MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { sub, mul, div, add } from './OperatorNode.js'; import { PI, pow, sin } from './MathNode.js'; /** @module MathUtils **/ /** * A function that remaps the `[0,1]` interval into the `[0,1]` interval. * The corners are mapped to `0` and the center to `1`. * Reference: {@link}. * * @method * @param {Node<float>} x - The value to remap. * @param {Node<float>} k - Allows to control the remapping functions shape by rising the parabola to a power `k`. * @return {Node<float>} The remapped value. */ export const parabola = ( x, k ) => pow( mul( 4.0, x.mul( sub( 1.0, x ) ) ), k ); /** * A function that remaps the `[0,1]` interval into the `[0,1]` interval. * Expands the sides and compresses the center, and keeps `0.5` mapped to `0.5`. * Reference: {@link}. * * @method * @param {Node<float>} x - The value to remap. * @param {Node<float>} k - `k=1` is the identity curve,`k<1` produces the classic `gain()` shape, and `k>1` produces "s" shaped curves. * @return {Node<float>} The remapped value. */ export const gain = ( x, k ) => x.lessThan( 0.5 ) ? parabola( x.mul( 2.0 ), k ).div( 2.0 ) : sub( 1.0, parabola( mul( sub( 1.0, x ), 2.0 ), k ).div( 2.0 ) ); /** * A function that remaps the `[0,1]` interval into the `[0,1]` interval. * A generalization of the `parabola()`. Keeps the corners mapped to 0 but allows the control of the shape one either side of the curve. * Reference: {@link}. * * @method * @param {Node<float>} x - The value to remap. * @param {Node<float>} a - First control parameter. * @param {Node<float>} b - Second control parameter. * @return {Node<float>} The remapped value. */ export const pcurve = ( x, a, b ) => pow( div( pow( x, a ), add( pow( x, a ), pow( sub( 1.0, x ), b ) ) ), 1.0 / a ); /** * A phase shifted sinus curve that starts at zero and ends at zero, with bouncing behavior. * Reference: {@link}. * * @method * @param {Node<float>} x - The value to compute the sin for. * @param {Node<float>} k - Controls the amount of bounces. * @return {Node<float>} The result value. */ export const sinc = ( x, k ) => sin( PI.mul( k.mul( x ).sub( 1.0 ) ) ).div( PI.mul( k.mul( x ).sub( 1.0 ) ) );