MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- src
- objects
import { BufferAttribute } from '../core/BufferAttribute.js';
import { BufferGeometry } from '../core/BufferGeometry.js';
import { DataTexture } from '../textures/DataTexture.js';
import { FloatType, RedIntegerFormat, UnsignedIntType, RGBAFormat } from '../constants.js';
import { Matrix4 } from '../math/Matrix4.js';
import { Mesh } from './Mesh.js';
import { ColorManagement } from '../math/ColorManagement.js';
import { Box3 } from '../math/Box3.js';
import { Sphere } from '../math/Sphere.js';
import { Frustum } from '../math/Frustum.js';
import { Vector3 } from '../math/Vector3.js';
import { Color } from '../math/Color.js';
function ascIdSort( a, b ) {
return a - b;
function sortOpaque( a, b ) {
return a.z - b.z;
function sortTransparent( a, b ) {
return b.z - a.z;
class MultiDrawRenderList {
constructor() {
this.index = 0;
this.pool = [];
this.list = [];
push( start, count, z, index ) {
const pool = this.pool;
const list = this.list;
if ( this.index >= pool.length ) {
pool.push( {
start: - 1,
count: - 1,
z: - 1,
index: - 1,
} );
const item = pool[ this.index ];
list.push( item );
this.index ++;
item.start = start;
item.count = count;
item.z = z;
item.index = index;
reset() {
this.list.length = 0;
this.index = 0;
const _matrix = /*@__PURE__*/ new Matrix4();
const _whiteColor = /*@__PURE__*/ new Color( 1, 1, 1 );
const _frustum = /*@__PURE__*/ new Frustum();
const _box = /*@__PURE__*/ new Box3();
const _sphere = /*@__PURE__*/ new Sphere();
const _vector = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector3();
const _forward = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector3();
const _temp = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector3();
const _renderList = /*@__PURE__*/ new MultiDrawRenderList();
const _mesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new Mesh();
const _batchIntersects = [];
// copies data from attribute "src" into "target" starting at "targetOffset"
function copyAttributeData( src, target, targetOffset = 0 ) {
const itemSize = target.itemSize;
if ( src.isInterleavedBufferAttribute || src.array.constructor !== target.array.constructor ) {
// use the component getters and setters if the array data cannot
// be copied directly
const vertexCount = src.count;
for ( let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++ ) {
for ( let c = 0; c < itemSize; c ++ ) {
target.setComponent( i + targetOffset, c, src.getComponent( i, c ) );
} else {
// faster copy approach using typed array set function
target.array.set( src.array, targetOffset * itemSize );
target.needsUpdate = true;
// safely copies array contents to a potentially smaller array
function copyArrayContents( src, target ) {
if ( src.constructor !== target.constructor ) {
// if arrays are of a different type (eg due to index size increasing) then data must be per-element copied
const len = Math.min( src.length, target.length );
for ( let i = 0; i < len; i ++ ) {
target[ i ] = src[ i ];
} else {
// if the arrays use the same data layout we can use a fast block copy
const len = Math.min( src.length, target.length );
target.set( new src.constructor( src.buffer, 0, len ) );
class BatchedMesh extends Mesh {
get maxInstanceCount() {
return this._maxInstanceCount;
get instanceCount() {
return this._instanceInfo.length - this._availableInstanceIds.length;
get unusedVertexCount() {
return this._maxVertexCount - this._nextVertexStart;
get unusedIndexCount() {
