MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js'; import { default as TextureNode/*, texture*/ } from '../accessors/TextureNode.js'; import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js'; import { nodeObject } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js'; import { viewZToOrthographicDepth, perspectiveDepthToViewZ } from './ViewportDepthNode.js'; import { HalfFloatType/*, FloatType*/ } from '../../constants.js'; import { Vector2 } from '../../math/Vector2.js'; import { DepthTexture } from '../../textures/DepthTexture.js'; import { RenderTarget } from '../../core/RenderTarget.js'; /** @module PassNode **/ const _size = /*@__PURE__*/ new Vector2(); /** * Represents the texture of a pass node. * * @augments module:TextureNode~TextureNode */ class PassTextureNode extends TextureNode { static get type() { return 'PassTextureNode'; } /** * Constructs a new pass texture node. * * @param {PassNode} passNode - The pass node. * @param {Texture} texture - The output texture. */ constructor( passNode, texture ) { super( texture ); /** * A reference to the pass node. * * @type {PassNode} */ this.passNode = passNode; this.setUpdateMatrix( false ); } setup( builder ) { if ( builder.object.isQuadMesh ) builder ); return super.setup( builder ); } clone() { return new this.constructor( this.passNode, this.value ); } } /** * An extension of `PassTextureNode` which allows to manage more than one * internal texture. Relevant for the `getPreviousTexture()` related API. * * @augments module:PassTextureNode~PassTextureNode */ class PassMultipleTextureNode extends PassTextureNode { static get type() { return 'PassMultipleTextureNode'; } /** * Constructs a new pass texture node. * * @param {PassNode} passNode - The pass node. * @param {String} textureName - The output texture name. * @param {Boolean} [previousTexture=false] - Whether previous frame data should be used or not. */ constructor( passNode, textureName, previousTexture = false ) { // null is passed to the super call since this class does not // use an external texture for rendering pass data into. Instead // the texture is managed by the pass node itself super( passNode, null ); /** * The output texture name. * * @type {String} */ this.textureName = textureName; /** * Whether previous frame data should be used or not. * * @type {Boolean} */ this.previousTexture = previousTexture; } /** * Updates the texture reference of this node. */ updateTexture() { this.value = this.previousTexture ? this.passNode.getPreviousTexture( this.textureName ) : this.passNode.getTexture( this.textureName ); } setup( builder ) { this.updateTexture(); return super.setup( builder ); } clone() { return new this.constructor( this.passNode, this.textureName, this.previousTexture ); } } /** * Represents a render pass (sometimes called beauty pass) in context of post processing. * This pass produces a render for the given scene and camera and can provide multiple outputs * via MRT for further processing. * * ```js * const postProcessing = new PostProcessing( renderer ); * * const scenePass = pass( scene, camera ); * * postProcessing.outputNode = scenePass; * ``` * * @augments TempNode */ class PassNode extends TempNode { static get type() { return 'PassNode'; } /** * Constructs a new pass node. * * @param {('color'|'depth')} scope - The scope of the pass. The scope determines whether the node outputs color or depth. * @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene. * @param {Camera} camera - A reference to the camera. * @param {Object} options - Options for the internal render target. */ constructor( scope, scene, camera, options = {} ) { super( 'vec4' ); /** * The scope of the pass. The scope determines whether the node outputs color or depth. * * @type {('color'|'depth')} */ this.scope = scope; /** * A reference to the scene. * * @type {Scene} */ this.scene = scene; /** * A reference to the camera. * * @type {Camera} */ = camera; /** * Options for the internal render target. * * @type {Object} */ this.options = options; /** * The pass's pixel ratio. Will be kept automatically kept in sync with the renderer's pixel ratio. * * @private * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this._pixelRatio = 1; /** * The pass's pixel width. Will be kept automatically kept in sync with the renderer's width. * @private * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this._width = 1; /** * The pass's pixel height. Will be kept automatically kept in sync with the renderer's height. * @private * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ this._height = 1; const depthTexture = new