import LightingNode from './LightingNode.js';
import { cache } from '../core/CacheNode.js';
import { roughness, clearcoatRoughness } from '../core/PropertyNode.js';
import { cameraViewMatrix } from '../accessors/Camera.js';
import { transformedClearcoatNormalView, transformedNormalView, transformedNormalWorld } from '../accessors/Normal.js';
import { positionViewDirection } from '../accessors/Position.js';
import { float } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { reference } from '../accessors/ReferenceNode.js';
import { transformedBentNormalView } from '../accessors/AccessorsUtils.js';
import { pmremTexture } from '../pmrem/PMREMNode.js';
const _envNodeCache = new WeakMap();
* Represents a physical model for Image-based lighting (IBL). The environment
* is defined via environment maps in the equirectangular, cube map or cubeUV (PMREM) format.
* `EnvironmentNode` is intended for PBR materials like {@link MeshStandardNodeMaterial}.
* @augments LightingNode
class EnvironmentNode extends LightingNode {
static get type() {
return 'EnvironmentNode';
* Constructs a new environment node.
* @param {Node} [envNode=null] - A node representing the environment.
constructor( envNode = null ) {
* A node representing the environment.
* @type {Node?}
* @default null
this.envNode = envNode;
setup( builder ) {
const { material } = builder;
let envNode = this.envNode;
if ( envNode.isTextureNode || envNode.isMaterialReferenceNode ) {
const value = ( envNode.isTextureNode ) ? envNode.value : material[ ];
let cacheEnvNode = _envNodeCache.get( value );
if ( cacheEnvNode === undefined ) {
cacheEnvNode = pmremTexture( value );
_envNodeCache.set( value, cacheEnvNode );
envNode = cacheEnvNode;
const envMap = material.envMap;
const intensity = envMap ? reference( 'envMapIntensity', 'float', builder.material ) : reference( 'environmentIntensity', 'float', builder.scene ); // @TODO: Add materialEnvIntensity in MaterialNode
const useAnisotropy = material.useAnisotropy === true || material.anisotropy > 0;
const radianceNormalView = useAnisotropy ? transformedBentNormalView : transformedNormalView;
const radiance = envNode.context( createRadianceContext( roughness, radianceNormalView ) ).mul( intensity );
const irradiance = envNode.context( createIrradianceContext( transformedNormalWorld ) ).mul( Math.PI ).mul( intensity );
const isolateRadiance = cache( radiance );
const isolateIrradiance = cache( irradiance );
builder.context.radiance.addAssign( isolateRadiance );
builder.context.iblIrradiance.addAssign( isolateIrradiance );
const clearcoatRadiance = builder.context.lightingModel.clearcoatRadiance;
if ( clearcoatRadiance ) {
const clearcoatRadianceContext = envNode.context( createRadianceContext( clearcoatRoughness, transformedClearcoatNormalView ) ).mul( intensity );
const isolateClearcoatRadiance = cache( clearcoatRadianceContext );
clearcoatRadiance.addAssign( isolateClearcoatRadiance );
export default EnvironmentNode;
const createRadianceContext = ( roughnessNode, normalViewNode ) => {
let reflectVec = null;
return {
getUV: () => {
if ( reflectVec === null ) {
reflectVec = positionViewDirection.negate().reflect( normalViewNode );
// Mixing the reflection with the normal is more accurate and keeps rough objects from gathering light from behind their tangent plane.
reflectVec = roughnessNode.mul( roughnessNode ).mix( reflectVec, normalViewNode ).normalize();
reflectVec = reflectVec.transformDirection( cameraViewMatrix );
return reflectVec;
getTextureLevel: () => {
return roughnessNode;
const createIrradianceContext = ( normalWorldNode ) => {
return {
getUV: () => {
return normalWorldNode;
getTextureLevel: () => {
return float( 1.0 );