MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import Node from '../core/Node.js'; import { nodeProxy } from '../tsl/TSLCore.js'; /** @module BarrierNode **/ /** * Represents a GPU control barrier that synchronizes compute operations within a given scope. * * This node can only be used with a WebGPU backend. * * @augments Node */ class BarrierNode extends Node { /** * Constructs a new barrier node. * * @param {String} scope - The scope defines the behavior of the node. */ constructor( scope ) { super(); this.scope = scope; } generate( builder ) { const { scope } = this; const { renderer } = builder; if ( renderer.backend.isWebGLBackend === true ) { builder.addFlowCode( `\t// ${scope}Barrier \n` ); } else { builder.addLineFlowCode( `${scope}Barrier()`, this ); } } } export default BarrierNode; /** * TSL function for creating a barrier node. * * @function * @param {String} scope - The scope defines the behavior of the node.. * @returns {BarrierNode} */ const barrier = nodeProxy( BarrierNode ); /** * TSL function for creating a workgroup barrier. All compute shader * invocations must wait for each invocation within a workgroup to * complete before the barrier can be surpassed. * * @function * @returns {BarrierNode} */ export const workgroupBarrier = () => barrier( 'workgroup' ).append(); /** * TSL function for creating a storage barrier. All invocations must * wait for each access to variables within the 'storage' address space * to complete before the barrier can be passed. * * @function * @returns {BarrierNode} */ export const storageBarrier = () => barrier( 'storage' ).append(); /** * TSL function for creating a texture barrier. All invocations must * wait for each access to variables within the 'texture' address space * to complete before the barrier can be passed. * * @function * @returns {BarrierNode} */ export const textureBarrier = () => barrier( 'texture' ).append();