MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { varying } from '../core/VaryingNode.js'; import { cameraViewMatrix } from './Camera.js'; import { normalGeometry, normalLocal, normalView, normalWorld, transformedNormalView } from './Normal.js'; import { tangentGeometry, tangentLocal, tangentView, tangentWorld, transformedTangentView } from './Tangent.js'; /** @module Bitangent **/ const getBitangent = ( crossNormalTangent ) => crossNormalTangent.mul( tangentGeometry.w ).xyz; /** * TSL object that represents the bitangent attribute of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec3>} */ export const bitangentGeometry = /*@__PURE__*/ varying( getBitangent( normalGeometry.cross( tangentGeometry ) ), 'v_bitangentGeometry' ).normalize().toVar( 'bitangentGeometry' ); /** * TSL object that represents the vertex bitangent in local space of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec3>} */ export const bitangentLocal = /*@__PURE__*/ varying( getBitangent( normalLocal.cross( tangentLocal ) ), 'v_bitangentLocal' ).normalize().toVar( 'bitangentLocal' ); /** * TSL object that represents the vertex bitangent in view space of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ export const bitangentView = /*@__PURE__*/ varying( getBitangent( normalView.cross( tangentView ) ), 'v_bitangentView' ).normalize().toVar( 'bitangentView' ); /** * TSL object that represents the vertex bitangent in world space of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ export const bitangentWorld = /*@__PURE__*/ varying( getBitangent( normalWorld.cross( tangentWorld ) ), 'v_bitangentWorld' ).normalize().toVar( 'bitangentWorld' ); /** * TSL object that represents the transformed vertex bitangent in view space of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ export const transformedBitangentView = /*@__PURE__*/ getBitangent( transformedNormalView.cross( transformedTangentView ) ).normalize().toVar( 'transformedBitangentView' ); /** * TSL object that represents the transformed vertex bitangent in world space of the current rendered object. * * @type {Node<vec4>} */ export const transformedBitangentWorld = /*@__PURE__*/ transformedBitangentView.transformDirection( cameraViewMatrix ).normalize().toVar( 'transformedBitangentWorld' );