MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
let _vector2 = null; let _color4 = null; import Color4 from './Color4.js'; import { Vector2 } from '../../math/Vector2.js'; import { createCanvasElement, warnOnce } from '../../utils.js'; import { REVISION } from '../../constants.js'; /** * Most of the rendering related logic is implemented in the * {@link module:Renderer} module and related management components. * Sometimes it is required though to execute commands which are * specific to the current 3D backend (which is WebGPU or WebGL 2). * This abstract base class defines an interface that encapsulates * all backend-related logic. Derived classes for each backend must * implement the interface. * * @abstract * @private */ class Backend { /** * Constructs a new backend. * * @param {Object} parameters - An object holding parameters for the backend. */ constructor( parameters = {} ) { /** * The parameters of the backend. * * @type {Object} */ this.parameters = Object.assign( {}, parameters ); /** * This weak map holds backend-specific data of objects * like textures, attributes or render targets. * * @type {WeakMap} */ = new WeakMap(); /** * A reference to the renderer. * * @type {Renderer?} * @default null */ this.renderer = null; /** * A reference to the canvas element the renderer is drawing to. * * @type {(HTMLCanvasElement|OffscreenCanvas)?} * @default null */ this.domElement = null; /** * A reference to the timestamp query pool. * * @type {{render: TimestampQueryPool?, compute: TimestampQueryPool?}} */ this.timestampQueryPool = { 'render': null, 'compute': null }; } /** * Initializes the backend so it is ready for usage. Concrete backends * are supposed to implement their rendering context creation and related * operations in this method. * * @async * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the backend has been initialized. */ async init( renderer ) { this.renderer = renderer; } /** * The coordinate system of the backend. * * @abstract * @type {Number} * @readonly */ get coordinateSystem() {} // render context /** * This method is executed at the beginning of a render call and * can be used by the backend to prepare the state for upcoming * draw calls. * * @abstract * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. */ beginRender( /*renderContext*/ ) {} /** * This method is executed at the end of a render call and * can be used by the backend to finalize work after draw * calls. * * @abstract * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. */ finishRender( /*renderContext*/ ) {} /** * This method is executed at the beginning of a compute call and * can be used by the backend to prepare the state for upcoming * compute tasks. * * @abstract * @param {Node|Array<Node>} computeGroup - The compute node(s). */ beginCompute( /*computeGroup*/ ) {} /** * This method is executed at the end of a compute call and * can be used by the backend to finalize work after compute * tasks. * * @abstract * @param {Node|Array<Node>} computeGroup - The compute node(s). */ finishCompute( /*computeGroup*/ ) {} // render object /** * Executes a draw command for the given render object. * * @abstract * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object to draw. * @param {Info} info - Holds a series of statistical information about the GPU memory and the rendering process. */ draw( /*renderObject, info*/ ) { } // compute node /** * Executes a compute command for the given compute node. * * @abstract * @param {Node|Array<Node>} computeGroup - The group of compute nodes of a compute call. Can be a single compute node. * @param {Node} computeNode - The compute node. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - The bindings. * @param {ComputePipeline} computePipeline - The compute pipeline. */ compute( /*computeGroup, computeNode, computeBindings, computePipeline*/ ) { } // program /** * Creates a shader program from the given programmable stage. * * @abstract * @param {ProgrammableStage} program - The programmable stage. */ createProgram( /*program*/ ) { } /** * Destroys the shader program of the given programmable stage. * * @abstract * @param {ProgrammableStage} program - The programmable stage. */ destroyProgram( /*program*/ ) { } // bindings /** * Creates bindings from the given bind group definition. * * @abstract * @param {BindGroup} bindGroup - The bind group. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - Array of bind groups. * @param {Number} cacheIndex - The cache index. * @param {Number} version - The version. */ createBindings( /*bindGroup, bindings, cacheIndex, version*/ ) { } /** * Updates the given bind group definition. * * @abstract * @param {BindGroup} bindGroup - The bind group. