MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- src
- nodes
- lighting
import ShadowNode from './ShadowNode.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { float, vec2, If, Fn, nodeObject } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { reference } from '../accessors/ReferenceNode.js';
import { texture } from '../accessors/TextureNode.js';
import { max, abs, sign } from '../math/MathNode.js';
import { sub, div } from '../math/OperatorNode.js';
import { renderGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js';
import { Vector2 } from '../../math/Vector2.js';
import { Vector4 } from '../../math/Vector4.js';
import { Color } from '../../math/Color.js';
import { BasicShadowMap } from '../../constants.js';
/** @module PointShadowNode **/
const _clearColor = /*@__PURE__*/ new Color();
// cubeToUV() maps a 3D direction vector suitable for cube texture mapping to a 2D
// vector suitable for 2D texture mapping. This code uses the following layout for the
// 2D texture:
// xzXZ
// y Y
// Y - Positive y direction
// y - Negative y direction
// X - Positive x direction
// x - Negative x direction
// Z - Positive z direction
// z - Negative z direction
// Source and test bed:
export const cubeToUV = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ pos, texelSizeY ] ) => {
const v = pos.toVar();
// Number of texels to avoid at the edge of each square
const absV = abs( v );
// Intersect unit cube
const scaleToCube = div( 1.0, max( absV.x, max( absV.y, absV.z ) ) );
absV.mulAssign( scaleToCube );
// Apply scale to avoid seams
// two texels less per square (one texel will do for NEAREST)
v.mulAssign( scaleToCube.mul( texelSizeY.mul( 2 ).oneMinus() ) );
// Unwrap
// space: -1 ... 1 range for each square
// #X## dim := ( 4 , 2 )
// # # center := ( 1 , 1 )
const planar = vec2( v.xy ).toVar();
const almostATexel = texelSizeY.mul( 1.5 );
const almostOne = almostATexel.oneMinus();
If( absV.z.greaterThanEqual( almostOne ), () => {
If( v.z.greaterThan( 0.0 ), () => {
planar.x.assign( sub( 4.0, v.x ) );
} );
} ).ElseIf( absV.x.greaterThanEqual( almostOne ), () => {
const signX = sign( v.x );
planar.x.assign( v.z.mul( signX ).add( signX.mul( 2.0 ) ) );
} ).ElseIf( absV.y.greaterThanEqual( almostOne ), () => {
const signY = sign( v.y );
planar.x.assign( v.x.add( signY.mul( 2.0 ) ).add( 2.0 ) );
planar.y.assign( v.z.mul( signY ).sub( 2.0 ) );
} );
// Transform to UV space
// scale := 0.5 / dim
// translate := ( center + 0.5 ) / dim
return vec2( 0.125, 0.25 ).mul( planar ).add( vec2( 0.375, 0.75 ) ).flipY();
} ).setLayout( {
name: 'cubeToUV',
type: 'vec2',
inputs: [
{ name: 'pos', type: 'vec3' },
{ name: 'texelSizeY', type: 'float' }
} );
export const BasicPointShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, bd3D, dp, texelSize } ) => {
return texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp );
} );
export const PointShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { depthTexture, bd3D, dp, texelSize, shadow } ) => {
const radius = reference( 'radius', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup );
const offset = vec2( - 1.0, 1.0 ).mul( radius ).mul( texelSize.y );
return texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.xyy ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.yyy ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.xyx ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.yyx ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D, texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.xxy ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.yxy ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.add( texture( depthTexture, cubeToUV( bd3D.add( offset.yxx ), texelSize.y ) ).compare( dp ) )
.mul( 1.0 / 9.0 );
} );
const pointShadowFilter = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { filterFn, depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ) => {
// for point lights, the uniform @vShadowCoord is re-purposed to hold
// the vector from the light to the world-space position of the fragment.
const lightToPosition =;
const lightToPositionLength = lightToPosition.length();
const cameraNearLocal = uniform( 'float' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( () => );
const cameraFarLocal = uniform( 'float' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( () => );
const bias = reference( 'bias', 'float', shadow ).setGroup( renderGroup );
const mapSize = uniform( shadow.mapSize ).setGroup( renderGroup );
const result = float( 1.0 ).toVar();
If( lightToPositionLength.sub( cameraFarLocal ).lessThanEqual( 0.0 ).and( lightToPositionLength.sub( cameraNearLocal ).greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ) ), () => {
// dp = normalized distance from light to fragment position
const dp = lightToPositionLength.sub( cameraNearLocal ).div( cameraFarLocal.sub( cameraNearLocal ) ).toVar(); // need to clamp?
