MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import CodeNode from './CodeNode.js'; import { nodeObject } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; /** * This class represents a native shader function. It can be used to implement * certain aspects of a node material with native shader code. There are two predefined * TSL functions for easier usage. * * - `wgslFn`: Creates a WGSL function node. * - `glslFn`: Creates a GLSL function node. * * A basic example with one include looks like so: * * ```js * const desaturateWGSLFn = wgslFn( ` * fn desaturate( color:vec3<f32> ) -> vec3<f32> { * let lum = vec3<f32>( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ); * return vec3<f32>( dot( lum, color ) ); * }` *); * const someWGSLFn = wgslFn( ` * fn someFn( color:vec3<f32> ) -> vec3<f32> { * return desaturate( color ); * } * `, [ desaturateWGSLFn ] ); * material.colorNode = someWGSLFn( { color: texture( map ) } ); *``` * @augments CodeNode */ class FunctionNode extends CodeNode { static get type() { return 'FunctionNode'; } /** * Constructs a new function node. * * @param {String} [code=''] - The native code. * @param {Array<Node>} [includes=[]] - An array of includes. * @param {('js'|'wgsl'|'glsl')} [language=''] - The used language. */ constructor( code = '', includes = [], language = '' ) { super( code, includes, language ); } getNodeType( builder ) { return this.getNodeFunction( builder ).type; } /** * Returns the inputs of this function node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Array<NodeFunctionInput>} The inputs. */ getInputs( builder ) { return this.getNodeFunction( builder ).inputs; } /** * Returns the node function for this function node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {NodeFunction} The node function. */ getNodeFunction( builder ) { const nodeData = builder.getDataFromNode( this ); let nodeFunction = nodeData.nodeFunction; if ( nodeFunction === undefined ) { nodeFunction = builder.parser.parseFunction( this.code ); nodeData.nodeFunction = nodeFunction; } return nodeFunction; } generate( builder, output ) { super.generate( builder ); const nodeFunction = this.getNodeFunction( builder ); const name =; const type = nodeFunction.type; const nodeCode = builder.getCodeFromNode( this, type ); if ( name !== '' ) { // use a custom property name = name; } const propertyName = builder.getPropertyName( nodeCode ); const code = this.getNodeFunction( builder ).getCode( propertyName ); nodeCode.code = code + '\n'; if ( output === 'property' ) { return propertyName; } else { return builder.format( `${ propertyName }()`, type, output ); } } } export default FunctionNode; const nativeFn = ( code, includes = [], language = '' ) => { for ( let i = 0; i < includes.length; i ++ ) { const include = includes[ i ]; // TSL Function: glslFn, wgslFn if ( typeof include === 'function' ) { includes[ i ] = include.functionNode; } } const functionNode = nodeObject( new FunctionNode( code, includes, language ) ); const fn = ( ...params ) => ...params ); fn.functionNode = functionNode; return fn; }; export const glslFn = ( code, includes ) => nativeFn( code, includes, 'glsl' ); export const wgslFn = ( code, includes ) => nativeFn( code, includes, 'wgsl' );