MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- node_modules
- three
- src
- nodes
- accessors
import Node from '../core/Node.js';
import { reference } from './ReferenceNode.js';
import { materialReference } from './MaterialReferenceNode.js';
import { normalView } from './Normal.js';
import { nodeImmutable, float, vec2, vec3, mat2 } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { normalMap } from '../display/NormalMapNode.js';
import { bumpMap } from '../display/BumpMapNode.js';
import { Vector2 } from '../../math/Vector2.js';
/** @module MaterialNode **/
const _propertyCache = new Map();
* This class should simplify the node access to material properties.
* It internal uses reference nodes to make sure changes to material
* properties are automatically reflected to predefined TSL objects
* like e.g. `materialColor`.
* @augments Node
class MaterialNode extends Node {
static get type() {
return 'MaterialNode';
* Constructs a new material node.
* @param {String} scope - The scope defines what kind of material property is referred by the node.
constructor( scope ) {
* The scope defines what material property is referred by the node.
* @type {String}
this.scope = scope;
* Returns a cached reference node for the given property and type.
* @param {String} property - The name of the material property.
* @param {String} type - The uniform type of the property.
* @return {MaterialReferenceNode} A material reference node representing the property access.
getCache( property, type ) {
let node = _propertyCache.get( property );
if ( node === undefined ) {
node = materialReference( property, type );
_propertyCache.set( property, node );
return node;
* Returns a float-typed material reference node for the given property name.
* @param {String} property - The name of the material property.
* @return {MaterialReferenceNode<float>} A material reference node representing the property access.
getFloat( property ) {
return this.getCache( property, 'float' );
* Returns a color-typed material reference node for the given property name.
* @param {String} property - The name of the material property.
* @return {MaterialReferenceNode<color>} A material reference node representing the property access.
getColor( property ) {
return this.getCache( property, 'color' );
* Returns a texture-typed material reference node for the given property name.
* @param {String} property - The name of the material property.
* @return {MaterialReferenceNode} A material reference node representing the property access.
getTexture( property ) {
return this.getCache( property === 'map' ? 'map' : property + 'Map', 'texture' );
* The node setup is done depending on the selected scope. Multiple material properties
* might be grouped into a single node composition if they logically belong together.
* @param {NodeBuilder} builder - The current node builder.
* @return {Node} The node representing the selected scope.
setup( builder ) {
const material = builder.context.material;
const scope = this.scope;
let node = null;
if ( scope === MaterialNode.COLOR ) {
const colorNode = material.color !== undefined ? this.getColor( scope ) : vec3();
if ( && === true ) {
node = colorNode.mul( this.getTexture( 'map' ) );
} else {
node = colorNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.OPACITY ) {
const opacityNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.alphaMap && material.alphaMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = opacityNode.mul( this.getTexture( 'alpha' ) );
} else {
node = opacityNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.SPECULAR_STRENGTH ) {
if ( material.specularMap && material.specularMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = this.getTexture( 'specular' ).r;
} else {
node = float( 1 );
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.SPECULAR_INTENSITY ) {
const specularIntensityNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.specularIntensityMap && material.specularIntensityMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = specularIntensityNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).a );
} else {
node = specularIntensityNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.SPECULAR_COLOR ) {
const specularColorNode = this.getColor( scope );
if ( material.specularColorMap && material.specularColorMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = specularColorNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).rgb );
} else {
node = specularColorNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.ROUGHNESS ) { // TODO: cleanup similar branches
const roughnessNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.roughnessMap && material.roughnessMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = roughnessNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).g );
} else {
node = roughnessNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.METALNESS ) {
const metalnessNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.metalnessMap && material.metalnessMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = metalnessNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).b );
} else {
node = metalnessNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.EMISSIVE ) {
const emissiveIntensityNode = this.getFloat( 'emissiveIntensity' );
const emissiveNode = this.getColor( scope ).mul( emissiveIntensityNode );
if ( material.emissiveMap && material.emissiveMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = emissiveNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ) );
} else {
node = emissiveNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.NORMAL ) {
if ( material.normalMap ) {
node = normalMap( this.getTexture( 'normal' ), this.getCache( 'normalScale', 'vec2' ) );
node.normalMapType = material.normalMapType;
} else if ( material.bumpMap ) {
node = bumpMap( this.getTexture( 'bump' ).r, this.getFloat( 'bumpScale' ) );
} else {
node = normalView;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT ) {
const clearcoatNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.clearcoatMap && material.clearcoatMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = clearcoatNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).r );
} else {
node = clearcoatNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS ) {
const clearcoatRoughnessNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.clearcoatRoughnessMap && material.clearcoatRoughnessMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = clearcoatRoughnessNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).r );
} else {
node = clearcoatRoughnessNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_NORMAL ) {
if ( material.clearcoatNormalMap ) {
node = normalMap( this.getTexture( scope ), this.getCache( scope + 'Scale', 'vec2' ) );
} else {
node = normalView;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.SHEEN ) {
const sheenNode = this.getColor( 'sheenColor' ).mul( this.getFloat( 'sheen' ) ); // Move this mul() to CPU
if ( material.sheenColorMap && material.sheenColorMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = sheenNode.mul( this.getTexture( 'sheenColor' ).rgb );
} else {
node = sheenNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.SHEEN_ROUGHNESS ) {
const sheenRoughnessNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.sheenRoughnessMap && material.sheenRoughnessMap.isTexture === true ) {
node = sheenRoughnessNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).a );
} else {
node = sheenRoughnessNode;
node = node.clamp( 0.07, 1.0 );
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.ANISOTROPY ) {
if ( material.anisotropyMap && material.anisotropyMap.isTexture === true ) {
const anisotropyPolar = this.getTexture( scope );
const anisotropyMat = mat2( materialAnisotropyVector.x, materialAnisotropyVector.y, materialAnisotropyVector.y.negate(), materialAnisotropyVector.x );
node = anisotropyMat.mul( anisotropyPolar.rg.mul( 2.0 ).sub( vec2( 1.0 ) ).normalize().mul( anisotropyPolar.b ) );
} else {
node = materialAnisotropyVector;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESS ) {
const iridescenceThicknessMaximum = reference( '1', 'float', material.iridescenceThicknessRange );
if ( material.iridescenceThicknessMap ) {
const iridescenceThicknessMinimum = reference( '0', 'float', material.iridescenceThicknessRange );
node = iridescenceThicknessMaximum.sub( iridescenceThicknessMinimum ).mul( this.getTexture( scope ).g ).add( iridescenceThicknessMinimum );
} else {
node = iridescenceThicknessMaximum;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.TRANSMISSION ) {
const transmissionNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.transmissionMap ) {
node = transmissionNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).r );
} else {
node = transmissionNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.THICKNESS ) {
const thicknessNode = this.getFloat( scope );
if ( material.thicknessMap ) {
node = thicknessNode.mul( this.getTexture( scope ).g );
} else {
node = thicknessNode;
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.IOR ) {
node = this.getFloat( scope );
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.LIGHT_MAP ) {
node = this.getTexture( scope ).rgb.mul( this.getFloat( 'lightMapIntensity' ) );
} else if ( scope === MaterialNode.AO ) {
node = this.getTexture( scope ).r.sub( 1.0 ).mul( this.getFloat( 'aoMapIntensity' ) ).add( 1.0 );
} else {
const outputType = this.getNodeType( builder );
node = this.getCache( scope, outputType );
return node;
MaterialNode.ALPHA_TEST = 'alphaTest';
MaterialNode.COLOR = 'color';
MaterialNode.OPACITY = 'opacity';
MaterialNode.SHININESS = 'shininess';
MaterialNode.SPECULAR = 'specular';
MaterialNode.SPECULAR_STRENGTH = 'specularStrength';
MaterialNode.SPECULAR_INTENSITY = 'specularIntensity';
MaterialNode.SPECULAR_COLOR = 'specularColor';
MaterialNode.REFLECTIVITY = 'reflectivity';
MaterialNode.ROUGHNESS = 'roughness';
MaterialNode.METALNESS = 'metalness';
MaterialNode.NORMAL = 'normal';
MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT = 'clearcoat';
MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS = 'clearcoatRoughness';
MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_NORMAL = 'clearcoatNormal';
MaterialNode.EMISSIVE = 'emissive';
MaterialNode.ROTATION = 'rotation';
MaterialNode.SHEEN = 'sheen';
MaterialNode.SHEEN_ROUGHNESS = 'sheenRoughness';
MaterialNode.ANISOTROPY = 'anisotropy';
MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE = 'iridescence';
MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE_IOR = 'iridescenceIOR';
MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESS = 'iridescenceThickness';
MaterialNode.IOR = 'ior';
MaterialNode.TRANSMISSION = 'transmission';
MaterialNode.THICKNESS = 'thickness';
MaterialNode.ATTENUATION_DISTANCE = 'attenuationDistance';
MaterialNode.ATTENUATION_COLOR = 'attenuationColor';
MaterialNode.LINE_SCALE = 'scale';
MaterialNode.LINE_DASH_SIZE = 'dashSize';
MaterialNode.LINE_GAP_SIZE = 'gapSize';
MaterialNode.LINE_WIDTH = 'linewidth';
MaterialNode.LINE_DASH_OFFSET = 'dashOffset';
MaterialNode.POINT_SIZE = 'size';
MaterialNode.DISPERSION = 'dispersion';
MaterialNode.LIGHT_MAP = 'light';
MaterialNode.AO = 'ao';
export default MaterialNode;
* TSL object that represents alpha test of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialAlphaTest = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ALPHA_TEST );
* TSL object that represents the diffuse color of the current material.
* The value is composed via `color` * `map`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialColor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.COLOR );
* TSL object that represents the shininess of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialShininess = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SHININESS );
* TSL object that represents the emissive color of the current material.
