MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import BRDF_Lambert from './BSDF/BRDF_Lambert.js'; import BRDF_GGX from './BSDF/BRDF_GGX.js'; import DFGApprox from './BSDF/DFGApprox.js'; import EnvironmentBRDF from './BSDF/EnvironmentBRDF.js'; import F_Schlick from './BSDF/F_Schlick.js'; import Schlick_to_F0 from './BSDF/Schlick_to_F0.js'; import BRDF_Sheen from './BSDF/BRDF_Sheen.js'; import { LTC_Evaluate, LTC_Uv } from './BSDF/LTC.js'; import LightingModel from '../core/LightingModel.js'; import { diffuseColor, specularColor, specularF90, roughness, clearcoat, clearcoatRoughness, sheen, sheenRoughness, iridescence, iridescenceIOR, iridescenceThickness, ior, thickness, transmission, attenuationDistance, attenuationColor, dispersion } from '../core/PropertyNode.js'; import { transformedNormalView, transformedClearcoatNormalView, transformedNormalWorld } from '../accessors/Normal.js'; import { positionViewDirection, positionView, positionWorld } from '../accessors/Position.js'; import { Fn, float, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat3, If } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { select } from '../math/ConditionalNode.js'; import { mix, normalize, refract, length, clamp, log2, log, exp, smoothstep } from '../math/MathNode.js'; import { div } from '../math/OperatorNode.js'; import { cameraPosition, cameraProjectionMatrix, cameraViewMatrix } from '../accessors/Camera.js'; import { modelWorldMatrix } from '../accessors/ModelNode.js'; import { screenSize } from '../display/ScreenNode.js'; import { viewportMipTexture } from '../display/ViewportTextureNode.js'; import { textureBicubic } from '../accessors/TextureBicubic.js'; import { Loop } from '../utils/LoopNode.js'; import { BackSide } from '../../constants.js'; // // Transmission // const getVolumeTransmissionRay = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ n, v, thickness, ior, modelMatrix ] ) => { // Direction of refracted light. const refractionVector = vec3( refract( v.negate(), normalize( n ), div( 1.0, ior ) ) ); // Compute rotation-independent scaling of the model matrix. const modelScale = vec3( length( modelMatrix[ 0 ].xyz ), length( modelMatrix[ 1 ].xyz ), length( modelMatrix[ 2 ].xyz ) ); // The thickness is specified in local space. return normalize( refractionVector ).mul( thickness.mul( modelScale ) ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'getVolumeTransmissionRay', type: 'vec3', inputs: [ { name: 'n', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'v', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'thickness', type: 'float' }, { name: 'ior', type: 'float' }, { name: 'modelMatrix', type: 'mat4' } ] } ); const applyIorToRoughness = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ roughness, ior ] ) => { // Scale roughness with IOR so that an IOR of 1.0 results in no microfacet refraction and // an IOR of 1.5 results in the default amount of microfacet refraction. return roughness.mul( clamp( ior.mul( 2.0 ).sub( 2.0 ), 0.0, 1.0 ) ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'applyIorToRoughness', type: 'float', inputs: [ { name: 'roughness', type: 'float' }, { name: 'ior', type: 'float' } ] } ); const viewportBackSideTexture = /*@__PURE__*/ viewportMipTexture(); const viewportFrontSideTexture = /*@__PURE__*/ viewportMipTexture(); const getTransmissionSample = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ fragCoord, roughness, ior ], { material } ) => { const vTexture = material.side === BackSide ? viewportBackSideTexture : viewportFrontSideTexture; const transmissionSample = vTexture.sample( fragCoord ); //const transmissionSample = viewportMipTexture( fragCoord ); const lod = log2( screenSize.x ).mul( applyIorToRoughness( roughness, ior ) ); return textureBicubic( transmissionSample, lod ); } ); const volumeAttenuation = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ transmissionDistance, attenuationColor, attenuationDistance ] ) => { If( attenuationDistance.notEqual( 0 ), () => { // Compute light