return this._maxIndexCount - this._nextIndexStart;
constructor( maxInstanceCount, maxVertexCount, maxIndexCount = maxVertexCount * 2, material ) {
super( new BufferGeometry(), material );
this.isBatchedMesh = true;
this.perObjectFrustumCulled = true;
this.sortObjects = true;
this.boundingBox = null;
this.boundingSphere = null;
this.customSort = null;
// stores visible, active, and geometry id per instance and reserved buffer ranges for geometries
this._instanceInfo = [];
this._geometryInfo = [];
// instance, geometry ids that have been set as inactive, and are available to be overwritten
this._availableInstanceIds = [];
this._availableGeometryIds = [];
// used to track where the next point is that geometry should be inserted
this._nextIndexStart = 0;
this._nextVertexStart = 0;
this._geometryCount = 0;
// flags
this._visibilityChanged = true;
this._geometryInitialized = false;
// cached user options
this._maxInstanceCount = maxInstanceCount;
this._maxVertexCount = maxVertexCount;
this._maxIndexCount = maxIndexCount;
// buffers for multi draw
this._multiDrawCounts = new Int32Array( maxInstanceCount );
this._multiDrawStarts = new Int32Array( maxInstanceCount );
this._multiDrawCount = 0;
this._multiDrawInstances = null;
// Local matrix per geometry by using data texture
this._matricesTexture = null;
this._indirectTexture = null;
this._colorsTexture = null;
_initMatricesTexture() {
// layout (1 matrix = 4 pixels)
// RGBA RGBA RGBA RGBA (=> column1, column2, column3, column4)
// with 8x8 pixel texture max 16 matrices * 4 pixels = (8 * 8)
// 16x16 pixel texture max 64 matrices * 4 pixels = (16 * 16)
// 32x32 pixel texture max 256 matrices * 4 pixels = (32 * 32)
// 64x64 pixel texture max 1024 matrices * 4 pixels = (64 * 64)
let size = Math.sqrt( this._maxInstanceCount * 4 ); // 4 pixels needed for 1 matrix
size = Math.ceil( size / 4 ) * 4;
size = Math.max( size, 4 );
const matricesArray = new Float32Array( size * size * 4 ); // 4 floats per RGBA pixel
const matricesTexture = new DataTexture( matricesArray, size, size, RGBAFormat, FloatType );
this._matricesTexture = matricesTexture;
_initIndirectTexture() {
let size = Math.sqrt( this._maxInstanceCount );
size = Math.ceil( size );
const indirectArray = new Uint32Array( size * size );
const indirectTexture = new DataTexture( indirectArray, size, size, RedIntegerFormat, UnsignedIntType );
this._indirectTexture = indirectTexture;
_initColorsTexture() {
let size = Math.sqrt( this._maxInstanceCount );
size = Math.ceil( size );
// 4 floats per RGBA pixel initialized to white
const colorsArray = new Float32Array( size * size * 4 ).fill( 1 );
const colorsTexture = new DataTexture( colorsArray, size, size, RGBAFormat, FloatType );
colorsTexture.colorSpace = ColorManagement.workingColorSpace;
this._colorsTexture = colorsTexture;
_initializeGeometry( reference ) {
const geometry = this.geometry;
const maxVertexCount = this._maxVertexCount;
const maxIndexCount = this._maxIndexCount;
if ( this._geometryInitialized === false ) {
for ( const attributeName in reference.attributes ) {
const srcAttribute = reference.getAttribute( attributeName );
const { array, itemSize, normalized } = srcAttribute;
const dstArray = new array.constructor( maxVertexCount * itemSize );
const dstAttribute = new BufferAttribute( dstArray, itemSize, normalized );
geometry.setAttribute( attributeName, dstAttribute );
if ( reference.getIndex() !== null ) {
// Reserve last u16 index for primitive restart.