* The value is composed via `emissive` * `emissiveIntensity` * `emissiveMap`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialEmissive = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.EMISSIVE );
* TSL object that represents the opacity of the current material.
* The value is composed via `opacity` * `alphaMap`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialOpacity = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.OPACITY );
* TSL object that represents the specular of the current material.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialSpecular = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SPECULAR );
* TSL object that represents the specular intensity of the current material.
* The value is composed via `specularIntensity` * `specularMap.a`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialSpecularIntensity = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SPECULAR_INTENSITY );
* TSL object that represents the specular color of the current material.
* The value is composed via `specularColor` * `specularMap.rgb`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialSpecularColor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SPECULAR_COLOR );
* TSL object that represents the specular strength of the current material.
* The value is composed via `specularMap.r`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialSpecularStrength = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SPECULAR_STRENGTH );
* TSL object that represents the reflectivity of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialReflectivity = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.REFLECTIVITY );
* TSL object that represents the roughness of the current material.
* The value is composed via `roughness` * `roughnessMap.g`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialRoughness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ROUGHNESS );
* TSL object that represents the metalness of the current material.
* The value is composed via `metalness` * `metalnessMap.b`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialMetalness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.METALNESS );
* TSL object that represents the normal of the current material.
* The value will be either `normalMap` * `normalScale`, `bumpMap` * `bumpScale` or `normalView`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialNormal = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.NORMAL );
* TSL object that represents the clearcoat of the current material.
* The value is composed via `clearcoat` * `clearcoatMap.r`
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialClearcoat = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT );
* TSL object that represents the clearcoat roughness of the current material.
* The value is composed via `clearcoatRoughness` * `clearcoatRoughnessMap.r`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialClearcoatRoughness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS );
* TSL object that represents the clearcoat normal of the current material.
* The value will be either `clearcoatNormalMap` or `normalView`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialClearcoatNormal = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.CLEARCOAT_NORMAL );
* TSL object that represents the rotation of the current sprite material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialRotation = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ROTATION );
* TSL object that represents the sheen color of the current material.
* The value is composed via `sheen` * `sheenColor` * `sheenColorMap`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialSheen = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SHEEN );
* TSL object that represents the sheen roughness of the current material.
* The value is composed via `sheenRoughness` * `sheenRoughnessMap.a`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialSheenRoughness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.SHEEN_ROUGHNESS );
* TSL object that represents the anisotropy of the current material.
* @type {Node<vec2>}
export const materialAnisotropy = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ANISOTROPY );
* TSL object that represents the iridescence of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialIridescence = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE );
* TSL object that represents the iridescence IOR of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialIridescenceIOR = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE_IOR );
* TSL object that represents the iridescence thickness of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialIridescenceThickness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.IRIDESCENCE_THICKNESS );
* TSL object that represents the transmission of the current material.
* The value is composed via `transmission` * `transmissionMap.r`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialTransmission = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.TRANSMISSION );
* TSL object that represents the thickness of the current material.
* The value is composed via `thickness` * `thicknessMap.g`.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialThickness = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.THICKNESS );
* TSL object that represents the IOR of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialIOR = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.IOR );
* TSL object that represents the attenuation distance of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialAttenuationDistance = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ATTENUATION_DISTANCE );
* TSL object that represents the attenuation color of the current material.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialAttenuationColor = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.ATTENUATION_COLOR );
* TSL object that represents the scale of the current dashed line material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialLineScale = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LINE_SCALE );
* TSL object that represents the dash size of the current dashed line material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialLineDashSize = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LINE_DASH_SIZE );
* TSL object that represents the gap size of the current dashed line material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialLineGapSize = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LINE_GAP_SIZE );
* TSL object that represents the line width of the current line material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialLineWidth = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LINE_WIDTH );
* TSL object that represents the dash offset of the current line material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialLineDashOffset = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LINE_DASH_OFFSET );
* TSL object that represents the point size of the current points material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialPointSize = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.POINT_SIZE );
* TSL object that represents the dispersion of the current material.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialDispersion = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.DISPERSION );
* TSL object that represents the light map of the current material.
* The value is composed via `lightMapIntensity` * `lightMap.rgb`.
* @type {Node<vec3>}
export const materialLightMap = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.LIGHT_MAP );
* TSL object that represents the ambient occlusion map of the current material.
* The value is composed via `aoMap.r` - 1 * `aoMapIntensity` + 1.
* @type {Node<float>}
export const materialAO = /*@__PURE__*/ nodeImmutable( MaterialNode, MaterialNode.AO );
* TSL object that represents the anisotropy vector of the current material.
* @type {Node<vec2>}
export const materialAnisotropyVector = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( new Vector2() ).onReference( function ( frame ) {
return frame.material;
} ).onRenderUpdate( function ( { material } ) {
this.value.set( material.anisotropy * Math.cos( material.anisotropyRotation ), material.anisotropy * Math.sin( material.anisotropyRotation ) );
} );