MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { sub, mul, div } from './OperatorNode.js';
import { addMethodChaining, nodeObject, nodeProxy, float, vec2, vec3, vec4, Fn } from '../tsl/TSLCore.js';
import { WebGLCoordinateSystem, WebGPUCoordinateSystem } from '../../constants.js';
/** @module MathNode **/
* This node represents a variety of mathematical methods available in shaders.
* They are divided into three categories:
* - Methods with one input like `sin`, `cos` or `normalize`.
* - Methods with two inputs like `dot`, `cross` or `pow`.
* - Methods with three inputs like `mix`, `clamp` or `smoothstep`.
* @augments TempNode
class MathNode extends TempNode {
static get type() {
return 'MathNode';
* Constructs a new math node.
* @param {String} method - The method name.
* @param {Node} aNode - The first input.
* @param {Node?} [bNode=null] - The second input.
* @param {Node?} [cNode=null] - The third input.
constructor( method, aNode, bNode = null, cNode = null ) {
* The method name.
* @type {String}
this.method = method;
* The first input.
* @type {Node}
this.aNode = aNode;
* The second input.
* @type {Node?}
* @default null
this.bNode = bNode;
* The third input.
* @type {Node?}
* @default null
this.cNode = cNode;
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isMathNode = true;
* The input type is inferred from the node types of the input nodes.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The input type.
getInputType( builder ) {
const aType = this.aNode.getNodeType( builder );
const bType = this.bNode ? this.bNode.getNodeType( builder ) : null;
const cType = this.cNode ? this.cNode.getNodeType( builder ) : null;
const aLen = builder.isMatrix( aType ) ? 0 : builder.getTypeLength( aType );
const bLen = builder.isMatrix( bType ) ? 0 : builder.getTypeLength( bType );
const cLen = builder.isMatrix( cType ) ? 0 : builder.getTypeLength( cType );
if ( aLen > bLen && aLen > cLen ) {
return aType;
} else if ( bLen > cLen ) {
return bType;
} else if ( cLen > aLen ) {
return cType;
return aType;
* The selected method as well as the input type determine the node type of this node.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The node type.
getNodeType( builder ) {
const method = this.method;
if ( method === MathNode.LENGTH || method === MathNode.DISTANCE || method === MathNode.DOT ) {
return 'float';
} else if ( method === MathNode.CROSS ) {
return 'vec3';
} else if ( method === MathNode.ALL ) {
return 'bool';
} else if ( method === MathNode.EQUALS ) {
return builder.changeComponentType( this.aNode.getNodeType( builder ), 'bool' );
} else if ( method === MathNode.MOD ) {
return this.aNode.getNodeType( builder );
} else {
return this.getInputType( builder );
generate( builder, output ) {
let method = this.method;
const type = this.getNodeType( builder );
const inputType = this.getInputType( builder );
const a = this.aNode;
const b = this.bNode;
const c = this.cNode;
const coordinateSystem = builder.renderer.coordinateSystem;
if ( method === MathNode.TRANSFORM_DIRECTION ) {
// dir can be either a direction vector or a normal vector
// upper-left 3x3 of matrix is assumed to be orthogonal
let tA = a;
let tB = b;
if ( builder.isMatrix( tA.getNodeType( builder ) ) ) {
tB = vec4( vec3( tB ), 0.0 );
} else {
tA = vec4( vec3( tA ), 0.0 );
const mulNode = mul( tA, tB ).xyz;
return normalize( mulNode ).build( builder, output );
} else if ( method === MathNode.NEGATE ) {
return builder.format( '( - ' + builder, inputType ) + ' )', type, output );
} else if ( method === MathNode.ONE_MINUS ) {
return sub( 1.0, a ).build( builder, output );
} else if ( method === MathNode.RECIPROCAL ) {
return div( 1.0, a ).build( builder, output );
} else if ( method === MathNode.DIFFERENCE ) {
return abs( sub( a, b ) ).build( builder, output );
} else {
const params = [];
if ( method === MathNode.CROSS || method === MathNode.MOD ) {
params.push( builder, type ), builder, type )
} else if ( coordinateSystem === WebGLCoordinateSystem && method === MathNode.STEP ) {
params.push( builder, builder.getTypeLength( a.getNodeType( builder ) ) === 1 ? 'float' : inputType ), builder, inputType )
} else if ( ( coordinateSystem === WebGLCoordinateSystem && ( method === MathNode.MIN || method === MathNode.MAX ) ) || method === MathNode.MOD ) {
params.push( builder, inputType ), builder, builder.getTypeLength( b.getNodeType( builder ) ) === 1 ? 'float' : inputType )
} else if ( method === MathNode.REFRACT ) {
params.push( builder, inputType ), builder, inputType ), builder, 'float' )
} else if ( method === MathNode.MIX ) {
params.push( builder, inputType ), builder, inputType ), builder, builder.getTypeLength( c.getNodeType( builder ) ) === 1 ? 'float' : inputType )
