MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import ShadowBaseNode, { shadowPositionWorld } from './ShadowBaseNode.js'; import { float, vec2, vec3, vec4, If, int, Fn, nodeObject } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { reference } from '../accessors/ReferenceNode.js'; import { texture } from '../accessors/TextureNode.js'; import { positionWorld } from '../accessors/Position.js'; import { transformedNormalWorld } from '../accessors/Normal.js'; import { mix, fract, step, max, clamp, sqrt } from '../math/MathNode.js'; import { add, sub } from '../math/OperatorNode.js'; import { DepthTexture } from '../../textures/DepthTexture.js'; import NodeMaterial from '../../materials/nodes/NodeMaterial.js'; import QuadMesh from '../../renderers/common/QuadMesh.js'; import { Loop } from '../utils/LoopNode.js'; import { screenCoordinate } from '../display/ScreenNode.js'; import { HalfFloatType, LessCompare, RGFormat, VSMShadowMap, WebGPUCoordinateSystem } from '../../constants.js'; import { renderGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js'; import { viewZToLogarithmicDepth } from '../display/ViewportDepthNode.js'; import { objectPosition } from '../accessors/Object3DNode.js'; import { lightShadowMatrix } from '../accessors/Lights.js'; import { resetRendererAndSceneState, restoreRendererAndSceneState } from '../../renderers/common/RendererUtils.js'; import { getDataFromObject } from '../core/NodeUtils.js'; /** @module ShadowNode **/ const shadowMaterialLib = /*@__PURE__*/ new WeakMap(); const linearDistance = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ position, cameraNear, cameraFar ] ) => { let dist = positionWorld.sub( position ).length(); dist = dist.sub( cameraNear ).div( cameraFar.sub( cameraNear ) ); dist = dist.saturate(); // clamp to [ 0, 1 ] return dist; } ); const linearShadowDistance = ( light ) => { const camera =; const nearDistance = reference( 'near', 'float', camera ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const farDistance = reference( 'far', 'float', camera ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const referencePosition = objectPosition( light ); return linearDistance( referencePosition, nearDistance, farDistance ); }; const getShadowMaterial = ( light ) => { let material = shadowMaterialLib.get( light ); if ( material === undefined ) { const depthNode = light.isPointLight ? linearShadowDistance( light ) : null; material = new NodeMaterial(); material.colorNode = vec4( 0, 0, 0, 1 ); material.depthNode = depthNode; material.isShadowPassMaterial = true; // Use to avoid other overrideMaterial override material.colorNode unintentionally when using material.shadowNode = 'ShadowMaterial'; material.fog = false; shadowMaterialLib.set( light, material ); } return material; }; /** * A shadow filtering function performing basic filtering. This is in fact an unfiltered version of the shadow map * with a binary `[0,1]` result. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data. * @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - The shadow coordinates. * @return {Node<float>} The filtering result. */ export const BasicShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, shadowCoord } ) => { return texture( depthTexture, shadowCoord.xy ).compare( shadowCoord.z ); } ); /** * A shadow filtering function performing PCF filtering. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data. * @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - The shadow coordinates. * @param {LightShadow} inputs.shadow - The light shadow. * @return {Node<float>} The filtering result. */ export const PCFShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ) => { const depthCompare = ( uv, compare ) => texture( depthTexture, uv ).compare( compare ); const mapSize = reference( 'mapSize', 'vec2', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const radius = reference( 'radius', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const texelSize = vec2( 1 ).div( mapSize ); const dx0 = texelSize.x.negate().mul( radius ); const dy0 = texelSize.y.negate().mul( radius ); const dx1 = texelSize.x.mul( radius ); const dy1 = texelSize.y.mul( radius ); const dx2 = dx0.div( 2 ); const dy2 = dy0.div( 2 ); const dx3 = dx1.div( 2 ); const dy3 = dy1.div( 2 ); return add( depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, dy0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, dy2 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy, shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx2, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx3, dy3 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx0, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( 0, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( shadowCoord.xy.add( vec2( dx1, dy1 ) ), shadowCoord.z ) ).mul( 1 / 17 ); } ); /** * A shadow filtering function performing PCF soft filtering. