MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import Node from '../core/Node.js'; import { nodeProxy } from '../tsl/TSLCore.js'; /** @module FunctionOverloadingNode **/ /** * This class allows to define multiple overloaded versions * of the same function. Depending on the parameters of the function * call, the node picks the best-fit overloaded version. * * @augments Node */ class FunctionOverloadingNode extends Node { static get type() { return 'FunctionOverloadingNode'; } /** * Constructs a new function overloading node. * * @param {Array<Function>} functionNodes - Array of `Fn` function definitions. * @param {...Node} parametersNodes - A list of parameter nodes. */ constructor( functionNodes = [], ...parametersNodes ) { super(); /** * Array of `Fn` function definitions. * * @type {Array<Function>} */ this.functionNodes = functionNodes; /** * A list of parameter nodes. * * @type {Array<Node>} */ this.parametersNodes = parametersNodes; /** * The selected overloaded function call. * * @private * @type {ShaderCallNodeInternal} */ this._candidateFnCall = null; /** * This node is marked as global. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ = true; } /** * This method is overwritten since the node type is inferred from * the function's return type. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The node type. */ getNodeType() { return this.functionNodes[ 0 ].shaderNode.layout.type; } setup( builder ) { const params = this.parametersNodes; let candidateFnCall = this._candidateFnCall; if ( candidateFnCall === null ) { let candidateFn = null; let candidateScore = - 1; for ( const functionNode of this.functionNodes ) { const shaderNode = functionNode.shaderNode; const layout = shaderNode.layout; if ( layout === null ) { throw new Error( 'FunctionOverloadingNode: FunctionNode must be a layout.' ); } const inputs = layout.inputs; if ( params.length === inputs.length ) { let score = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < params.length; i ++ ) { const param = params[ i ]; const input = inputs[ i ]; if ( param.getNodeType( builder ) === input.type ) { score ++; } else { score = 0; } } if ( score > candidateScore ) { candidateFn = functionNode; candidateScore = score; } } } this._candidateFnCall = candidateFnCall = candidateFn( ...params ); } return candidateFnCall; } } export default FunctionOverloadingNode; const overloadingBaseFn = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( FunctionOverloadingNode ); /** * TSL function for creating a function overloading node. * * @function * @param {Array<Function>} functionNodes - Array of `Fn` function definitions. * @returns {FunctionOverloadingNode} */ export const overloadingFn = ( functionNodes ) => ( ...params ) => overloadingBaseFn( functionNodes, ...params );