internal resources. */ dispose() { super.dispose(); this.caches = new Map(); this.programs = { vertex: new Map(), fragment: new Map(), compute: new Map() }; } /** * Updates the pipeline for the given render object. * * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. */ updateForRender( renderObject ) { this.getForRender( renderObject ); } /** * Returns a compute pipeline for the given parameters. * * @private * @param {Node} computeNode - The compute node. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageCompute - The programmable stage representing the compute shader. * @param {String} cacheKey - The cache key. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - The bindings. * @return {ComputePipeline} The compute pipeline. */ _getComputePipeline( computeNode, stageCompute, cacheKey, bindings ) { // check for existing pipeline cacheKey = cacheKey || this._getComputeCacheKey( computeNode, stageCompute ); let pipeline = this.caches.get( cacheKey ); if ( pipeline === undefined ) { pipeline = new ComputePipeline( cacheKey, stageCompute ); this.caches.set( cacheKey, pipeline ); this.backend.createComputePipeline( pipeline, bindings ); } return pipeline; } /** * Returns a render pipeline for the given parameters. * * @private * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageVertex - The programmable stage representing the vertex shader. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageFragment - The programmable stage representing the fragment shader. * @param {String} cacheKey - The cache key. * @param {Array<Promise>?} promises - An array of compilation promises which is only relevant in context of `Renderer.compileAsync()`. * @return {ComputePipeline} The compute pipeline. */ _getRenderPipeline( renderObject, stageVertex, stageFragment, cacheKey, promises ) { // check for existing pipeline cacheKey = cacheKey || this._getRenderCacheKey( renderObject, stageVertex, stageFragment ); let pipeline = this.caches.get( cacheKey ); if ( pipeline === undefined ) { pipeline = new RenderPipeline( cacheKey, stageVertex, stageFragment ); this.caches.set( cacheKey, pipeline ); renderObject.pipeline = pipeline; // The `promises` array is `null` by default and only set to an empty array when // `Renderer.compileAsync()` is used. The next call actually fills the array with // pending promises that resolve when the render pipelines are ready for rendering. this.backend.createRenderPipeline( renderObject, promises ); } return pipeline; } /** * Computes a cache key representing a compute pipeline. * * @private * @param {Node} computeNode - The compute node. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageCompute - The programmable stage representing the compute shader. * @return {String} The cache key. */ _getComputeCacheKey( computeNode, stageCompute ) { return + ',' +; } /** * Computes a cache key representing a render pipeline. * * @private * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageVertex - The programmable stage representing the vertex shader. * @param {ProgrammableStage} stageFragment - The programmable stage representing the fragment shader. * @return {String} The cache key. */ _getRenderCacheKey( renderObject, stageVertex, stageFragment ) { return + ',' + + ',' + this.backend.getRenderCacheKey( renderObject ); } /** * Releases the given pipeline. * * @private * @param {Pipeline} pipeline - The pipeline to release. */ _releasePipeline( pipeline ) { this.caches.delete( pipeline.cacheKey ); } /** * Releases the shader program. * * @private * @param {Object} program - The shader program to release. */ _releaseProgram( program ) { const code = program.code; const stage = program.stage; this.programs[ stage ].delete( code ); } /** * Returns `true` if the compute pipeline for the given compute node requires an update. * * @private * @param {Node} computeNode - The compute node. * @return {Boolean} Whether the compute pipeline for the given compute node requires an update or not. */ _needsComputeUpdate( computeNode ) { const data = this.get( computeNode ); return data.pipeline === undefined || data.version !== computeNode.version; } /** * Returns `true` if the render pipeline for the given render object requires an update. * * @private * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @return {Boolean} Whether the render object for the given render object requires an update or not. */ _needsRenderUpdate( renderObject ) { const data = this.get( renderObject ); return data.pipeline === undefined || this.backend.needsRenderUpdate( renderObject ); } } export default Pipelines;