} else {
if ( coordinateSystem === WebGPUCoordinateSystem && method === MathNode.ATAN && b !== null ) {
method = 'atan2';
params.push( builder, inputType ) );
if ( b !== null ) params.push( builder, inputType ) );
if ( c !== null ) params.push( builder, inputType ) );
return builder.format( `${ builder.getMethod( method, type ) }( ${params.join( ', ' )} )`, type, output );
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
data.method = this.method;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
this.method = data.method;
// 1 input
MathNode.ALL = 'all';
MathNode.ANY = 'any';
MathNode.RADIANS = 'radians';
MathNode.DEGREES = 'degrees';
MathNode.EXP = 'exp';
MathNode.EXP2 = 'exp2';
MathNode.LOG = 'log';
MathNode.LOG2 = 'log2';
MathNode.SQRT = 'sqrt';
MathNode.INVERSE_SQRT = 'inversesqrt';
MathNode.FLOOR = 'floor';
MathNode.CEIL = 'ceil';
MathNode.NORMALIZE = 'normalize';
MathNode.FRACT = 'fract';
MathNode.SIN = 'sin';
MathNode.COS = 'cos';
MathNode.TAN = 'tan';
MathNode.ASIN = 'asin';
MathNode.ACOS = 'acos';
MathNode.ATAN = 'atan';
MathNode.ABS = 'abs';
MathNode.SIGN = 'sign';
MathNode.LENGTH = 'length';
MathNode.NEGATE = 'negate';
MathNode.ONE_MINUS = 'oneMinus';
MathNode.DFDX = 'dFdx';
MathNode.DFDY = 'dFdy';
MathNode.ROUND = 'round';
MathNode.RECIPROCAL = 'reciprocal';
MathNode.TRUNC = 'trunc';
MathNode.FWIDTH = 'fwidth';
MathNode.TRANSPOSE = 'transpose';
// 2 inputs
MathNode.BITCAST = 'bitcast';
MathNode.EQUALS = 'equals';
MathNode.MIN = 'min';
MathNode.MAX = 'max';
MathNode.MOD = 'mod';
MathNode.STEP = 'step';
MathNode.REFLECT = 'reflect';
MathNode.DISTANCE = 'distance';
MathNode.DIFFERENCE = 'difference';
MathNode.DOT = 'dot';
MathNode.CROSS = 'cross';
MathNode.POW = 'pow';
MathNode.TRANSFORM_DIRECTION = 'transformDirection';
// 3 inputs
MathNode.MIX = 'mix';
MathNode.CLAMP = 'clamp';
MathNode.REFRACT = 'refract';
MathNode.SMOOTHSTEP = 'smoothstep';
MathNode.FACEFORWARD = 'faceforward';
export default MathNode;
// 1 inputs
* A small value used to handle floating-point precision errors.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const EPSILON = /*@__PURE__*/ float( 1e-6 );
* Represents infinity.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const INFINITY = /*@__PURE__*/ float( 1e6 );
* Represents PI.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const PI = /*@__PURE__*/ float( Math.PI );
* Represents PI * 2.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const PI2 = /*@__PURE__*/ float( Math.PI * 2 );
* Returns `true` if all components of `x` are `true`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node<bool>}
export const all = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ALL );
* Returns `true` if any components of `x` are `true`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node<bool>}
export const any = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ANY );
* Converts a quantity in degrees to radians.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The input in degrees.
* @returns {Node}
export const radians = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.RADIANS );
* Convert a quantity in radians to degrees.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The input in radians.
* @returns {Node}
export const degrees = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DEGREES );
* Returns the natural exponentiation of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const exp = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.EXP );
* Returns 2 raised to the power of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const exp2 = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.EXP2 );
* Returns the natural logarithm of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const log = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.LOG );
* Returns the base 2 logarithm of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const log2 = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.LOG2 );
* Returns the square root of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const sqrt = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.SQRT );
* Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const inverseSqrt = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.INVERSE_SQRT );
* Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const floor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.FLOOR );
* Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const ceil = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.CEIL );
* Calculates the unit vector in the same direction as the original vector.
* @function
* @param {Node} x - The input vector.