const indexArray = maxVertexCount > 65535
? new Uint32Array( maxIndexCount )
: new Uint16Array( maxIndexCount );
geometry.setIndex( new BufferAttribute( indexArray, 1 ) );
this._geometryInitialized = true;
// Make sure the geometry is compatible with the existing combined geometry attributes
_validateGeometry( geometry ) {
// check to ensure the geometries are using consistent attributes and indices
const batchGeometry = this.geometry;
if ( Boolean( geometry.getIndex() ) !== Boolean( batchGeometry.getIndex() ) ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: All geometries must consistently have "index".' );
for ( const attributeName in batchGeometry.attributes ) {
if ( ! geometry.hasAttribute( attributeName ) ) {
throw new Error( `THREE.BatchedMesh: Added geometry missing "${ attributeName }". All geometries must have consistent attributes.` );
const srcAttribute = geometry.getAttribute( attributeName );
const dstAttribute = batchGeometry.getAttribute( attributeName );
if ( srcAttribute.itemSize !== dstAttribute.itemSize || srcAttribute.normalized !== dstAttribute.normalized ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: All attributes must have a consistent itemSize and normalized value.' );
validateInstanceId( instanceId ) {
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
if ( instanceId < 0 || instanceId >= instanceInfo.length || instanceInfo[ instanceId ].active === false ) {
throw new Error( `THREE.BatchedMesh: Invalid instanceId ${instanceId}. Instance is either out of range or has been deleted.` );
validateGeometryId( geometryId ) {
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
if ( geometryId < 0 || geometryId >= geometryInfoList.length || geometryInfoList[ geometryId ].active === false ) {
throw new Error( `THREE.BatchedMesh: Invalid geometryId ${geometryId}. Geometry is either out of range or has been deleted.` );
setCustomSort( func ) {
this.customSort = func;
return this;
computeBoundingBox() {
if ( this.boundingBox === null ) {
this.boundingBox = new Box3();
const boundingBox = this.boundingBox;
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( instanceInfo[ i ].active === false ) continue;
const geometryId = instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex;
this.getMatrixAt( i, _matrix );
this.getBoundingBoxAt( geometryId, _box ).applyMatrix4( _matrix );
boundingBox.union( _box );
computeBoundingSphere() {
if ( this.boundingSphere === null ) {
this.boundingSphere = new Sphere();
const boundingSphere = this.boundingSphere;
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( instanceInfo[ i ].active === false ) continue;
const geometryId = instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex;
this.getMatrixAt( i, _matrix );
this.getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, _sphere ).applyMatrix4( _matrix );
boundingSphere.union( _sphere );
addInstance( geometryId ) {
const atCapacity = this._instanceInfo.length >= this.maxInstanceCount;
// ensure we're not over geometry
if ( atCapacity && this._availableInstanceIds.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: Maximum item count reached.' );
const instanceInfo = {
visible: true,
active: true,
geometryIndex: geometryId,
let drawId = null;
// Prioritize using previously freed instance ids
if ( this._availableInstanceIds.length > 0 ) {
this._availableInstanceIds.sort( ascIdSort );
drawId = this._availableInstanceIds.shift();
this._instanceInfo[ drawId ] = instanceInfo;
} else {
drawId = this._instanceInfo.length;
this._instanceInfo.push( instanceInfo );
const matricesTexture = this._matricesTexture;
_matrix.identity().toArray(, drawId * 16 );
matricesTexture.needsUpdate = true;
const colorsTexture = this._colorsTexture;
if ( colorsTexture ) {
_whiteColor.toArray(, drawId * 4 );
colorsTexture.needsUpdate = true;
this._visibilityChanged = true;
return drawId;
addGeometry( geometry, reservedVertexCount = - 1, reservedIndexCount = - 1 ) {
this._initializeGeometry( geometry );
this._validateGeometry( geometry );
const geometryInfo = {
// geometry information
vertexStart: - 1,
vertexCount: - 1,
reservedVertexCount: - 1,
indexStart: - 1,
indexCount: - 1,
reservedIndexCount: - 1,
// draw range information
start: - 1,
count: - 1,
// state
boundingBox: null,
boundingSphere: null,
active: true,
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
geometryInfo.vertexStart = this._nextVertexStart;
geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount = reservedVertexCount === - 1 ? geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ).count : reservedVertexCount;
const index = geometry.getIndex();
const hasIndex = index !== null;
if ( hasIndex ) {
geometryInfo.indexStart = this._nextIndexStart;
geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount = reservedIndexCount === - 1 ? index.count : reservedIndexCount;
if (
geometryInfo.indexStart !== - 1 &&