attenuation using Beer's law. const attenuationCoefficient = log( attenuationColor ).negate().div( attenuationDistance ); const transmittance = exp( attenuationCoefficient.negate().mul( transmissionDistance ) ); return transmittance; } ); // Attenuation distance is +∞, i.e. the transmitted color is not attenuated at all. return vec3( 1.0 ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'volumeAttenuation', type: 'vec3', inputs: [ { name: 'transmissionDistance', type: 'float' }, { name: 'attenuationColor', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'attenuationDistance', type: 'float' } ] } ); const getIBLVolumeRefraction = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( [ n, v, roughness, diffuseColor, specularColor, specularF90, position, modelMatrix, viewMatrix, projMatrix, ior, thickness, attenuationColor, attenuationDistance, dispersion ] ) => { let transmittedLight, transmittance; if ( dispersion ) { transmittedLight = vec4().toVar(); transmittance = vec3().toVar(); const halfSpread = ior.sub( 1.0 ).mul( dispersion.mul( 0.025 ) ); const iors = vec3( ior.sub( halfSpread ), ior, ior.add( halfSpread ) ); Loop( { start: 0, end: 3 }, ( { i } ) => { const ior = iors.element( i ); const transmissionRay = getVolumeTransmissionRay( n, v, thickness, ior, modelMatrix ); const refractedRayExit = position.add( transmissionRay ); // Project refracted vector on the framebuffer, while mapping to normalized device coordinates. const ndcPos = projMatrix.mul( viewMatrix.mul( vec4( refractedRayExit, 1.0 ) ) ); const refractionCoords = vec2( ndcPos.xy.div( ndcPos.w ) ).toVar(); refractionCoords.addAssign( 1.0 ); refractionCoords.divAssign( 2.0 ); refractionCoords.assign( vec2( refractionCoords.x, refractionCoords.y.oneMinus() ) ); // webgpu // Sample framebuffer to get pixel the refracted ray hits. const transmissionSample = getTransmissionSample( refractionCoords, roughness, ior ); transmittedLight.element( i ).assign( transmissionSample.element( i ) ); transmittedLight.a.addAssign( transmissionSample.a ); transmittance.element( i ).assign( diffuseColor.element( i ).mul( volumeAttenuation( length( transmissionRay ), attenuationColor, attenuationDistance ).element( i ) ) ); } ); transmittedLight.a.divAssign( 3.0 ); } else { const transmissionRay = getVolumeTransmissionRay( n, v, thickness, ior, modelMatrix ); const refractedRayExit = position.add( transmissionRay ); // Project refracted vector on the framebuffer, while mapping to normalized device coordinates. const ndcPos = projMatrix.mul( viewMatrix.mul( vec4( refractedRayExit, 1.0 ) ) ); const refractionCoords = vec2( ndcPos.xy.div( ndcPos.w ) ).toVar(); refractionCoords.addAssign( 1.0 ); refractionCoords.divAssign( 2.0 ); refractionCoords.assign( vec2( refractionCoords.x, refractionCoords.y.oneMinus() ) ); // webgpu // Sample framebuffer to get pixel the refracted ray hits. transmittedLight = getTransmissionSample( refractionCoords, roughness, ior ); transmittance = diffuseColor.mul( volumeAttenuation( length( transmissionRay ), attenuationColor, attenuationDistance ) ); } const attenuatedColor = transmittance.rgb.mul( transmittedLight.rgb ); const dotNV = v ).clamp(); // Get the specular component. const F = vec3( EnvironmentBRDF( { // n, v, specularColor, specularF90, roughness dotNV, specularColor, specularF90, roughness } ) ); // As less light is transmitted, the opacity should be increased. This simple approximation does a decent job // of modulating a CSS background, and has no effect when the buffer is opaque, due to a solid object or clear color. const transmittanceFactor = transmittance.r.add( transmittance.g, transmittance.b ).div( 3.0 ); return vec4( F.oneMinus().mul( attenuatedColor ), transmittedLight.a.oneMinus().mul( transmittanceFactor ).oneMinus() ); } ); // // Iridescence // // XYZ to linear-sRGB color space const XYZ_TO_REC709 = /*@__PURE__*/ mat3( 3.2404542, - 0.9692660, 0.0556434, - 1.5371385, 1.8760108, - 0.2040259, - 0.4985314, 0.0415560, 1.0572252 ); // Assume air interface for top // Note: We don't handle the case fresnel0 == 1 const Fresnel0ToIor = ( fresnel0 ) => { const sqrtF0 = fresnel0.sqrt(); return vec3( 1.0 ).add( sqrtF0 ).div( vec3( 1.0 ).sub( sqrtF0 ) ); }; // ior is a value between 1.0 and 3.0. 