import { time } from './Timer.js';
/** @module Oscillators **/
* Generates a sine wave oscillation based on a timer.
* @method
* @param {Node<float>} t - The timer to generate the oscillation with.
* @return {Node<float>} The oscillation node.
export const oscSine = ( t = time ) => t.add( 0.75 ).mul( Math.PI * 2 ).sin().mul( 0.5 ).add( 0.5 );
* Generates a square wave oscillation based on a timer.
* @method
* @param {Node<float>} t - The timer to generate the oscillation with.
* @return {Node<float>} The oscillation node.
export const oscSquare = ( t = time ) => t.fract().round();
* Generates a triangle wave oscillation based on a timer.
* @method
* @param {Node<float>} t - The timer to generate the oscillation with.
* @return {Node<float>} The oscillation node.
export const oscTriangle = ( t = time ) => t.add( 0.5 ).fract().mul( 2 ).sub( 1 ).abs();
* Generates a sawtooth wave oscillation based on a timer.
* @method
* @param {Node<float>} t - The timer to generate the oscillation with.
* @return {Node<float>} The oscillation node.
export const oscSawtooth = ( t = time ) => t.fract();