geometryInfo.indexStart + geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount > this._maxIndexCount ||
geometryInfo.vertexStart + geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount > this._maxVertexCount
) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: Reserved space request exceeds the maximum buffer size.' );
// update id
let geometryId;
if ( this._availableGeometryIds.length > 0 ) {
this._availableGeometryIds.sort( ascIdSort );
geometryId = this._availableGeometryIds.shift();
geometryInfoList[ geometryId ] = geometryInfo;
} else {
geometryId = this._geometryCount;
this._geometryCount ++;
geometryInfoList.push( geometryInfo );
// update the geometry
this.setGeometryAt( geometryId, geometry );
// increment the next geometry position
this._nextIndexStart = geometryInfo.indexStart + geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount;
this._nextVertexStart = geometryInfo.vertexStart + geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount;
return geometryId;
setGeometryAt( geometryId, geometry ) {
if ( geometryId >= this._geometryCount ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: Maximum geometry count reached.' );
this._validateGeometry( geometry );
const batchGeometry = this.geometry;
const hasIndex = batchGeometry.getIndex() !== null;
const dstIndex = batchGeometry.getIndex();
const srcIndex = geometry.getIndex();
const geometryInfo = this._geometryInfo[ geometryId ];
if (
hasIndex &&
srcIndex.count > geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount ||
geometry.attributes.position.count > geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount
) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.BatchedMesh: Reserved space not large enough for provided geometry.' );
// copy geometry buffer data over
const vertexStart = geometryInfo.vertexStart;
const reservedVertexCount = geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount;
geometryInfo.vertexCount = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ).count;
for ( const attributeName in batchGeometry.attributes ) {
// copy attribute data
const srcAttribute = geometry.getAttribute( attributeName );
const dstAttribute = batchGeometry.getAttribute( attributeName );
copyAttributeData( srcAttribute, dstAttribute, vertexStart );
// fill the rest in with zeroes
const itemSize = srcAttribute.itemSize;
for ( let i = srcAttribute.count, l = reservedVertexCount; i < l; i ++ ) {
const index = vertexStart + i;
for ( let c = 0; c < itemSize; c ++ ) {
dstAttribute.setComponent( index, c, 0 );
dstAttribute.needsUpdate = true;
dstAttribute.addUpdateRange( vertexStart * itemSize, reservedVertexCount * itemSize );
// copy index
if ( hasIndex ) {
const indexStart = geometryInfo.indexStart;
const reservedIndexCount = geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount;
geometryInfo.indexCount = geometry.getIndex().count;
// copy index data over
for ( let i = 0; i < srcIndex.count; i ++ ) {
dstIndex.setX( indexStart + i, vertexStart + srcIndex.getX( i ) );
// fill the rest in with zeroes
for ( let i = srcIndex.count, l = reservedIndexCount; i < l; i ++ ) {
dstIndex.setX( indexStart + i, vertexStart );
dstIndex.needsUpdate = true;
dstIndex.addUpdateRange( indexStart, geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount );
// update the draw range
geometryInfo.start = hasIndex ? geometryInfo.indexStart : geometryInfo.vertexStart;
geometryInfo.count = hasIndex ? geometryInfo.indexCount : geometryInfo.vertexCount;
// store the bounding boxes
geometryInfo.boundingBox = null;
if ( geometry.boundingBox !== null ) {
geometryInfo.boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();
geometryInfo.boundingSphere = null;
if ( geometry.boundingSphere !== null ) {
geometryInfo.boundingSphere = geometry.boundingSphere.clone();
this._visibilityChanged = true;
return geometryId;
deleteGeometry( geometryId ) {
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
if ( geometryId >= geometryInfoList.length || geometryInfoList[ geometryId ].active === false ) {
return this;
// delete any instances associated with this geometry
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( instanceInfo[ i ].active && instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex === geometryId ) {
this.deleteInstance( i );
geometryInfoList[ geometryId ].active = false;
this._availableGeometryIds.push( geometryId );
this._visibilityChanged = true;
return this;
deleteInstance( instanceId ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].active = false;
this._availableInstanceIds.push( instanceId );
this._visibilityChanged = true;
return this;
optimize() {
// track the next indices to copy data to
let nextVertexStart = 0;
let nextIndexStart = 0;
// Iterate over all geometry ranges in order sorted from earliest in the geometry buffer to latest
// in the geometry buffer. Because draw range objects can be reused there is no guarantee of their order.
