import { Matrix3 } from '../../math/Matrix3.js';
import { Plane } from '../../math/Plane.js';
import { Vector4 } from '../../math/Vector4.js';
const _plane = /*@__PURE__*/ new Plane();
* Represents the state that is used to perform clipping via clipping planes.
* There is a default clipping context for each render context. When the
* scene holds instances of `ClippingGroup`, there will be a context for each
* group.
* @private
class ClippingContext {
* Constructs a new clipping context.
* @param {ClippingContext?} [parentContext=null] - A reference to the parent clipping context.
constructor( parentContext = null ) {
* The clipping context's version.
* @type {Number}
* @readonly
this.version = 0;
* Whether the intersection of the clipping planes is used to clip objects, rather than their union.
* @type {Boolean?}
* @default null
this.clipIntersection = null;
* The clipping context's cache key.
* @type {String}
this.cacheKey = '';
* Whether the shadow pass is active or not.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.shadowPass = false;
* The view normal matrix.
* @type {Matrix3}
this.viewNormalMatrix = new Matrix3();
* Internal cache for maintaining clipping contexts.
* @type {WeakMap<ClippingGroup,ClippingContext>}
this.clippingGroupContexts = new WeakMap();
* The intersection planes.
* @type {Array<Vector4>}
this.intersectionPlanes = [];
* The intersection planes.
* @type {Array<Vector4>}
this.unionPlanes = [];
* The version of the clipping context's parent context.
* @type {Number?}
* @readonly
this.parentVersion = null;
if ( parentContext !== null ) {
this.viewNormalMatrix = parentContext.viewNormalMatrix;
this.clippingGroupContexts = parentContext.clippingGroupContexts;
this.shadowPass = parentContext.shadowPass;
this.viewMatrix = parentContext.viewMatrix;
* Projects the given source clipping planes and writes the result into the
* destination array.
* @param {Array<Plane>} source - The source clipping planes.
* @param {Array<Vector4>} destination - The destination.
* @param {Number} offset - The offset.
projectPlanes( source, destination, offset ) {
const l = source.length;
for ( let i = 0; i < l; i ++ ) {
_plane.copy( source[ i ] ).applyMatrix4( this.viewMatrix, this.viewNormalMatrix );
const v = destination[ offset + i ];
const normal = _plane.normal;
v.x = - normal.x;
v.y = - normal.y;
v.z = - normal.z;
v.w = _plane.constant;
* Updates the root clipping context of a scene.
* @param {Scene} scene - The scene.
* @param {Camera} camera - The camera that is used to render the scene.
updateGlobal( scene, camera ) {
this.shadowPass = ( scene.overrideMaterial !== null && scene.overrideMaterial.isShadowPassMaterial );
this.viewMatrix = camera.matrixWorldInverse;
this.viewNormalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( this.viewMatrix );
* Updates the clipping context.
* @param {ClippingContext} parentContext - The parent context.
* @param {ClippingGroup} clippingGroup - The clipping group this context belongs to.
update( parentContext, clippingGroup ) {
let update = false;
if ( parentContext.version !== this.parentVersion ) {
this.intersectionPlanes = Array.from( parentContext.intersectionPlanes );
this.unionPlanes = Array.from( parentContext.unionPlanes );
this.parentVersion = parentContext.version;
if ( this.clipIntersection !== clippingGroup.clipIntersection ) {
this.clipIntersection = clippingGroup.clipIntersection;
if ( this.clipIntersection ) {
this.unionPlanes.length = parentContext.unionPlanes.length;
} else {
this.intersectionPlanes.length = parentContext.intersectionPlanes.length;
const srcClippingPlanes = clippingGroup.clippingPlanes;
const l = srcClippingPlanes.length;
let dstClippingPlanes;
let offset;
if ( this.clipIntersection ) {
dstClippingPlanes = this.intersectionPlanes;
offset = parentContext.intersectionPlanes.length;
} else {
dstClippingPlanes = this.unionPlanes;
offset = parentContext.unionPlanes.length;
if ( dstClippingPlanes.length !== offset + l ) {
dstClippingPlanes.length = offset + l;
for ( let i = 0; i < l; i ++ ) {
dstClippingPlanes[ offset + i ] = new Vector4();
update = true;
this.projectPlanes( srcClippingPlanes, dstClippingPlanes, offset );
if ( update ) {
this.version ++;
this.cacheKey = `${ this.intersectionPlanes.length }:${ this.unionPlanes.length }`;
* Returns a clipping context for the given clipping group.
* @param {ClippingGroup} clippingGroup - The clipping group.
* @return {ClippingContext} The clipping context.
getGroupContext( clippingGroup ) {
if ( this.shadowPass && ! clippingGroup.clipShadows ) return this;
let context = this.clippingGroupContexts.get( clippingGroup );
if ( context === undefined ) {
context = new ClippingContext( this );
this.clippingGroupContexts.set( clippingGroup, context );
context.update( this, clippingGroup );
return context;
* The count of union clipping planes.
* @type {Number}
* @readonly
get unionClippingCount() {
return this.unionPlanes.length;
export default ClippingContext;