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data. * @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - The shadow coordinates. * @param {LightShadow} inputs.shadow - The light shadow. * @return {Node<float>} The filtering result. */ export const PCFSoftShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ) => { const depthCompare = ( uv, compare ) => texture( depthTexture, uv ).compare( compare ); const mapSize = reference( 'mapSize', 'vec2', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const texelSize = vec2( 1 ).div( mapSize ); const dx = texelSize.x; const dy = texelSize.y; const uv = shadowCoord.xy; const f = fract( uv.mul( mapSize ).add( 0.5 ) ); uv.subAssign( f.mul( texelSize ) ); return add( depthCompare( uv, shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx, 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( 0, dy ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( texelSize ), shadowCoord.z ), mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.negate(), 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.mul( 2 ), 0 ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.x ), mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.negate(), dy ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.mul( 2 ), dy ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.x ), mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( 0, dy.negate() ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( 0, dy.mul( 2 ) ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.y ), mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx, dy.negate() ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx, dy.mul( 2 ) ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.y ), mix( mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.negate(), dy.negate() ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.mul( 2 ), dy.negate() ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.x ), mix( depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.negate(), dy.mul( 2 ) ) ), shadowCoord.z ), depthCompare( uv.add( vec2( dx.mul( 2 ), dy.mul( 2 ) ) ), shadowCoord.z ), f.x ), f.y ) ).mul( 1 / 9 ); } ); /** * A shadow filtering function performing VSM filtering. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data. * @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - The shadow coordinates. * @return {Node<float>} The filtering result. */ export const VSMShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, shadowCoord } ) => { const occlusion = float( 1 ).toVar(); const distribution = texture( depthTexture ).sample( shadowCoord.xy ).rg; const hardShadow = step( shadowCoord.z, distribution.x ); If( hardShadow.notEqual( float( 1.0 ) ), () => { const distance = shadowCoord.z.sub( distribution.x ); const variance = max( 0, distribution.y.mul( distribution.y ) ); let softnessProbability = variance.div( variance.add( distance.mul( distance ) ) ); // Chebeyshevs inequality softnessProbability = clamp( sub( softnessProbability, 0.3 ).div( 0.95 - 0.3 ) ); occlusion.assign( clamp( max( hardShadow, softnessProbability ) ) ); } ); return occlusion; } ); /** * Represents the shader code for the first VSM render pass. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.samples - The number of samples * @param {Node<float>} inputs.radius - The radius. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.size - The size. * @param {TextureNode} inputs.shadowPass - A reference to the render target's depth data. * @return {Node<vec2>} The VSM output. */ const VSMPassVertical = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { samples, radius, size, shadowPass } ) => { const mean = float( 0 ).toVar(); const squaredMean = float( 0 ).toVar(); const uvStride = samples.lessThanEqual( float( 1 ) ).select( float( 0 ), float( 2 ).div( samples.sub( 1 ) ) ); const uvStart = samples.lessThanEqual( float( 1 ) ).select( float( 0 ), float( - 1 ) ); Loop( { start: int( 0 ), end: int( samples ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => { const uvOffset = uvStart.add( float( i ).mul( uvStride ) ); const depth = shadowPass.sample( add( screenCoordinate.xy, vec2( 0, uvOffset ).mul( radius ) ).div( size ) ).x; mean.addAssign( depth ); squaredMean.addAssign( depth.mul( depth ) ); } ); mean.divAssign( samples ); squaredMean.divAssign( samples ); const std_dev = sqrt( squaredMean.sub( mean.mul( mean ) ) ); return vec2( mean, std_dev ); } ); /** * Represents the shader code for the second VSM render pass. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.samples - The number of samples * @param {Node<float>} inputs.radius - The radius. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.size - The size. * @param {TextureNode} inputs.shadowPass - The result of the first VSM render pass. * @return {Node<vec2>} The VSM output. */ const VSMPassHorizontal = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { samples, radius, size, shadowPass } ) => { const mean = float( 0 ).toVar(); const squaredMean = float( 0 ).toVar(); const uvStride = samples.lessThanEqual( float( 1 ) ).select( float( 0 ), float( 2 ).div( samples.sub( 1 ) ) ); const uvStart = samples.lessThanEqual( float( 1 ) ).select( float( 0 ), float( - 1 ) ); Loop( { start: int( 0 ), end: int( samples ), type: 'int', condition: '<' }, ( { i } ) => { const uvOffset = uvStart.add( float( i ).mul( uvStride ) ); const distribution = shadowPass.sample( add( screenCoordinate.xy, vec2( uvOffset, 0 ).mul( radius ) ).div( size ) ); mean.addAssign( distribution.x ); squaredMean.addAssign( add( distribution.y.mul( distribution.y ), distribution.x.mul( distribution.x ) ) ); } ); mean.divAssign( samples ); squaredMean.divAssign( samples ); const std_dev = sqrt( squaredMean.sub( mean.mul( mean ) ) ); return vec2( mean, std_dev ); } ); const _shadowFilterLib = [ BasicShadowFilter, PCFShadowFilter, PCFSoftShadowFilter, VSMShadowFilter ]; // let _rendererState; const _quadMesh = /*@__PURE__*/ new QuadMesh(); /** * Represents the default shadow implementation for lighting nodes. * * @augments module:ShadowBaseNode~ShadowBaseNode */ class ShadowNode extends ShadowBaseNode { static get type() { return 'ShadowNode'; } /** * Constructs a new shadow node. * * @param {Light} light - The shadow casting light. * @param {LightShadow?} [shadow=null] - An optional light shadow. */ constructor( light, shadow = null ) { super( light ); /** * The light shadow which defines the properties light's * shadow. * * @type {LightShadow?} * @default null */ this.shadow = shadow || light.shadow; /** * A reference to the shadow map which is a render target. * * @type {RenderTarget?} * @default null */ this.shadowMap = null; /** * Only relevant for VSM shadows. Render target for the * first VSM render pass. * * @type {RenderTarget?} * @default null */ this.vsmShadowMapVertical = null; /** * Only relevant for VSM shadows. Render target for the * second VSM render pass. * * @type {RenderTarget?} * @default null */ this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal = null; /** * Only relevant for VSM shadows. Node material which * is used to render the first VSM pass. * * @type {NodeMaterial?} * @default null */ this.vsmMaterialVertical = null; /** * Only relevant for VSM shadows. Node material which * is used to render the second VSM pass. * * @type {NodeMaterial?} * @default null */ this.vsmMaterialHorizontal = null; /** * A reference to the output node which defines the * final result of this shadow node. * * @type {Node?} * @private * @default null */ this._node = null; /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isShadowNode = true; } /** * Setups the shadow filtering. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder. * @param {Object} inputs - A configuration object that defines the shadow filtering. * @param {Function} inputs.filterFn - This function defines the filtering type of the shadow map e.g. PCF. * @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data. * @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - Shadow coordinates which are used to sample from the shadow map. * @param {LightShadow} inputs.shadow - The light shadow. * @return {Node<float>} The result node of the shadow filtering. */ setupShadowFilter( builder, { filterFn, depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ) { const frustumTest = shadowCoord.x.greaterThanEqual( 0 ) .and( shadowCoord.x.lessThanEqual( 1 ) ) .and( shadowCoord.y.greaterThanEqual( 0 ) ) .and( shadowCoord.y.lessThanEqual( 1 ) ) .and( shadowCoord.z.lessThanEqual( 1 ) ); const shadowNode = filterFn( { depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ); return shadowNode, float( 1 ) ); } /** * Setups the shadow coordinates. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder. * @param {Node<vec3>} shadowPosition - A node representing the shadow position. * @return {Node<vec3>} The shadow coordinates. */ setupShadowCoord( builder, shadowPosition ) { const { shadow } = this; const { renderer } = builder; const bias = reference( 'bias', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); let shadowCoord = shadowPosition; let coordZ; if ( || renderer.logarithmicDepthBuffer !