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
const indices = geometryInfoList
.map( ( e, i ) => i )
.sort( ( a, b ) => {
return geometryInfoList[ a ].vertexStart - geometryInfoList[ b ].vertexStart;
} );
const geometry = this.geometry;
for ( let i = 0, l = geometryInfoList.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
// if a geometry range is inactive then don't copy anything
const index = indices[ i ];
const geometryInfo = geometryInfoList[ index ];
if ( === false ) {
// if a geometry contains an index buffer then shift it, as well
if ( geometry.index !== null ) {
if ( geometryInfo.indexStart !== nextIndexStart ) {
const { indexStart, vertexStart, reservedIndexCount } = geometryInfo;
const index = geometry.index;
const array = index.array;
// shift the index pointers based on how the vertex data will shift
// adjusting the index must happen first so the original vertex start value is available
const elementDelta = nextVertexStart - vertexStart;
for ( let j = indexStart; j < indexStart + reservedIndexCount; j ++ ) {
array[ j ] = array[ j ] + elementDelta;
index.array.copyWithin( nextIndexStart, indexStart, indexStart + reservedIndexCount );
index.addUpdateRange( nextIndexStart, reservedIndexCount );
geometryInfo.indexStart = nextIndexStart;
nextIndexStart += geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount;
// if a geometry needs to be moved then copy attribute data to overwrite unused space
if ( geometryInfo.vertexStart !== nextVertexStart ) {
const { vertexStart, reservedVertexCount } = geometryInfo;
const attributes = geometry.attributes;
for ( const key in attributes ) {
const attribute = attributes[ key ];
const { array, itemSize } = attribute;
array.copyWithin( nextVertexStart * itemSize, vertexStart * itemSize, ( vertexStart + reservedVertexCount ) * itemSize );
attribute.addUpdateRange( nextVertexStart * itemSize, reservedVertexCount * itemSize );
geometryInfo.vertexStart = nextVertexStart;
nextVertexStart += geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount;
geometryInfo.start = geometry.index ? geometryInfo.indexStart : geometryInfo.vertexStart;
// step the next geometry points to the shifted position
this._nextIndexStart = geometry.index ? geometryInfo.indexStart + geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount : 0;
this._nextVertexStart = geometryInfo.vertexStart + geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount;
return this;
// get bounding box and compute it if it doesn't exist
getBoundingBoxAt( geometryId, target ) {
if ( geometryId >= this._geometryCount ) {
return null;
// compute bounding box
const geometry = this.geometry;
const geometryInfo = this._geometryInfo[ geometryId ];
if ( geometryInfo.boundingBox === null ) {
const box = new Box3();
const index = geometry.index;
const position = geometry.attributes.position;
for ( let i = geometryInfo.start, l = geometryInfo.start + geometryInfo.count; i < l; i ++ ) {
let iv = i;
if ( index ) {
iv = index.getX( iv );
box.expandByPoint( _vector.fromBufferAttribute( position, iv ) );
geometryInfo.boundingBox = box;
target.copy( geometryInfo.boundingBox );
return target;
// get bounding sphere and compute it if it doesn't exist
getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, target ) {
if ( geometryId >= this._geometryCount ) {
return null;
// compute bounding sphere
const geometry = this.geometry;
const geometryInfo = this._geometryInfo[ geometryId ];
if ( geometryInfo.boundingSphere === null ) {
const sphere = new Sphere();
this.getBoundingBoxAt( geometryId, _box );
_box.getCenter( );
const index = geometry.index;
const position = geometry.attributes.position;
let maxRadiusSq = 0;
for ( let i = geometryInfo.start, l = geometryInfo.start + geometryInfo.count; i < l; i ++ ) {
let iv = i;
if ( index ) {
iv = index.getX( iv );
_vector.fromBufferAttribute( position, iv );
maxRadiusSq = Math.max( maxRadiusSq, _vector ) );
sphere.radius = Math.sqrt( maxRadiusSq );
geometryInfo.boundingSphere = sphere;
target.copy( geometryInfo.boundingSphere );
