MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import BufferNode from './BufferNode.js'; import { bufferAttribute } from './BufferAttributeNode.js'; import { nodeObject, varying } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { storageElement } from '../utils/StorageArrayElementNode.js'; import { NodeAccess } from '../core/constants.js'; import { getTypeFromLength } from '../core/NodeUtils.js'; /** @module StorageBufferNode **/ /** * This node is used in context of compute shaders and allows to define a * storage buffer for data. A typical workflow is to create instances of * this node with the convenience functions `attributeArray()` or `instancedArray()`, * setup up a compute shader that writes into the buffers and then convert * the storage buffers to attribute nodes for rendering. * * ```js * const positionBuffer = instancedArray( particleCount, 'vec3' ); // the storage buffer node * * const computeInit = Fn( () => { // the compute shader * * const position = positionBuffer.element( instanceIndex ); * * // compute position data * * position.x = 1; * position.y = 1; * position.z = 1; * * } )().compute( particleCount ); * * const particleMaterial = new THREE.SpriteNodeMaterial(); * particleMaterial.positionNode = positionBuffer.toAttribute(); * * renderer.computeAsync( computeInit ); * * ``` * * @augments BufferNode */ class StorageBufferNode extends BufferNode { static get type() { return 'StorageBufferNode'; } /** * Constructs a new storage buffer node. * * @param {StorageBufferAttribute|StorageInstancedBufferAttribute|BufferAttribute} value - The buffer data. * @param {(String|Struct)?} [bufferType=null] - The buffer type (e.g. `'vec3'`). * @param {Number} [bufferCount=0] - The buffer count. */ constructor( value, bufferType = null, bufferCount = 0 ) { let nodeType, structTypeNode = null; if ( bufferType && bufferType.isStruct ) { nodeType = 'struct'; structTypeNode = bufferType.layout; } else if ( bufferType === null && ( value.isStorageBufferAttribute || value.isStorageInstancedBufferAttribute ) ) { nodeType = getTypeFromLength( value.itemSize ); bufferCount = value.count; } else { nodeType = bufferType; } super( value, nodeType, bufferCount ); /** * This flag can be used for type testing. * * @type {Boolean} * @readonly * @default true */ this.isStorageBufferNode = true; /** * The buffer struct type. * * @type {structTypeNode?} * @default null */ this.structTypeNode = structTypeNode; /** * The access type of the texture node. * * @type {String} * @default 'readWrite' */ this.access = NodeAccess.READ_WRITE; /** * Whether the node is atomic or not. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.isAtomic = false; /** * Whether the node represents a PBO or not. * Only relevant for WebGL. * * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ this.isPBO = false; /** * A reference to the internal buffer attribute node. * * @type {BufferAttributeNode?} * @default null */ this._attribute = null; /** * A reference to the internal varying node. * * @type {VaryingNode?} * @default null */ this._varying = null; /** * `StorageBufferNode` sets this property to `true` by default. * * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ = true; if ( value.isStorageBufferAttribute !== true && value.isStorageInstancedBufferAttribute !== true ) { // TODO: Improve it, possibly adding a new property to the BufferAttribute to identify it as a storage buffer read-only attribute in Renderer if ( value.isInstancedBufferAttribute ) value.isStorageInstancedBufferAttribute = true; else value.isStorageBufferAttribute = true; } } /** * This method is overwritten since the buffer data might be shared * and thus the hash should be shared as well. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The hash. */ getHash( builder ) { if ( this.bufferCount === 0 ) { let bufferData = builder.globalCache.getData( this.value ); if ( bufferData === undefined ) { bufferData = { node: this }; builder.globalCache.setData( this.value, bufferData ); } return bufferData.node.uuid; } return this.uuid; } /** * Overwrites the default implementation to return a fixed value `'indirectStorageBuffer'` or `'storageBuffer'`. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The input type. */ getInputType( /*builder*/ ) { return this.value.isIndirectStorageBufferAttribute ? 'indirectStorageBuffer' : 'storageBuffer'; } /** * Enables element access with the given index node. * * @param {IndexNode} indexNode - The index node. * @return {StorageArrayElementNode} A node representing the element access. */ element( indexNode ) { return storageElement( this, indexNode ); } /** * Defines whether this node is a PBO or not. Only relevant for WebGL. * * @param {Boolean} value - The value so set. * @return {StorageBufferNode} A reference to this node. */ setPBO( value ) { this.isPBO = value; return this; } /** * Returns the `isPBO` value. * * @return {Boolean} Whether the node represents a PBO or not. */ getPBO() { return this.isPBO; } /** * Defines the node access. * * @param {String} value - The node access. * @return {StorageBufferNode} A reference to this node. */ setAccess( value ) { this.access = value; return this; } /** * Convenience method for configuring a read-only node access. * * @return {StorageBufferNode} A reference to this node. */ toReadOnly() { return this.setAccess( NodeAccess.READ_ONLY ); } /** * Defines whether the node is atomic or not. * * @param {Boolean} value - The atomic flag. * @return {StorageBufferNode} A reference to this node. */ setAtomic( value ) { this.isAtomic = value; return this; } /** * Convenience method for making this node atomic. * * @return {StorageBufferNode} A reference to this node. */ toAtomic() { return this.setAtomic( true ); } /** * Returns attribute data for this storage buffer node. * * @return {{attribute: BufferAttributeNode, varying: VaryingNode}} The attribute data. */ getAttributeData() { if ( this._attribute === null ) { this._attribute = bufferAttribute( this.value ); this._varying = varying( this._attribute ); } return { attribute: this._attribute, varying: this._varying }; } /** * This method is overwritten since the node type from the availability of storage buffers * and the attribute data. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The node type. */ getNodeType( builder ) { if ( this.structTypeNode !== null ) { return this.structTypeNode.getNodeType( builder ); } if ( builder.isAvailable( 'storageBuffer' ) || builder.isAvailable( 'indirectStorageBuffer' ) ) { return super.getNodeType( builder ); } const { attribute } = this.getAttributeData(); return attribute.getNodeType( builder ); } /** * Generates the code snippet of the storage buffer node. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {String} The generated code snippet. */ generate( builder ) { if ( this.structTypeNode !== null ) builder ); if ( builder.isAvailable( 'storageBuffer' ) || builder.isAvailable( 'indirectStorageBuffer' ) ) { return super.generate( builder ); } const { attribute, varying } = this.getAttributeData(); const output = builder ); builder.registerTransform( output, attribute ); return output; } } export default StorageBufferNode; /** * TSL function for creating a storage buffer node. * * @function * @param {StorageBufferAttribute|StorageInstancedBufferAttribute|BufferAttribute} value - The buffer data. * @param {(String|Struct)?} [type=null] - The buffer type (e.g. `'vec3'`). * @param {Number} [count=0] - The buffer count. * @returns {StorageBufferNode} */ export const storage = ( value, type = null, count = 0 ) => nodeObject( new StorageBufferNode( value, type, count ) ); /** * @function * @deprecated since r171. Use `storage().setPBO( true )` instead. * * @param {StorageBufferAttribute|StorageInstancedBufferAttribute|BufferAttribute} value - The buffer data. * @param {String?} type - The buffer type (e.g. `'vec3'`). * @param {Number} count - The buffer count. * @returns {StorageBufferNode} */ export const storageObject = ( value, type, count ) => { // @deprecated, r171 console.warn( 'THREE.TSL: "storageObject()" is deprecated. Use "storage().setPBO( true )" instead.' ); return storage( value, type, count ).setPBO( true ); };