MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { addMethodChaining, nodeProxy } from '../tsl/TSLCore.js';
/** @module OperatorNode **/
* This node represents basic mathematical and logical operations like addition,
* subtraction or comparisons (e.g. `equal()`).
* @augments TempNode
class OperatorNode extends TempNode {
static get type() {
return 'OperatorNode';
* Constructs a new operator node.
* @param {String} op - The operator.
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @param {...Node} params - Additional input parameters.
constructor( op, aNode, bNode, ...params ) {
if ( params.length > 0 ) {
let finalOp = new OperatorNode( op, aNode, bNode );
for ( let i = 0; i < params.length - 1; i ++ ) {
finalOp = new OperatorNode( op, finalOp, params[ i ] );
aNode = finalOp;
bNode = params[ params.length - 1 ];
* The operator.
* @type {String}
this.op = op;
* The first input.
* @type {Node}
this.aNode = aNode;
* The second input.
* @type {Node}
this.bNode = bNode;
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isOperatorNode = true;
* This method is overwritten since the node type is inferred from the operator
* and the input node types.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @param {String} output - The current output string.
* @return {String} The node type.
getNodeType( builder, output ) {
const op = this.op;
const aNode = this.aNode;
const bNode = this.bNode;
const typeA = aNode.getNodeType( builder );
const typeB = typeof bNode !== 'undefined' ? bNode.getNodeType( builder ) : null;
if ( typeA === 'void' || typeB === 'void' ) {
return 'void';
} else if ( op === '%' ) {
return typeA;
} else if ( op === '~' || op === '&' || op === '|' || op === '^' || op === '>>' || op === '<<' ) {
return builder.getIntegerType( typeA );
} else if ( op === '!' || op === '==' || op === '&&' || op === '||' || op === '^^' ) {
return 'bool';
} else if ( op === '<' || op === '>' || op === '<=' || op === '>=' ) {
const typeLength = output ? builder.getTypeLength( output ) : Math.max( builder.getTypeLength( typeA ), builder.getTypeLength( typeB ) );
return typeLength > 1 ? `bvec${ typeLength }` : 'bool';
} else {
// Handle matrix operations
if ( builder.isMatrix( typeA ) ) {
if ( typeB === 'float' ) {
return typeA; // matrix * scalar = matrix
} else if ( builder.isVector( typeB ) ) {
return builder.getVectorFromMatrix( typeA ); // matrix * vector
} else if ( builder.isMatrix( typeB ) ) {
return typeA; // matrix * matrix
} else if ( builder.isMatrix( typeB ) ) {
if ( typeA === 'float' ) {
return typeB; // scalar * matrix = matrix
} else if ( builder.isVector( typeA ) ) {
return builder.getVectorFromMatrix( typeB ); // vector * matrix
// Handle non-matrix cases
if ( builder.getTypeLength( typeB ) > builder.getTypeLength( typeA ) ) {
// anytype x anytype: use the greater length vector
return typeB;
return typeA;
generate( builder, output ) {
const op = this.op;
const aNode = this.aNode;
const bNode = this.bNode;
const type = this.getNodeType( builder, output );
let typeA = null;
let typeB = null;
if ( type !== 'void' ) {
typeA = aNode.getNodeType( builder );
typeB = typeof bNode !== 'undefined' ? bNode.getNodeType( builder ) : null;
if ( op === '<' || op === '>' || op === '<=' || op === '>=' || op === '==' ) {
if ( builder.isVector( typeA ) ) {
typeB = typeA;
} else if ( typeA !== typeB ) {
typeA = typeB = 'float';
} else if ( op === '>>' || op === '<<' ) {
typeA = type;
typeB = builder.changeComponentType( typeB, 'uint' );
} else if ( builder.isMatrix( typeA ) ) {
if ( typeB === 'float' ) {
// Keep matrix type for typeA, but ensure typeB stays float
typeB = 'float';
} else if ( builder.isVector( typeB ) ) {
// matrix x vector
typeB = builder.getVectorFromMatrix( typeA );
} else if ( builder.isMatrix( typeB ) ) {
// matrix x matrix - keep both types
} else {
typeA = typeB = type;
} else if ( builder.isMatrix( typeB ) ) {
if ( typeA === 'float' ) {
// Keep matrix type for typeB, but ensure typeA stays float
typeA = 'float';
} else if ( builder.isVector( typeA ) ) {
// vector x matrix
typeA = builder.getVectorFromMatrix( typeB );
} else {
typeA = typeB = type;
} else {
// anytype x anytype
typeA = typeB = type;
} else {
typeA = typeB = type;
const a = builder, typeA );
const b = typeof bNode !== 'undefined' ? builder, typeB ) : null;
const outputLength = builder.getTypeLength( output );
const fnOpSnippet = builder.getFunctionOperator( op );
if ( output !== 'void' ) {
if ( op === '<' && outputLength > 1 ) {
if ( builder.useComparisonMethod ) {
return builder.format( `${ builder.getMethod( 'lessThan', output ) }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `( ${ a } < ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else if ( op === '<=' && outputLength > 1 ) {
if ( builder.useComparisonMethod ) {
return builder.format( `${ builder.getMethod( 'lessThanEqual', output ) }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `( ${ a } <= ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else if ( op === '>' && outputLength > 1 ) {
if ( builder.useComparisonMethod ) {
return builder.format( `${ builder.getMethod( 'greaterThan', output ) }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `( ${ a } > ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else if ( op === '>=' && outputLength > 1 ) {
if ( builder.useComparisonMethod ) {
return builder.format( `${ builder.getMethod( 'greaterThanEqual', output ) }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `( ${ a } >= ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else if ( op === '!' || op === '~' ) {
return builder.format( `(${op}${a})`, typeA, output );
} else if ( fnOpSnippet ) {
return builder.format( `${ fnOpSnippet }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
// Handle matrix operations
if ( builder.isMatrix( typeA ) && typeB === 'float' ) {
return builder.format( `( ${ b } ${ op } ${ a } )`, type, output );
} else if ( typeA === 'float' && builder.isMatrix( typeB ) ) {
