import TempNode from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { modelViewMatrix } from './ModelNode.js';
import { positionLocal, positionPrevious } from './Position.js';
import { nodeImmutable } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import { Matrix4 } from '../../math/Matrix4.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { sub } from '../math/OperatorNode.js';
import { cameraProjectionMatrix } from './Camera.js';
import { renderGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js';
const _objectData = new WeakMap();
/** @module VelocityNode **/
* A node for representing motion or velocity vectors. Foundation
* for advanced post processing effects like motion blur or TRAA.
* The node keeps track of the model, view and projection matrices
* of the previous frame and uses them to compute offsets in NDC space.
* These offsets represent the final velocity.
* @augments TempNode
class VelocityNode extends TempNode {
static get type() {
return 'VelocityNode';
* Constructs a new vertex color node.
constructor() {
super( 'vec2' );
* The current projection matrix.
* @type {Matrix4?}
* @default null
this.projectionMatrix = null;
* Overwritten since velocity nodes are updated per object.
* @type {String}
* @default 'object'
this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.OBJECT;
* Overwritten since velocity nodes save data after the update.
* @type {String}
* @default 'object'
this.updateAfterType = NodeUpdateType.OBJECT;
* Uniform node representing the previous model matrix in world space.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
* @default null
this.previousModelWorldMatrix = uniform( new Matrix4() );
* Uniform node representing the previous projection matrix.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
* @default null
this.previousProjectionMatrix = uniform( new Matrix4() ).setGroup( renderGroup );
* Uniform node representing the previous view matrix.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
* @default null
this.previousCameraViewMatrix = uniform( new Matrix4() );
* Sets the given projection matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} projectionMatrix - The projection matrix to set.
setProjectionMatrix( projectionMatrix ) {
this.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
* Updates velocity specific uniforms.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame.
update( { frameId, camera, object } ) {
const previousModelMatrix = getPreviousMatrix( object );
this.previousModelWorldMatrix.value.copy( previousModelMatrix );
const cameraData = getData( camera );
if ( cameraData.frameId !== frameId ) {
cameraData.frameId = frameId;
if ( cameraData.previousProjectionMatrix === undefined ) {
cameraData.previousProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4();
cameraData.previousCameraViewMatrix = new Matrix4();
cameraData.currentProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4();
cameraData.currentCameraViewMatrix = new Matrix4();
cameraData.previousProjectionMatrix.copy( this.projectionMatrix || camera.projectionMatrix );
cameraData.previousCameraViewMatrix.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
} else {
cameraData.previousProjectionMatrix.copy( cameraData.currentProjectionMatrix );
cameraData.previousCameraViewMatrix.copy( cameraData.currentCameraViewMatrix );
cameraData.currentProjectionMatrix.copy( this.projectionMatrix || camera.projectionMatrix );
cameraData.currentCameraViewMatrix.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
this.previousProjectionMatrix.value.copy( cameraData.previousProjectionMatrix );
this.previousCameraViewMatrix.value.copy( cameraData.previousCameraViewMatrix );
* Overwritten to updated velocity specific uniforms.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame.
updateAfter( { object } ) {
getPreviousMatrix( object ).copy( object.matrixWorld );
* Implements the velocity computation based on the previous and current vertex data.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder.
* @return {Node<vec2>} The motion vector.
setup( /*builder*/ ) {
const projectionMatrix = ( this.projectionMatrix === null ) ? cameraProjectionMatrix : uniform( this.projectionMatrix );
const previousModelViewMatrix = this.previousCameraViewMatrix.mul( this.previousModelWorldMatrix );
const clipPositionCurrent = projectionMatrix.mul( modelViewMatrix ).mul( positionLocal );
const clipPositionPrevious = this.previousProjectionMatrix.mul( previousModelViewMatrix ).mul( positionPrevious );
const ndcPositionCurrent = clipPositionCurrent.xy.div( clipPositionCurrent.w );
const ndcPositionPrevious = clipPositionPrevious.xy.div( clipPositionPrevious.w );
const velocity = sub( ndcPositionCurrent, ndcPositionPrevious );
return velocity;
function getData( object ) {
let objectData = _objectData.get( object );
if ( objectData === undefined ) {
objectData = {};
_objectData.set( object, objectData );
return objectData;
function getPreviousMatrix( object, index = 0 ) {
const objectData = getData( object );
let matrix = objectData[ index ];
if ( matrix === undefined ) {
objectData[ index ] = matrix = new Matrix4();
return matrix;
export default VelocityNode;
* TSL object that represents the velocity of a render pass.
* @type {VelocityNode}
export const velocity = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( VelocityNode );