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - Array of bind groups. * @param {Number} cacheIndex - The cache index. * @param {Number} version - The version. */ updateBindings( /*bindGroup, bindings, cacheIndex, version*/ ) { } /** * Updates a buffer binding. * * @abstract * @param {Buffer} binding - The buffer binding to update. */ updateBinding( /*binding*/ ) { } // pipeline /** * Creates a render pipeline for the given render object. * * @abstract * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @param {Array<Promise>} promises - An array of compilation promises which are used in `compileAsync()`. */ createRenderPipeline( /*renderObject, promises*/ ) { } /** * Creates a compute pipeline for the given compute node. * * @abstract * @param {ComputePipeline} computePipeline - The compute pipeline. * @param {Array<BindGroup>} bindings - The bindings. */ createComputePipeline( /*computePipeline, bindings*/ ) { } // cache key /** * Returns `true` if the render pipeline requires an update. * * @abstract * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @return {Boolean} Whether the render pipeline requires an update or not. */ needsRenderUpdate( /*renderObject*/ ) { } /** * Returns a cache key that is used to identify render pipelines. * * @abstract * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @return {String} The cache key. */ getRenderCacheKey( /*renderObject*/ ) { } // node builder /** * Returns a node builder for the given render object. * * @abstract * @param {RenderObject} renderObject - The render object. * @param {Renderer} renderer - The renderer. * @return {NodeBuilder} The node builder. */ createNodeBuilder( /*renderObject, renderer*/ ) { } // textures /** * Creates a GPU sampler for the given texture. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to create the sampler for. */ createSampler( /*texture*/ ) { } /** * Destroys the GPU sampler for the given texture. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to destroy the sampler for. */ destroySampler( /*texture*/ ) {} /** * Creates a default texture for the given texture that can be used * as a placeholder until the actual texture is ready for usage. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to create a default texture for. */ createDefaultTexture( /*texture*/ ) { } /** * Defines a texture on the GPU for the given texture object. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional configuration parameter. */ createTexture( /*texture, options={}*/ ) { } /** * Uploads the updated texture data to the GPU. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional configuration parameter. */ updateTexture( /*texture, options = {}*/ ) { } /** * Generates mipmaps for the given texture. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. */ generateMipmaps( /*texture*/ ) { } /** * Destroys the GPU data for the given texture object. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The texture. */ destroyTexture( /*texture*/ ) { } /** * Returns texture data as a typed array. * * @abstract * @async * @param {Texture} texture - The texture to copy. * @param {Number} x - The x coordinate of the copy origin. * @param {Number} y - The y coordinate of the copy origin. * @param {Number} width - The width of the copy. * @param {Number} height - The height of the copy. * @param {Number} faceIndex - The face index. * @return {Promise<TypedArray>} A Promise that resolves with a typed array when the copy operation has finished. */ async copyTextureToBuffer( /*texture, x, y, width, height, faceIndex*/ ) {} /** * Copies data of the given source texture to the given destination texture. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} srcTexture - The source texture. * @param {Texture} dstTexture - The destination texture. * @param {Vector4?} [srcRegion=null] - The region of the source texture to copy. * @param {(Vector2|Vector3)?} [dstPosition=null] - The destination position of the copy. * @param {Number} [level=0] - The mip level to copy. */ copyTextureToTexture( /*srcTexture, dstTexture, srcRegion = null, dstPosition = null, level = 0*/ ) {} /** * Copies the current bound framebuffer to the given texture. * * @abstract * @param {Texture} texture - The destination texture. * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. * @param {Vector4} rectangle - A four dimensional vector defining the origin and dimension of the copy. */ copyFramebufferToTexture( /*texture, renderContext, rectangle*/ ) {} // attributes /** * Creates the GPU buffer of a shader attribute. * * @abstract * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute. */ createAttribute( /*attribute*/ ) { } /** * Creates the GPU buffer of an indexed shader attribute. * * @abstract * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The indexed buffer attribute. */ createIndexAttribute( /*attribute*/ ) { } /** * Creates the GPU buffer of a storage attribute. * * @abstract * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute. */ createStorageAttribute( /*attribute*/ ) { } /** * Updates the GPU buffer of a shader attribute. * * @abstract * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute to update. */ updateAttribute( /*attribute*/ ) { } /** * Destroys the GPU buffer of a shader attribute. * * @abstract * @param {BufferAttribute} attribute - The buffer attribute to destroy. */ destroyAttribute( /*attribute*/ ) { } // canvas /** * Returns