== true ) { shadowCoord = shadowCoord.w ); coordZ = shadowCoord.z; if ( renderer.coordinateSystem === WebGPUCoordinateSystem ) { coordZ = coordZ.mul( 2 ).sub( 1 ); // WebGPU: Conversion [ 0, 1 ] to [ - 1, 1 ] } } else { const w = shadowCoord.w; shadowCoord = shadowCoord.xy.div( w ); // <-- Only divide X/Y coords since we don't need Z // The normally available "cameraNear" and "cameraFar" nodes cannot be used here because they do not get // updated to use the shadow camera. So, we have to declare our own "local" ones here. // TODO: How do we get the cameraNear/cameraFar nodes to use the shadow camera so we don't have to declare local ones here? const cameraNearLocal = reference( 'near', 'float', ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const cameraFarLocal = reference( 'far', 'float', ).setGroup( renderGroup ); coordZ = viewZToLogarithmicDepth( w.negate(), cameraNearLocal, cameraFarLocal ); } shadowCoord = vec3( shadowCoord.x, shadowCoord.y.oneMinus(), // follow webgpu standards coordZ.add( bias ) ); return shadowCoord; } /** * Returns the shadow filtering function for the given shadow type. * * @param {Number} type - The shadow type. * @return {Function} The filtering function. */ getShadowFilterFn( type ) { return _shadowFilterLib[ type ]; } /** * Setups the shadow output node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder. * @return {Node<vec3>} The shadow output node. */ setupShadow( builder ) { const { renderer } = builder; const { light, shadow } = this; const shadowMapType = renderer.shadowMap.type; const depthTexture = new DepthTexture( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height ); depthTexture.compareFunction = LessCompare; const shadowMap = builder.createRenderTarget( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height ); shadowMap.depthTexture = depthTexture;; // VSM if ( shadowMapType === VSMShadowMap ) { depthTexture.compareFunction = null; // VSM does not use textureSampleCompare()/texture2DCompare() this.vsmShadowMapVertical = builder.createRenderTarget( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height, { format: RGFormat, type: HalfFloatType } ); this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal = builder.createRenderTarget( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height, { format: RGFormat, type: HalfFloatType } ); const shadowPassVertical = texture( depthTexture ); const shadowPassHorizontal = texture( this.vsmShadowMapVertical.texture ); const samples = reference( 'blurSamples', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const radius = reference( 'radius', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const size = reference( 'mapSize', 'vec2', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); let material = this.vsmMaterialVertical || ( this.vsmMaterialVertical = new NodeMaterial() ); material.fragmentNode = VSMPassVertical( { samples, radius, size, shadowPass: shadowPassVertical } ).context( builder.getSharedContext() ); = 'VSMVertical'; material = this.vsmMaterialHorizontal || ( this.vsmMaterialHorizontal = new NodeMaterial() ); material.fragmentNode = VSMPassHorizontal( { samples, radius, size, shadowPass: shadowPassHorizontal } ).context( builder.getSharedContext() ); = 'VSMHorizontal'; } // const shadowIntensity = reference( 'intensity', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const normalBias = reference( 'normalBias', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup ); const shadowPosition = lightShadowMatrix( light ).mul( shadowPositionWorld.add( transformedNormalWorld.mul( normalBias ) ) ); const shadowCoord = this.setupShadowCoord( builder, shadowPosition ); // const filterFn = shadow.filterNode || this.getShadowFilterFn( renderer.shadowMap.type ) || null; if ( filterFn === null ) { throw new Error( 'THREE.WebGPURenderer: Shadow map type not supported yet.' ); } const shadowDepthTexture = ( shadowMapType === VSMShadowMap ) ? this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal.texture : depthTexture; const shadowNode = this.setupShadowFilter( builder, { filterFn, shadowTexture: shadowMap.texture, depthTexture: shadowDepthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ); const shadowColor = texture( shadowMap.texture, shadowCoord ); const shadowOutput = mix( 1, shadowNode.rgb.mix( shadowColor, 1 ), shadowIntensity.mul( shadowColor.a ) ).toVar(); this.shadowMap = shadowMap; = shadowMap; return shadowOutput; } /** * The implementation performs the setup of the output node. An output is only * produces if shadow mapping is globally enabled in the renderer. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder. * @return {ShaderCallNodeInternal} The output node. */ setup( builder ) { if ( builder.renderer.shadowMap.enabled === false ) return; return Fn( () => { let node = this._node; this.setupShadowPosition( builder ); if ( node === null ) { this._node = node = this.setupShadow( builder ); } if ( builder.material.shadowNode ) { // @deprecated, r171 console.warn( 'THREE.NodeMaterial: ".shadowNode" is deprecated. Use ".castShadowNode" instead.' ); } if ( builder.material.receivedShadowNode ) { node = builder.material.receivedShadowNode( node ); } return node; } )(); } /** * Renders the shadow. The logic of this function could be included * into {@link ShadowNode#updateShadow} however more specialized shadow * nodes might require a custom shadow map rendering. By having a * dedicated method, it's easier to overwrite the default behavior. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame. */ renderShadow( frame ) { const { shadow, shadowMap, light } = this; const { renderer, scene } = frame; shadow.updateMatrices( light ); shadowMap.setSize( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height ); renderer.render( scene, ); } /** * Updates the shadow. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame. */ updateShadow( frame ) { const { shadowMap, light, shadow } = this; const { renderer, scene, camera } = frame; const shadowType = renderer.shadowMap.type; const depthVersion = shadowMap.depthTexture.version; this._depthVersionCached = depthVersion; = camera.layers.mask; const currentRenderObjectFunction = renderer.getRenderObjectFunction(); const currentMRT = renderer.getMRT(); const useVelocity = currentMRT ? currentMRT.has( 'velocity' ) : false; _rendererState = resetRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState ); scene.overrideMaterial = getShadowMaterial( light ); renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( ( object, scene, _camera, geometry, material, group, ...params ) => { if ( object.castShadow === true || ( object.receiveShadow && shadowType === VSMShadowMap ) ) { if ( useVelocity ) { getDataFromObject( object ).useVelocity = true; } object.onBeforeShadow( renderer, object, camera,, geometry, scene.overrideMaterial, group ); renderer.renderObject( object, scene, _camera, geometry, material, group, ...params ); object.onAfterShadow( renderer, object, camera,, geometry, scene.overrideMaterial, group ); } } ); renderer.setRenderTarget( shadowMap ); this.renderShadow( frame ); renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( currentRenderObjectFunction ); // vsm blur pass if ( light.isPointLight !== true && shadowType === VSMShadowMap ) { this.vsmPass( renderer ); } restoreRendererAndSceneState( renderer, scene, _rendererState ); } /** * For VSM additional render passes are required. * * @param {Renderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer. */ vsmPass( renderer ) { const { shadow } = this; this.vsmShadowMapVertical.setSize( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height ); this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal.setSize( shadow.mapSize.width, shadow.mapSize.height ); renderer.setRenderTarget( this.vsmShadowMapVertical ); _quadMesh.material = this.vsmMaterialVertical; _quadMesh.render( renderer ); renderer.setRenderTarget( this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal ); _quadMesh.material = this.vsmMaterialHorizontal; _quadMesh.render( renderer ); } /** * Frees the internal resources of this shadow node. */ dispose() { this.shadowMap.dispose(); this.shadowMap = null; if ( this.vsmShadowMapVertical !== null ) { this.vsmShadowMapVertical.dispose(); this.vsmShadowMapVertical = null; this.vsmMaterialVertical.dispose(); this.vsmMaterialVertical = null; } if ( this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal !== null ) { this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal.dispose(); this.vsmShadowMapHorizontal = null; this.vsmMaterialHorizontal.dispose(); this.vsmMaterialHorizontal = null; } super.dispose(); } /** * The implementation performs the update of the shadow map if necessary. * * @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame. */ updateBefore( frame ) { const { shadow } = this; const needsUpdate = shadow.needsUpdate || shadow.autoUpdate; if ( needsUpdate ) { this.updateShadow( frame ); if ( this.shadowMap.depthTexture.version === this._depthVersionCached ) { shadow.needsUpdate = false; } } } } export default ShadowNode; /** * TSL function for creating an instance of `ShadowNode`. * * @function * @param {Light} light - The shadow casting light. * @param {LightShadow} shadow - The light shadow. * @return {ShadowNode} The created shadow node. */ export const shadow = ( light, shadow ) => nodeObject( new ShadowNode( light, shadow ) );