MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- src
- nodes
- accessors
import UniformNode, { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { uv } from './UV.js';
import { textureSize } from './TextureSizeNode.js';
import { colorSpaceToWorking } from '../display/ColorSpaceNode.js';
import { expression } from '../code/ExpressionNode.js';
import { maxMipLevel } from '../utils/MaxMipLevelNode.js';
import { nodeProxy, vec3, nodeObject, int } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import { IntType, UnsignedIntType } from '../../constants.js';
/** @module TextureNode **/
* This type of uniform node represents a 2D texture.
* @augments module:UniformNode~UniformNode
class TextureNode extends UniformNode {
static get type() {
return 'TextureNode';
* Constructs a new texture node.
* @param {Texture} value - The texture.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3>?} [uvNode=null] - The uv node.
* @param {Node<int>?} [levelNode=null] - The level node.
* @param {Node<float>?} [biasNode=null] - The bias node.
constructor( value, uvNode = null, levelNode = null, biasNode = null ) {
super( value );
* This flag can be used for type testing.
* @type {Boolean}
* @readonly
* @default true
this.isTextureNode = true;
* Represents the texture coordinates.
* @type {Node<vec2|vec3>?}
* @default null
this.uvNode = uvNode;
* Represents the mip level that should be selected.
* @type {Node<int>?}
* @default null
this.levelNode = levelNode;
* Represents the bias to be applied during level-of-detail computation.
* @type {Node<float>?}
* @default null
this.biasNode = biasNode;
* Represents a reference value a texture sample is compared to.
* @type {Node<float>?}
* @default null
this.compareNode = null;
* When using texture arrays, the depth node defines the layer to select.
* @type {Node<int>?}
* @default null
this.depthNode = null;
* When defined, a texture is sampled using explicit gradients.
* @type {Array<Node<vec2>>?}
* @default null
this.gradNode = null;
* Whether texture values should be sampled or fetched.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default true
this.sampler = true;
* Whether the uv transformation matrix should be
* automatically updated or not. Use `setUpdateMatrix()`
* if you want to change the value of the property.
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
this.updateMatrix = false;
* By default the `update()` method is not executed. `setUpdateMatrix()`
* sets the value to `frame` when the uv transformation matrix should
* automatically be updated.
* @type {String}
* @default 'none'
this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.NONE;
* The reference node.
* @type {Node?}
* @default null
this.referenceNode = null;
* The texture value is stored in a private property.
* @private
* @type {Texture}
this._value = value;
* The uniform node that represents the uv transformation matrix.
* @private
* @type {UniformNode<mat3>?}
this._matrixUniform = null;
this.setUpdateMatrix( uvNode === null );
set value( value ) {
if ( this.referenceNode ) {
this.referenceNode.value = value;
} else {
this._value = value;
* The texture value.
* @type {Texture}
get value() {
return this.referenceNode ? this.referenceNode.value : this._value;
* Overwritten since the uniform hash is defined by the texture's UUID.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The uniform hash.
getUniformHash( /*builder*/ ) {
return this.value.uuid;
* Overwritten since the node type is inferred from the texture type.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The node type.
getNodeType( /*builder*/ ) {
if ( this.value.isDepthTexture === true ) return 'float';
if ( this.value.type === UnsignedIntType ) {
return 'uvec4';
} else if ( this.value.type === IntType ) {
return 'ivec4';
return 'vec4';
* Overwrites the default implementation to return a fixed value `'texture'`.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The input type.
getInputType( /*builder*/ ) {
return 'texture';
* Returns a default uvs based on the current texture's channel.
* @return {AttributeNode<vec2>} The default uvs.
getDefaultUV() {
return uv( );
* Overwritten to always return the texture reference of the node.
* @param {Any} state - This method can be invocated in different contexts so `state` can refer to any object type.
* @return {Texture} The texture reference.
updateReference( /*state*/ ) {
return this.value;
* Transforms the given uv node with the texture transformation matrix.
* @param {Node} uvNode - The uv node to transform.
* @return {Node} The transformed uv node.
getTransformedUV( uvNode ) {
if ( this._matrixUniform === null ) this._matrixUniform = uniform( this.value.matrix );
return this._matrixUniform.mul( vec3( uvNode, 1 ) ).xy;
* Defines whether the uv transformation matrix should automatically be updated or not.
* @param {Boolean} value - The update toggle.
* @return {TextureNode} A reference to this node.
setUpdateMatrix( value ) {
this.updateMatrix = value;
this.updateType = value ? NodeUpdateType.RENDER : NodeUpdateType.NONE;
return this;
* Setups the uv node. Depending on the backend as well as texture's image and type, it might be necessary
* to modify the uv node for correct sampling.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @param {Node} uvNode - The uv node to setup.