return target;
setMatrixAt( instanceId, matrix ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
const matricesTexture = this._matricesTexture;
const matricesArray =;
matrix.toArray( matricesArray, instanceId * 16 );
matricesTexture.needsUpdate = true;
return this;
getMatrixAt( instanceId, matrix ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
return matrix.fromArray(, instanceId * 16 );
setColorAt( instanceId, color ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
if ( this._colorsTexture === null ) {
color.toArray(, instanceId * 4 );
this._colorsTexture.needsUpdate = true;
return this;
getColorAt( instanceId, color ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
return color.fromArray(, instanceId * 4 );
setVisibleAt( instanceId, value ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
if ( this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].visible === value ) {
return this;
this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].visible = value;
this._visibilityChanged = true;
return this;
getVisibleAt( instanceId ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
return this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].visible;
setGeometryIdAt( instanceId, geometryId ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
this.validateGeometryId( geometryId );
this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].geometryIndex = geometryId;
return this;
getGeometryIdAt( instanceId ) {
this.validateInstanceId( instanceId );
return this._instanceInfo[ instanceId ].geometryIndex;
getGeometryRangeAt( geometryId, target = {} ) {
this.validateGeometryId( geometryId );
const geometryInfo = this._geometryInfo[ geometryId ];
target.vertexStart = geometryInfo.vertexStart;
target.vertexCount = geometryInfo.vertexCount;
target.reservedVertexCount = geometryInfo.reservedVertexCount;
target.indexStart = geometryInfo.indexStart;
target.indexCount = geometryInfo.indexCount;
target.reservedIndexCount = geometryInfo.reservedIndexCount;
target.start = geometryInfo.start;
target.count = geometryInfo.count;
return target;
setInstanceCount( maxInstanceCount ) {
// shrink the available instances as much as possible
const availableInstanceIds = this._availableInstanceIds;
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
availableInstanceIds.sort( ascIdSort );
while ( availableInstanceIds[ availableInstanceIds.length - 1 ] === instanceInfo.length ) {
// throw an error if it can't be shrunk to the desired size
if ( maxInstanceCount < instanceInfo.length ) {
throw new Error( `BatchedMesh: Instance ids outside the range ${ maxInstanceCount } are being used. Cannot shrink instance count.` );
// copy the multi draw counts
const multiDrawCounts = new Int32Array( maxInstanceCount );
const multiDrawStarts = new Int32Array( maxInstanceCount );
copyArrayContents( this._multiDrawCounts, multiDrawCounts );
copyArrayContents( this._multiDrawStarts, multiDrawStarts );
this._multiDrawCounts = multiDrawCounts;
this._multiDrawStarts = multiDrawStarts;
this._maxInstanceCount = maxInstanceCount;
// update texture data for instance sampling
const indirectTexture = this._indirectTexture;
const matricesTexture = this._matricesTexture;
const colorsTexture = this._colorsTexture;
copyArrayContents(, );
copyArrayContents(, );
if ( colorsTexture ) {
copyArrayContents(, );
setGeometrySize( maxVertexCount, maxIndexCount ) {
// Check if we can shrink to the requested vertex attribute size
const validRanges = [ ...this._geometryInfo ].filter( info => );
const requiredVertexLength = Math.max( range => range.vertexStart + range.reservedVertexCount ) );
if ( requiredVertexLength > maxVertexCount ) {
throw new Error( `BatchedMesh: Geometry vertex values are being used outside the range ${ maxIndexCount }. Cannot shrink further.` );
// Check if we can shrink to the requested index attribute size
if ( this.geometry.index ) {
const requiredIndexLength = Math.max( range => range.indexStart + range.reservedIndexCount ) );
if ( requiredIndexLength > maxIndexCount ) {