DepthTexture(); depthTexture.isRenderTargetTexture = true; //depthTexture.type = FloatType; = 'depth'; const renderTarget = new RenderTarget( this._width * this._pixelRatio, this._height * this._pixelRatio, { type: HalfFloatType, ...options, } ); = 'output'; renderTarget.depthTexture = depthTexture; /** * The pass's render target. * * @type {RenderTarget} */ this.renderTarget = renderTarget; /** * A dictionary holding the internal result textures. * * @private * @type {Object<String, Texture>} */ this._textures = { output: renderTarget.texture, depth: depthTexture }; /** * A dictionary holding the internal texture nodes. * * @private * @type {Object<String, TextureNode>} */ this._textureNodes = {}; /** * A dictionary holding the internal depth nodes. * * @private * @type {Object} */ this._linearDepthNodes = {}; /** * A dictionary holding the internal viewZ nodes. * * @private * @type {Object} */ this._viewZNodes = {}; /** * A dictionary holding the texture data of the previous frame. * Used for computing velocity/motion vectors. * * @private * @type {Object<String, Texture>} */ this._previousTextures = {}; /** * A dictionary holding the texture nodes of the previous frame. * Used for computing velocity/motion vectors. * * @private * @type {Object<String, TextureNode>} */ this._previousTextureNodes = {}; /** * The `near` property of the camera as a uniform. * * @private * @type {UniformNode} */ this._cameraNear = uniform( 0 ); /** * The `far` property of the camera as a uniform. * * @private * @type {UniformNode} */ this._cameraFar = uniform( 0 ); /** * A MRT node configuring the MRT settings. * * @private * @type {MRTNode?} * @default null */ this._mrt = null; /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isPassNode = true; /** * The `updateBeforeType` is set to `NodeUpdateType.FRAME` since the node renders the * scene once per frame in its {@link PassNode#updateBefore} method. * * @type {String} * @default 'frame' */ this.updateBeforeType = NodeUpdateType.FRAME; } /** * Sets the given MRT node to setup MRT for this pass. * * @param {MRTNode} mrt - The MRT object. * @return {PassNode} A reference to this pass. */ setMRT( mrt ) { this._mrt = mrt; return this; } /** * Returns the current MRT node. * * @return {MRTNode} The current MRT node. */ getMRT() { return this._mrt; } /** * The method is overwritten so it always returns `true`. * * @return {Boolean} Whether this node is global or not. */ isGlobal() { return true; } /** * Returns the texture for the given output name. * * @param {String} name - The output name to get the texture for. * @return {Texture} The texture. */ getTexture( name ) { let texture = this._textures[ name ]; if ( texture === undefined ) { const refTexture = this.renderTarget.texture; texture = refTexture.clone(); = name; this._textures[ name ] = texture; this.renderTarget.textures.push( texture ); } return texture; } /** * Returns the texture holding the data of the previous frame for the given output name. * * @param {String} name - The output name to get the texture for. * @return {Texture} The texture holding the data of the previous frame. */ getPreviousTexture( name ) { let texture = this._previousTextures[ name ]; if ( texture === undefined ) { texture = this.getTexture( name ).clone(); this._previousTextures[ name ] = texture; } return texture; } /** * Switches current and previous textures for the given output name. * * @param {String} name - The output name. */ toggleTexture( name ) { const prevTexture = this._previousTextures[ name ]; if ( prevTexture !== undefined ) { const texture = this._textures[ name ]; const index = this.renderTarget.textures.indexOf( texture ); this.renderTarget.textures[ index ] = prevTexture; this._textures[ name ] = prevTexture; this._previousTextures[ name ] = texture; this._textureNodes[ name ].updateTexture(); this._previousTextureNodes[ name ].updateTexture(); } } /** * Returns the texture node for the given output name. * * @param {String} [name='output'] - The output name to get the texture node for. * @return {TextureNode} The texture node. */ getTextureNode( name = 'output' ) { let textureNode = this._textureNodes[ name ]; if ( textureNode === undefined ) { textureNode = nodeObject( new PassMultipleTextureNode( this, name ) ); textureNode.updateTexture(); this._textureNodes[ name ] = textureNode; } return textureNode; } /** * Returns the previous texture node for the given output name. * * @param {String} [name='output'] - The output name to get the previous texture node for. * @return {TextureNode} The previous texture node. */ getPreviousTextureNode( name = 'output' ) { let