return builder.format( `${ a } ${ op } ${ b }`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `( ${ a } ${ op } ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else if ( typeA !== 'void' ) {
if ( fnOpSnippet ) {
return builder.format( `${ fnOpSnippet }( ${ a }, ${ b } )`, type, output );
} else {
if ( builder.isMatrix( typeA ) && typeB === 'float' ) {
return builder.format( `${ b } ${ op } ${ a }`, type, output );
} else {
return builder.format( `${ a } ${ op } ${ b }`, type, output );
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
data.op = this.op;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
this.op = data.op;
export default OperatorNode;
* Returns the addition of two or more value.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @param {...Node} params - Additional input parameters.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const add = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '+' );
* Returns the subtraction of two or more value.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @param {...Node} params - Additional input parameters.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const sub = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '-' );
* Returns the multiplication of two or more value.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @param {...Node} params - Additional input parameters.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const mul = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '*' );
* Returns the division of two or more value.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @param {...Node} params - Additional input parameters.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const div = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '/' );
* Computes the remainder of dividing the first node by the second, for integer values.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const modInt = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '%' );
* Checks if two nodes are equal.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const equal = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '==' );
* Checks if two nodes are not equal.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const notEqual = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '!=' );
* Checks if the first node is less than the second.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const lessThan = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '<' );
* Checks if the first node is greater than the second.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const greaterThan = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '>' );
* Checks if the first node is less than or equal to the second.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const lessThanEqual = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '<=' );
* Checks if the first node is greater than or equal to the second.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const greaterThanEqual = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '>=' );
* Performs logical AND on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const and = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '&&' );
* Performs logical OR on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const or = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '||' );
* Performs logical NOT on a node.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const not = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '!' );
* Performs logical XOR on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const xor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '^^' );
* Performs bitwise AND on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const bitAnd = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '&' );
* Performs bitwise NOT on a node.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const bitNot = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '~' );
* Performs bitwise OR on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const bitOr = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '|' );
* Performs bitwise XOR on two nodes.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node} bNode - The second input.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const bitXor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '^' );
* Shifts a node to the left.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The node to shift.
* @param {Node} bNode - The value to shift.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const shiftLeft = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '<<' );
* Shifts a node to the right.
* @function
* @param {Node} aNode - The node to shift.
* @param {Node} bNode - The value to shift.
* @returns {OperatorNode}
export const shiftRight = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( OperatorNode, '>>' );
addMethodChaining( 'add', add );
addMethodChaining( 'sub', sub );
addMethodChaining( 'mul', mul );
addMethodChaining( 'div', div );
addMethodChaining( 'modInt', modInt );
addMethodChaining( 'equal', equal );
addMethodChaining( 'notEqual', notEqual );
addMethodChaining( 'lessThan', lessThan );
addMethodChaining( 'greaterThan', greaterThan );
addMethodChaining( 'lessThanEqual', lessThanEqual );
addMethodChaining( 'greaterThanEqual', greaterThanEqual );
addMethodChaining( 'and', and );
addMethodChaining( 'or', or );
addMethodChaining( 'not', not );
addMethodChaining( 'xor', xor );
addMethodChaining( 'bitAnd', bitAnd );
addMethodChaining( 'bitNot', bitNot );
addMethodChaining( 'bitOr', bitOr );
addMethodChaining( 'bitXor', bitXor );
addMethodChaining( 'shiftLeft', shiftLeft );
addMethodChaining( 'shiftRight', shiftRight );
* @function
* @deprecated since r168. Use {@link modInt} instead.
* @param {...any} params
* @returns {Function}
export const remainder = ( ...params ) => { // @deprecated, r168
console.warn( 'TSL.OperatorNode: .remainder() has been renamed to .modInt().' );
return modInt( ...params );
addMethodChaining( 'remainder', remainder );