* @return {Node} The updated uv node.
setupUV( builder, uvNode ) {
const texture = this.value;
if ( builder.isFlipY() && ( ( texture.image instanceof ImageBitmap && texture.flipY === true ) || texture.isRenderTargetTexture === true || texture.isFramebufferTexture === true || texture.isDepthTexture === true ) ) {
if ( this.sampler ) {
uvNode = uvNode.flipY();
} else {
uvNode = uvNode.setY( int( textureSize( this, this.levelNode ).y ).sub( uvNode.y ).sub( 1 ) );
return uvNode;
* Setups texture node by preparing the internal nodes for code generation.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
setup( builder ) {
const properties = builder.getNodeProperties( this );
properties.referenceNode = this.referenceNode;
const texture = this.value;
if ( ! texture || texture.isTexture !== true ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.TSL: `texture( value )` function expects a valid instance of THREE.Texture().' );
let uvNode = this.uvNode;
if ( ( uvNode === null || builder.context.forceUVContext === true ) && builder.context.getUV ) {
uvNode = builder.context.getUV( this );
if ( ! uvNode ) uvNode = this.getDefaultUV();
if ( this.updateMatrix === true ) {
uvNode = this.getTransformedUV( uvNode );
uvNode = this.setupUV( builder, uvNode );
let levelNode = this.levelNode;
if ( levelNode === null && builder.context.getTextureLevel ) {
levelNode = builder.context.getTextureLevel( this );
properties.uvNode = uvNode;
properties.levelNode = levelNode;
properties.biasNode = this.biasNode;
properties.compareNode = this.compareNode;
properties.gradNode = this.gradNode;
properties.depthNode = this.depthNode;
* Generates the uv code snippet.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @param {Node} uvNode - The uv node to generate code for.
* @return {String} The generated code snippet.
generateUV( builder, uvNode ) {
return builder, this.sampler === true ? 'vec2' : 'ivec2' );
* Generates the snippet for the texture sampling.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @param {String} textureProperty - The texture property.
* @param {String} uvSnippet - The uv snippet.
* @param {String?} levelSnippet - The level snippet.
* @param {String?} biasSnippet - The bias snippet.
* @param {String?} depthSnippet - The depth snippet.
* @param {String?} compareSnippet - The compare snippet.
* @param {Array<String>?} gradSnippet - The grad snippet.
* @return {String} The generated code snippet.
generateSnippet( builder, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, biasSnippet, depthSnippet, compareSnippet, gradSnippet ) {
const texture = this.value;
let snippet;
if ( levelSnippet ) {
snippet = builder.generateTextureLevel( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, depthSnippet );
} else if ( biasSnippet ) {
snippet = builder.generateTextureBias( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, depthSnippet );
} else if ( gradSnippet ) {
snippet = builder.generateTextureGrad( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, gradSnippet, depthSnippet );
} else if ( compareSnippet ) {
snippet = builder.generateTextureCompare( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, compareSnippet, depthSnippet );
} else if ( this.sampler === false ) {
snippet = builder.generateTextureLoad( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet );
} else {
snippet = builder.generateTexture( texture, textureProperty, uvSnippet, depthSnippet );
return snippet;
* Generates the code snippet of the texture node.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @param {String} output - The current output.
* @return {String} The generated code snippet.
generate( builder, output ) {
const texture = this.value;
const properties = builder.getNodeProperties( this );
const textureProperty = super.generate( builder, 'property' );
if ( output === 'sampler' ) {
return textureProperty + '_sampler';
} else if ( builder.isReference( output ) ) {
return textureProperty;
} else {
const nodeData = builder.getDataFromNode( this );
let propertyName = nodeData.propertyName;
if ( propertyName === undefined ) {
const { uvNode, levelNode, biasNode, compareNode, depthNode, gradNode } = properties;
const uvSnippet = this.generateUV( builder, uvNode );
const levelSnippet = levelNode ? builder, 'float' ) : null;
const biasSnippet = biasNode ? builder, 'float' ) : null;
const depthSnippet = depthNode ? builder, 'int' ) : null;
const compareSnippet = compareNode ? builder, 'float' ) : null;
const gradSnippet = gradNode ? [ gradNode[ 0 ].build( builder, 'vec2' ), gradNode[ 1 ].build( builder, 'vec2' ) ] : null;
const nodeVar = builder.getVarFromNode( this );
propertyName = builder.getPropertyName( nodeVar );
const snippet = this.generateSnippet( builder, textureProperty, uvSnippet, levelSnippet, biasSnippet, depthSnippet, compareSnippet, gradSnippet );
builder.addLineFlowCode( `${propertyName} = ${snippet}`, this );
nodeData.snippet = snippet;
nodeData.propertyName = propertyName;
let snippet = propertyName;
const nodeType = this.getNodeType( builder );
if ( builder.needsToWorkingColorSpace( texture ) ) {
snippet = colorSpaceToWorking( expression( snippet, nodeType ), texture.colorSpace ).setup( builder ).build( builder, nodeType );
return builder.format( snippet, nodeType, output );
* Sets the sampler value.