textureNode = this._previousTextureNodes[ name ]; if ( textureNode === undefined ) { if ( this._textureNodes[ name ] === undefined ) this.getTextureNode( name ); textureNode = nodeObject( new PassMultipleTextureNode( this, name, true ) ); textureNode.updateTexture(); this._previousTextureNodes[ name ] = textureNode; } return textureNode; } /** * Returns a viewZ node of this pass. * * @param {String} [name='depth'] - The output name to get the viewZ node for. In most cases the default `'depth'` can be used however the parameter exists for custom depth outputs. * @return {Node} The viewZ node. */ getViewZNode( name = 'depth' ) { let viewZNode = this._viewZNodes[ name ]; if ( viewZNode === undefined ) { const cameraNear = this._cameraNear; const cameraFar = this._cameraFar; this._viewZNodes[ name ] = viewZNode = perspectiveDepthToViewZ( this.getTextureNode( name ), cameraNear, cameraFar ); } return viewZNode; } /** * Returns a linear depth node of this pass. * * @param {String} [name='depth'] - The output name to get the linear depth node for. In most cases the default `'depth'` can be used however the parameter exists for custom depth outputs. * @return {Node} The linear depth node. */ getLinearDepthNode( name = 'depth' ) { let linearDepthNode = this._linearDepthNodes[ name ]; if ( linearDepthNode === undefined ) { const cameraNear = this._cameraNear; const cameraFar = this._cameraFar; const viewZNode = this.getViewZNode( name ); // TODO: just if ( ) this._linearDepthNodes[ name ] = linearDepthNode = viewZToOrthographicDepth( viewZNode, cameraNear, cameraFar ); } return linearDepthNode; } setup( { renderer } ) { this.renderTarget.samples = this.options.samples === undefined ? renderer.samples : this.options.samples; // TODO: Disable MSAA for WebGL backend for now if ( renderer.backend.isWebGLBackend === true ) { this.renderTarget.samples = 0; } this.renderTarget.texture.type = renderer.getColorBufferType(); return this.scope === PassNode.COLOR ? this.getTextureNode() : this.getLinearDepthNode(); } updateBefore( frame ) { const { renderer } = frame; const { scene, camera } = this; this._pixelRatio = renderer.getPixelRatio(); const size = renderer.getSize( _size ); this.setSize( size.width, size.height ); const currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget(); const currentMRT = renderer.getMRT(); this._cameraNear.value = camera.near; this._cameraFar.value = camera.far; for ( const name in this._previousTextures ) { this.toggleTexture( name ); } renderer.setRenderTarget( this.renderTarget ); renderer.setMRT( this._mrt ); renderer.render( scene, camera ); renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget ); renderer.setMRT( currentMRT ); } /** * Sets the size of the pass's render target. Honors the pixel ratio. * * @param {Number} width - The width to set. * @param {Number} height - The height to set. */ setSize( width, height ) { this._width = width; this._height = height; const effectiveWidth = this._width * this._pixelRatio; const effectiveHeight = this._height * this._pixelRatio; this.renderTarget.setSize( effectiveWidth, effectiveHeight ); } /** * Sets the pixel ratio the pass's render target and updates the size. * * @param {Number} pixelRatio - The pixel ratio to set. */ setPixelRatio( pixelRatio ) { this._pixelRatio = pixelRatio; this.setSize( this._width, this._height ); } /** * Frees internal resources. Should be called when the node is no longer in use. */ dispose() { this.renderTarget.dispose(); } } PassNode.COLOR = 'color'; PassNode.DEPTH = 'depth'; export default PassNode; /** * TSL function for creating a pass node. * * @function * @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene. * @param {Camera} camera - A reference to the camera. * @param {Object} options - Options for the internal render target. * @returns {PassNode} */ export const pass = ( scene, camera, options ) => nodeObject( new PassNode( PassNode.COLOR, scene, camera, options ) ); /** * TSL function for creating a pass texture node. * * @function * @param {PassNode} pass - The pass node. * @param {Texture} texture - The output texture. * @returns {PassTextureNode} */ export const passTexture = ( pass, texture ) => nodeObject( new PassTextureNode( pass, texture ) ); /** * TSL function for creating a depth pass node. * * @function * @param {Scene} scene - A reference to the scene. * @param {Camera} camera - A reference to the camera. * @param {Object} options - Options for the internal render target. * @returns {PassNode} */ export const depthPass = ( scene, camera, options ) => nodeObject( new PassNode( PassNode.DEPTH, scene, camera, options ) );