import { nodeObject } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import { getValueType } from '../core/NodeUtils.js';
import ArrayElementNode from '../utils/ArrayElementNode.js';
import BufferNode from './BufferNode.js';
/** @module UniformArrayNode **/
* Represents the element access on uniform array nodes.
* @augments ArrayElementNode
class UniformArrayElementNode extends ArrayElementNode {
static get type() {
return 'UniformArrayElementNode';
* Constructs a new buffer node.
* @param {UniformArrayNode} uniformArrayNode - The uniform array node to access.
* @param {IndexNode} indexNode - The index data that define the position of the accessed element in the array.
constructor( uniformArrayNode, indexNode ) {
super( uniformArrayNode, indexNode );
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isArrayBufferElementNode = true;
generate( builder ) {
const snippet = super.generate( builder );
const type = this.getNodeType();
const paddedType = this.node.getPaddedType();
return builder.format( snippet, paddedType, type );
* Similar to {@link module:BufferNode~BufferNode} this module represents array-like data as
* uniform buffers. Unlike {@link module:BufferNode~BufferNode}, it can handle more common
* data types in the array (e.g `three.js` primitives) and automatically
* manage buffer padding. It should be the first choice when working with
* uniforms buffers.
* ```js
* const tintColors = uniformArray( [
* new Color( 1, 0, 0 ),
* new Color( 0, 1, 0 ),
* new Color( 0, 0, 1 )
* ], 'color' );
* const redColor = tintColors.element( 0 );
* @augments module:BufferNode~BufferNode
class UniformArrayNode extends BufferNode {
static get type() {
return 'UniformArrayNode';
* Constructs a new uniform array node.
* @param {Array<Any>} value - Array holding the buffer data.
* @param {String?} [elementType=null] - The data type of a buffer element.
constructor( value, elementType = null ) {
super( null );
* Array holding the buffer data. Unlike {@link module:BufferNode~BufferNode}, the array can
* hold number primitives as well as three.js objects like vectors, matrices
* or colors.
* @type {Array<Any>}
this.array = value;
* The data type of an array element.
* @type {String}
this.elementType = elementType === null ? getValueType( value[ 0 ] ) : elementType;
* The padded type. Uniform buffers must conform to a certain buffer layout
* so a separate type is computed to ensure correct buffer size.
* @type {String}
this.paddedType = this.getPaddedType();
* Overwritten since uniform array nodes are updated per render.
* @type {String}
* @default 'render'
this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.RENDER;
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isArrayBufferNode = true;
* This method is overwritten since the node type is inferred from the
* {@link module:UniformArrayNode~UniformArrayNode#paddedType}.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The node type.
getNodeType( /*builder*/ ) {
return this.paddedType;
* The data type of the array elements.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The element type.
getElementType() {
return this.elementType;
* Returns the padded type based on the element type.
* @return {String} The padded type.
getPaddedType() {
const elementType = this.elementType;
let paddedType = 'vec4';
if ( elementType === 'mat2' ) {
paddedType = 'mat2';
} else if ( /mat/.test( elementType ) === true ) {
paddedType = 'mat4';
} else if ( elementType.charAt( 0 ) === 'i' ) {
paddedType = 'ivec4';
} else if ( elementType.charAt( 0 ) === 'u' ) {
paddedType = 'uvec4';
return paddedType;
* The update makes sure to correctly transfer the data from the (complex) objects
* in the array to the internal, correctly padded value buffer.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - A reference to the current node frame.
update( /*frame*/ ) {
const { array, value } = this;
const elementType = this.elementType;
if ( elementType === 'float' || elementType === 'int' || elementType === 'uint' ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 4;
value[ index ] = array[ i ];
} else if ( elementType === 'color' ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 4;
const vector = array[ i ];
value[ index ] = vector.r;
value[ index + 1 ] = vector.g;
value[ index + 2 ] = vector.b || 0;
//value[ index + 3 ] = vector.a || 0;
} else if ( elementType === 'mat2' ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 4;
const matrix = array[ i ];
value[ index ] = matrix.elements[ 0 ];
value[ index + 1 ] = matrix.elements[ 1 ];
value[ index + 2 ] = matrix.elements[ 2 ];
value[ index + 3 ] = matrix.elements[ 3 ];
} else if ( elementType === 'mat3' ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 16;
const matrix = array[ i ];
value[ index ] = matrix.elements[ 0 ];
value[ index + 1 ] = matrix.elements[ 1 ];
value[ index + 2 ] = matrix.elements[ 2 ];
value[ index + 4 ] = matrix.elements[ 3 ];
value[ index + 5 ] = matrix.elements[ 4 ];
value[ index + 6 ] = matrix.elements[ 5 ];
value[ index + 8 ] = matrix.elements[ 6 ];
value[ index + 9 ] = matrix.elements[ 7 ];
value[ index + 10 ] = matrix.elements[ 8 ];
value[ index + 15 ] = 1;
} else if ( elementType === 'mat4' ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 16;
const matrix = array[ i ];
for ( let i = 0; i < matrix.elements.length; i ++ ) {
value[ index + i ] = matrix.elements[ i ];
} else {
for ( let i = 0; i < array.length; i ++ ) {
const index = i * 4;
const vector = array[ i ];
value[ index ] = vector.x;
value[ index + 1 ] = vector.y;
value[ index + 2 ] = vector.z || 0;
value[ index + 3 ] = vector.w || 0;
* Implement the value buffer creation based on the array data.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - A reference to the current node builder.
* @return {null}
setup( builder ) {
const length = this.array.length;
const elementType = this.elementType;
let arrayType = Float32Array;
const paddedType = this.paddedType;
const paddedElementLength = builder.getTypeLength( paddedType );
if ( elementType.charAt( 0 ) === 'i' ) arrayType = Int32Array;
if ( elementType.charAt( 0 ) === 'u' ) arrayType = Uint32Array;
this.value = new arrayType( length * paddedElementLength );
this.bufferCount = length;
this.bufferType = paddedType;
return super.setup( builder );
* Overwrites the default `element()` method to provide element access
* based on {@link module:UniformArrayNode~UniformArrayNode}.
* @param {IndexNode} indexNode - The index node.
* @return {UniformArrayElementNode}
element( indexNode ) {
return nodeObject( new UniformArrayElementNode( this, nodeObject( indexNode ) ) );
export default UniformArrayNode;
* TSL function for creating an uniform array node.
* @function
* @param {Array<Any>} values - Array-like data.
* @param {String?} nodeType - The data type of the array elements.
* @returns {UniformArrayNode}
export const uniformArray = ( values, nodeType ) => nodeObject( new UniformArrayNode( values, nodeType ) );
* @function
* @deprecated since r168. Use {@link uniformArray} instead.
* @param {Array<Any>} values - Array-like data.
* @param {String} nodeType - The data type of the array elements.
* @returns {UniformArrayNode}
export const uniforms = ( values, nodeType ) => { // @deprecated, r168
console.warn( 'TSL.UniformArrayNode: uniforms() has been renamed to uniformArray().' );
return nodeObject( new UniformArrayNode( values, nodeType ) );