import BasicLightingModel from './BasicLightingModel.js';
import F_Schlick from './BSDF/F_Schlick.js';
import BRDF_Lambert from './BSDF/BRDF_Lambert.js';
import { diffuseColor, shininess, specularColor } from '../core/PropertyNode.js';
import { transformedNormalView } from '../accessors/Normal.js';
import { materialSpecularStrength } from '../accessors/MaterialNode.js';
import { positionViewDirection } from '../accessors/Position.js';
import { Fn, float } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
const G_BlinnPhong_Implicit = () => float( 0.25 );
const D_BlinnPhong = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { dotNH } ) => {
return shininess.mul( float( 0.5 ) ).add( 1.0 ).mul( float( 1 / Math.PI ) ).mul( dotNH.pow( shininess ) );
} );
const BRDF_BlinnPhong = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { lightDirection } ) => {
const halfDir = lightDirection.add( positionViewDirection ).normalize();
const dotNH = halfDir ).clamp();
const dotVH = halfDir ).clamp();
const F = F_Schlick( { f0: specularColor, f90: 1.0, dotVH } );
const G = G_BlinnPhong_Implicit();
const D = D_BlinnPhong( { dotNH } );
return F.mul( G ).mul( D );
} );
* Represents the lighting model for a phong material. Used in {@link MeshPhongNodeMaterial}.
* @augments BasicLightingModel
class PhongLightingModel extends BasicLightingModel {
* Constructs a new phong lighting model.
* @param {Boolean} [specular=true] - Whether specular is supported or not.
constructor( specular = true ) {
* Whether specular is supported or not. Set this to `false` if you are
* looking for a Lambert-like material meaning a material for non-shiny
* surfaces, without specular highlights.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.specular = specular;
* Implements the direct lighting. The specular portion is optional an can be controlled
* with the {@link PhongLightingModel#specular} flag.
* @param {Object} input - The input data.
* @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
direct( { lightDirection, lightColor, reflectedLight } ) {
const dotNL = lightDirection ).clamp();
const irradiance = dotNL.mul( lightColor );
reflectedLight.directDiffuse.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_Lambert( { diffuseColor: diffuseColor.rgb } ) ) );
if ( this.specular === true ) {
reflectedLight.directSpecular.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_BlinnPhong( { lightDirection } ) ).mul( materialSpecularStrength ) );
* Implements the indirect lighting.
* @param {ContextNode} input - The current node context.
* @param {StackNode} stack - The current stack.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
indirect( { ambientOcclusion, irradiance, reflectedLight } ) {
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.addAssign( irradiance.mul( BRDF_Lambert( { diffuseColor } ) ) );
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.mulAssign( ambientOcclusion );
export default PhongLightingModel;