throw new Error( `BatchedMesh: Geometry index values are being used outside the range ${ maxIndexCount }. Cannot shrink further.` );
// dispose of the previous geometry
const oldGeometry = this.geometry;
// recreate the geometry needed based on the previous variant
this._maxVertexCount = maxVertexCount;
this._maxIndexCount = maxIndexCount;
if ( this._geometryInitialized ) {
this._geometryInitialized = false;
this.geometry = new BufferGeometry();
this._initializeGeometry( oldGeometry );
// copy data from the previous geometry
const geometry = this.geometry;
if ( oldGeometry.index ) {
copyArrayContents( oldGeometry.index.array, geometry.index.array );
for ( const key in oldGeometry.attributes ) {
copyArrayContents( oldGeometry.attributes[ key ].array, geometry.attributes[ key ].array );
raycast( raycaster, intersects ) {
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
const matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;
const batchGeometry = this.geometry;
// iterate over each geometry
_mesh.material = this.material;
_mesh.geometry.index = batchGeometry.index;
_mesh.geometry.attributes = batchGeometry.attributes;
if ( _mesh.geometry.boundingBox === null ) {
_mesh.geometry.boundingBox = new Box3();
if ( _mesh.geometry.boundingSphere === null ) {
_mesh.geometry.boundingSphere = new Sphere();
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( ! instanceInfo[ i ].visible || ! instanceInfo[ i ].active ) {
const geometryId = instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex;
const geometryInfo = geometryInfoList[ geometryId ];
_mesh.geometry.setDrawRange( geometryInfo.start, geometryInfo.count );
// get the intersects
this.getMatrixAt( i, _mesh.matrixWorld ).premultiply( matrixWorld );
this.getBoundingBoxAt( geometryId, _mesh.geometry.boundingBox );
this.getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, _mesh.geometry.boundingSphere );
_mesh.raycast( raycaster, _batchIntersects );
// add batch id to the intersects
for ( let j = 0, l = _batchIntersects.length; j < l; j ++ ) {
const intersect = _batchIntersects[ j ];
intersect.object = this;
intersect.batchId = i;
intersects.push( intersect );
_batchIntersects.length = 0;
_mesh.material = null;
_mesh.geometry.index = null;
_mesh.geometry.attributes = {};
_mesh.geometry.setDrawRange( 0, Infinity );
copy( source ) {
super.copy( source );
this.geometry = source.geometry.clone();
this.perObjectFrustumCulled = source.perObjectFrustumCulled;
this.sortObjects = source.sortObjects;
this.boundingBox = source.boundingBox !== null ? source.boundingBox.clone() : null;
this.boundingSphere = source.boundingSphere !== null ? source.boundingSphere.clone() : null;
this._geometryInfo = info => ( {,
boundingBox: info.boundingBox !== null ? info.boundingBox.clone() : null,
boundingSphere: info.boundingSphere !== null ? info.boundingSphere.clone() : null,
} ) );
this._instanceInfo = info => ( { } ) );
this._maxInstanceCount = source._maxInstanceCount;
this._maxVertexCount = source._maxVertexCount;
this._maxIndexCount = source._maxIndexCount;
this._geometryInitialized = source._geometryInitialized;
this._geometryCount = source._geometryCount;
this._multiDrawCounts = source._multiDrawCounts.slice();
this._multiDrawStarts = source._multiDrawStarts.slice();
this._matricesTexture = source._matricesTexture.clone(); =;
if ( this._colorsTexture !== null ) {
this._colorsTexture = source._colorsTexture.clone(); =;
return this;
dispose() {
// Assuming the geometry is not shared with other meshes
this._matricesTexture = null;
this._indirectTexture = null;
if ( this._colorsTexture !== null ) {
this._colorsTexture = null;
return this;
onBeforeRender( renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material/*, _group*/ ) {
// if visibility has not changed and frustum culling and object sorting is not required
// then skip iterating over all items
if ( ! this._visibilityChanged && ! this.perObjectFrustumCulled && ! this.sortObjects ) {
// the indexed version of the multi draw function requires specifying the start
// offset in bytes.
