import { float, nodeObject, normalize, vec4 } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { Color } from '../../math/Color.js';
import NodeMaterial from '../../materials/nodes/NodeMaterial.js';
import { cameraProjectionMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/Camera.js';
import { modelViewMatrix } from '../../nodes/accessors/ModelNode.js';
import { positionLocal } from '../../nodes/accessors/Position.js';
import { normalLocal } from '../../nodes/accessors/Normal.js';
import { BackSide } from '../../constants.js';
import PassNode from './PassNode.js';
/** @module ToonOutlinePassNode **/
* Represents a render pass for producing a toon outline effect on compatible objects.
* Only 3D objects with materials of type `MeshToonMaterial` and `MeshToonNodeMaterial`
* will receive the outline.
* ```js
* const postProcessing = new PostProcessing( renderer );
* const scenePass = toonOutlinePass( scene, camera );
* postProcessing.outputNode = scenePass;
* ```
* @augments PassNode
class ToonOutlinePassNode extends PassNode {
static get type() {
return 'ToonOutlinePassNode';
* Constructs a new outline pass node.
* @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene.
* @param {Camera} camera - A reference to the camera.
* @param {Node} colorNode - Defines the outline's color.
* @param {Node} thicknessNode - Defines the outline's thickness.
* @param {Node} alphaNode - Defines the outline's alpha.
constructor( scene, camera, colorNode, thicknessNode, alphaNode ) {
super( PassNode.COLOR, scene, camera );
* Defines the outline's color.
* @type {Node}
this.colorNode = colorNode;
* Defines the outline's thickness.
* @type {Node}
this.thicknessNode = thicknessNode;
* Defines the outline's alpha.
* @type {Node}
this.alphaNode = alphaNode;
* An internal material cache.
* @private
* @type {WeakMap<Material, NodeMaterial>}
this._materialCache = new WeakMap();
updateBefore( frame ) {
const { renderer } = frame;
const currentRenderObjectFunction = renderer.getRenderObjectFunction();
renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( ( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group, lightsNode, clippingContext ) => {
// only render outline for supported materials
if ( material.isMeshToonMaterial || material.isMeshToonNodeMaterial ) {
if ( material.wireframe === false ) {
const outlineMaterial = this._getOutlineMaterial( material );
renderer.renderObject( object, scene, camera, geometry, outlineMaterial, group, lightsNode, clippingContext );
// default
renderer.renderObject( object, scene, camera, geometry, material, group, lightsNode, clippingContext );
} );
super.updateBefore( frame );
renderer.setRenderObjectFunction( currentRenderObjectFunction );
* Creates the material used for outline rendering.
* @private
* @return {NodeMaterial} The outline material.
_createMaterial() {
const material = new NodeMaterial();
material.isMeshToonOutlineMaterial = true; = 'Toon_Outline';
material.side = BackSide;
// vertex node
const outlineNormal = normalLocal.negate();
const mvp = cameraProjectionMatrix.mul( modelViewMatrix );
const ratio = float( 1.0 ); // TODO: support outline thickness ratio for each vertex
const pos = mvp.mul( vec4( positionLocal, 1.0 ) );
const pos2 = mvp.mul( vec4( positionLocal.add( outlineNormal ), 1.0 ) );
const norm = normalize( pos.sub( pos2 ) ); // NOTE: subtract pos2 from pos because BackSide objectNormal is negative
material.vertexNode = pos.add( norm.mul( this.thicknessNode ).mul( pos.w ).mul( ratio ) );
// color node
material.colorNode = vec4( this.colorNode, this.alphaNode );
return material;
* For the given toon material, this method returns a corresponding
* outline material.
* @private
* @param {(MeshToonMaterial|MeshToonNodeMaterial)} originalMaterial - The toon material.
* @return {NodeMaterial} The outline material.
_getOutlineMaterial( originalMaterial ) {
let outlineMaterial = this._materialCache.get( originalMaterial );
if ( outlineMaterial === undefined ) {
outlineMaterial = this._createMaterial();
this._materialCache.set( originalMaterial, outlineMaterial );
return outlineMaterial;
export default ToonOutlinePassNode;
* TSL function for creating a toon outline pass node.
* @function
* @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene.
* @param {Camera} camera - A reference to the camera.
* @param {Color} color - Defines the outline's color.
* @param {Number} [thickness=0.003] - Defines the outline's thickness.
* @param {Number} [alpha=1] - Defines the outline's alpha.
* @returns {ToonOutlinePassNode}
export const toonOutlinePass = ( scene, camera, color = new Color( 0, 0, 0 ), thickness = 0.003, alpha = 1 ) => nodeObject( new ToonOutlinePassNode( scene, camera, nodeObject( color ), nodeObject( thickness ), nodeObject( alpha ) ) );