import { renderGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
/** @module Timer **/
* Represents the elapsed time in seconds.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
export const time = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 0 ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( frame ) => frame.time );
* Represents the delta time in seconds.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
export const deltaTime = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 0 ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( frame ) => frame.deltaTime );
* Represents the current frame ID.
* @type {UniformNode<uint>}
export const frameId = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 0, 'uint' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( frame ) => frame.frameId );
// Deprecated
* @function
* @deprecated since r170. Use {@link time} instead.
* @param {Number} [timeScale=1] - The time scale.
* @returns {UniformNode<float>}
export const timerLocal = ( timeScale = 1 ) => { // @deprecated, r170
console.warn( 'TSL: timerLocal() is deprecated. Use "time" instead.' );
return time.mul( timeScale );
* @function
* @deprecated since r170. Use {@link time} instead.
* @param {Number} [timeScale=1] - The time scale.
* @returns {UniformNode<float>}
export const timerGlobal = ( timeScale = 1 ) => { // @deprecated, r170
console.warn( 'TSL: timerGlobal() is deprecated. Use "time" instead.' );
return time.mul( timeScale );
* @function
* @deprecated since r170. Use {@link deltaTime} instead.
* @param {Number} [timeScale=1] - The time scale.
* @returns {UniformNode<float>}
export const timerDelta = ( timeScale = 1 ) => { // @deprecated, r170
console.warn( 'TSL: timerDelta() is deprecated. Use "deltaTime" instead.' );
return deltaTime.mul( timeScale );