1.0 is air interface const IorToFresnel0 = ( transmittedIor, incidentIor ) => { return transmittedIor.sub( incidentIor ).div( transmittedIor.add( incidentIor ) ).pow2(); }; // Fresnel equations for dielectric/dielectric interfaces. // Ref: // Evaluation XYZ sensitivity curves in Fourier space const evalSensitivity = ( OPD, shift ) => { const phase = OPD.mul( 2.0 * Math.PI * 1.0e-9 ); const val = vec3( 5.4856e-13, 4.4201e-13, 5.2481e-13 ); const pos = vec3( 1.6810e+06, 1.7953e+06, 2.2084e+06 ); const VAR = vec3( 4.3278e+09, 9.3046e+09, 6.6121e+09 ); const x = float( 9.7470e-14 * Math.sqrt( 2.0 * Math.PI * 4.5282e+09 ) ).mul( phase.mul( 2.2399e+06 ).add( shift.x ).cos() ).mul( phase.pow2().mul( - 4.5282e+09 ).exp() ); let xyz = val.mul( VAR.mul( 2.0 * Math.PI ).sqrt() ).mul( pos.mul( phase ).add( shift ).cos() ).mul( phase.pow2().negate().mul( VAR ).exp() ); xyz = vec3( xyz.x.add( x ), xyz.y, xyz.z ).div( 1.0685e-7 ); const rgb = XYZ_TO_REC709.mul( xyz ); return rgb; }; const evalIridescence = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { outsideIOR, eta2, cosTheta1, thinFilmThickness, baseF0 } ) => { // Force iridescenceIOR -> outsideIOR when thinFilmThickness -> 0.0 const iridescenceIOR = mix( outsideIOR, eta2, smoothstep( 0.0, 0.03, thinFilmThickness ) ); // Evaluate the cosTheta on the base layer (Snell law) const sinTheta2Sq = outsideIOR.div( iridescenceIOR ).pow2().mul( cosTheta1.pow2().oneMinus() ); // Handle TIR: const cosTheta2Sq = sinTheta2Sq.oneMinus(); If( cosTheta2Sq.lessThan( 0 ), () => { return vec3( 1.0 ); } ); const cosTheta2 = cosTheta2Sq.sqrt(); // First interface const R0 = IorToFresnel0( iridescenceIOR, outsideIOR ); const R12 = F_Schlick( { f0: R0, f90: 1.0, dotVH: cosTheta1 } ); //const R21 = R12; const T121 = R12.oneMinus(); const phi12 = iridescenceIOR.lessThan( outsideIOR ).select( Math.PI, 0.0 ); const phi21 = float( Math.PI ).sub( phi12 ); // Second interface const baseIOR = Fresnel0ToIor( baseF0.clamp( 0.0, 0.9999 ) ); // guard against 1.0 const R1 = IorToFresnel0( baseIOR, iridescenceIOR.toVec3() ); const R23 = F_Schlick( { f0: R1, f90: 1.0, dotVH: cosTheta2 } ); const phi23 = vec3( baseIOR.x.lessThan( iridescenceIOR ).select( Math.PI, 0.0 ), baseIOR.y.lessThan( iridescenceIOR ).select( Math.PI, 0.0 ), baseIOR.z.lessThan( iridescenceIOR ).select( Math.PI, 0.0 ) ); // Phase shift const OPD = iridescenceIOR.mul( thinFilmThickness, cosTheta2, 2.0 ); const phi = vec3( phi21 ).add( phi23 ); // Compound terms const R123 = R12.mul( R23 ).clamp( 1e-5, 0.9999 ); const r123 = R123.sqrt(); const Rs = T121.pow2().mul( R23 ).div( vec3( 1.0 ).sub( R123 ) ); // Reflectance term for m = 0 (DC term amplitude) const C0 = R12.add( Rs ); const I = C0.toVar(); // Reflectance term for m > 0 (pairs of diracs) const Cm = Rs.sub( T121 ).toVar(); Loop( { start: 1, end: 2, condition: '<=', name: 'm' }, ( { m } ) => { Cm.mulAssign( r123 ); const Sm = evalSensitivity( float( m ).mul( OPD ), float( m ).mul( phi ) ).mul( 2.0 ); I.addAssign( Cm.mul( Sm ) ); } ); // Since out of gamut colors might be produced, negative color values are clamped to 0. return I.max( vec3( 0.0 ) ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'evalIridescence', type: 'vec3', inputs: [ { name: 'outsideIOR', type: 'float' }, { name: 'eta2', type: 'float' }, { name: 'cosTheta1', type: 'float' }, { name: 'thinFilmThickness', type: 'float' }, { name: 'baseF0', type: 'vec3' } ] } ); // // Sheen // // This is a curve-fit approximation to the "Charlie sheen" BRDF integrated over the hemisphere from // Estevez and Kulla 2017, "Production Friendly Microfacet Sheen BRDF". The analysis can be found // in the Sheen section of const IBLSheenBRDF = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { normal, viewDir, roughness } ) => { const dotNV = viewDir ).saturate(); const r2 = roughness.pow2(); const a = select( roughness.lessThan( 0.25 ), float( - 339.2 ).mul( r2 ).add( float( 161.4 ).mul( roughness ) ).sub( 25.9 ), float( - 8.48 ).mul( r2 ).add( float( 14.3 ).mul( roughness ) ).sub( 9.95 ) ); const b = select( roughness.lessThan( 0.25 ), float( 44.0 ).mul( r2 ).sub( float( 23.7 ).mul( roughness ) ).add( 3.26 ), float( 1.97 ).mul( r2 ).sub( float( 3.27 ).mul( roughness ) ).add( 0.72 ) ); const DG = select( roughness.lessThan( 0.25 ), 0.0, float( 0.1 ).mul( roughness ).sub( 0.025 ) ).add( a.mul( dotNV ).add( b ).exp() ); return DG.mul( 1.0 / Math.PI ).saturate(); } ); const clearcoatF0 = vec3( 0.04 ); const clearcoatF90 = float( 1 ); /** * Represents the lighting model for a PBR material. * * @augments LightingModel */ class PhysicalLightingModel extends LightingModel { /** * Constructs a new physical lighting model. * * @param {Boolean} [clearcoat=false] - Whether clearcoat is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [sheen=false] - Whether sheen is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [iridescence=false] - Whether iridescence is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [anisotropy=false] - Whether anisotropy is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [transmission=false] - Whether transmission is supported or not. * @param {Boolean} [dispersion=false] - Whether dispersion is supported or not. */ constructor( clearcoat = false, sheen = false, iridescence = false, anisotropy = false, transmission = false, dispersion = false ) { super(); /** * Whether clearcoat is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.clearcoat = clearcoat; /** * Whether sheen is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.sheen = sheen; /** * Whether iridescence is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.iridescence = iridescence; /** * Whether anisotropy is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.anisotropy = anisotropy; /** * Whether transmission is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.transmission = transmission; /** * Whether dispersion is supported or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.dispersion = dispersion; /** * The clear coat radiance. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatRadiance = null; /** * The clear coat specular direct. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatSpecularDirect = null; /** * The clear coat specular indirect. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.clearcoatSpecularIndirect = null; /** * The sheen specular direct. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.sheenSpecularDirect = null; /** * The sheen specular indirect. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.sheenSpecularIndirect = null; /** * The iridescence Fresnel. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.iridescenceFresnel = null; /** * The iridescence F0. * * @type {Node?} * @default null */ this.iridescenceF0 = null; } /** * Depending on what features are requested, the method prepares certain node variables * which are later used for lighting computations. * * @param {ContextNode} context - The current node context. */ start( context ) { if ( this.clearcoat === true ) { this.clearcoatRadiance = vec3().toVar( 'clearcoatRadiance' ); this.clearcoatSpecularDirect = vec3().toVar( 'clearcoatSpecularDirect' ); this.clearcoatSpecularIndirect = vec3().toVar( 'clearcoatSpecularIndirect' ); } if ( this.sheen === true ) { this.sheenSpecularDirect = vec3().toVar( 'sheenSpecularDirect' ); this.sheenSpecularIndirect = vec3().toVar( 'sheenSpecularIndirect' ); } if ( this.iridescence === true ) { const dotNVi = positionViewDirection ).clamp(); this.iridescenceFresnel = evalIridescence( { outsideIOR: float( 1.0 ), eta2: iridescenceIOR, cosTheta1: dotNVi, thinFilmThickness: iridescenceThickness, baseF0: specularColor } ); this.iridescenceF0 = Schlick_to_F0( { f: this.iridescenceFresnel, f90: 1.0, dotVH: dotNVi } ); } if ( this.transmission === true ) { const position = positionWorld; const v = cameraPosition.sub( positionWorld ).normalize(); // TODO: Create Node for this, same issue in MaterialX const n = transformedNormalWorld; context.backdrop = getIBLVolumeRefraction( n, v, roughness, diffuseColor, specularColor, specularF90, // specularF90 position, // positionWorld modelWorldMatrix, // modelMatrix cameraViewMatrix, // viewMatrix cameraProjectionMatrix, // projMatrix ior, thickness, attenuationColor, attenuationDistance, this.dispersion ? dispersion : null ); context.backdropAlpha = transmission; diffuseColor.a.mulAssign( mix( 1, context.backdrop.a, transmission ) ); } } // Fdez-Agüera's "Multiple-Scattering Microfacet Model for Real-Time Image Based Lighting" // Approximates multi-scattering in order to preserve energy. // computeMultiscattering( singleScatter, multiScatter, specularF90 ) { const dotNV = positionViewDirection ).clamp(); // @ TODO: Move to core dotNV const fab = DFGApprox( { roughness, dotNV } ); const Fr = this.iridescenceF0 ? iridescence.mix( specularColor, this.iridescenceF0 ) : specularColor; const FssEss = Fr.mul( fab.x ).add( specularF90.mul( fab.y ) ); const Ess = fab.x.add( fab.y ); const Ems = Ess.oneMinus(); const Favg = specularColor.add( specularColor.oneMinus().mul( 0.047619 ) ); // 1/21 const Fms = FssEss.mul( Favg ).div( Ems.mul( Favg ).oneMinus() ); singleScatter.addAssign( FssEss ); multiScatter.addAssign( Fms.mul( Ems ) ); } /** * Implements the direct light. * * @param {Object} input - The input data. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ direct( { lightDirection, lightColor, reflectedLight } ) { const dotNL = lightDirection ).clamp(); const irradiance = dotNL.mul( lightColor ); if ( this.sheen === true ) { this.sheenSpecularDirect.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_Sheen( { lightDirection } ) ) ); } if ( this.clearcoat === true ) { const dotNLcc = lightDirection ).clamp(); const ccIrradiance = dotNLcc.mul( lightColor ); this.clearcoatSpecularDirect.addAssign( ccIrradiance.mul( BRDF_GGX( { lightDirection, f0: clearcoatF0, f90: clearcoatF90, roughness: clearcoatRoughness, normalView: transformedClearcoatNormalView } ) ) ); } reflectedLight.directDiffuse.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_Lambert( { diffuseColor: diffuseColor.rgb } ) ) ); reflectedLight.directSpecular.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_GGX( { lightDirection, f0: specularColor, f90: 1, roughness, iridescence: this.iridescence, f: this.iridescenceFresnel, USE_IRIDESCENCE: this.iridescence, USE_ANISOTROPY: this.anisotropy } ) ) ); } /** * This method is intended for implementing the direct light term for * rect area light nodes. * * @param {Object} input - The input data. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ directRectArea( { lightColor, lightPosition, halfWidth, halfHeight, reflectedLight, ltc_1, ltc_2 } ) { const p0 = lightPosition.add( halfWidth ).sub( halfHeight ); // counterclockwise; light shines in local neg z direction const p1 = lightPosition.sub( halfWidth ).sub( halfHeight ); const p2 = lightPosition.sub( halfWidth ).add( halfHeight ); const p3 = lightPosition.add( halfWidth ).add( halfHeight ); const N = transformedNormalView; const V = positionViewDirection; const P = positionView.toVar(); const uv = LTC_Uv( { N, V, roughness } ); const t1 = ltc_1.sample( uv ).toVar(); const t2 = ltc_2.sample( uv ).toVar(); const mInv = mat3( vec3( t1.x, 0, t1.y ), vec3( 0, 1, 0 ), vec3( t1.z, 0, t1.w ) ).toVar(); // LTC Fresnel Approximation by Stephen Hill // const fresnel = specularColor.mul( t2.x ).add( specularColor.oneMinus().mul( t2.y ) ).toVar(); reflectedLight.directSpecular.addAssign( lightColor.mul( fresnel ).mul( LTC_Evaluate( { N, V, P, mInv, p0, p1, p2, p3 } ) ) ); reflectedLight.directDiffuse.addAssign( lightColor.mul( diffuseColor ).mul( LTC_Evaluate( { N, V, P, mInv: mat3( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ), p0, p1, p2, p3 } ) ) ); } /** * Implements the indirect lighting. * * @param {ContextNode} context - The current node context. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ indirect( context, stack, builder ) { this.indirectDiffuse( context, stack, builder ); this.indirectSpecular( context, stack, builder ); this.ambientOcclusion( context, stack, builder ); } /** * Implements the indirect diffuse term. * * @param {ContextNode} input - The current node context. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ indirectDiffuse( { irradiance, reflectedLight } ) { reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_Lambert( { diffuseColor } ) ) ); } /** * Implements the indirect specular term. * * @param {ContextNode} input - The current node context. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ indirectSpecular( { radiance, iblIrradiance, reflectedLight } ) { if ( this.sheen === true ) { this.sheenSpecularIndirect.addAssign( iblIrradiance.mul( sheen, IBLSheenBRDF( { normal: transformedNormalView, viewDir: positionViewDirection, roughness: sheenRoughness } ) ) ); } if ( this.clearcoat === true ) { const dotNVcc = positionViewDirection ).clamp(); const clearcoatEnv = EnvironmentBRDF( { dotNV: dotNVcc, specularColor: clearcoatF0, specularF90: clearcoatF90, roughness: clearcoatRoughness } ); this.clearcoatSpecularIndirect.addAssign( this.clearcoatRadiance.mul( clearcoatEnv ) ); } // Both indirect specular and indirect diffuse light accumulate here const singleScattering = vec3().toVar( 'singleScattering' ); const multiScattering = vec3().toVar( 'multiScattering' ); const cosineWeightedIrradiance = iblIrradiance.mul( 1 / Math.PI ); this.computeMultiscattering( singleScattering, multiScattering, specularF90 ); const totalScattering = singleScattering.add( multiScattering ); const diffuse = diffuseColor.mul( totalScattering.r.max( totalScattering.g ).max( totalScattering.b ).oneMinus() ); reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.addAssign( radiance.mul( singleScattering ) ); reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.addAssign( multiScattering.mul( cosineWeightedIrradiance ) ); reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.addAssign( diffuse.mul( cosineWeightedIrradiance ) ); } /** * Implements the ambient occlusion term. * * @param {ContextNode} input - The current node context. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ ambientOcclusion( { ambientOcclusion, reflectedLight } ) { const dotNV = positionViewDirection ).clamp(); // @ TODO: Move to core dotNV const aoNV = dotNV.add( ambientOcclusion ); const aoExp = roughness.mul( - 16.0 ).oneMinus().negate().exp2(); const aoNode = ambientOcclusion.sub( aoNV.pow( aoExp ).oneMinus() ).clamp(); if ( this.clearcoat === true ) { this.clearcoatSpecularIndirect.mulAssign( ambientOcclusion ); } if ( this.sheen === true ) { this.sheenSpecularIndirect.mulAssign( ambientOcclusion ); } reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.mulAssign( ambientOcclusion ); reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.mulAssign( aoNode ); } /** * Used for final lighting accumulations depending on the requested features. * * @param {ContextNode} context - The current node context. * @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack. * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. */ finish( context ) { const { outgoingLight } = context; if ( this.clearcoat === true ) { const dotNVcc = positionViewDirection ).clamp(); const Fcc = F_Schlick( { dotVH: dotNVcc, f0: clearcoatF0, f90: clearcoatF90 } ); const clearcoatLight = outgoingLight.mul( clearcoat.mul( Fcc ).oneMinus() ).add( this.clearcoatSpecularDirect.add( this.clearcoatSpecularIndirect ).mul( clearcoat ) ); outgoingLight.assign( clearcoatLight ); } if ( this.sheen === true ) { const sheenEnergyComp = sheen.r.max( sheen.g ).max( sheen.b ).mul( 0.157 ).oneMinus(); const sheenLight = outgoingLight.mul( sheenEnergyComp ).add( this.sheenSpecularDirect, this.sheenSpecularIndirect ); outgoingLight.assign( sheenLight ); } } } export default PhysicalLightingModel;