* @returns {Node}
export const normalize = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.NORMALIZE );
* Computes the fractional part of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const fract = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.FRACT );
* Returns the sine of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const sin = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.SIN );
* Returns the cosine of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const cos = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.COS );
* Returns the tangent of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const tan = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.TAN );
* Returns the arcsine of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const asin = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ASIN );
* Returns the arccosine of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const acos = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ACOS );
* Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter.
* If two parameters are provided, the result is `atan2(y/x)`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} y - The y parameter.
* @param {(Node | Number)?} x - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const atan = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ATAN );
* Returns the absolute value of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const abs = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ABS );
* Extracts the sign of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const sign = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.SIGN );
* Calculates the length of a vector.
* @function
* @param {Node} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node<float>}
export const length = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.LENGTH );
* Negates the value of the parameter (-x).
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const negate = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.NEGATE );
* Return `1` minus the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const oneMinus = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ONE_MINUS );
* Returns the partial derivative of the parameter with respect to x.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const dFdx = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DFDX );
* Returns the partial derivative of the parameter with respect to y.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const dFdy = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DFDY );
* Rounds the parameter to the nearest integer.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const round = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.ROUND );
* Returns the reciprocal of the parameter `(1/x)`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const reciprocal = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.RECIPROCAL );
* Truncates the parameter, removing the fractional part.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const trunc = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.TRUNC );
* Returns the sum of the absolute derivatives in x and y.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const fwidth = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.FWIDTH );
* Returns the transpose of a matrix.
* @function
* @param {Node<mat2|mat3|mat4>} x - The parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const transpose = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.TRANSPOSE );
// 2 inputs
* Reinterpret the bit representation of a value in one type as a value in another type.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The parameter.
* @param {String} y - The new type.
* @returns {Node}
export const bitcast = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.BITCAST );
* Returns `true` if `x` equals `y`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The second parameter.
* @returns {Node<bool>}
export const equals = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.EQUALS );
* Returns the lesser of two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The y parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const min = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.MIN );
* Returns the greater of two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The y parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const max = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.MAX );
* Computes the remainder of dividing the first node by the second one.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The y parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const mod = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.MOD );
* Generate a step function by comparing two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The y parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const step = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.STEP );
* Calculates the reflection direction for an incident vector.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} I - The incident vector.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} N - The normal vector.
* @returns {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>}
export const reflect = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.REFLECT );
* Calculates the distance between two points.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} x - The first point.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} y - The second point.
* @returns {Node<float>}
export const distance = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DISTANCE );
* Calculates the absolute difference between two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The second parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const difference = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DIFFERENCE );
* Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} x - The first vector.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} y - The second vector.
* @returns {Node<float>}
export const dot = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.DOT );
* Calculates the cross product of two vectors.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} x - The first vector.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} y - The second vector.
* @returns {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>}
export const cross = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.CROSS );
* Return the value of the first parameter raised to the power of the second one.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The second parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const pow = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.POW );
* Returns the square of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const pow2 = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.POW, 2 );
* Returns the cube of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const pow3 = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.POW, 3 );
* Returns the fourth power of the parameter.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The first parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const pow4 = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.POW, 4 );
* Transforms the direction of a vector by a matrix and then normalizes the result.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} direction - The direction vector.
* @param {Node<mat2|mat3|mat4>} matrix - The transformation matrix.
* @returns {Node}
export const transformDirection = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.TRANSFORM_DIRECTION );
* Returns the cube root of a number.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} a - The first parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const cbrt = ( a ) => mul( sign( a ), pow( abs( a ), 1.0 / 3.0 ) );
* Calculate the squared length of a vector.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} a - The vector.
* @returns {Node<float>}
export const lengthSq = ( a ) => dot( a, a );
* Linearly interpolates between two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} a - The first parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} b - The second parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} t - The interpolation value.
* @returns {Node}
export const mix = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.MIX );
* Constrains a value to lie between two further values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} value - The value to constrain.
* @param {Node | Number} [low=0] - The lower bound.
* @param {Node | Number} [high=1] - The upper bound.
* @returns {Node}
export const clamp = ( value, low = 0, high = 1 ) => nodeObject( new MathNode( MathNode.CLAMP, nodeObject( value ), nodeObject( low ), nodeObject( high ) ) );
* Constrains a value between `0` and `1`.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} value - The value to constrain.
* @returns {Node}
export const saturate = ( value ) => clamp( value );
* Calculates the refraction direction for an incident vector.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} I - The incident vector.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} N - The normal vector.
* @param {Node<float>} eta - The the ratio of indices of refraction.
* @returns {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>}
export const refract = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.REFRACT );
* Performs a Hermite interpolation between two values.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} low - The value of the lower edge of the Hermite function.
