MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
import { positionView } from '../accessors/Position.js';
import { smoothstep } from '../math/MathNode.js';
import { Fn, output, vec4 } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
/** @module Fog **/
* Returns a node that represents the `z` coordinate in view space
* for the current fragment. It's a different representation of the
* default depth value.
* This value can be part of a computation that defines how the fog
* density increases when moving away from the camera.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {Node} The viewZ node.
function getViewZNode( builder ) {
let viewZ;
const getViewZ = builder.context.getViewZ;
if ( getViewZ !== undefined ) {
viewZ = getViewZ( this );
return ( viewZ || positionView.z ).negate();
* Constructs a new range factor node.
* @function
* @param {Node} near - Defines the near value.
* @param {Node} far - Defines the far value.
export const rangeFogFactor = Fn( ( [ near, far ], builder ) => {
const viewZ = getViewZNode( builder );
return smoothstep( near, far, viewZ );
} );
* Represents an exponential squared fog. This type of fog gives
* a clear view near the camera and a faster than exponentially
* densening fog farther from the camera.
* @function
* @param {Node} density - Defines the fog density.
export const densityFogFactor = Fn( ( [ density ], builder ) => {
const viewZ = getViewZNode( builder );
return density.mul( density, viewZ, viewZ ).negate().exp().oneMinus();
} );
* This class can be used to configure a fog for the scene.
* Nodes of this type are assigned to `Scene.fogNode`.
* @function
* @param {Node} color - Defines the color of the fog.
* @param {Node} factor - Defines how the fog is factored in the scene.
export const fog = Fn( ( [ color, factor ] ) => {
return vec4( factor.toFloat().mix( output.rgb, color.toVec3() ), output.a );
} );
// Deprecated
* @function
* @deprecated since r171. Use `fog( color, rangeFogFactor( near, far ) )` instead.
* @param {Node} color
* @param {Node} near
* @param {Node} far
* @returns {Function}
export function rangeFog( color, near, far ) { // @deprecated, r171
console.warn( 'THREE.TSL: "rangeFog( color, near, far )" is deprecated. Use "fog( color, rangeFogFactor( near, far ) )" instead.' );
return fog( color, rangeFogFactor( near, far ) );
* @function
* @deprecated since r171. Use `fog( color, densityFogFactor( density ) )` instead.
* @param {Node} color
* @param {Node} density
* @returns {Function}
export function densityFog( color, density ) { // @deprecated, r171
console.warn( 'THREE.TSL: "densityFog( color, density )" is deprecated. Use "fog( color, densityFogFactor( density ) )" instead.' );
return fog( color, densityFogFactor( density ) );