import { attribute } from '../core/AttributeNode.js';
import { Fn } from '../tsl/TSLCore.js';
import { modelWorldMatrix } from './ModelNode.js';
/** @module Position **/
* TSL object that represents the position attribute of the current rendered object.
* @type {AttributeNode<vec3>}
export const positionGeometry = /*@__PURE__*/ attribute( 'position', 'vec3' );
* TSL object that represents the vertex position in local space of the current rendered object.
* @type {AttributeNode<vec3>}
export const positionLocal = /*@__PURE__*/ positionGeometry.toVarying( 'positionLocal' );
* TSL object that represents the previous vertex position in local space of the current rendered object.
* Used in context of {@link module:VelocityNode~VelocityNode} for rendering motion vectors.
* @type {AttributeNode<vec3>}
export const positionPrevious = /*@__PURE__*/ positionGeometry.toVarying( 'positionPrevious' );
* TSL object that represents the vertex position in world space of the current rendered object.
* @type {VaryingNode<vec3>}
export const positionWorld = /*@__PURE__*/ modelWorldMatrix.mul( positionLocal ).xyz.toVarying( 'v_positionWorld' ).context( { needsPositionReassign: true } );
* TSL object that represents the position world direction of the current rendered object.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const positionWorldDirection = /*@__PURE__*/ positionLocal.transformDirection( modelWorldMatrix ).toVarying( 'v_positionWorldDirection' ).normalize().toVar( 'positionWorldDirection' ).context( { needsPositionReassign: true } );
* TSL object that represents the vertex position in view space of the current rendered object.
* @type {VaryingNode<vec3>}
export const positionView = /*@__PURE__*/ ( Fn( ( builder ) => {
return builder.context.setupPositionView();
}, 'vec3' ).once() )().toVarying( 'v_positionView' ).context( { needsPositionReassign: true } );
* TSL object that represents the position view direction of the current rendered object.
* @type {VaryingNode<vec3>}
export const positionViewDirection = /*@__PURE__*/ positionView.negate().toVarying( 'v_positionViewDirection' ).normalize().toVar( 'positionViewDirection' );