MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import Node from '../core/Node.js'; import { arrayBufferToBase64, base64ToArrayBuffer } from '../core/NodeUtils.js'; import { nodeProxy, float } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { EventDispatcher } from '../../core/EventDispatcher.js'; /** @module ScriptableValueNode **/ /** * `ScriptableNode` uses this class to manage script inputs and outputs. * * @augments Node */ class ScriptableValueNode extends Node { static get type() { return 'ScriptableValueNode'; } /** * Constructs a new scriptable node. * * @param {Any} [value=null] - The value. */ constructor( value = null ) { super(); /** * A reference to the value. * * @private * @default null */ this._value = value; /** * Depending on the type of `_value`, this property might cache parsed data. * * @private * @default null */ this._cache = null; /** * If this node represents an input, this property represents the input type. * * @type {String?} * @default null */ this.inputType = null; /** * If this node represents an output, this property represents the output type. * * @type {String?} * @default null */ this.outputType = null; /** * An event dispatcher for managing events. * * @type {EventDispatcher} */ = new EventDispatcher(); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isScriptableValueNode = true; } /** * Whether this node represents an output or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ get isScriptableOutputNode() { return this.outputType !== null; } set value( val ) { if ( this._value === val ) return; if ( this._cache && this.inputType === 'URL' && this.value.value instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { URL.revokeObjectURL( this._cache ); this._cache = null; } this._value = val; { type: 'change' } ); this.refresh(); } /** * The node's value. * * @type {Any} */ get value() { return this._value; } /** * Dispatches the `refresh` event. */ refresh() { { type: 'refresh' } ); } /** * The `value` property usually represents a node or even binary data in form of array buffers. * In this case, this method tries to return the actual value behind the complex type. * * @return {Any} The value. */ getValue() { const value = this.value; if ( value && this._cache === null && this.inputType === 'URL' && value.value instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { this._cache = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ value.value ] ) ); } else if ( value && value.value !== null && value.value !== undefined && ( ( ( this.inputType === 'URL' || this.inputType === 'String' ) && typeof value.value === 'string' ) || ( this.inputType === 'Number' && typeof value.value === 'number' ) || ( this.inputType === 'Vector2' && value.value.isVector2 ) || ( this.inputType === 'Vector3' && value.value.isVector3 ) || ( this.inputType === 'Vector4' && value.value.isVector4 ) || ( this.inputType === 'Color' && value.value.isColor ) || ( this.inputType === 'Matrix3' && value.value.isMatrix3 ) || ( this.inputType === 'Matrix4' && value.value.isMatrix4 ) ) ) { return value.value; } return this._cache || value; } /** * Overwritten since the node type is inferred from the value. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The node type. */ getNodeType( builder ) { return this.value && this.value.isNode ? this.value.getNodeType( builder ) : 'float'; } setup() { return this.value && this.value.isNode ? this.value : float(); } serialize( data ) { super.serialize( data ); if ( this.value !== null ) { if ( this.inputType === 'ArrayBuffer' ) { data.value = arrayBufferToBase64( this.value ); } else { data.value = this.value ? this.value.toJSON( data.meta ).uuid : null; } } else { data.value = null; } data.inputType = this.inputType; data.outputType = this.outputType; } deserialize( data ) { super.deserialize( data ); let value = null; if ( data.value !== null ) { if ( data.inputType === 'ArrayBuffer' ) { value = base64ToArrayBuffer( data.value ); } else if ( data.inputType === 'Texture' ) { value = data.meta.textures[ data.value ]; } else { value = data.meta.nodes[ data.value ] || null; } } this.value = value; this.inputType = data.inputType; this.outputType = data.outputType; } } export default ScriptableValueNode; /** * TSL function for creating a scriptable value node. * * @function * @param {Any} [value=null] - The value. * @returns {ScriptableValueNode} */ export const scriptableValue = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( ScriptableValueNode );