* @param {Boolean} value - The sampler value to set.
* @return {TextureNode} A reference to this texture node.
setSampler( value ) {
this.sampler = value;
return this;
* Returns the sampler value.
* @return {Boolean} The sampler value.
getSampler() {
return this.sampler;
// @TODO: Move to TSL
* @function
* @deprecated since r172. Use {@link TextureNode#sample} instead.
* @param {Node} uvNode - The uv node.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
uv( uvNode ) { // @deprecated, r172
console.warn( 'THREE.TextureNode: .uv() has been renamed. Use .sample() instead.' );
return this.sample( uvNode );
* Samples the texture with the given uv node.
* @param {Node} uvNode - The uv node.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
sample( uvNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.uvNode = nodeObject( uvNode );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Samples a blurred version of the texture by defining an internal bias.
* @param {Node<float>} amountNode - How blurred the texture should be.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
blur( amountNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.biasNode = nodeObject( amountNode ).mul( maxMipLevel( textureNode ) );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Samples a specific mip of the texture.
* @param {Node<int>} levelNode - The mip level to sample.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
level( levelNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.levelNode = nodeObject( levelNode );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Returns the texture size of the requested level.
* @param {Node<int>} levelNode - The level to compute the size for.
* @return {TextureSizeNode} The texture size.
size( levelNode ) {
return textureSize( this, levelNode );
* Samples the texture with the given bias.
* @param {Node<float>} biasNode - The bias node.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
bias( biasNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.biasNode = nodeObject( biasNode );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Samples the texture by executing a compare operation.
* @param {Node<float>} compareNode - The node that defines the compare value.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
compare( compareNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.compareNode = nodeObject( compareNode );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Samples the texture using an explicit gradient.
* @param {Node<vec2>} gradNodeX - The gradX node.
* @param {Node<vec2>} gradNodeY - The gradY node.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
grad( gradNodeX, gradNodeY ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.gradNode = [ nodeObject( gradNodeX ), nodeObject( gradNodeY ) ];
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
* Samples the texture by defining a depth node.
* @param {Node<int>} depthNode - The depth node.
* @return {TextureNode} A texture node representing the texture sample.
depth( depthNode ) {
const textureNode = this.clone();
textureNode.depthNode = nodeObject( depthNode );
textureNode.referenceNode = this.getSelf();
return nodeObject( textureNode );
// --
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
data.value = this.value.toJSON( data.meta ).uuid;
data.sampler = this.sampler;
data.updateMatrix = this.updateMatrix;
data.updateType = this.updateType;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
this.value = data.meta.textures[ data.value ];
this.sampler = data.sampler;
this.updateMatrix = data.updateMatrix;
this.updateType = data.updateType;
* The update is used to implement the update of the uv transformation matrix.
update() {
const texture = this.value;
const matrixUniform = this._matrixUniform;
if ( matrixUniform !== null ) matrixUniform.value = texture.matrix;
if ( texture.matrixAutoUpdate === true ) {
* Clones the texture node.
* @return {TextureNode} The cloned texture node.
clone() {
const newNode = new this.constructor( this.value, this.uvNode, this.levelNode, this.biasNode );
newNode.sampler = this.sampler;
return newNode;
export default TextureNode;
* TSL function for creating a texture node.
* @function
* @param {Texture} value - The texture.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3>?} [uvNode=null] - The uv node.
* @param {Node<int>?} [levelNode=null] - The level node.
* @param {Node<float>?} [biasNode=null] - The bias node.
* @returns {TextureNode}
export const texture = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( TextureNode );
* TSL function for creating a texture node that fetches/loads texels without interpolation.
* @function
* @param {Texture} value - The texture.
* @param {Node<vec2|vec3>?} [uvNode=null] - The uv node.
* @param {Node<int>?} [levelNode=null] - The level node.
* @param {Node<float>?} [biasNode=null] - The bias node.
* @returns {TextureNode}
export const textureLoad = ( ...params ) => texture( ...params ).setSampler( false );
//export const textureLevel = ( value, uv, level ) => texture( value, uv ).level( level );
* Converts a texture or texture node to a sampler.
* @function
* @param {TextureNode|Texture} aTexture - The texture or texture node to convert.
* @returns {Node}
export const sampler = ( aTexture ) => ( aTexture.isNode === true ? aTexture : texture( aTexture ) ).convert( 'sampler' );