import { uniform } from '../core/UniformNode.js';
import { renderGroup, sharedUniformGroup } from '../core/UniformGroupNode.js';
import { Vector3 } from '../../math/Vector3.js';
import { Fn } from '../tsl/TSLBase.js';
import { uniformArray } from './UniformArrayNode.js';
/** @module Camera **/
* TSL object that represents the current `index` value of the camera if used ArrayCamera.
* @type {UniformNode<uint>}
export const cameraIndex = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 0, 'uint' ).setGroup( sharedUniformGroup( 'cameraIndex' ) ).toVarying( 'v_cameraIndex' );
* TSL object that represents the `near` value of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
export const cameraNear = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 'float' ).label( 'cameraNear' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.near );
* TSL object that represents the `far` value of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<float>}
export const cameraFar = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 'float' ).label( 'cameraFar' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.far );
* TSL object that represents the projection matrix of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
export const cameraProjectionMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ ( Fn( ( { camera } ) => {
let cameraProjectionMatrix;
if ( camera.isArrayCamera && camera.cameras.length > 0 ) {
const matrices = [];
for ( const subCamera of camera.cameras ) {
matrices.push( subCamera.projectionMatrix );
const cameraProjectionMatrices = uniformArray( matrices ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'cameraProjectionMatrices' );
cameraProjectionMatrix = cameraProjectionMatrices.element( cameraIndex ).toVar( 'cameraProjectionMatrix' );
} else {
cameraProjectionMatrix = uniform( 'mat4' ).label( 'cameraProjectionMatrix' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.projectionMatrix );
return cameraProjectionMatrix;
} ).once() )();
* TSL object that represents the inverse projection matrix of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
export const cameraProjectionMatrixInverse = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 'mat4' ).label( 'cameraProjectionMatrixInverse' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.projectionMatrixInverse );
* TSL object that represents the view matrix of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
export const cameraViewMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ ( Fn( ( { camera } ) => {
let cameraViewMatrix;
if ( camera.isArrayCamera && camera.cameras.length > 0 ) {
const matrices = [];
for ( const subCamera of camera.cameras ) {
matrices.push( subCamera.matrixWorldInverse );
const cameraViewMatrices = uniformArray( matrices ).setGroup( renderGroup ).label( 'cameraViewMatrices' );
cameraViewMatrix = cameraViewMatrices.element( cameraIndex ).toVar( 'cameraViewMatrix' );
} else {
cameraViewMatrix = uniform( 'mat4' ).label( 'cameraViewMatrix' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.matrixWorldInverse );
return cameraViewMatrix;
} ).once() )();
* TSL object that represents the world matrix of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<mat4>}
export const cameraWorldMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 'mat4' ).label( 'cameraWorldMatrix' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.matrixWorld );
* TSL object that represents the normal matrix of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<mat3>}
export const cameraNormalMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( 'mat3' ).label( 'cameraNormalMatrix' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera } ) => camera.normalMatrix );
* TSL object that represents the position in world space of the camera used for the current render.
* @type {UniformNode<vec3>}
export const cameraPosition = /*@__PURE__*/ uniform( new Vector3() ).label( 'cameraPosition' ).setGroup( renderGroup ).onRenderUpdate( ( { camera }, self ) => self.value.setFromMatrixPosition( camera.matrixWorld ) );