MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { UVMapping } from '../../constants.js'; import { Euler } from '../../math/Euler.js'; import { Matrix4 } from '../../math/Matrix4.js'; import Node from '../core/Node.js'; import { renderGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js'; import { nodeImmutable, uniform } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js'; import { reference } from './ReferenceNode.js'; const _e1 = /*@__PURE__*/ new Euler(); const _m1 = /*@__PURE__*/ new Matrix4(); /** @module SceneNode **/ /** * This module allows access to a collection of scene properties. The following predefined TSL objects * are available for easier use: * * - `backgroundBlurriness`: A node that represents the scene's background blurriness. * - `backgroundIntensity`: A node that represents the scene's background intensity. * - `backgroundRotation`: A node that represents the scene's background rotation. * * @augments Node */ class SceneNode extends Node { static get type() { return 'SceneNode'; } /** * Constructs a new scene node. * * @param {('backgroundBlurriness'|'backgroundIntensity'|'backgroundRotation')} scope - The scope defines the type of scene property that is accessed. * @param {Scene?} [scene=null] - A reference to the scene. */ constructor( scope = SceneNode.BACKGROUND_BLURRINESS, scene = null ) { super(); /** * The scope defines the type of scene property that is accessed. * * @type {('backgroundBlurriness'|'backgroundIntensity'|'backgroundRotation')} */ this.scope = scope; /** * A reference to the scene that is going to be accessed. * * @type {Scene?} * @default null */ this.scene = scene; } /** * Depending on the scope, the method returns a different type of node that represents * the respective scene property. * * @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder. * @return {Node} The output node. */ setup( builder ) { const scope = this.scope; const scene = this.scene !== null ? this.scene : builder.scene; let output; if ( scope === SceneNode.BACKGROUND_BLURRINESS ) { output = reference( 'backgroundBlurriness', 'float', scene ); } else if ( scope === SceneNode.BACKGROUND_INTENSITY ) { output = reference( 'backgroundIntensity', 'float', scene ); } else if ( scope === SceneNode.BACKGROUND_ROTATION ) { output = uniform( 'mat4' ).label( 'backgroundRotation' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( () => { const background = scene.background; if ( background !== null && background.isTexture && background.mapping !== UVMapping ) { _e1.copy( scene.backgroundRotation ); // accommodate left-handed frame _e1.x *= - 1; _e1.y *= - 1; _e1.z *= - 1; _m1.makeRotationFromEuler( _e1 ); } else { _m1.identity(); } return _m1; } ); } else { console.error( 'THREE.SceneNode: Unknown scope:', scope ); } return output; } } SceneNode.BACKGROUND_BLURRINESS = 'backgroundBlurriness'; SceneNode.BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 'backgroundIntensity'; SceneNode.BACKGROUND_ROTATION = 'backgroundRotation'; export default SceneNode; /** * TSL object that represents the scene's background blurriness. * * @type {SceneNode} */ export const backgroundBlurriness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( SceneNode, SceneNode.BACKGROUND_BLURRINESS ); /** * TSL object that represents the scene's background intensity. * * @type {SceneNode} */ export const backgroundIntensity = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( SceneNode, SceneNode.BACKGROUND_INTENSITY ); /** * TSL object that represents the scene's background rotation. * * @type {SceneNode} */ export const backgroundRotation = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( SceneNode, SceneNode.BACKGROUND_ROTATION );