MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { Fn, If, mat3, vec2, vec3 } from '../../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { max } from '../../math/MathNode.js'; // Rect Area Light // Real-Time Polygonal-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines // by Eric Heitz, Jonathan Dupuy, Stephen Hill and David Neubelt // code: const LTC_Uv = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { N, V, roughness } ) => { const LUT_SIZE = 64.0; const LUT_SCALE = ( LUT_SIZE - 1.0 ) / LUT_SIZE; const LUT_BIAS = 0.5 / LUT_SIZE; const dotNV = V ).saturate(); // texture parameterized by sqrt( GGX alpha ) and sqrt( 1 - cos( theta ) ) const uv = vec2( roughness, dotNV.oneMinus().sqrt() ); uv.assign( uv.mul( LUT_SCALE ).add( LUT_BIAS ) ); return uv; } ).setLayout( { name: 'LTC_Uv', type: 'vec2', inputs: [ { name: 'N', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'V', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'roughness', type: 'float' } ] } ); const LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { f } ) => { // Real-Time Area Lighting: a Journey from Research to Production (p.102) // An approximation of the form factor of a horizon-clipped rectangle. const l = f.length(); return max( l.mul( l ).add( f.z ).div( l.add( 1.0 ) ), 0 ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor', type: 'float', inputs: [ { name: 'f', type: 'vec3' } ] } ); const LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { v1, v2 } ) => { const x = v2 ); const y = x.abs().toVar(); // rational polynomial approximation to theta / sin( theta ) / 2PI const a = y.mul( 0.0145206 ).add( 0.4965155 ).mul( y ).add( 0.8543985 ).toVar(); const b = y.add( 4.1616724 ).mul( y ).add( 3.4175940 ).toVar(); const v = a.div( b ); const theta_sintheta = x.greaterThan( 0.0 ).select( v, max( x.mul( x ).oneMinus(), 1e-7 ).inverseSqrt().mul( 0.5 ).sub( v ) ); return v1.cross( v2 ).mul( theta_sintheta ); } ).setLayout( { name: 'LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor', type: 'vec3', inputs: [ { name: 'v1', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'v2', type: 'vec3' } ] } ); const LTC_Evaluate = /*@__PURE__*/ Fn( ( { N, V, P, mInv, p0, p1, p2, p3 } ) => { // bail if point is on back side of plane of light // assumes ccw winding order of light vertices const v1 = p1.sub( p0 ).toVar(); const v2 = p3.sub( p0 ).toVar(); const lightNormal = v1.cross( v2 ); const result = vec3().toVar(); If( P.sub( p0 ) ).greaterThanEqual( 0.0 ), () => { // construct orthonormal basis around N const T1 = V.sub( N.mul( N ) ) ).normalize(); const T2 = N.cross( T1 ).negate(); // negated from paper; possibly due to a different handedness of world coordinate system // compute transform const mat = mInv.mul( mat3( T1, T2, N ).transpose() ).toVar(); // transform rect // & project rect onto sphere const coords0 = mat.mul( p0.sub( P ) ).normalize().toVar(); const coords1 = mat.mul( p1.sub( P ) ).normalize().toVar(); const coords2 = mat.mul( p2.sub( P ) ).normalize().toVar(); const coords3 = mat.mul( p3.sub( P ) ).normalize().toVar(); // calculate vector form factor const vectorFormFactor = vec3( 0 ).toVar(); vectorFormFactor.addAssign( LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( { v1: coords0, v2: coords1 } ) ); vectorFormFactor.addAssign( LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( { v1: coords1, v2: coords2 } ) ); vectorFormFactor.addAssign( LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( { v1: coords2, v2: coords3 } ) ); vectorFormFactor.addAssign( LTC_EdgeVectorFormFactor( { v1: coords3, v2: coords0 } ) ); // adjust for horizon clipping result.assign( vec3( LTC_ClippedSphereFormFactor( { f: vectorFormFactor } ) ) ); } ); return result; } ).setLayout( { name: 'LTC_Evaluate', type: 'vec3', inputs: [ { name: 'N', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'V', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'P', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'mInv', type: 'mat3' }, { name: 'p0', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'p1', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'p2', type: 'vec3' }, { name: 'p3', type: 'vec3' } ] } ); export { LTC_Evaluate, LTC_Uv };