const index = geometry.getIndex();
const bytesPerElement = index === null ? 1 : index.array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
const instanceInfo = this._instanceInfo;
const multiDrawStarts = this._multiDrawStarts;
const multiDrawCounts = this._multiDrawCounts;
const geometryInfoList = this._geometryInfo;
const perObjectFrustumCulled = this.perObjectFrustumCulled;
const indirectTexture = this._indirectTexture;
const indirectArray =;
// prepare the frustum in the local frame
if ( perObjectFrustumCulled ) {
.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse )
.multiply( this.matrixWorld );
let multiDrawCount = 0;
if ( this.sortObjects ) {
// get the camera position in the local frame
_matrix.copy( this.matrixWorld ).invert();
_vector.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld ).applyMatrix4( _matrix );
_forward.set( 0, 0, - 1 ).transformDirection( camera.matrixWorld ).transformDirection( _matrix );
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( instanceInfo[ i ].visible && instanceInfo[ i ].active ) {
const geometryId = instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex;
// get the bounds in world space
this.getMatrixAt( i, _matrix );
this.getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, _sphere ).applyMatrix4( _matrix );
// determine whether the batched geometry is within the frustum
let culled = false;
if ( perObjectFrustumCulled ) {
culled = ! _frustum.intersectsSphere( _sphere );
if ( ! culled ) {
// get the distance from camera used for sorting
const geometryInfo = geometryInfoList[ geometryId ];
const z = _temp.subVectors(, _vector ).dot( _forward );
_renderList.push( geometryInfo.start, geometryInfo.count, z, i );
// Sort the draw ranges and prep for rendering
const list = _renderList.list;
const customSort = this.customSort;
if ( customSort === null ) {
list.sort( material.transparent ? sortTransparent : sortOpaque );
} else { this, list, camera );
for ( let i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const item = list[ i ];
multiDrawStarts[ multiDrawCount ] = item.start * bytesPerElement;
multiDrawCounts[ multiDrawCount ] = item.count;
indirectArray[ multiDrawCount ] = item.index;
multiDrawCount ++;
} else {
for ( let i = 0, l = instanceInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( instanceInfo[ i ].visible && instanceInfo[ i ].active ) {
const geometryId = instanceInfo[ i ].geometryIndex;
// determine whether the batched geometry is within the frustum
let culled = false;
if ( perObjectFrustumCulled ) {
// get the bounds in world space
this.getMatrixAt( i, _matrix );
this.getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, _sphere ).applyMatrix4( _matrix );
culled = ! _frustum.intersectsSphere( _sphere );
if ( ! culled ) {
const geometryInfo = geometryInfoList[ geometryId ];
multiDrawStarts[ multiDrawCount ] = geometryInfo.start * bytesPerElement;
multiDrawCounts[ multiDrawCount ] = geometryInfo.count;
indirectArray[ multiDrawCount ] = i;
multiDrawCount ++;
indirectTexture.needsUpdate = true;
this._multiDrawCount = multiDrawCount;
this._visibilityChanged = false;
onBeforeShadow( renderer, object, camera, shadowCamera, geometry, depthMaterial/* , group */ ) {
this.onBeforeRender( renderer, null, shadowCamera, geometry, depthMaterial );
export { BatchedMesh };