MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import Node from '../core/Node.js'; import { expression } from '../code/ExpressionNode.js'; import { nodeObject, nodeArray } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; /** @module LoopNode **/ /** * This module offers a variety of ways to implement loops in TSL. In it's basic form it's: * ```js * Loop( count, ( { i } ) => { * * } ); * ``` * However, it is also possible to define a start and end ranges, data types and loop conditions: * ```js * Loop( { start: int( 0 ), end: int( 10 ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => { * * } ); *``` * Nested loops can be defined in a compacted form: * ```js * Loop( 10, 5, ( { i, j } ) => { * * } ); * ``` * Loops that should run backwards can be defined like so: * ```js * Loop( { start: 10 }, () => {} ); * ``` * The module also provides `Break()` and `Continue()` TSL expression for loop control. * @augments Node */ class LoopNode extends Node { static get type() { return 'LoopNode'; } /** * Constructs a new loop node. * * @param {Array<Any>} params - Depending on the loop type, array holds different parameterization values for the loop. */ constructor( params = [] ) { super(); this.params = params; } /** * Returns a loop variable name based on an index. The pattern is * `0` = `i`, `1`= `j`, `2`= `k` and so on. * * @param {Number} index - The index. * @return {String} The loop variable name. */ getVarName( index ) { return String.fromCharCode( 'i'.charCodeAt( 0 ) + index ); } /** * Returns properties about this node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Object} The node properties. */ getProperties( builder ) { const properties = builder.getNodeProperties( this ); if ( properties.stackNode !== undefined ) return properties; // const inputs = {}; for ( let i = 0, l = this.params.length - 1; i < l; i ++ ) { const param = this.params[ i ]; const name = ( param.isNode !== true && ) || this.getVarName( i ); const type = ( param.isNode !== true && param.type ) || 'int'; inputs[ name ] = expression( name, type ); } const stack = builder.addStack(); // TODO: cache() it properties.returnsNode = this.params[ this.params.length - 1 ]( inputs, stack, builder ); properties.stackNode = stack; builder.removeStack(); return properties; } /** * This method is overwritten since the node type is inferred based on the loop configuration. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The node type. */ getNodeType( builder ) { const { returnsNode } = this.getProperties( builder ); return returnsNode ? returnsNode.getNodeType( builder ) : 'void'; } setup( builder ) { // setup properties this.getProperties( builder ); } generate( builder ) { const properties = this.getProperties( builder ); const params = this.params; const stackNode = properties.stackNode; for ( let i = 0, l = params.length - 1; i < l; i ++ ) { const param = params[ i ]; let start = null, end = null, name = null, type = null, condition = null, update = null; if ( param.isNode ) { type = 'int'; name = this.getVarName( i ); start = '0'; end = builder, type ); condition = '<'; } else { type = param.type || 'int'; name = || this.getVarName( i ); start = param.start; end = param.end; condition = param.condition; update = param.update; if ( typeof start === 'number' ) start = builder.generateConst( type, start ); else if ( start && start.isNode ) start = builder, type ); if ( typeof end === 'number' ) end = builder.generateConst( type, end ); else if ( end && end.isNode ) end = builder, type ); if ( start !== undefined && end === undefined ) { start = start + ' - 1'; end = '0'; condition = '>='; } else if ( end !== undefined && start === undefined ) { start = '0'; condition = '<'; } if ( condition === undefined ) { if ( Number( start ) > Number( end ) ) { condition = '>='; } else { condition = '<'; } } } const internalParam = { start, end, condition }; // const startSnippet = internalParam.start; const endSnippet = internalParam.end; let declarationSnippet = ''; let conditionalSnippet = ''; let updateSnippet = ''; if ( ! update ) { if ( type === 'int' || type === 'uint' ) { if ( condition.includes( '<' ) ) update = '++'; else update = '--'; } else { if ( condition.includes( '<' ) ) update = '+= 1.'; else update = '-= 1.'; } } declarationSnippet += builder.getVar( type, name ) + ' = ' + startSnippet; conditionalSnippet += name + ' ' + condition + ' ' + endSnippet; updateSnippet += name + ' ' + update; const forSnippet = `for ( ${ declarationSnippet }; ${ conditionalSnippet }; ${ updateSnippet } )`; builder.addFlowCode( ( i === 0 ? '\n' : '' ) + + forSnippet + ' {\n\n' ).addFlowTab(); } const stackSnippet = builder, 'void' ); const returnsSnippet = properties.returnsNode ? builder ) : ''; builder.removeFlowTab().addFlowCode( '\n' + + stackSnippet ); for ( let i = 0, l = this.params.length - 1; i < l; i ++ ) { builder.addFlowCode( ( i === 0 ? '' : ) + '}\n\n' ).removeFlowTab(); } builder.addFlowTab(); return returnsSnippet; } } export default LoopNode; /** * TSL function for creating a loop node. * * @function * @param {...Any} params - A list of parameters. * @returns {LoopNode} */ export const Loop = ( ...params ) => nodeObject( new LoopNode( nodeArray( params, 'int' ) ) ).append(); /** * TSL function for creating a `Continue()` expression. * * @function * @returns {ExpressionNode} */ export const Continue = () => expression( 'continue' ).append(); /** * TSL function for creating a `Break()` expression. * * @function * @returns {ExpressionNode} */ export const Break = () => expression( 'break' ).append(); // Deprecated /** * @function * @deprecated since r168. Use {@link Loop} instead. * * @param {...any} params * @returns {LoopNode} */ export const loop = ( ...params ) => { // @deprecated, r168 console.warn( 'TSL.LoopNode: loop() has been renamed to Loop().' ); return Loop( ...params ); };