import Node from '../core/Node.js';
import { NodeUpdateType } from '../core/constants.js';
import UniformNode from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { nodeProxy } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { Vector3 } from '../../math/Vector3.js';
/** @module Object3DNode **/
* This node can be used to access transformation related metrics of 3D objects.
* Depending on the selected scope, a different metric is represented as a uniform
* in the shader. The following scopes are supported:
* - `POSITION`: The object's position in world space.
* - `VIEW_POSITION`: The object's position in view/camera space.
* - `DIRECTION`: The object's direction in world space.
* - `SCALE`: The object's scale in world space.
* - `WORLD_MATRIX`: The object's matrix in world space.
* @augments Node
class Object3DNode extends Node {
static get type() {
return 'Object3DNode';
* Constructs a new object 3D node.
* @param {('position'|'viewPosition'|'direction'|'scale'|'worldMatrix')} scope - The node represents a different type of transformation depending on the scope.
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
constructor( scope, object3d = null ) {
* The node reports a different type of transformation depending on the scope.
* @type {('position'|'viewPosition'|'direction'|'scale'|'worldMatrix')}
this.scope = scope;
* The 3D object.
* @type {Object3D?}
* @default null
this.object3d = object3d;
* Overwritten since this type of node is updated per object.
* @type {String}
* @default 'object'
this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.OBJECT;
* Holds the value of the node as a uniform.
* @private
* @type {UniformNode}
this._uniformNode = new UniformNode( null );
* Overwritten since the node type is inferred from the scope.
* @return {String} The node type.
getNodeType() {
const scope = this.scope;
if ( scope === Object3DNode.WORLD_MATRIX ) {
return 'mat4';
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.POSITION || scope === Object3DNode.VIEW_POSITION || scope === Object3DNode.DIRECTION || scope === Object3DNode.SCALE ) {
return 'vec3';
* Updates the uniform value depending on the scope.
* @param {NodeFrame} frame - The current node frame.
update( frame ) {
const object = this.object3d;
const uniformNode = this._uniformNode;
const scope = this.scope;
if ( scope === Object3DNode.WORLD_MATRIX ) {
uniformNode.value = object.matrixWorld;
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.POSITION ) {
uniformNode.value = uniformNode.value || new Vector3();
uniformNode.value.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.SCALE ) {
uniformNode.value = uniformNode.value || new Vector3();
uniformNode.value.setFromMatrixScale( object.matrixWorld );
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.DIRECTION ) {
uniformNode.value = uniformNode.value || new Vector3();
object.getWorldDirection( uniformNode.value );
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.VIEW_POSITION ) {
const camera =;
uniformNode.value = uniformNode.value || new Vector3();
uniformNode.value.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld );
uniformNode.value.applyMatrix4( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
* Generates the code snippet of the uniform node. The node type of the uniform
* node also depends on the selected scope.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {String} The generated code snippet.
generate( builder ) {
const scope = this.scope;
if ( scope === Object3DNode.WORLD_MATRIX ) {
this._uniformNode.nodeType = 'mat4';
} else if ( scope === Object3DNode.POSITION || scope === Object3DNode.VIEW_POSITION || scope === Object3DNode.DIRECTION || scope === Object3DNode.SCALE ) {
this._uniformNode.nodeType = 'vec3';
return builder );
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
data.scope = this.scope;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
this.scope = data.scope;
Object3DNode.WORLD_MATRIX = 'worldMatrix';
Object3DNode.POSITION = 'position';
Object3DNode.SCALE = 'scale';
Object3DNode.VIEW_POSITION = 'viewPosition';
Object3DNode.DIRECTION = 'direction';
export default Object3DNode;
* TSL function for creating an object 3D node that represents the object's direction in world space.
* @function
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
* @returns {Object3DNode<vec3>}
export const objectDirection = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( Object3DNode, Object3DNode.DIRECTION );
* TSL function for creating an object 3D node that represents the object's world matrix.
* @function
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
* @returns {Object3DNode<mat4>}
export const objectWorldMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( Object3DNode, Object3DNode.WORLD_MATRIX );
* TSL function for creating an object 3D node that represents the object's position in world space.
* @function
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
* @returns {Object3DNode<vec3>}
export const objectPosition = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( Object3DNode, Object3DNode.POSITION );
* TSL function for creating an object 3D node that represents the object's scale in world space.
* @function
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
* @returns {Object3DNode<vec3>}
export const objectScale = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( Object3DNode, Object3DNode.SCALE );
* TSL function for creating an object 3D node that represents the object's position in view/camera space.
* @function
* @param {Object3D?} [object3d=null] - The 3D object.
* @returns {Object3DNode<vec3>}
export const objectViewPosition = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeProxy( Object3DNode, Object3DNode.VIEW_POSITION );