the backend's rendering context. * * @abstract * @return {Object} The rendering context. */ getContext() { } /** * Backends can use this method if they have to run * logic when the renderer gets resized. * * @abstract */ updateSize() { } /** * Updates the viewport with the values from the given render context. * * @abstract * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. */ updateViewport( /*renderContext*/ ) {} // utils /** * Returns `true` if the given 3D object is fully occluded by other * 3D objects in the scene. Backends must implement this method by using * a Occlusion Query API. * * @abstract * @param {RenderContext} renderContext - The render context. * @param {Object3D} object - The 3D object to test. * @return {Boolean} Whether the 3D object is fully occluded or not. */ isOccluded( /*renderContext, object*/ ) {} /** * Resolves the time stamp for the given render context and type. * * @async * @abstract * @param {String} [type='render'] - The type of the time stamp. * @return {Promise<Number>} A Promise that resolves with the time stamp. */ async resolveTimestampsAsync( type = 'render' ) { if ( ! this.trackTimestamp ) { warnOnce( 'WebGPURenderer: Timestamp tracking is disabled.' ); return; } const queryPool = this.timestampQueryPool[ type ]; if ( ! queryPool ) { warnOnce( `WebGPURenderer: No timestamp query pool for type '${type}' found.` ); return; } const duration = await queryPool.resolveQueriesAsync();[ type ].timestamp = duration; return duration; } /** * Can be used to synchronize CPU operations with GPU tasks. So when this method is called, * the CPU waits for the GPU to complete its operation (e.g. a compute task). * * @async * @abstract * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when synchronization has been finished. */ async waitForGPU() {} /** * This method performs a readback operation by moving buffer data from * a storage buffer attribute from the GPU to the CPU. * * @async * @param {StorageBufferAttribute} attribute - The storage buffer attribute. * @return {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} A promise that resolves with the buffer data when the data are ready. */ async getArrayBufferAsync( /* attribute */ ) {} /** * Checks if the given feature is supported by the backend. * * @async * @abstract * @param {String} name - The feature's name. * @return {Promise<Boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a bool that indicates whether the feature is supported or not. */ async hasFeatureAsync( /*name*/ ) { } /** * Checks if the given feature is supported by the backend. * * @abstract * @param {String} name - The feature's name. * @return {Boolean} Whether the feature is supported or not. */ hasFeature( /*name*/ ) {} /** * Returns the maximum anisotropy texture filtering value. * * @abstract * @return {Number} The maximum anisotropy texture filtering value. */ getMaxAnisotropy() {} /** * Returns the drawing buffer size. * * @return {Vector2} The drawing buffer size. */ getDrawingBufferSize() { _vector2 = _vector2 || new Vector2(); return this.renderer.getDrawingBufferSize( _vector2 ); } /** * Defines the scissor test. * * @abstract * @param {Boolean} boolean - Whether the scissor test should be enabled or not. */ setScissorTest( /*boolean*/ ) { } /** * Returns the clear color and alpha into a single * color object. * * @return {Color4} The clear color. */ getClearColor() { const renderer = this.renderer; _color4 = _color4 || new Color4(); renderer.getClearColor( _color4 ); _color4.getRGB( _color4, this.renderer.currentColorSpace ); return _color4; } /** * Returns the DOM element. If no DOM element exists, the backend * creates a new one. * * @return {HTMLCanvasElement} The DOM element. */ getDomElement() { let domElement = this.domElement; if ( domElement === null ) { domElement = ( this.parameters.canvas !== undefined ) ? this.parameters.canvas : createCanvasElement(); // OffscreenCanvas does not have setAttribute, see #22811 if ( 'setAttribute' in domElement ) domElement.setAttribute( 'data-engine', `three.js r${REVISION} webgpu` ); this.domElement = domElement; } return domElement; } /** * Sets a dictionary for the given object into the * internal data structure. * * @param {Object} object - The object. * @param {Object} value - The dictionary to set. */ set( object, value ) { object, value ); } /** * Returns the dictionary for the given object. * * @param {Object} object - The object. * @return {Object} The object's dictionary. */ get( object ) { let map = object ); if ( map === undefined ) { map = {}; object, map ); } return map; } /** * Checks if the given object has a dictionary * with data defined. * * @param {Object} object - The object. * @return {Boolean} Whether a dictionary for the given object as been defined or not. */ has( object ) { return object ); } /** * Deletes an object from the internal data structure. * * @param {Object} object - The object to delete. */ delete( object ) { object ); } /** * Frees internal resources. * * @abstract */ dispose() { } } export default Backend;