MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Fn } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; /** @module LightUtils **/ /** * Represents a `discard` shader operation in TSL. * * @method * @param {Object} inputs - The input parameter object. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.lightDistance - The distance of the light's position to the current fragment position. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.cutoffDistance - The light's cutoff distance. * @param {Node<float>} inputs.decayExponent - The light's decay exponent. * @return {Node<float>} The distance falloff. */ export const getDistanceAttenuation = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( inputs ) => { const { lightDistance, cutoffDistance, decayExponent } = inputs; // based upon Frostbite 3 Moving to Physically-based Rendering // page 32, equation 26: E[window1] // const distanceFalloff = lightDistance.pow( decayExponent ).max( 0.01 ).reciprocal(); return cutoffDistance.greaterThan( 0 ).select( distanceFalloff.mul( lightDistance.div( cutoffDistance ).pow4().oneMinus().clamp().pow2() ), distanceFalloff ); } ); // validated