dp.addAssign( bias );
// bd3D = base direction 3D
const bd3D = lightToPosition.normalize();
const texelSize = vec2( 1.0 ).div( mapSize.mul( vec2( 4.0, 2.0 ) ) );
// percentage-closer filtering
result.assign( filterFn( { depthTexture, bd3D, dp, texelSize, shadow } ) );
} );
return result;
} );
const _viewport = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector4();
const _viewportSize = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2();
const _shadowMapSize = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2();
* Represents the shadow implementation for point light nodes.
* @augments module:ShadowNode~ShadowNode
class PointShadowNode extends ShadowNode {
static get type() {
return 'PointShadowNode';
* Constructs a new point shadow node.
* @param {PointLight} light - The shadow casting point light.
* @param {PointLightShadow?} [shadow=null] - An optional point light shadow.
constructor( light, shadow = null ) {
super( light, shadow );
* Overwrites the default implementation to return point light shadow specific
* filtering functions.
* @param {Number} type - The shadow type.
* @return {Function} The filtering function.
getShadowFilterFn( type ) {
return type === BasicShadowMap ? BasicPointShadowFilter : PointShadowFilter;
* Overwrites the default implementation so the unaltered shadow position is used.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder.
* @param {Node<vec3>} shadowPosition - A node representing the shadow position.
* @return {Node<vec3>} The shadow coordinates.
setupShadowCoord( builder, shadowPosition ) {
return shadowPosition;
* Overwrites the default implementation to only use point light specific
* shadow filter functions.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder.
* @param {Object} inputs - A configuration object that defines the shadow filtering.
* @param {Function} inputs.filterFn - This function defines the filtering type of the shadow map e.g. PCF.
* @param {Texture} inputs.shadowTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture.
* @param {DepthTexture} inputs.depthTexture - A reference to the shadow map's texture data.
* @param {Node<vec3>} inputs.shadowCoord - Shadow coordinates which are used to sample from the shadow map.
* @param {LightShadow} inputs.shadow - The light shadow.
* @return {Node<float>} The result node of the shadow filtering.
setupShadowFilter( builder, { filterFn, shadowTexture, depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } ) {
return pointShadowFilter( { filterFn, shadowTexture, depthTexture, shadowCoord, shadow } );
* Overwrites the default implementation with point light specific
* rendering code.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame.
renderShadow( frame ) {
const { shadow, shadowMap, light } = this;
const { renderer, scene } = frame;
const shadowFrameExtents = shadow.getFrameExtents();
_shadowMapSize.copy( shadow.mapSize );
_shadowMapSize.multiply( shadowFrameExtents );
shadowMap.setSize( _shadowMapSize.width, _shadowMapSize.height );
_viewportSize.copy( shadow.mapSize );
const previousAutoClear = renderer.autoClear;
const previousClearColor = renderer.getClearColor( _clearColor );
const previousClearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha();
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.setClearColor( shadow.clearColor, shadow.clearAlpha );
const viewportCount = shadow.getViewportCount();
for ( let vp = 0; vp < viewportCount; vp ++ ) {
const viewport = shadow.getViewport( vp );
const x = _viewportSize.x * viewport.x;
const y = _shadowMapSize.y - _viewportSize.y - ( _viewportSize.y * viewport.y );
_viewportSize.x * viewport.z,
_viewportSize.y * viewport.w
shadowMap.viewport.copy( _viewport );
shadow.updateMatrices( light, vp );
renderer.render( scene, );
renderer.autoClear = previousAutoClear;
renderer.setClearColor( previousClearColor, previousClearAlpha );
export default PointShadowNode;
* TSL function for creating an instance of `PointShadowNode`.
* @function
* @param {PointLight} light - The shadow casting point light.
* @param {PointLightShadow?} [shadow=null] - An optional point light shadow.
* @return {PointShadowNode} The created point shadow node.
export const pointShadow = ( light, shadow ) => nodeObject( new PointShadowNode( light, shadow ) );