* @param {Node | Number} high - The value of the upper edge of the Hermite function.
* @param {Node | Number} x - The source value for interpolation.
* @returns {Node}
export const smoothstep = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.SMOOTHSTEP );
* Returns a vector pointing in the same direction as another.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} N - The vector to orient.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} I - The incident vector.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>} Nref - The reference vector.
* @returns {Node<vec2|vec3|vec4>}
export const faceForward = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( MathNode, MathNode.FACEFORWARD );
* Returns a random value for the given uv.
* @function
* @param {Node<vec2>} uv - The uv node.
* @returns {Node<float>}
export const rand = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ uv ] ) => {
const a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453;
const dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a, b ) ), sn = mod( dt, PI );
return fract( sin( sn ).mul( c ) );
} );
* Alias for `mix()` with a different parameter order.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} t - The interpolation value.
* @param {Node | Number} e1 - The first parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} e2 - The second parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const mixElement = ( t, e1, e2 ) => mix( e1, e2, t );
* Alias for `smoothstep()` with a different parameter order.
* @function
* @param {Node | Number} x - The source value for interpolation.
* @param {Node | Number} low - The value of the lower edge of the Hermite function.
* @param {Node | Number} high - The value of the upper edge of the Hermite function.
* @returns {Node}
export const smoothstepElement = ( x, low, high ) => smoothstep( low, high, x );
* Returns the arc-tangent of the quotient of its parameters.
* @function
* @deprecated since r172. Use {@link atan} instead.
* @param {Node | Number} y - The y parameter.
* @param {Node | Number} x - The x parameter.
* @returns {Node}
export const atan2 = ( y, x ) => { // @deprecated, r172
console.warn( 'THREE.TSL: "atan2" is overloaded. Use "atan" instead.' );
return atan( y, x );
// GLSL alias function
export const faceforward = faceForward;
export const inversesqrt = inverseSqrt;
// Method chaining
addMethodChaining( 'all', all );
addMethodChaining( 'any', any );
addMethodChaining( 'equals', equals );
addMethodChaining( 'radians', radians );
addMethodChaining( 'degrees', degrees );
addMethodChaining( 'exp', exp );
addMethodChaining( 'exp2', exp2 );
addMethodChaining( 'log', log );
addMethodChaining( 'log2', log2 );
addMethodChaining( 'sqrt', sqrt );
addMethodChaining( 'inverseSqrt', inverseSqrt );
addMethodChaining( 'floor', floor );
addMethodChaining( 'ceil', ceil );
addMethodChaining( 'normalize', normalize );
addMethodChaining( 'fract', fract );
addMethodChaining( 'sin', sin );
addMethodChaining( 'cos', cos );
addMethodChaining( 'tan', tan );
addMethodChaining( 'asin', asin );
addMethodChaining( 'acos', acos );
addMethodChaining( 'atan', atan );
addMethodChaining( 'abs', abs );
addMethodChaining( 'sign', sign );
addMethodChaining( 'length', length );
addMethodChaining( 'lengthSq', lengthSq );
addMethodChaining( 'negate', negate );
addMethodChaining( 'oneMinus', oneMinus );
addMethodChaining( 'dFdx', dFdx );
addMethodChaining( 'dFdy', dFdy );
addMethodChaining( 'round', round );
addMethodChaining( 'reciprocal', reciprocal );
addMethodChaining( 'trunc', trunc );
addMethodChaining( 'fwidth', fwidth );
addMethodChaining( 'atan2', atan2 );
addMethodChaining( 'min', min );
addMethodChaining( 'max', max );
addMethodChaining( 'mod', mod );
addMethodChaining( 'step', step );
addMethodChaining( 'reflect', reflect );
addMethodChaining( 'distance', distance );
addMethodChaining( 'dot', dot );
addMethodChaining( 'cross', cross );
addMethodChaining( 'pow', pow );
addMethodChaining( 'pow2', pow2 );
addMethodChaining( 'pow3', pow3 );
addMethodChaining( 'pow4', pow4 );
addMethodChaining( 'transformDirection', transformDirection );
addMethodChaining( 'mix', mixElement );
addMethodChaining( 'clamp', clamp );
addMethodChaining( 'refract', refract );
addMethodChaining( 'smoothstep', smoothstepElement );
addMethodChaining( 'faceForward', faceForward );
addMethodChaining( 'difference', difference );
addMethodChaining( 'saturate', saturate );
addMethodChaining( 'cbrt', cbrt );
addMethodChaining( 'transpose', transpose );
addMethodChaining( 'rand', rand );